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我国高科技创业失败诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高科技创业企业是与成熟企业相对而言的,主要是指没有稳定的现金流,没有成型的管理模式,甚至也没有清晰可见的战略,加上高科技本身具有高技术、高投入、高风险、高收益等特性,高科技创业就是一种风险很大的特殊选择。据统计,经过创业投资的高科技创业企业的成功率平均只有20%,其余都是失败的。因此,怎样防范高科技创业企业失败,已经成为所有高科技创业企业无法回避的问题。高科技创业失败的原因1.创业者本身因素。对高科技创业企业而言,创业者是企业前进发展的第一推动力。企业成功与否,成功后能否持续发展在很大程度上取决于创业者自身。这…  相似文献   

一、创业机会研究视角 创业机会是客观存在的,往往起源于外界环境的变化,而且,资源和网络等创业要素同样存在于环境当中。创业者是创业机会过程的主体,在创业机会过程中发挥着积极的主观能动作用。创业机会过程是创业者与创业环境交互作用的过程。  相似文献   

近年来对于创业者伦理的研究增加,主要集中于创业者对于创业机会识别和创业机会利用的伦理性分析。社会企业作为一种新兴社会组织,在我国正处于初步探索阶段。本文将结合创业者伦理与社会企业两者,分析社会企业创业者在创立社会企业时所面临的伦理问题,并结合实例阐述现有社会企业创业者对于伦理问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

创业者和企业家是不同的。如果说创业者最核心的特质是“创造”.那么企业家最核心的特质则是“维持”:创业者创造创业机会、确定创业策略、寻找创业资源、领导创业企业.“白手起家”地将一个思维里的商业机会变成实实在在的企业:而企业家管理着有既定市场和经验、有稳定现金流入的企业.以保证企业盈利能力的持续稳定和现有资源的收益最大化:如果说创业者的行动起点是“机会”,那么企业家的行动起点是“资源”,创业者由环境中存在的机会所驱动.  相似文献   

樊琪 《中国就业》2012,(8):51-52
创业动机是指引起和维持个体从事创业活动,并使活动朝向某些目标的内部动力,它是鼓励引导个体为实现创业成功而行动的内在力量。《全球创业观察中国报告2007》指出:面对大量创业机会和创业活动,创业者能否把握住机会?目前中国的状况如下:第一.企业关闭率高,在过去12个月中,企业的比例10.3茗,远远高于其他成员国,是香港的5倍多,是美国的2倍多,而且这一数值一直处于上升态势……初创期的创业成功与创业者的动机有着直接的关系。那么是什么样的动机造成了创业者创业成功与失败呢?  相似文献   

<正>一创业过程理论创业过程理论模型是创业者从创业机会的识别与评价到创建新企业,再到新创企业成长为成熟企业的过程,模型归纳总结出创业过程的一般规律。该模型经历了从注重创业各个阶段的简单线性模型到注重动态角度研究的Timmons模型的过程。代表理论如下:1.Gartner(1985)认为创业过程理论模型主要由四个要素构成:个人,即创立新企业的个人;环境,围绕并影响组织的  相似文献   

创业研究中的三个关键问题,即为什么一些人能成为创业者,为什么一些人能发现创业机会,为什么一些创业者比另外一些创业者更加成功,是创业学研究领域的重点。目前已经有文献从行为和认知角度进行了分析。文章试图从心理学角度,在情感、创业动机、创业热情、创业意图等现有创业心理研究文献的基础上,对这些创业心理因素内涵及其关系进行分析,从心理学角度对创业研究中的三个关键问题进行研究,以期为创业研究进一步发展提供思路。  相似文献   

创业机会是指市场中未得到充分利用的能力或资源.资源众筹过程中对创业机会的敏感、捕捉和占据成为新时代创业优势的主要来源.识别资源众筹中的创业机会,可以从资源市场空隙、资源市场空间、资源市场空缺、资源市场变化四个方面入手.对资源众筹中创业机会识别的影响因子,从创业动机、创业者身份、自我效能及创业机会识别为维度测量建立模型开展研究.  相似文献   

创业机会是指市场中未得到充分利用的能力或资源.资源众筹过程中对创业机会的敏感、捕捉和占据成为新时代创业优势的主要来源.识别资源众筹中的创业机会,可以从资源市场空隙、资源市场空间、资源市场空缺、资源市场变化四个方面入手.对资源众筹中创业机会识别的影响因子,从创业动机、创业者身份、自我效能及创业机会识别为维度测量建立模型开展研究.  相似文献   

创业机会是指市场中未得到充分利用的能力或资源.资源众筹过程中对创业机会的敏感、捕捉和占据成为新时代创业优势的主要来源.识别资源众筹中的创业机会,可以从资源市场空隙、资源市场空间、资源市场空缺、资源市场变化四个方面入手.对资源众筹中创业机会识别的影响因子,从创业动机、创业者身份、自我效能及创业机会识别为维度测量建立模型开展研究.  相似文献   

Although the scholarly conversation about how entrepreneurial opportunities emerge has suggested that entrepreneurs both discover and create opportunity components, specific knowledge about what components are discovered is lacking. In this research, we use an exploratory case study to investigate the opportunity creation process. We found that entrepreneurs discover several opportunity-related components based on the prior experience and knowledge of other entrepreneurs. Drawing on the evidence from these exploratory cases, we identify three important types of components that entrepreneurs creatively recombine within an emerging opportunity: technology stack, business model, and product and service design architecture. These findings have important implications for our understanding of entrepreneurial bricolage and entrepreneurial recycling, and their connection to the process of opportunity creation.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a model to analyse the motivation of academic entrepreneurs that comprises six dimensions: personal, relating to the entrepreneurial opportunity, to scientific knowledge, to the availability of resources, to the incubator organization, and to the social environment. The model is tested based on information from a survey administered to 152 Spanish academic entrepreneurs. Our results show that entrepreneurial opportunity is not part of the entrepreneurial motivation, but is of the utmost importance to academic entrepreneurs. Also, we find the scientific knowledge is the main driver of entrepreneurial activity in the academia.  相似文献   

This study investigates the innovation behaviour of graduate start-ups at the individual level. It bridges the graduate enterprise literature and innovative entrepreneurship literature to put forward three arguments that ascertain why highly educated graduate entrepreneurs are not always innovative in starting new businesses. First, anchoring on the individual opportunity costs–entrepreneurial rewards nexus, it argues that graduate entrepreneurs will exploit opportunities innovatively if they expect the levels of entrepreneurial rewards that match their high human capital and high opportunity costs. Second, it is argued that entrepreneurial innovativeness is conditional on psychological factors such as students’ managerial self-efficacy and overconfidence. Third, it is also argued that the nonlinear relationship between entrepreneurial innovativeness and entrepreneurial rewards will drive graduate entrepreneurs to exploit even riskier opportunities in search for high rewards. This study operationalizes the theoretical framework with an empirical model and estimates it using a graduate entrepreneur sample from a questionnaire survey in China. Our results suggest that innovation behaviour of graduate start-ups is influenced by the quantity of human capital, psychological make-up and expectations of entrepreneurial rewards.  相似文献   

The debate regarding the degree to which opportunities and resources are social constructions risks stagnation because it is difficult to argue that opportunities are either entirely constructed or entirely objective. In this paper we seek to contribute to this debate by introducing some overlooked aspects of the work of Lévi-Strauss (1962) as they relate to the discussion of entrepreneurial opportunities and resources. A categorization scheme of entrepreneurs based on Lévi-Strauss’ categories of art, craft, engineering and bricolage can be used to help differentiate the ways in which entrepreneurs view opportunities and resource acquisition, and how those views impact entrepreneurial action and ultimately entrepreneurial success. This contrasts with the more traditional entrepreneurship literature, which views opportunities as objective phenomena and opportunity identification and exploitation as completely rational.  相似文献   


Academic entrepreneurs are the key actors in academic entrepreneurship. However, the individual level of research on academic entrepreneurship remains undeveloped. To better understand the micro foundation of academic entrepreneurship, we investigate the influence of social identification on academic entrepreneurs’ role conflict. Using data from 246 academic entrepreneurs, we explore the effects of scholarly identification, entrepreneurial identification, and social identity continuity on academic entrepreneurs’ role conflict. The results suggest that, entrepreneurial identification and social identify continuity are both negative related to identify conflict, while a scholarly identification is positively related to role conflict. In addition, the interaction of scholarly identification and entrepreneurial identification is negatively associated with role conflict. We also investigate the performance implications of such a role conflict and show that it is negatively related to academic entrepreneurship performance. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.


This study suggests that in the entrepreneurial communities of emerging industries, individual entrepreneurs may simultaneously create opportunities that spill over to others and discover opportunities already created by others. Extant opportunity literature, focused on single actors and their personal networks or on the information function of market prices, is largely mute on the role of opportunities in value networks with distributed entrepreneurial efforts. Ecosystem theory, a literature stream that seldom intersects opportunity literature, contributes with a conceptual framework to study the question. The paper seeks to shed light on how opportunities are created or discovered by new ventures as they are involved in the interlinked endeavor of forming a new ecosystem.The study examines five case studies of US ventures in the early phase of the solar service industry, an industry in which entrepreneurs offer customers access to solar panels as a service rather than as a product. These ventures inadvertently created an industry ecosystem together, as they could not protect the value created by their business partners׳ new knowledge, or by the emerging social webs between partners. They shaped opportunities together, passing value back and forth amongst themselves. This paper offers fundamental observations on how opportunity creation and discovery is distributed among a community of entrepreneurs as a business ecosystem grows.  相似文献   

Although scholars have long recognized that failure is endemic to entrepreneurial activity, they have implicitly argued that prior entrepreneurial experience positively affects opportunity discovery and opportunity exploitation. In contrast, I argue that the degree of mindfulness with which entrepreneurs use prior experience can both help and harm their ability to discover and exploit opportunities. I draw on several literatures, including studies of habitual entrepreneurship, behavioral learning theory, and theories of mindfulness, to develop a framework that yields insights about how, when and why habitual entrepreneurs’ use of past experience might improve the performance of their new ventures.  相似文献   

How does entrepreneurial leadership drive the process of forming and advancing opportunity? Drawing from an ethnographic field study of Nashville music producers, I develop a model of entrepreneurial leadership as creative brokering – the practices and process by which entrepreneurs lead and mobilize a complex network of actors in co-creating and advancing opportunity. I find that entrepreneurial leaders encounter three tensions as they advance this process: 1) generating novel ideas and fitting them within the competitive landscape; 2) incubating opportunity and seizing the moment in the market; and 3) fostering experimentation and navigating hyper-competition. I show when these tensions arise and identify six creative brokering practices through which leaders leverage their brokerage role to navigate these tensions in order to move opportunity forward. The paper offers a model of entrepreneurial leadership as creative brokering, extends extant creative brokering scholarship to consider more distal market actors, and shows how creative brokering and leadership towards creative outcomes involve iteratively stepping forward to infuse market perspective and exert control, and stepping back to let others shine and co-create ideas.  相似文献   

We draw from cognitive science literature on rule‐based thinking to develop and empirically test a theoretical framework of entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation. We argue that entrepreneurs make use of socially constructed rules to discern the attractiveness of an opportunity, for them, specifically. Using conjoint analysis data of 498 decisions made by 62 entrepreneurs, we find that entrepreneurs' use of rules regarding opportunity novelty, resource efficiency, and worst‐case scenario significantly influences entrepreneurs' evaluations of opportunities and that individual differences in opportunity market and technology knowledge augment the effect of the rules on opportunity attractiveness. Additionally, we document that the worst‐case scenario diminishes the positive effect of other rule criteria (e.g. novelty, resource efficiency) on opportunity evaluation and that market and technology knowledge further influence the negative effects of the worst‐case scenario.  相似文献   

Nascent entrepreneurs continuously evaluate the merits of the opportunities they pursue and so can abandon those that lack promise and persist with those that remain attractive. This paper articulates this evolving judgment about the opportunity as the nascent entrepreneur's opportunity confidence. It situates this construct in the context of the nascent entrepreneur's human capital and early planning actions in respect to the pursued opportunity, and in respect to the emergence of the nascent venture. Analyses of PSED data show that opportunity confidence positively affects venture emergence and that, through it, entrepreneurial experience and early planning have only indirect effects on venture emergence. In contrast, industry experience has a direct, positive effect on venture emergence. These results provide some novel insights into the nascent entrepreneurial process as well as into the role of human capital and early planning in that process.  相似文献   

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