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在这个年报集中发布的季节,一家家百货公司向市场交出了自己2011年的成绩单。在最牛百货公司光环的照耀下,我们也看到了百货业在中国发展的死角:百货业品牌同质化问题,已是业界公开的秘密。无论是大悦城的成长烦恼还是新华百货的零供矛盾,重压之下,百货业问题重重。  相似文献   

百货业三十年之变革 我国改革开放三十年,百货业有了巨大的变革.上海是中国百货业比较发达的城市.早在上世纪初,上海已经出现了百货业中的佼佼者--百货公司.  相似文献   

近年来,成都百货业同质化越来越严重,已经成为百货公司的发展瓶颈.同质化发展不仅不能满足顾客多样化的市场需求,而且使得整个百货业竞争非常激烈.实施差异化战略并制定适合百货公司的差异化发展策略,已经成为提升百货业竞争力的新热点.  相似文献   

中国百货业所遇到的问题是否正如业界观察人士所言是因为“百货人自己造成的”?还是因为百货公司“没有自己的商品”所造成的?中国的百货业是否有可能重整旗鼓?还是确实已经到了需要探讨“谁杀死了百货业”的时候。  相似文献   

美国西尔斯百货公司的变革图新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国百货公司在市场竞争中处境、步履维艰确定是不争的事实,事实上,作为成熟业态的百货业走下坡路早已在西方发达国家经历过,一些百货公司就此一蹶不振、破产倒闭,而另一些百货公司则积极进取,不断创新,依旧在零售业叱咤风云。这里,介绍一下世界最大百货公司--西尔斯公司的振兴之路,或许可以给陷入困境的国内百货公司以诸多启示。  相似文献   

祝波 《上海商业》2002,(5):27-29
从计划经济时期走出的中国传统百货业正处于内外交困的境地.百货商场在供给短缺时代曾起过重要的历史作用,如今外部市场环境发生了变化,但仍有其存在的必要性,百货业将与其它新业态互动发展,共分中国巨大的市场,谁也不能完全代替谁.近年来给百货公司诊断开方帮助百货公司摆脱困境的问题成为政府、学者和公司管理层的热点话题.  相似文献   

在多种业态的挤压下,百货公司经营“百货”的时代已经过去。百货业如何重新赢得竞争优势,整个世界都在寻找答案  相似文献   

从20世纪60年代开始,由于沃尔玛、家乐福等平价超市的强势崛起,全球大部分百货公司开始走下坡路,有一家百货公司的成长势头依然强劲,这就是玛莎百货,简称M&S。它为何能够在百货业集体下滑的背景下辉煌至今?  相似文献   

<正>改革开放以后,商业零售领域真正称得上首个新业态的应是超市业了。笔者曾经管理过进入全国百强的超市集团,后来才进入时尚百货业的。虽然,在超市业也仅做了三年,而在时尚百货业做了九年,这九年还是在被誉为中国最好的百货公司做的;说这些,想表达的是,从管理技术的角度,百货业和超市业的管理技术存在的差距是巨大的!  相似文献   

美国百货业发展及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年来,我国百货业销售额和利润明显下降,在零售市场所占的份额不断减少,面对此种境况,百货公司寻求各种方法解决存在的问题,设法摆脱这种困境,但是其结果却往往导致百货公司之间恶性的价格竞争.如何获得竞争优势寻求自身发展,这一战略性思考,仍是目前困扰我国大型百货公司发展的首要问题.本文从这一议题出发,在对比分析我国和美国百货公司发展状况的基础上,针对我国百货公司面临的主要问题,分析了美国大型百货公司解决这些问题的办法,以期这些建议和方法能给我国大型百货公司的发展提供有益启示.  相似文献   

The traditional department store was clearly the center of retail activity in cities and small towns in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. However, by the late 1970s and beyond, the department store industry began experiencing financial problems, and serious questions were being raised as to whether their demise was eminent. This article traces the evolution of the industry, and explores some of the underlying dynamics for the changes in the retail trade sector, including the emergence of new alternative retail formats, such as discount stores and category killers. This study further explores the major strategies used by the leading traditional stores with reference to new industry life cycle models and a strategic positioning framework. Of particular interest is the discussion regarding: Were the traditional department stores “locked in” to a declining trajectory? How effective were their strategies to counter the decline of the industry? And what were and are the repositioning options available to the traditional department stores?  相似文献   

Industry informants suggest that the equity of well-known, established brands can be leveraged to create value for unfamiliar or less-established brands. To the extent that cues in the retail environment imply some commonality between the high-equity brand and the less-established brand, benefits to the less-established brand may be expected. We refer to this implied commonality as strategic equivalence. Sharing the retail brand portfolio with high-equity brands is one way of establishing strategic equivalence. Display structure—whether the brands are displayed separately or intermixed—can also affect perceptions of strategic equivalence. In two studies, we demonstrate the ability of high-equity brands to increase the value of lower-equity brands in the same retail department and the ability of display structure to moderate this effect.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of store image on the demand for store brand organic brands. We conduct an empirical study using a unique dataset that combines households' organic product purchases and their ratings of the same stores' images. We find that the type of images consumers develop about a store influences the demand for organic products from that store. In addition, the influence of store image on the demand for store-brand organic products depends on the store brand branding strategy. Although own brands are accepted in stores with quality produce and with quality store brands, they are less likely to be adopted in stores with varied selections. Furthermore, the own-brand strategy (the use of the retailer's own name) is not always an effective branding strategy for organic products, except in some stores.  相似文献   

How can flagships and brand stores contribute to building brands? We inquire about the relationships between store image, brand experience, brand attitude, brand attachment and brand equity using store intercepts. We find that flagships, due to the powerful brand experiences they allow, have a stronger impact on brand attitude, brand attachment and brand equity compared to brand stores. We provide retail marketers with avenues to offer increased in-store brand experiences by appealing to consumers’ emotions, senses, behaviors, and cognition.  相似文献   

Everyone has experienced some sort of brand disappointment: the 'I didn't expect that from X' feeling. This failure of branding is a thorn in the flesh of marketing departments; often the problem is beyond their control and often it causes one of the most memorable - and most negative - experiences people have of their brand. In this article we will discuss the ways in which companies can engineer the delivery of their brands so as to reduce this risk and create enduring value.

This paper is concerned with the how: the way in which leadership brands bring their uniqueness to life to remain coherent and distinctive in all that they do. In order to grow leadership brands, we must understand how they are built into the organisation.  相似文献   

近年来,我国网络零售取得惊人的发展;与此同时,网络零售商也成为自有品牌战略实施的生力军。由于经营模式、资源条件等方面的不同,网络零售商的自有品牌战略实践与超市、百货等传统零售商存在一定的差异,体现在自有品牌目标市场选择、市场定位、商品组合设计、商品开发、宣传推广等方面。网络零售商选择的自有品牌成长路径大都属于产品研发能力主导型,自有品牌市场定位以高性价比和时尚创新为主,商品组合具有“宽而深”或“窄而深”特点。  相似文献   

周舟  同黎娜  朱烨 《中国市场》2009,(43):46-49
<正>开设夜市,集聚人气,这对普通商场来说,早不是什么新鲜事。每每到大型商场举办夜场购物时,人山人海,疯狂抢购的场面甚是壮观。但是,对于专业批发市场来说,开夜市却是史无前例的事情。  相似文献   


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the brand personalities that employees are creating of their employer brands, in particular business-to-business (B-to-B) brands, when describing these brands on social media. We examine how the brand personalities, based on written online reviews, differ between high- and low-ranked, and high- and low-rated brands.

Methodology/Approach: 6,300 written employee reviews from a social media platform, Glassdoor, are used for content analysis in DICTION, to determine the brand personality dimensions they communicate (J. L). An independent B-to-B brand ranking data source, Brandwatch, is used as a reference to various brands’ level of ranking, while an ANOVA test is used to determine whether there is a difference in the brand personality trait means when comparing high and low-ranked, and high- and low-rated brands.

Findings: Our findings suggest that a strong social media presence does not equate to a strong employer brand personality perception among employees, since there are no significant differences between B-to-B firms based on their rankings.

Research Implications: Extant literature has mostly explored the impact of either critical reviews or favourable customer ratings and reviews on company performance, with very little research focusing on the B-to-B context. In addition, research employing DICTION for the purposes of content analysis of reviews is sparse. The methodology used in this study could thus be employed to further compare and contrast the reviews from a single company, dividing top and low starred reviews to compare discrepancies.

Practical Implications: The results of this study show how online shared employee experiences of employer brands contribute to the formation of a distinct employer brand personality. From a managerial viewpoint, engaging with current and past employees and being cognizant of the online narratives that they share on social media, may be an early indicator of where the firm is lacking (or showing strength) in its’ employee engagement. This would offer a way for firms to both understand their employer brand personality as well as gauge how they compare to top employers in a specific sector or industry.

Originality/Value/Contribution: The study attempts to grow the literature of employee brand engagement in a B-to-B context, by recognizing the important role that employees play in engaging with their employer brand online. Two main contributions are offered. The first contribution relates to the finding that employees perceive highly-rated B-to-B brands as being more competent, exciting, sincere and sophisticated than low-rated B-to-B brands. Second, the methodology used in this study proves to be a novel and accurate way of comparing employee reviews and perceived employer brand personality, with the employer-created intended brand image.  相似文献   

Retailers are making considerable efforts to improve their brand management. The challenge they face, however, is how best to integrate coherently their stores, as brands, and their various distributor brands (store brands, private labels, etc.), in order to increase their brand equity and offer the market differential value that will stimulate customer loyalty. From this perspective, it is crucial for retailers to investigate the relationship between the store and their own brands. This study proposes two theoretical models showing the mechanism whereby store image helps increase the equity of a specific type of distributor brand (the store brand). The approach used in this analysis is based, on the one hand, on defining brand equity through its components, using the model in Aaker (1991), and on the other, on including (social and strategic) corporate dimensions in measuring store image. The empirical research made in the hypermarket sector in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa backs the majority of the proposed hypotheses. The results show that store image can be used by retailers to influence all components of store brand equity, essentially through its commercial and strategic dimension. This research is intended to address the clear lack of research on store brand equity.  相似文献   

National brands have begun to engage in direct distribution, displaying the brand in its own biotope. Such operation of flagship stores is one means of forward verticalization. From samples of visitors to two flagship stores of fast-moving consumer goods brands, this study analyzes the effects of the flagship store visit on brand experience, brand equity, brand attachment, and loyalty. In the low-involvement FMCG context, flagship stores are useful for reinforcing brand experience. However, flagship store-fueled brand experience does not necessarily lead to favorable consumer reactions; its effect on future purchases is mediated by both brand equity and brand attachment.  相似文献   

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