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今年以来,中国与美、欧发生的贸易摩擦的本质,是美、欧的贸易保护主义者不愿意接受世界纺织品回归自由贸易的事实,抱着被配额体制扭曲的世界纺织品贸易格局的既得利益不放的必然结果.于是,取消配额后,面对中国纺织工业明显的比较优势,迫不及待地抓住中国纺织品在取消配额初期的短期释放效应,出于政治目的,以强加于中国身上的、所谓的造成了对欧美相关行业秩序的威胁性扰乱的罪名,来滥用中国加入WTO时承诺的242段,达到限制中国纺织品出口合理增长的贸易保护主义的目的.  相似文献   

中国纺织业如何应对贸易保护主义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙凌 《中国纺织》2004,(1):126-129
2003年11月1 8日美国商务部正式宣布对从中国进口的针织布、胸罩和袍服三类纺织品实施保障措施,为期一年.由此更加清楚的看到:取消配额并不意味着前景一片光明,各种各样的贸易纠纷不但少不了,还可能更加频繁.  相似文献   

自由贸易与贸易保护是国际贸易中一对矛盾,两者应当合理并存。然而,当今一些西方国家利用“自由贸易”和 “贸易保护”的合法外衣,推行违背国际贸易准则的“贸易保护主义”。其具体形式主要有以下种种。变更关税税率:这是一种最普遍、最常规的做法,对发展中国家的商品常常以“反倾销”为借口,以提高关税税率来限制进口。政府干预:政府采用直接或间接的方式对企业的对外贸易和经济技术协作进行干预。有时要求企业自动放弃对某国的贸易,有时则强令企业撕毁合同或暂时中断履约。有时政府甚至直接出面,要求别国增加进口本国某种或某些…  相似文献   

9月11日,美国总统奥巴马宣布,对从中国进13的所有小轿车和轻型卡车轮胎实施为期三年的惩罚性关税,税率第一年为35%,第二年为30%,第三年为25%。这起发端于6月的轮胎特保案一直是行业关注的焦点,而奥巴马政府如何决定亦成为人们讨论的重点。如今,答案终于揭晓,激起了全世界的关注,也引起了世界各国对贸易保护主义的担忧。  相似文献   

9月11日,美国总统奥巴马决定对从中国进口的所有小轿车和轻型卡车的轮胎实施为期三年的惩罚性关税。这是美国奥巴马政府对中国发起的首例特保调查案。此项决定立刻在业界引起轩然大波,无疑为世  相似文献   

从加入WTO的2001年到2008年,中国受到的反倾销案有463起。全球的反倾销案里,有一半是针对中国商品的,反倾销的种类从最初的初级商品比如打火机、服装等,现在已进入到汽车零配件、机械装备等中高端商品。另外,从最早的反倾销条款到现在的“特别保障”措施,反倾销的手段也在日益增加。  相似文献   

美国贸易保护主义正越来越引起我们的关注,我们正付出更大的努力去遏制贸易保护主义风潮蔓延。但这并不意味着我们需要高估已经实施的贸易保护主义措施的影响规模,仍有众多因素在限制着美国实施贸易保护的行动能力和杀伤力。  相似文献   

新年伊始,肆虐全球的金融危机未见消退,贸易保护却愈演愈烈。不少国家相继抬高了进口的贸易壁垒,希望本国市场能够最大限度消化掉本国产品,以此帮助本国经济恢复增长。如何看待当前这种贸易保护的趋势,它是糖水还是毒药?它能帮助经济走出困境,还是会使危机更加恶化?请跟随本文走进这个话题。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和区域一体化的发展,贸易保护主义呈现出一些新特点。本文主要阐述新贸易保护主义的特点,并结合实例分析当前贸易保护主义对我国对外贸易的主要影响。  相似文献   

电信重组引发五大悬念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组的具体过程依然会显得漫长而艰辛,并充满各种不确定性和悬念。在经过了几年的猜谜游戏之后,中国电信行业第三次重组方案终于尘埃落定。5月24日14:00,工业和信息化部、国家发改委以及财政部联合发布中国电信业重组公告:基于电信行业现状,为实现改革目标,鼓励中国电信收购中国联通CDMA网(包括资产和用户),中国联通与中  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the timing, i.e. delay or accelerate, of the declaration of Chapter XI prior to financial insolvency. Chapter XI can be declared by firms who believe that the firm can emerge from bankruptcy protection as a re-vitalized organization. The timing of its selection is proposed to be a function of the level of environmental adversity and organizational attributes, especially slack resources. Recent developments in the bankruptcy code and its usage by firms, suggest the increasing use of managerial prerogative in the selection of Chapter XI prior to financial insolvency. Chapter XI protection can allow firms the necessary time for effective reorganization if managerial intervention is exercised. As a result of a more precise timing of selection and a proactive reorganization, there will be a higher probability of re-emerging from bankruptcy as a revitalized organization.  相似文献   

The author discusses the political processes and negotiations involved in the selection of a colour television standard for Europe in the 1960s. The French government's strategy in favour of its own system (SECAM) is examined, as well as the current economic status of the French colour television industry. The article explores the question of the selection and protection by a government of a ‘national champion’ product, and the strategies involved.  相似文献   

COSTPRO is the Canadian Organization for the Simplification of Trade Procedures, a not-for-profit corporation supported by the membership of federal and provincial governments, industry associations and private companies, and by a research and development grant from the federal Ministry of Transport. It is the official representative of Canadian interests in those international fora which deal with the facilitation of trade. COSTPRO is currently developing a data exchange network for business and government.  相似文献   

Trade in telecommuncations and computing services, particularly trade in data-related services, offers potential for economic growth in all sectors. This article raises a number of issues which need to be settled in international fora before the greatest benefits can be reaped. Differing national regulations, international competition, treatment of data as a commodity, the role of trade in the services economy and legal questions are explored. The author suggests that international agreement on trade in telecommunications and computing services could provide the basis for a ‘core’ agreement on trade in services.  相似文献   

艾冰 《中国纺织》2005,(1):178-179
在中国纺织品市场版图上,个三方角力的竞争态势业已形成--辽宁西柳服装市场雄踞北方,浙江柯桥中国轻纺城领跑华东,西樵轻纺城、中大纺织市场群则占据了华南市场的领袖地位.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a North–South model to study the interaction between price regulation policies and parallel trade, with a particular focus on the pharmaceutical sector. We show that, under parallel trade, R&D investment can rise only when the South government takes into full account its impact both on investment and on the firm's decision to supply the regulated country. This arises because of a complete withdrawal from price regulation. When policy choices are endogenized, indeed the South wants to achieve this level of full commitment when it is large in size. When instead it is smaller in size, the South chooses an intermediate form of commitment whereby it anticipates its effect only on local distribution and delivery, but not on global R&D investment. As a response to these credible levels of price control commitments, the North reacts by allowing parallel imports from the South.  相似文献   

当前,国际金融危机还在扩散和蔓延,世界经济下行和衰退的趋势更加明显,包括我国在内的新兴市场和发展中国家受到的影响也日渐扩大。党中央、国务院审时度势,及时调整宏观政策,提出了保增长、扩内需、调结构的方针和"一揽子"应对计划。  相似文献   

晓言 《中国纺织》2005,(10):134-135
9月12~15日,广州国际轻纺城以近300平米的大规模展位,"航空母舰式"特装展台形象高调亮相在广州琶洲会展中心举行的"第二届中国中小企业博览会暨中法中小企业博览会"(简称"中博会").  相似文献   

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