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本文首先从资本市场造成居民收入差距过大的角度分析了资本所得与劳动所得差距越来越大和资本市场造就"暴富神话"的现状,然后针对目前我国个人所得税税制的局限性,借鉴国际经验,提出在短期内找准高收入群体、重点调控资本市场催生的暴利阶层、在中长期改革分类所得税制、强化个人所得税调节居民收入合理分配等政策建议。  相似文献   

论个人所得税的二元课税模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于综合个人所得税制在理论基础和实际征管方面都存在着难以克服的困难,发端于北欧国家的对劳动所得适用累进税率而对资本所得适用比例税率的二元个人所得税制就成为一种较为现实而理想的模式,在国际上正得到日益广泛的支持。我国近年提出的综合与分类相结合的个人所得税制模式近似于二元所得税制,应当作为个人所得税改革的长远目标,但还需对具体制度安排进行恰当的设计。  相似文献   

我国个人所得税的要素结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究个人所得税的要素结构对研究居民收入分配、要素收入分配和个人所得税税制改革均有重要意义.通过测算我国个人所得税的要素结构,发现我国个人所得税中对资本所得征税的比例平均维持在30%~40%左右,个人所得税对资本所得征税的比例远高于居民收入的资本所得比例.其原因在于资本所得适用税率较高,税收征管力度较强,而大部分劳动所得适用税率低,税收流失率也较资本所得严重.  相似文献   

个人所得税有分类所得税、综合所得税与分类综合所得税三种基本模式。分类与综合相结合的个人所得税是一个零概念。二元所得税与单一税分别是分类所得税与综合所得税的具体形式。个人所得税三种基本模式的收入能力、负担分配、经济效应与执行条件存在差异。中国现阶段的税收公平观念、收入分配状况与税收执行条件要求实行分类综合所得税。其基本框架是:对中低收入者免征个人所得税;对中高收入者,根据应税所得的性质,按照差别比例税率,采用源泉扣缴办法征税;对高收入者,由纳税人自行汇总应税所得,按照累进税率计算应纳税额,主动向税务机关申报纳税。  相似文献   

双元所得税是与综合所得税、单一税并列的一种个人所得税的主要模式,其特征为双元税基、双元税率和限制优惠。双元所得税的优点是兼顾了税收收入和国际竞争力、兼顾了效率和一定程度的收入再分配、避免了对资本的重复课税、降低了由于通货膨胀带来的对资本所得的过度课税、简化了税制。双元所得税契合了北欧各国社会经济状况对税制的要求,因此,成为北欧国家个人所得税的首选模式。  相似文献   

本文在引入异质性个体的世代交替模型的基础上,加入税收收入中性约束,通过数值模拟实验讨论简化个人所得税累进税级和二元所得税课税模式对收入分配和经济增长的影响。个人所得税累进税级设置在收入、财富分配与经济增长间存在取舍关系。一个七级累进的个人所得税制度与单一所得税的对比模拟实验表明,政府能通过调整单一所得税的免征额达到与累进税一样的收入分配效果,同时保持增长率几乎不变。本文通过基尼系数之比、增长率之比和税率与免征额之间的关系,展示了政府的单一所得税改革的政策选择空间。二元所得税课税模式相比综合所得税课税模式,更鼓励个体投资教育,增加人力资本积累,从而有利于经济的长期增长。  相似文献   

个人所得税在调节收入分配、实现社会公平方面具有重要作用。“十四五”时期的改革部署中明确提出了健全直接税体系,提高直接税比重的要求。因此,“十四五”时期个人所得税改革的重点在于提高个人所得税收入占税收总收入的比重,同时实现税收公平目标。对比近两年国外个人所得税发展趋势,发现我国个人所得税存在收入占比较低、劳动所得税负较重等问题。可以从多方面入手解决问题。一是将资本所得纳入综合所得计税范围,同时推进现代化税收征管,避免税收流失,以提高个人所得税收入占税收总收入的比重。二是通过完善专项附加扣除政策,进一步降低中低收入群体的税收负担,实现税收公平。三是优化高端人才税收优惠政策,提高人力资本积累对高质量发展的贡献。  相似文献   

企业所得税改革必定会对所得税税率以及征管部门的征收方式产生影响,此举会造成上市公司收入分配格局的改变。本文基于统计学理论提出4个假设,同时,收集750家上市公司的财务数据进行统计学实证研究。统计分析结果显示,企业所得税改革之后,股东所得率与劳动所得率表现为上升趋势,而利息率与实际税负率表现为下降趋势。统计回归分析结果显示,企业所得税税率的下降与股东所得率上升、劳动所得率上升、利息率降低显著相关,而与实际税负率不显著相关。  相似文献   

徐文红 《会计师》2011,(3):26-26
<正>个人为雇佣单位提供的雇佣合同之外的劳动所得,是否应并入工资薪酬所得计缴所得税?本文从非雇佣合同劳动所得的来源、国家关于工资薪金、劳务报酬所得税征收条例的有关规定以及此类所得的个性特征,逐步分析论证了非雇佣合同劳动  相似文献   

本文认为西方股权收益、转让等资本所得减税理论是导致劳动与资本所得税负严重失衡,各阶层收入与税负高低倒置,贫富差距进一步扩大的重要原因。近期美、法等国为应对财政危机,向富人增税,虽不能解决根本问题,但毕竟向公平税负的方向迈出了一步。这对同样受困于收入分配问题的我国改革个人所得税制度不无启发。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the recent drive toward a system of dual income taxation (DIT) in the Nordic countries. The pure version of this system combines progressive taxation of labor and transfer incomes with a proportional tax on income from capital at a level equal to the corporate income tax rate. The paper considers the motives for the introduction of this new income tax system, ranging from abstract theoretical arguments to very pragmatic considerations. While the Nordic DIT system violates the principles of the conventional personal income tax, it is argued that it may in fact be more in line with the philosophy of a true Haig-Simons comprehensive income tax. It is also suggested that the DIT system may cause fewer distortions to resource allocation than the conventional income tax. On the debit side, the paper points out several practical problems of taxing income from small enterprises under the differentiated income tax.  相似文献   

Based on a model of behavioural response to taxes, and using the Taxpayers Panel from the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales for the period 1999–2009, we analyse whether the dual nature of the Spanish personal income tax (PIT), reinforced by the 2007 reform, has influenced taxpayers’ behaviour, causing them to convert part of their ‘general income’ (from labour, real estate or economic activities) into ‘savings income’ (from movable capital or capital gains). We also extend the analysis of income shifting and study whether Spanish taxpayers also responded to the different tax treatments given to the two types of savings income (from movable capital and capital gains) until 2007, transforming savings income from one type to the other. The results of our study demonstrate three facts. First, Spanish taxpayers did respond to the different tax rates, shifting income from the general base to different forms of savings, especially capital gains. The highest‐income individuals and the self‐employed and business owners are the groups where this behaviour was most marked. Second, the self‐employed and business owners also turned income from movable assets into capital gains, guided by their different tax rates. And third, we find signs of ‘anticipation’ and ‘learning’ effects caused by the 2007 tax reform. We believe that the results obtained will enrich the growing literature on income shifting.  相似文献   

"公平"是税收环节开展与劳动关系平衡的交叉范畴,依附于人身属性以获取财产性利益的劳动者在个人所得税缴纳中占主体地位,工资薪金所得更是个人所得税的丰厚税源。新个税法由"分类税制"向"分类-综合并行二税制"模式转变,以实现对横向税负公平与纵向税负适度的保障,通过劳动性所得综合征税设置、综合所得税率调整、费用扣除标准设计三个主要方面调节劳动者权益杠杆,影射出对公民权利与义务的对等性追求。新个税改革无论在个税税制模式上抑或是税率级距设置上无不体现着对中低收入群体的福利关怀。  相似文献   

Governments often try to reduce the complexity of personal income tax systems by decreasing the number of tax filings. The 1998 reform of the Spanish income tax system has followed this approach by adjusting withholding on earned income to the income tax liability. In this paper, we assess to what extent the reform has fulfilled its purposes, making use of a micro‐simulation tax‐benefit model for Spain, ESPASIM. The number of individuals exempt from filing a tax return has been reduced to around half of the total number of taxpayers. However, the quantity of tax returns sent to the tax administration has not changed so much because the new withholding system adjusts taxes for only 29 per cent of those exempt. Moreover, the new system increases the overall excess of tax withholding by 1.5 billion euro. We also study alternative reforms that could achieve better results than the one implemented.  相似文献   

本文认为,中国、美国截然相反的消费和储蓄经济结构,决定了两国所得税改革的政策取向不同。美国实行消费型的联邦所得税改革符合其低储蓄、高消费的经济现状,而我国高储蓄、高投资、低消费的经济结构,决定了我国应实行储蓄型或投资型税制改革,我国所得税的改革应更多地鼓励消费而不是储蓄或投资。  相似文献   

A Norwegian tax reform committee recently proposed a personal tax on the realized income from shares after deduction for an imputed risk-free rate of return. This paper describes the design of the proposed shareholder income tax and shows that it will be neutral with respect to investment and financing decisions and decisions to realize capital gains, provided that full loss offsets are granted. Thus the tax allows some non-distortionary double taxation of corporate equity income. With an appropriate choice of tax rates, it also solves the problem of income shifting under a dual income tax. JEL Code: H24, H25  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the economic effects of income splitting rules for closely held corporations and sole proprietorships/partnerships under the Nordic dual income tax. Income is split by imputing a return to capital, but the methods used for this differ between the Nordic countries. With a few notable exceptions, income splitting does well in the sense that the cost of capital is approximately the same in closely and widely held corporations. The special tax rules for sole proprietorships/partnerships manage to neutralize the impact of the high labor income tax on the cost of capital.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来,美国企业所得税税率持续下降,政府税收收入也处于较低水平。2017年,特朗普新税法的实施大幅度降低了企业所得税税率,导致政府税收损失远超预期。然而,新税法实施后,美国企业投资和长期经济增长并没有明显改善。本文认为,一个国家经济效率主要取决于税基而非税率,美国政府应通过税收制度改革,增加对企业投资和研发投入的激励,从而扩大税基,实现经济的长期改善。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展和国际间资本流动的加速,在追求公平、效率、收入的基础上,世界公司所得税改革的价值取向已进一步提升到提高本国税制竞争力、吸引国际投资的高度,降低税率、扩大税基、消除股息双重征税以及对现金流量税的理论推崇也成为实现这一价值理念的基本措施。  相似文献   

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