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如何认识金融中介在不同融资体系的发展?这是把握当前金融机构发展现状与未来趋势所应该搞清的重要问题.本文从两种融资模式的渊源出发,对市场导向的融资体系和银行导向的融资体系中金融中介的作用进行比较分析,并探讨我国融资的发展现状及未来趋势.  相似文献   

在任何一种经济中都需要建立一种金融机构与证券市场能够共同发挥作用的、完善的金融体系。但是,考虑到各种经济制度建立基础和发展历史与传统上的差异,以及金融体系与企业部门之间的关系不同,各国金融体系的架构并不需要保持完全的一致。本文从不同融资制度中金融中介的作用,探讨经济中金融中介的发展。  相似文献   

目前已有研究认为金融中介机构竞争会带来市场效率的提高,本文利用2012-2017年债券市场的微观数据研究“发行人付费”模式评级机构之间的竞争对评级结果的影响。研究发现,评级机构竞争会导致评级结果膨胀与评级质量下降。进一步研究发现,当评级竞争加剧时,“发行人付费”模式的评级机构会对有较多业务联系的企业放松评级标准,给予更高信用评级。我们的研究也发现评级机构的外资背景、承销商的良好声誉和媒体关注均有助于减小“发行人付费”模式下评级机构竞争的负面影响。同时,债券市场评级竞争还存在对股票市场的溢出效应,评级竞争导致的评级质量下降也降低了股票市场的信息效率。这说明,“发行人付费”模式下的评级机构竞争会降低资本市场的信息效率,“投资者付费”模式的推广和评级行业的对外开放有助于改善国内评级行业的评级质量。本文的研究也为国内债券市场进一步发挥双评级、多评级以及不同模式评级的交叉验证作用提供了一定证据支持。  相似文献   

Trading losses associated with information asymmetries can be mitigated by designing securities which split the cash flows of underlying assets. These securities, which can arise endogenously, have values that do not depend on the information known only to informed agents. Bank debt (deposits) is an example of this type of liquid security which protect relatively uninformed agents, and we provide a rationale for deposit insurance in this content. High-grade corporate debt and government bonds are other examples, implying that a money market mutual fund-based payments system may be an alternative to one based on insured bank deposits.  相似文献   

We show that growth opportunities which cannot be converted to cash under conditions of financial distress ( G z ) are a critical determinant of an intermediary's choice of risk. Financial institutions in which G z is a low proportion of total assets will be much more likely to engage in go-for-broke behavior. The model leads to a reevaluation of the effectiveness of several traditional remedies for dealing with banks that take excessive risks such as raising insurance premiums, intervening before capital is depleted, and restricting investment options. The model also has implications about a new approach to the examination of financial intermediaries.  相似文献   

金融中介理论研究至今已开展了50年。这期间,虽然也曾产生出许多具有重要贡献的观点和经典的文献,但是与几乎是同时期发展起来的资本市场理论相比较,整体的应用性和影响力都不如资本市场理论那样强大。两种理论之间不平衡发展的主要原因在于理论研究定位不同,对实践的具体指导不同。探讨金融中介理论发展的特殊性和拓展空间,将有利于明确理论研究的未来发展方向,加强对多元化发展的金融中介机构作用的认识。  相似文献   

Financial Intermediaries, Markets, and Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We build a model in which financial intermediaries provide insurance to households against idiosyncratic liquidity shocks. Households can invest in financial markets directly if they pay a cost. In equilibrium, the ability of intermediaries to share risk is constrained by the market. From a growth perspective, this can be beneficial because intermediaries invest less in the productive technology when they provide more risk-sharing. Our model predicts that bank-oriented economies can grow more slowly than more market-oriented economies, which is consistent with some recent empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Bencivenga和Smith(1991)模型分析单个投资者在面临流动性风险条件下的资产选择行为,即其可以投资非流动但具生产性的资本,亦可以投资流动性但非生产性的资产。如果在模型中引入金融中介,以Romer(1986)的资本外溢内生增长模型为背景,可以在一般均衡框架内分析金融中介的资源配置效应和经济增长效应。通过模型分析可知:在一定条件下,金融中介的引入,不仅能消除资本未到期兑现的现象,而且可以提高资本投资在储蓄中份额,从而促进技术进步和经济增长。  相似文献   

The current work extends and updates the previous survey ( Staikouras, 2003 ) by looking at other aspects of the financial institutions' yield sensitivity. The study starts with an extensive discussion of the origins of asset‐liability management and the subsequent work to identify effective ways of measuring and managing interest rate risk. The discussion implicates both regulatory and market‐based approaches along with any issues surrounding their applicability. The literature is enriched by recognizing that structural and regulatory shifts affect financial institutions in different ways depending on the size and nature of their activities. It is also noted that such shifts could change the bank's riskiness, and force banks to adjust their balance sheet size by altering their maturity intermediation function. Besides yield changes, market cycles are also held responsible for asymmetric effects on corporate values. Furthermore, nonstandard investigations are considered, where embedded options and basis risk are significant above and beyond the intermediary's rate sensitivity, while shocks to the slope of the yield curve is identified as a new variable. When the discount privilege is modeled as an option, it is shown that its value is incorporated in the equities of qualifying banks. Finally, volatility clustering is further established while constant relative risk aversion is not present in the U.S. market. Although some empirical findings may be quite mixed, there is a general consensus that all forms of systematic risk, risk premia, and the risk‐return trade‐off do exhibit some form of variability, not only over time but also across corporate sizes and segments.  相似文献   

金融中介参与公司治理,虽然因增加了委托——代理层次而增加了作为终级出资人的代理成本,但由于企生委托——代理机制的健全和约束的强化,其减少的“道德风险”损失完全抵补了上升的代理成本且有余,公司整体的治理效率也将获得较大的提高。  相似文献   

国际金融中心的非银行金融中介功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,西方国家通过发达的金融体系,在世界范围内攫取大量财富,其最重要的手段之一,就是运用非银行金融中介在国际金融中心的信息生产、产品创造、资产定价和风险分散方面的优势。因此,本文拟借用生态学中的食物链分析,把非银行金融中介纳入国际金融中心金融生态圈来研究,分析非银行金融中介在金融价值链中所处的环节,揭示其服务内容,研究其功能和作用机制,以期促进非银行金融中介的发展,完善我国的金融体系。  相似文献   

This paper considers the maturity intermediation and intertemporal lending decisions of risk-averse financial intermediaries. In particular, the maturity mismatch problem and the fixed-versus-variable-rate lending decision are modeled when the major source of risk involves uncertain future interest rates. The results imply that the strategy of matching the maturity of assets and liabilities is not generally optimal or even minimum risk. This is due primarily to the “built-in” hedge that the intermediary has as a result of rolling over short-term loans while continuing to finance long-term loans. Intertemporal dependencies between loan demand and costs (or both) also have an effect on the optimal degree of maturity mismatching and provide one rationale for making loans at rates below current marginal cost.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the role of financial intermediaries in the valuation of firms and projects. We show that security prices should reflect both used and unused debt capacity if some corporations can act as financial intermediaries and can capture the tax benefits of debt capacity unused by the operating firm. We also provide some reasons why the value of the firm might be increased if the financing and operating risks of the firm are separated and financial intermediaries issue debt rather than the unit operating the asset.  相似文献   

Stock Market Development and Financial Intermediaries: Stylized Facts   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
World stock markets are booming, and emerging stock marketsaccount for a disproportionate share of this growth. Yet economistslack a common concept or measure of stock market development.This article collects and compares a broad array of indicatorsof stock market and financial intermediary development, usingdata from forty-four developing and industrial countries duringthe period from 1986 to 1993. The empirical results exhibitwide cross-country differences for each indicator as well asintuitively appealing correlations between various indicators.The article constructs aggregate indexes and analyzes them todocument the relationship between the emergence of stock marketsand the growth of financial intermediaries. It produces a setof stylized facts that facilitates and stimulates research intothe links among stock markets, economic development, and corporatefinancing decisions.  相似文献   

通过构建DSGE模型,探讨包含影子银行在内的金融中介机构、资产价格和宏观经济波动之间的内在联系,以及金融中介机构自身净值变化通过资产价格和杠杆率向实体经济传播的机制.结果表明:增加金融中介净值比直接放松信贷约束对宏观经济的冲击作用更大,引入影子银行后的双中介模型对金融部门和宏观经济变量形成放大效应,对影子银行监管的严格程度也会对金融经济变量产生不同影响.因此,决策者需在限制影子银行规模、维持金融稳定和放宽对影子银行监管、促进经济增长之间进行权衡.  相似文献   

冯一凡 《新理财》2012,(9):92-93
企业要繁荣发展、创新突破,需要具备足够的灵活性、创造性和想象力。要培养这些品质,就必须有多样化的观点、经验、技能、文化和教育作为基础。在这样的背景下,雇主对会计师和财务专业人士的要求与以往大不相同。为此,《新理财》采访了ACCA(特许公认会计师公会)品牌执行总监Neil Stevenson,探讨财务职能多元化给CFO带来的机遇和挑战。财务多元与职能多样《新理财》:您是ACCA的品牌执行总监,过去人们通常认为企业品牌建设是CEO和市场主管的职责,您如何看待CFO在企业品牌建设中的作用?  相似文献   

This paper compares the optimal lending decisions of financial intermediaries that differ in their risk exposure. All intermediaries are assumed to face a loan demand described by a random applicant arrival process with each applicant offering a unique risk-adjusted rate of return; loan demand is therefore uncertain in both quantity and quality. The intermediaries differ in terms of their risk exposure because of disparate funding practices. Intermediaries functioning as brokers minimize their exposure by borrowing funds only as demand is realized, whereas those behaving as asset-transformers borrow in advance of realizing loan demand, thereby maintaining a loanable funds inventory and sustaining the related exposure. The optimal sequential lending policy is shown to involve setting a credit standard that becomes stricter with the length of the intermediary's planning horizon and the volume of loans outstanding. Most importantly, it is shown that brokers adopt stricter credit standards than asset-transformers and therby reduce their volume of lending.  相似文献   

随着金融市场的发展,越来越多的投资者通过机构投资者等金融中介间接参与金融市场投资。投资者和金融中介之间的委托代理问题以及由此产生的风险转嫁倾向使得金融中介的投资决策并不总是以投资者的利益最大化为目标。金融中介的风险转移倾向容易导致风险资产的均衡价格偏离其基础价值,引起资产泡沫的产生。  相似文献   

Piggy Banks: Financial Intermediaries as a Commitment to Save   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Banks and other intermediaries may help savers commit to investment plans that savers could not stick to if they held assets directly. We illustrate this commitment function using a version of the Diamond and Dybvig (1983) model where savers’ short-run liquidity needs are correlated with shocks to investment opportunities. The investment securities are all freely tradeable, yet savers still do better if they delegate their investment decisions to an intermediary that overrides the savers’ liquidity demands when investment opportunities warrant. Bank CDs, insurance annuities, pensions, and even social security, by locking funds out of reach, may all constitute real world examples of this commitment role of financial intermediaries.  相似文献   

终极股东特征、公司多元化与融资约束   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理论研究表明公司多元化经营形成的内部资本市场有助于缓解公司所面临的融资约束,不同的终极股东特征可能由于代理问题或由于加强内部资本市场功能而减弱或增强缓解公司融资约束的作用。本文以2004~2009年中国上市公司作为样本,实证考察不同终极股东特征下,非国有控制公司与国有控制公司多元化经营战略缓解公司融资约束的作用是否存在显著差异。实证结果表明当终极股东现金流权与控制权不偏离,或者当终极股东控制链层级较多时,非国有控制公司多元化缓解融资约束的作用显著强于国有控制公司。然而,当终极股东现金流权与控制权偏离,或者当终极股东控制链层级较少时,国有控制公司多元化缓解融资约束的作用并没有显著强于非国有控制公司。  相似文献   

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