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沈威风  苏畅 《商界》2007,(6):114-121
就中国的C2C市场而言,淘宝和易趣貌似孪生兄弟,实际上根本不同,这一差别使得战斗一开始就决定了胜负,只不过人们花了3年时间才明白其中的道理。在中国的C2C市场,淘宝和eBay易趣是两个赫赫有名的企业:易趣最先踏入这个市场,但淘宝笑到了最后。  相似文献   

二季度网购交易逼近300亿B2C排名调整;C2C市场格局未变:拍拍、易趣份额上升明显淘宝维持稳定;B2C市场调整较大:新入者淘宝B2C增长迅速、京东商城跻身自主销售类第一。  相似文献   

李波 《商场现代化》2006,(22):82-84
随着ebay易趣和淘宝两大C2C电子商务公司在我国市场的竞争日益激烈,盈利问题越来越成为我们必须要面对和讨论的问题。本文就C2C电子商务免费、收费两种模式以及适应的市场环境进行了分析和比较,指出免费模式更加适应现阶段中国C2C市场环境,对淘宝的竞争优势给予肯定,并展望中国C2C电子商务,指出免费并非长期良策,“免费-收费”模式将成为最优选择,并给出建议和预测。  相似文献   

当当到来之前,C2C市场的竞争已经白热化,绝大部分份额被易趣和淘宝两大巨头把持。要想虎口抢食,在这个市场占有一定份额,当当用什么来招揽用户?当当能否成为国内B2C和C2C领域的双料冠军,很快可能见分晓。  相似文献   

淘宝网盈利模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淘宝网自2003年5月10日成立以来,在短短的2年时间内,迅速成为圆内网络购物平台的第一名,占据了中国网络购物70%左右的市场份额."免费"二字是淘宝网迅速崛起,并打败强大对手易趣的"杀手铜".  相似文献   

据统计,2009年中国网络消费市场全年交易规模近2500亿元,同比增长93.7%.越来越多的消费者正通过网络来满足自身的需求,网络消费模式(C2C)的发展无疑给中国消费市场注入了一针强心剂,借此本文试通过易趣、淘宝两大主流消费网站的环境分析,来展望中国网络消费模式(C2C)未来发展的趋势.  相似文献   

易趣日前宣布,首次公开承认淘宝信用度,并推出“易趣卖家共成长计划”。 根据这一计划,易趣为吸引淘宝卖家加入自有平台,将对淘宝信用度实行按一定比例转换。具体做法是,对于淘宝“1钻”和“2钻”的用户,易趣将给予20的起步信用度;而对于“3钻”到“5钻”的用户,将给予50的起步信用度;而对于淘宝“皇冠”以上的卖家,易趣将统计给予100的信用度。  相似文献   

正确的事,在不正确的人手中,在不正确的时间点上,依然不正确。史实证明,说大话是商业里的家常便饭。时间:2003年淘宝建立之初话语人:eBay前全球总裁惠特曼后续:2005年,易趣的份额从80%滑落到29.1%,淘宝则上升到67.3%。如今,淘宝已经呼风唤雨,易趣基本被人淡忘。  相似文献   

近年来C2C电子商务迅速发展,其发展前景极其乐观,但C2C电子商务信用问题也出现了一定的问题,以淘宝、易趣、拍拍等主流C2C网站为例,分析一般模式的C2C电子商务中主要存在的信用问题,指出现有信用评分体系所存在的问题和缺陷,提出新的信用评分等级,建立改进的C2C电子商务信用评价体系。因此,研究C2C电子商务中的信用体系问题和针对该问题的解决方案是成了现在研究的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

C2C网上商城信用评价体系现状与发展对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用评价体系是C2C网上商城良好运作和发展的重要保障。文章通过对淘宝、易趣、拍拍和有啊四家C2C网上商城的信用评价体系进行对比,从认证要求、评价标准及评价计分规则等五个方面总结现行评价体系的特点,指出存在的具体问题并给出予以改进的五项意见和建议。  相似文献   


Industrial distributors and manufacturers are constantly in search of methods to increase sales and market share. While e-commerce is not new, its adoption is growing and gaining a foothold in American business. Most attention in the e-commerce realm has been on business-to-consumer-type ventures (Amazon, eBay, etc.); however it is the purpose of this paper to examine how e-commerce is effecting business-to-business transactions, specifically in fields relating to industrial distributors and industrial manufacturers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the issues related to the chewing gum marketing practices employed by a Cypriot company importing gum. Thus, the product, its target market, and competition are examined, a SWOT analysis is performed and the marketing mix is presented. Then the results are compared with the international market.

The case study method was employed to gain an initial understanding of the marketing practices employed by the company concerning the production of chewing gum.

The findings showed that the company offers a gum of superior quality, which in two years' time has captured a great share of a very competitive market. The company is giving special attention to the distribution and the promotion of the product.  相似文献   

In Jan. 18th, 2001, through a number of reforms and restructures, CNHTC has built a new corporate system and made the company operate actively. Since then, CNHTC has grown by 60% annually. In 2006, CNHTC had 21% market share, 4.5 points more than that last year. CNHTC market share increase was of the highest margin in the Industry. Every major target of CNHTC has increased by 20% to a historical level. Since its restructuring for 5 years, the production and sales increased by 12 times, and the market shares increased by 5.6 times. CNHTC has been rated as the fastest developing company in global heavy truck industry, and the company of most competitiveness and growing.  相似文献   

程鑫 《北方经贸》2010,(4):90-93
农业企业通过在证券市场发行股票和债券,能够迅速地把分散在社会上的闲散货币集中起来,形成巨额的、可供长期使用的资本,用于生产和经营,从而开辟了不同于间接融资(银行贷款)的直接融资渠道。证券市场还具有促使公司转换经营机制的功能。证券市场对农业经营主体有一定的要求,公司要成为上市公司,必须先改制成为股份公司,按照股份公司的机制来运作。农业企业要在证券市场发行证券,也要经过严格的审查程序,要有良好的业绩。  相似文献   

席小炎 《商业研究》2005,(1):106-108
在市场份额给定的情况下,一个企业能够发展是因为他的产品不仅没有被替代,反而有能力替代其他企业的竞争性产品。能做到这两个方面是因为他是具有足够的竞争力的企业。企业在替代和被替代战略中应识别替代品,进而防御替代品。在保住被替代的底线基础上,积极采取替代策略,从而在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

This paper empirically tests whether there are asymmetric information problems in the market for used Chevrolet Corvettes sold on eBay. The first test is based on a result from Akerlof (Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1970). If there is asymmetric information in the used market, bidders should place a premium on a new Corvette, all else equal. The paper finds little systematic evidence of a new car premium. The second test is based on a result from Bajari and Hortacsu (Rand Journal of Economics 34(2):329–355, 2003). If there is asymmetric information, then bidders will prefer to bid late in the auction in order to conceal their private information from other bidders. The paper fails to find evidence of more late bidding on used Corvettes relative to new Corvettes. The third test is based on the idea that if there is asymmetric information then there may be a winner’s curse problem in these auctions. The paper fails to find evidence consistent with bidders avoiding the winner’s curse. The results are not consistent with asymmetric information problems in the market for used Corvettes sold on eBay. It is not clear however, whether this result generalizes to other cars sold on eBay or cars sold in the off-line market.  相似文献   

本文认为,随着网络技术的发展和网络用户的增加,我国C2C(消费者对消费者的电子商务)市场未来的竞争将更加体现在4C(客户、成本、便利、沟通)之争、物流之争和诚信之争上,但归根结底是用户之争。作为一种商业行为,C2C运营商还需不断完善技术,创新服务,在为客户创造更多价值的同时增强自身的竞争力。只有以客户为中心,致力于客户关系的有效管理,为用户提供更多的增值服务,才能真正赢得市场。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(4):543-564
Because ownership was already more divorced from control in the largest stock market of 1911 (London) than in the largest stock market of 1995 (New York), the consequences for the economy, for good or ill, could have been considerable. Using a large sample of quoted companies with capital of £1 million or more, this article shows that this separation did not generally operate against shareholders' interests, despite the very substantial potential for agency problems. More directors were apparently preferable to fewer over a considerable range, as far as their influence on company share price and return on equity was concerned: company directors were not simply ornamental. A greater number of shareholders was more in shareholders' interest than a smaller, despite the enhanced difficulties of coordinating shareholder ‘voice’. A larger share of votes controlled by the board combined with greater board share ownership was also on average consistent with a greater return on equity. Corporate governance thus appears to have been well adapted to the circumstances of the Edwardian company capital market. Hence the reduction in the cost of capital for such a large proportion of British business conferred a substantial advantage on the economy.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis with respect to co-innovation is very scarce. The aim of this paper is to make headway into this terrain by quantitatively analyzing the effect of co-innovation on the value-time curve in terms of indicators from Beelaerts’ 3C model. Analysis of car manufacturer market data shows that co-innovation decreases time-to-market and increases market share. A case analysis of three aerospace products, combined with the previously found relations, leads to further insight into current innovation performance of major aerospace companies.  相似文献   

Price reductions and/or product enhancements are widely seen as appropriate ways to increase market share. However, the key findings of this analysis demonstrate the opposite: decreases in price combined with product enhancements can lead to substantial loss in sales revenue and, ultimately, profit. The discussion draws on findings from a comprehensive system dynamics model, which has been developed in a major company in the capital goods industry. The purpose of this research is to analyze the price and product strategies in the capital goods industry. In the case company, testing intuitive beliefs with the help of a formal system dynamics model proved to be beneficial in the strategic decision-making process. The model had a significant impact on the case company, especially when challenging basic assumptions about mechanisms of markets and competition.  相似文献   

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