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财政科技投入绩效评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对现有财政科技投入体系和政策的分析,参考已有的研究成果,本文提出的政策建议是,加强财政科技投入的宏财绩效评价研究;审慎选择财政科技资金投向,改善当前通行的财政科技投入项目绩效评价效果;切实落实第三方财政科技投入绩效评价.  相似文献   

朱琳 《科技和产业》2020,20(11):87-91
2020年我国进入全面建成小康社会决胜期,科技型中小企业作为科技创新的重要力量,成为我国高质量经济发展的新增长点,其健康有序地可持续发展成为国家经济发展的重要保证。基于企业生命周期理论,分析科技型中小企业处于不同发展阶段的技术创新特点、风险特征及融资需求。针对多种融资模式进行比较,探索出匹配各生命周期阶段科技型中小企业可选择的有效融资模式,并从政府、金融机构及企业自身提出完善科技型中小企业融资模式的建议,为科技型中小企业资金问题的缓解提供可行性的路径。  相似文献   

我国的科技体制改革至今已有20年的时间了。当前,已经有一千余家政府研究机构完成了企业化转制或分类管理改革。本文在总结我国政府研究机构的改革过程及其科技活动发展特征的基础上,对冶金行业研究机构①的科技投入、科技活动、科技产出以及经济效益等问题进行了深入分析,在此基础上对如何促进冶金科研院所进一步发展提出了相关的政策建议,包括:促进未转制院所实现全面转制;完善政策体系,鼓励和支持转制院所开展科研活动;支持冶金行业共性技术和关键技术的研发。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of applied research institutes in the transfer of technology to developing countries. Several hypotheses about technological change in developed economies are extended to this context. The sources of projects, criteria used in selecting projects, information used in the course of projects, and steps taken toward use of project results are examined for a sample of 20 projects from four institutes. Conclusions are drawn concerning successful strategies for identifying needs for technology transfer and for implementing results of projects conducted in research institutes. The findings are that projects where significant resources were devoted to defining issues and market needs, providing for interpersonal contact and communication, and developing personnel through work in firms or applied laboratories in other countries were most likely to produce useful results. Increased emphasis on these concerns could have high laverage in expanding the importance of research institutes' activities both in generating and adapting technology, and in transferring technology successfully.  相似文献   

民营航空公司因融资渠道不畅和融资环境恶劣,导致资金方面的困境,已经成为民营航空的桎梏和软肋。本文首先从民营航空融资的外部影响因素出发,强调通过制度性因素的变革为民营航空公司创造一个良好的融资环境;其次通过改变民营航空公司内部影响要素,实现对融资结构的调整和融资能力的改善;最后从政府、企业和金融市场三个角度提出解决民营航空融资困境的对策研究。  相似文献   

文章通过对全国231家产学研协同创新主要参与主体的问卷调查,针对现阶段我国产学研协同创新发展特点,对其影响因素进行实证分析,运用Ordered Logit预测模型估计了六个影响因素对现阶段产学研协同创新发展问题的影响程度。研究显示,因素"政策法规的支持程度"、"知识产权保护和科技成果转化"、"多赢的合作利益分配机制"和"产学研协同创新融资渠道完善"对我国产学研协同创新发展面临的主要问题有显著影响;因素"科技中介机构服务能力提升"对"创新主体发展需求问题"的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

导致辽宁中小企业融资困难的因素很多,但企业自身经营状况不善、信用缺失、金融体系发展滞后、金融创新不足以及政府政策扶持力度不够是主要原因。破解中小企业融资困境不仅需要企业自身提高经营管理和诚信水平,加强与银行的联系,更需要各级政府尽快完善中小企业融资的有关政策和服务体系以及不断深化金融体系改革,为中小企业发展创造良好的资金环境。  相似文献   

The shortage of government recurrent funding in Africa has led to widespread deterioration of public services. One reason for this shortage is the substantial consumption of public resources in Africa by parapublic organizations which elsewhere in the world cover costs or generate surpluses. In contrast, the World Bank emphasizes the development of institutions which cover costs either through sale of output or user charges. The Bank's experience with projects in non-market sectors is also of interest, e.g. primary education in which public subsidies predominate. Another reason for the shortage is that government budgeting – both revenues and expenditures – is rarely forward-looking. Aggregate future expenditure claims are often underestimated. Hence more attention to forward budgeting is needed. In general governments need to be far more concerned with getting projects which generate their own finance if broad-based public services are to become the rule.  相似文献   

崔鑫  郭惠  王颖 《科技和产业》2021,21(8):230-234
为撬动并放大新时代政产学研耦合的创新驱动效应,剖析政产学研的耦合机制,探讨政产学研创新驱动的演化特征,从理论视角揭示政产学研系统运行的内在机制在于,政府研发投入有效撬动高校基础研究,进而为产业创新与技术升级提供拓扑支撑,市场化显性回报机制是产学研耦合和创新驱动的催化剂.然而,当前政产学研系统存在结构失衡、耦合低效和权益分配不均等问题,严重制约了政产学研的创新驱动.由此提出,应加强政府引导、提高研发资助的导向性,鼓励高校的基础研究和技术研发,实施公平高效的政策体系,培育自主创新和市场竞争,构建政产学研的风险共担机制,缩小显性回报与隐形支出之间的博弈空间,以此优化政产学研系统的耦合绩效,驱动创新型国家建设.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2005,16(1):50-70
This paper discusses human capital investment in China. China's current policies favor physical capital investment over schooling and urban human capital investment over rural human capital investment. Current migration policies discriminate against children of migrants. A more balanced investment strategy across rural and urban regions and types of capital is appropriate. Private funding for education through tuition and fees should be encouraged and can supplement government funding and make schools more financially self-sufficient. However, if this policy is enacted, capital markets for financing education need to be developed to avoid discouraging students from poor families from attending school.  相似文献   

作为资本密集型的国民经济基础行业,石化行业的资金约束是制约其经营发展和战略升级的主要因素之一。随着我国市场经济的发展和资本市场的不断完善,企业债券融资作为一种重要的直接融资方式,正以其广泛的资金来源、较低的融资成本等优势愈来愈受到各方重视。本文以1996~2011年间发债石化企业数据为基础,对石化企业融资结构和债券发行情况进行分析,对石化企业通过债券融资的优势进行阐述,同时结合现有法律法规及市场条件对石化企业债券发行及定价问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

王磊  刘超  刘开强 《科技和产业》2021,21(4):164-168
分析了苏州大学2012—2019年国家自然科学基金项目的申报和资助情况,从科研成果、人才培养、科研平台、学科建设等方面介绍了苏州大学科学基金的资助绩效,总结了苏州大学科学基金管理工作中好的经验和做法,以期为新时期基础研究持续高效发展和依托单位科研管理能力提升提供一定的借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

林瑶 《科技和产业》2023,23(4):108-111
中国高等教育经费来源存在严重的结构失衡问题,为了拓宽筹资渠道、优化社会捐赠,建立健全社会支持的长效机制势在必行。选取社会捐赠以及其他变量相关信息公布较为全面的50所高校2011—2020年的数据展开实证研究,从高校自身的角度对社会捐赠吸引力影响因素进行分析,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

The 1971 Local Administration Act is the basis for Ghana's attempt to decentralize development planning and budgeting from the centre in Accra to the 68 districts of Ghana. The Act allows District Councils to collect numerous revenues and to retain them as a financial base for implementing District development projects. In 1977 the Economic and Rural Development Management training programme was initiated to help improve revenue collection and the development planning and budgeting capacity of elected officials and civil servants at the district level. Participants worked in teams to determine the potential district revenue base for decentralized development planning, to understand local behavioural patterns in the revenue collection process, and to recommend procedures for improving district revenue administration. The training programme has resulted in dramatic improvements in district government revenue policies and practices leading to a larger financial base for the funding of projects identified and designed locally. Data indicating the positive impact of the training programme for improving local revenue are provided for Techiman District.  相似文献   

高利军 《科技和产业》2019,19(5):105-110
通过对公开的专利数据库进行检索,分别从时间分布、有效/失效专利、资本化主体、资本化流向等角度,客观分析了山西省科研院所专利资本化现状,剖析其中存在的突出问题,从主体、客体和环境三方面提出了符合山西省实际需要的促进科研院所专利资本化的对策建议,为山西省科研院所的专利创新和资本化提供情报支撑,为政府制定相关决策提供参考。  相似文献   

美国金融危机使得人们必须重新审视融资模式,而前人对此的研究文献重点放在两种融资模式的比较上,其实更应该研究与我国融资模式相似的日本和德国的融资模式。本文通过比较日德融资模式在融资市场全面发展程度、间接融资市场和直接融资市场的联系程度以及政府政策导向的差异,解释了20世纪90年代以来日本和德国经济表现的差异,对我国融资模式的选择提出一些建议。  相似文献   

基于洛阳市针对地方央属科研院所(企业)目前出台的科技成果转化政策中存在的诸多问题,收集了具有代表性的13家央属科研院所(企业)2014-2018年科技转化情况数据和调研数据,深入剖析并提出建立多元化融资体系、创新完善转移转化激励机制、打通转化渠道、强化配套政策衔接和落实力度等对策建议。  相似文献   

产业创新能力的评价是个复杂的工程,对于产业创新发展的具有重大意义,至今尚未形成统一标准。基于创新生态系统视角,战略性新兴产业创新能力评价可从创新群落和创新环境入手,确定研发应用种群、政府决策种群、创新环境和创新市场4个一级评价指标以及企业、高校及科研院所、创新平台、科技金融、产业政策、创新人才、创新经费、孵化环境、知识能力、技术产出和应用产出等10个二级评价指标,从已有成熟指标体系中选取可量化的三级评价指标,构建创新生态系统战略性新兴产业创新能力评价指标体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to analyse the lending activities of the Cameroon Development Bank, which was established to promote the economic development of Cameroon, particularly in the industrial field. It is found that most of the Bank's lending has been in the form of short-term loans for financing marketing activities, housing and household equipment, and that to this extent the Bank has not so far played its intended role in promoting industrial development. Consequently, it is suggested that in future the Bank should place greater emphasis on the granting of credits to finance industrial operations which utilize Cameroon's agricultural resources.  相似文献   

The Chinese government uses a variety of institutional mechanisms to encourage the peasantry's commitment to the collective sector and their desire for local economic development. Eight of these government policies are spelled out in this essay, which focuses on how the policies operate, and the problems encountered, in the farming community of Chen Village, Kwangtung Province.  相似文献   

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