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There are three features which distinguish the global transition in Central and Eastern Europe: both economic and political systems are the focus of radical transformation, this institutional revolution has been largely peaceful, and a pluralistic political system emerged faster than capitalism in the economic sphere. The initial conditions, for example the inherited economic structure, the macroeconomic situation and the type of economic system, have an important impact upon the pace and effects of the subsequent market-oriented reform. There are four important reasons why the state should concentrate its activity on the sphere of its natural competence. These reasons are even more important in economies of transition. The speed of the subordinate processes of transition differs which gives rise to important issues of phasing. Macroeconomic stabilisation, microeconomic liberalisation and privatisation should be implemented at a speed close to maximum. The Polish economic reform shows that a radical and comprehensive economic program introduced in an initially socialist economy, under extremely difficult macroeconomic conditions, can be successful in spite of powerful external shocks .  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of investments in physical infrastructure over the first decade of market reform in Central and Eastern Europe and other former Soviet economies. Both market and political reform would be expected to have an impact on the level of infrastructure, but the relationship will likely differ for infrastructure which remains dependent on the public sector and that which becomes more dependent on private investment after such reforms. Results for a large cross section of transition economies show that market reform has had a positive impact on both traditional and newer types of infrastructure, with a stronger impact on the newer types which are more likely to be market‐derived. The findings also suggest that market reform is more likely to push investors to develop infrastructure when political and market reforms are accomplished in tandem.  相似文献   

MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies -  相似文献   

中东欧经济转轨争论中的谬误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们在分析和评价中东欧国家经济转轨过程中遇到的社会和经济问题时,常常存在着一些错误的认识和观点。本文指出了这些谬误、剖析了其产生的根源、提出了相应的正确观点,并以波兰为例证。对“渐进式改革”的支持者进行了有力的批驳。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机爆发后,中国就业在受到重创之后快速回弹,这与政府实施的积极财政政策是否相关?为此,本文通过扩展的内生经济增长模型解释财政政策就业效应的微观作用机制,并应用因子分析法实证检验中国财政政策对劳动力市场动态均衡的影响效果.研究结果发现:财政政策对稳定劳动力市场均衡具有积极作用,而且税收政策的效应强于财政支出的效应;1990-2012年以来,伴随着经济周期的波动,财政政策对劳动力市场动态均衡的影响经历了弱显性期、显性期、效用增强期三个阶段.  相似文献   

The transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have become important exporters of many types of services to Western Europe. We identify the sources of CEE’s advantages over competing exporters, such as India, China and Brazil, using disaggregated data on service exports and a novel estimation technique for the gravity equation. Our results indicate that the importance of geographical distance varies substantially across types of service exports. Geography is important for exports of construction services, but it has a negligible impact on computer‐related services. However, the relative quality of legal institutions influences trade across a broad range of service categories. The results demonstrate that aggregating services that are not homogeneous could conceal important differences in the effects of geographical distance and other variables on the pattern of service trade.  相似文献   

MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies -  相似文献   

This paper analyzes product market competition between foreign entrants and former SOEs in transition markets with respect to expansion of product variety and consumer loyalty formation. While the market share motive induces the more efficient foreign entrant to price aggressively, the extent of this behavior depends critically on its relative efficiency vis-à-vis the local incumbent. If the efficiency gap exceeds some threshold value, the entrant exploits increasingly its cost advantages by raising price rather than investing in market share. Our result suggests that immediate restructuring of former SOEs is important to realize fully the competitive benefits of opening local markets.J. Comp. Econom., December 2000, 28(4), pp. 700–715. International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20431.  相似文献   

Exchange rate movements in all transition economies have followed a similar time path, with a sharp depreciation followed by gradual real appreciation. Such a time path is rather surprising given the differences in monetary and real shocks that these countries have encountered. This introduction and this symposium examine critically whether this time path of the exchange rates can be viewed as a gradual approach to these countries' equilibrium exchange rates and whether we can deduce these equilibrium exchange rates from purchasing power parity exchange rates computed for these countries.J. Comp. Econom.,December 1998, 26(4), pp. 613–620. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-3806  相似文献   

We examine household data from the Central Asian successor states to the Soviet Union to analyze how living standards are determined in newly established market economies. Three variables, namely location, children, and university education, are consistently significant across all four countries studied and play the largest role in determining household expenditure. The first two are of special significance to Central Asia, with its relative economic backwardness and high birth rate, but the importance of high-level general-purpose education appears to be a ubiquitous but underappreciated factor. Higher returns to education were expected in a market economy, but few observers distinguish between types of education; in the shift from central planning people with high-level general-purpose education have been best able to take advantage of new opportunities, while narrower technical education, by contrast, has left many with obsolete skills yielding zero returns in the market. J. Comp. Econ., June 2002 30(4), pp. 683–708. Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235; and School of Economics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D1, D31, O12, P36.  相似文献   

This article provides a detailed empirical analysis of quarterly frequency dynamics in macroeconomic aggregates in 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It shows that business fluctuations in CEE countries are, in general, more pronounced than in developed ones, and are of similar size as in other emerging market economies. Private consumption is particularly volatile. Relative to major developed economies government spending is dominantly procyclical, and net exports are strongly countercyclical. The most frequent country outliers are the high inflation countries of Bulgaria, Romania and Russia, especially in labour market, price and exchange rate variables. Excluding these countries from the sample makes many of the observed patterns in cyclical dynamics more homogenous, and broadly similar to ones established in developed economies.  相似文献   

This article examines how government ideology influenced privatization efforts in Central and Eastern Europe after the transition from socialism. We analyse a dataset of privatization indicators covering small‐ and large‐scale industries in 19 transition countries over the period 1990–2007 and introduce a government ideology index. The results suggest that market‐oriented governments promoted the privatization of small‐scale industries more than that of large‐scale ones. In the rapid transition process in the early 1990s, leftist governments stuck to public ownership more strongly than in the following period from the mid‐1990s to 2007. The remarkable differences between leftist and right‐wing governments concerning both the role of government in the economy and the basic elements of political order are in line with developments in OECD countries, and may also hold further implications for transition and democratizing countries outside Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Constitutionalism,prosperity, democracy: Transition in Eastern Europe   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Eastern Europe is now undergoing three distinct transitions: to markets, to democracy, and to constitutionalism. Under current conditions, the transition to constitutionalism is a logical precondition for the transitions to markets and democracy. To protect both of these, it is especially necessary to develop an “economic bill of rights” for inclusion in the new constitutions. This bill of rights should include the rule of law, protection of private property, freedom of contract, occupational liberty, the right to travel within and without the nation, and a prohibition on government monopolies; other similar provisions should be considered as well. The new constitutions should not include general aspirations, duties, or positive rights. The eventual development of an economic bill of rights—a precommitment strategy designed to promote prosperity and democracy—could constitute a new and important contribution to the theory and practice of constitutionalism. In light of the rapid changes in Eastern European constitutional affairs it should be noted that the final draft of this paper dates from August 1991. Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, Law School and Department of Political Science, University of Chicago; Co-Director, Center on Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe, University of Chicago. I am grateful to Jon Elster and Stephen Holmes for valuable discussion, and to Richard A. Epstein and Stephen Holmes for helpful comments on a previous draft.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the determinants and the evolution of income disparities across regions within Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) over 1991–2011. We add to the literature in different ways. First, we adapt the categories that Rodriguez‐Pose used for studying convergence among old EU members to CEECs regions. This allows us to assess the relevance of geo‐sectoral groups (urban areas, old industrialized areas and peripheral areas) for newcomer regions. Second, we introduce a new category, that of ‘successful Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)‐based restructuring’ in order to capture regions that, often through considerable FDI, manage to reconvert their old industrial base. We then analyze whether this group helps understand catching‐up/falling behind processes in CEECs. We test the relevance of these groups by means of both non‐parametric and spatial regression analyses. We find that they help explain the increase in within‐countries’ regional disparities especially after the turn of the century.  相似文献   

文章以合同法的执行为例,从六个方面概述了1990年代以来中东欧国家的法治建设进程.认为虽然各国的法治建设都取得了不同程度的进展,但是各国的法治发展水平很不平衡,而且法治的不同方面在各国的进展也存在着差异。  相似文献   

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