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朱光耀 《中外管理》2013,(12):61-62
2013年,就世界经济形势而言,是充满挑战的一年。国际金融危机爆发,至今已有5年时间,欧洲主权债务危机也已经持续了3年,欧盟国家失业率仍处于超过12.2%的水平。当前世界经济复苏的进程面临严峻的挑战,不稳定、不确定的因素急剧增加。  相似文献   

近来不断有消息称,美欧诸国于2004年5月1日起,在一些行业强制推行SA8000社会责任标准认证。这一消息立即引起了新闻界和企业界的关注,引发了热烈讨论。SA8000将对中国企业造成怎样的影响?我国政府和企业将如何应对?记者带着诸多疑问,展开了对SA8000相关问题的调查。  相似文献   

90年代以来,以环境保护为主题的绿色浪潮声势日高,绿色经济、绿色产业、绿色产品、绿色营销、绿色消费等等风起云涌,席卷全球。可以说,这是人类进行的一场深刻的反醒:为了自身发展,为了子孙后代,全世界必须联合行动,共同节约资源、降低能耗、保护环境,实现经济可持续发展。在这种大趋势下,中国企业如何接受绿色挑战?国际市场绿色贸易的新特点绿色产品和消费主导着国际贸易的新潮流。随着社会经济的发展,环保意识的高涨,人们的消费观念发生了重大变化,更加注重保健、更加崇尚回归自然的绿色消费。据联合国有关部门的统计,带有…  相似文献   

加入WTO,中国已成为国际金融市场的参与者。如何面对国际金融业的竞争环境,是一大课题。招商银行行长马蔚华在清华大学“中国经济论坛系列讲座”上针对中国银行如何面对国际化的挑战作了演讲。马行长不仅准确界定了银行国际化的含义,而且深入剖析了银行业国际化发展的重要趋势。现撷要刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

马志刚 《现代企业》2011,(11):71-72
最近,受欧美债务危机冲击的影响,世界情况异常复杂,不稳定和不确定因素明显增加,世界经济正面临一系列重大挑战,处在何去何从的“十字路口”。专家们认为,对这些挑战我们必须有足够的估计,及早应对。  相似文献   

面对经济全球化的挑战——中国企业文化建设的思考之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志在中央思想政治工作会议上说:"世界正在向多极化发展,经济全球化进程也正在加快,世界科学技术的进步更是日新月异.在这种情况下,多种思潮相互交错、相互激荡.这必然会对我国的思想领域,对我们的干部群众的思想意识产生影响,这种影响有积极的一面,也有消极的一面."经济全球化是当今世界不可逆转的历史潮流,世界各国都不同程度地受其冲击.对于我国企业来讲,既有积极的作用,也有消极的影响.  相似文献   

“十二五”开局之年,我国经济表现交上了一份良好的答卷,去年全年经济保持增速9%以上的运行态势,充分说明了在复杂的国内外经济环境下,我国灵活主动的宏观调控取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

中美就中国加入世贸组织达成双边协议后 ,“入世”已经为时不远。作为国民经济重要组成部分的区域经济 ,如何抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,主动在“入世”后与世界经济接轨呢?关键是要把握住以下几个环节。第一 ,用“比较”优势组织经济建设。“入世”之后 ,市场竞争会更加激烈。地方经济如何适应?这需要分析比较优势 ,追求比较利益。作为一方决策者 ,首先 ,对“入世”之后地方产品的竞争力要心中有数。这就要对地方产品的竞争力分类排队 ,对那些可与“洋货”抗衡的实力型产品 ,实行重点扶持 ,让其滚大做强 ;对那些无优势可言 ,在国外产品“挤压”…  相似文献   

一个小孩正在河边走着,忽然看到水边有一只陷在网里的鳄鱼。鳄鱼也看到了男孩,求道:“你能可怜可怜我,把我救出去吗?  相似文献   

Judged by the conventional measures of the growth of output and trade, of inflation and unemployment, the economic performance of the industrial countries has undergone a marked deterioration in recent years. It is now feared that a further deterioration could take place over the next decade leading to ever greater pressures within and between countries. In this Briefing Paper we attempt to measure the changes that have taken place, to identify their timing and the proximate causes. On the basis of recent developments and a historical perspective we try to judge the prospects for the 1980's.  相似文献   


We describe the creation of the Global Multi-Region Input–Output (MRIO) Lab, which is a cloud-computing platform offering a collaborative research environment through which participants can use each other’s resources to assemble their own individual MRIO versions. The Global MRIO Lab’s main purpose is to harness and focus previously disparate resources aimed at compiling large-scale MRIO databases that provide comprehensive representations of interregional trade, economic structure, industrial interdependence, as well as environmental and social impact. Based on the operational Australian Industrial Ecology Lab, a particularly important feature of this cloud environment is a highly detailed regional and sectoral taxonomy called the ‘root classification’. The purpose of this root is to serve as a feedstock from which researchers can choose any combination of regions and economic sectors to form a model of the economy that is suitable to address their particular research questions. Thus, the Global MRIO Lab concept enables enhanced flexibility in MRIO database construction whilst at the same time saving resources and avoiding duplication, by sharing time- and labour-intensive tasks amongst multiple research teams. We explain the concept, architecture, development and preliminary results of the Global MRIO Lab, and discuss its ability to continuously deliver some of the most prominent world MRIO databases.  相似文献   

In this article, Andrew Sentance describes the growing economic importance of Asia and discusses the impact on the world economy. He argues that Western economies face a problem of structural adjustment not only to low-cost competition from newly industrialised countries but also because of technological changes. Macroeconomic shocks, Single Market restructuring and labour market inflexibility have made this process more difficult in Europe.  相似文献   

中国的企业文化建设,在未来30年将面临三大瓶颈和挑战.对大多数企业而言,处理好了会获得很快的发展,处理不好可能会遭受挫折.  相似文献   

Judging from their profit trends, new technology-based firms have not been very successful in Norway. After ten or more years of activity, fewer than half a dozen has accumulated profits over £1 million. Those that risked large initial investments in order to standardize an innovative new technology enjoyed the greatest amount of success. Most firms were able to develop a prototype, but many had great difficulties gearing up for production. Insufficient financing and know-how were the main problems. Firms have had more problems with production than with marketing, but very few seem prepared for the costs and challenges of an international marketing effort. Most lacked a clear marketing strategy or business plan. Financing was often a problem: there was little private investment, and equity capital was often scarce with a mean debt to equity ratio of less than 30%. Most firms received some sort of public funding, usually in support of product development, but so far it has had little impact on profit trends. A multi-national follow-up study with access to a larger data base would provide many more insights.  相似文献   

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