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We examine the relationships among perceived organizational justice, trust, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of workers in joint ventures (JVs) and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. We hypothesize different dimensions of organizational justice are related to trust in organization and trust in supervisor, which will in turn affect workers’ OCB. Some of these relationships are hypothesized to be different in SOEs and JVs owing to the differences in management practices and employment relationships between them. Our hypotheses are tested on data collected from 295 supervisor–subordinate dyads in a JV and 253 such dyads in an SOE. The analyses reveal that (1) the positive effect of distributive justice on trust in organization is stronger in JVs than in SOEs, (2) the positive effect of procedure justice on trust on organization is stronger in SOEs than in JVs, (3) the effect of interaction justice on trust in supervisor is similar for both types of organization; (4) trust in organization affects OCB in both SOEs and JVs, and (5) trust in supervisor affects OCB in JVs only.  相似文献   

Anecdotal comments from practitioners and extant empirical research suggests a tenuous link between perceived organizational support and desired employee outcomes. Accordingly, in this study the authors conduct a meta-analysis examining the effects of perceived organizational support on four employee outcomes: organizational commitment, job satisfaction, performance, and intention to leave. The authors also examine the extent to which these effects are moderated by job type (frontline vs. non-frontline employee). Findings from the study indicate that perceived organizational support has a strong, positive effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment; a moderate, positive effect on employee performance; and a strong, negative effect on intention to leave. Study findings also indicate that the effects of perceived organizational support are more pronounced for non-frontline employees.  相似文献   

This study proposes a model of customer-contact service employee management that examines organizational citizenship behaviors as critical links between aspects of the employee-organization relationship (perceived organizational support, organizational identification) and customers’ perceptions of service quality. In addition, it investigates the role of job autonomy in providing the necessary behavioral discretion for employees to be able to perform citizenship behaviors. The hypothesized model was partially supported. Theoretical and managerial implications are explored.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating effects of perceived organizational support and affective commitment in the relationships among perceived supervisor support, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (individual and organizational), and turnover intentions. The proposed relationships were tested by conducting the same study involving restaurant employees in three different countries – India, USA, and South Korea. The mediating effects of perceived organizational support and affective commitment between perceived supervisor support and turnover intentions were found to be consistent across the three countries. However, the relationships among OCBs differed. While affective commitment was significantly related to both OCBs in the South Korean sample, affective commitment was significantly related only to OCBs towards organization in the US sample, and neither relationship was found to be significant in the Indian sample. This study helps to explain how contextual factors influence responses to each study variable and the proposed relationships.  相似文献   

Service recovery studies have claimed fairness wisdom by investigating the influence of justice on shaping attitude and behavior in the service recovery process. Considering product recall as special service recovery, this inductive study presents a conceptual model connecting justice to loyalty through trust. By using structural equation modeling to analyze a survey of 469 consumers involved in automotive product recall in China, we examine inductively the effects of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice on the trust and loyalty of consumers in the recall process. Distributive and procedural justice positively affects cognitive trust, whereby interactional justice positively affects affective trust, and cognitive trust can exert positive impact on affective trust. Furthermore, we detect that both cognitive and affective bases of trust affect attitudinal loyalty, whereas affective trust merely affects attitudinal loyalty. The effects of attitudinal loyalty on behavioral loyalty are examined.  相似文献   

It is well established in the marketing literature that the bond of trust is a cornerstone of interorganizational relationships. However, trust is considered to be context-specific, as it is difficult to endow on new relationships. We argue that the existing trust between organizations not only survives tough and shifting times, but also helps steer those organizations through such trying periods. We investigated a context where a major change was instituted in a cooperative marketing channel. Here, the supplier (the focal channel member) had to convince the other channel members (the retailers) about the impending merger, which may or may not bring benefits to all. We empirically show the existing trust in the supplier was a major determinant of the support for the merger and inducing the post-merger trust in and commitment to the changed supplier.  相似文献   

This study examines three types of rewards in a retail loyalty program context (under-reward, equity-reward, and over-reward) and their impact on perceived distributive justice, customer satisfaction, and repatronize intentions. The results from a between-subjects experiment showed that equity-reward produced higher levels of perceived distributive justice than both under-reward and over-reward. Moreover, equity-reward and over-reward produced higher levels of both customer satisfaction and repatronize intentions than did under-reward. Yet there were no differences in satisfaction and repatronize intentions for equity-reward and over-reward. These outcomes suggest that loyalty programs have the potential of not boosting members' loyalty, at the same time as they may reduce loyalty among non-members.  相似文献   

Based on data from car dealers in China, this study examines the impacts of perceived organizational support (POS) and guanxi on personal performance and the mediating role of customer need knowledge (CNK). Results indicate that salespersons’ POS and guanxi with customers have a positively influence on their CNK and job performance; their CNK is also positively related to job performance. Meanwhile, CNK acts as a full mediator between salespersons’ POS and their job performance, and as a partial mediator between salespersons’ guanxi with clients and their job performance.  相似文献   

The problem of medical errors as a factor of service quality has become critically important for healthcare providers. The research model in this paper describes how employee satisfaction with organizational support (ESWOS) and organizational systems supported by an organizational culture impact medical error reduction. The proposed research model was tested using structural equation modelling for hypotheses, based on data collected from 186 respondents in four selected hospitals. The results of the study strongly support that medical error reduction is associated with ESWOS. Also, organizational culture which supports ESWOS and organizational systems as preventive and corrective systems is important for reducing medical errors.  相似文献   

The relationship between perceived justice facets and satisfaction is well discussed in literature. The aim of this study is to test the mediating impact of customer forgiveness between justice facets and satisfaction in the context of Pakistan's banking industry. Structural equation modelling was employed to test the proposed hypotheses by using the data of 453 bank customers of domestic banks in Pakistan. Results of the study indicate that customer forgiveness mediates the relationship between justice facets and satisfaction. However, the direct impact of procedural justice on satisfaction was insignificant. Such findings have implications to theory and practice. In theory, it proposes and tests new linkages. In practice, managers need to consider that not only the justice facets but customer forgiveness is also an important predictor of satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate organic food consumption based on the perspectives of an extended research model by integrating the theory of consumption value (TCV) and the theory of reasoned action (TRA). First, we tried to find out how five consumption values of functional, social, emotional, conditional, and epistemic in classic TCV influence consumption choice especially in the sustainable consumption domain of organic food, interpreted as green perceived value (GPV) in the reflective-reflective second-order latent. Second, as an attempt to extend the classic TRA, this study included trust and perceived knowledge in the research model in addition to the subjective norm, attitude, and behavioral intention. A partial least square structural equation method (PLS-SEM) was adopted to examine our research model with 251 samples. Our results revealed that GPV significantly affects consumer attitudes. Consumer attitudes and subjective norms also have a significantly positive effect on purchase intention. As an extended TRA, GPV has a significantly positive effect on trust while trust significantly impacts purchase intention. Further, perceived knowledge positively influences attitude and trust. By jointly considering TCV and TRA, this study proposes several implications emphasizing how GPV and perceived knowledge affects consumers’ organic food consumption choice based on the role of increased trust.  相似文献   

Based on the cue utilization theory and stimulus-organism-response (S–O-R) theory, the objective of the study is to investigate the moderating role of taste award (taste awarded vs. without taste award) on the linkages among perceived taste, perceived quality, brand trust, and willingness to buy. With this aim, the data were gathered from respondents using a structured questionnaire. Structural equation model results provided support for the positive relationship among perceived taste, quality, and brand trust. Brand trust was also revealed as a predictor of willingness to buy. The findings also support the intervening role of perceived quality and brand trust. Multi-group analyses reveal that the influence of perceived taste on perceived quality and brand trust is significantly accentuated by the taste award. Additionally, the interplay between brand trust and willingness to buy is higher in the awarded brand. Theoretical contributions and practical implications for brand producers and retailers are discussed based on the research findings.  相似文献   

This study examined how an ethical work climate influences salespersons' organizational identification, supervisory trust, organizational commitment, turnover intentions, and turnover. Using a sample of 393 salespeople, the results found that facets of an ethical work climate are related directly to supervisory trust and organizational identification. One aspect of an ethical work climate, ethical norms, was related directly to turnover. These results indicate that an ethical work climate can directly affect salespersons' job attitudes and outcomes. The results indicate the importance of measuring ethical work climate from a multi-dimensional perspective.  相似文献   

Frontline employees are generally under great pressure, and carry out repetitive and mundane daily tasks, leading to burnout and a high turnover intention among them. To identify ways to reduce this turnover intention, this study examines the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) on burnout and turnover intention in the Chinese context and adds to the literature on frontline employee burnout. Using data from a survey of the frontline employees of a gas station in Beijing, we examine the mediating effects of frontline employee burnout on their POS and turnover intention. This study shows that POS has a significant negative impact on burnout and turnover intention, and that job resources cannot substitute POS.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, and informational justice on customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry of Pakistan, also the study investigates the moderating role of uncertainty avoidance on all relationships. Data were collected from 309 consumers from all provinces of Pakistan. A significant positive impact of dimensions of organizational justice on customer satisfaction is found; however, contrary to expectations, no moderating role of uncertainty avoidance is proved for any of the relationships. At the end of the article, the results of the study are discussed. This study shows potential implications for service providers.  相似文献   

Drawing on resource-based view, social exchange theory, and organizational justice theory, this study tests the link between high-performance member retailers (HPMRs) and strategic integration to retail buying groups, and the mediation and moderation of social integration and organizational justice, respectively. Using structural equation modeling, we analyze data from 241 independent retailers participating in retail buying groups in Japan. Results reveal that although HPMRs are negatively associated with strategic integration, they also increase strategic integration via enhanced social interaction with other member retailers. Additionally, organizational justice by buying group headquarters weakens the negative link between HPMRs and strategic integration. The study newly shows how member retailers’ past performance characteristics, the role of buying group headquarters, and member retailers’ interactions affect strategic integration to retail buying groups. The findings contribute to resource-based view, social exchange theory, and organizational justice theory by examining how retail buying groups can encourage HPMRs’ strategic integration using social interaction and organizational justice as boundary conditions. Practical and theoretical implications are described.  相似文献   

Although many companies have engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions to elicit positive customer responses, the motivation behind CSR actions plays an important role in how effective they are, often leading to unexpected outcomes. While previous literature has placed a strong emphasis on value- and strategy-driven CSR actions, the changing consumer perceptions of and responses to these CSR actions remain less understood. Therefore, the current study investigates 1) how a company's CSR attribution affects consumer trust, identification, and loyalty and 2) how the perceived CSR fit moderates these relationships. The results indicate that value-driven, strategic, and stakeholder-driven attributions have positive effects on consumer trust, influencing consumer-company identification and loyalty positively. Further, we find that perceived CSR fit significantly moderates the relationship between strategic attribution and trust and between trust and loyalty. This study provides meaningful implications for both academia and industry, as it illustrates the changes in consumer views following the global pandemic relative to consumer views revealed in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Postulating consumer involvement as crucial to online group buying, this study deploys consumer perceived value, perceived trust, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence to provide a closer look at consumer intention to participate in online group buying. The results of the proposed model, tested using structural equation modeling on a sample of 553 respondents, show that consumer involvement plays a central role in explaining intention to participate in online group buying. Consumer perceived value, perceived trust, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence all show a significant relationship with consumer involvement. Consumer perceived value also exhibits a strong relationship with perceived trust, which, in turn, exhibits a significant relationship with intention to participate in online group buying. The results furnish significant contributions to the theory and practice of online group buying and retailing. The limitations of the study and implications for future research in online group buying are discussed.  相似文献   

The issues of trust fraud, product genuineness and price dispersion jointly make Chinese C2C buyers difficult to identify trustworthy sellers with a low price. Little is known about the generation of initial trust when buyers search products and receive lists of widely ranged prices. This study proposes a theoretical model to explain how price dispersion interacts with other factors in C2C purchase, such as initial trust, perceived risk, perceived value and purchase intention. Product type is considered as a moderator. 261 students were invited in a survey-based experiment. The results from PLS analysis show that price dispersion negatively affects perceived value, whilst, positively affects perceived risk, which further influences perceived value negatively. Price dispersion also negatively influences initial trust through perceived risk. Moreover, the negative effects of price dispersion are stronger when buyers purchase high-touch products.  相似文献   

Although prior research has examined the relationship between perceived autonomy and perceived service climate, a dearth of studies exist that have explored the boundary conditions of the perceived autonomy–perceived service climate relationship. To this end, this study draws on self-determination theory and the job characteristics model to develop a multi-level model that examines the relationship between perceived autonomy and perceived service climate and how this relationship alters at varying levels of store-level tenure diversity. Based on matched data from service employees and customers from a national chain of retailers, the findings indicate that perceived autonomy is positively associated with employee's perception of service climate. However, this relationship was qualified by a curvilinear (U-shaped) moderating effect of store-level tenure diversity. Perceived autonomy had a greater impact on perceived service climate at low and high levels compared to moderate levels of tenure diversity. Implications for advancing theory in service retailing are discussed along with strategic ramifications.  相似文献   

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