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生态节事活动的成功举办与形象传播对建设生态城市、弘扬生态文明理念具有重要意义。以2019北京世界园艺博览会为案例,基于"投射形象-感知形象"的分析框架,运用内容分析、对应分析、成分分析方法,评估了典型生态节事活动的形象投射与感知差异。研究发现:(1)北京世园会形象可以划分为旅游吸引物、环境与地方氛围、设施与服务、旅游体验4个维度。(2)投射形象与感知形象仅在旅游吸引物维度方向差异小,在环境与地方氛围、设施与服务、旅游体验维度方向差异大。(3)投射形象与感知形象在旅游体验、环境与地方氛围维度上成分差异大;在旅游吸引物和设施与服务维度,投射形象内部存在明显分异,反映在官方微博的投射形象与感知形象成分差异大,设施与服务维度官方公众号的投射形象与感知形象成分差异大。(4)北京世园会努力建构的绿色生态的环境与地方氛围在游客感知层面接受度较差,核心原因是供需两侧的目标、需求与策略的不匹配。本研究对北京世园会投射形象与感知形象的方向差异与成分差异进行了重点分析,揭示了其在不同主题维度的区别化特征。这有助于促进生态节事活动的科学化、精细化评估,为其形象传播效果提升提供支持。  相似文献   

国家公园作为我国生态文明成就体现的重要场域之一,促进其投射与感知形象的契合是提高国民认同度的关键点。本研究以武夷山国家公园为例,收集武夷山国家公园官方宣传文本与携程旅行网站游客评论文本,基于旅游凝视理论,利用隐含狄利克雷分布(LDA)主题模型方法,对武夷山国家公园官方投射形象与游客感知形象进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)网络语境下国家公园形象可归纳为自然资源、文化资源、旅游体验、设施服务、价值地位5个维度;(2)“投射—感知”形象的核心高频词重合率仅为1/3,官方宣传内容的广泛性与游客感知体验的具体性有较大差别;(3)分维比较显示,自然资源维度的“投射—感知”形象契合度高,其他维度均存在错位现象。在此基础上,本研究运用二维象限法,构建了国家公园形象的维持区域、优势区域和改进区域,并针对各区域特点提出了基于国家公园管理组织主导的策略建议。  相似文献   

于鹏  张宏梅 《旅游学刊》2016,(12):62-75
文章将旅游研究领域的国家形象界定为国际旅游者对目的地国家的总体认知和情感的心理表征,并将其划分为宏观国家形象和微观国家形象两个构成部分.以韩国作为旅游目的地国家,中国潜在旅游者作为调查对象,探讨潜在旅游者对韩国国家形象的感知,检验国家形象构成维度及其与旅游意向之间的关系.研究表明,宏观国家认知形象由国家特征、国家能力、国民特征、环境管理和国家关系5个维度构成,微观国家认知形象由旅游环境、旅游设施和文化氛围3个维度构成.国家情感形象对潜在旅游者的旅游意向有显著影响;微观国家认知形象显著影响国家情感形象,宏观国家认知形象中的国民特征因子显著影响国家情感形象;国家认知形象通过国家情感形象的中介作用对潜在旅游者的旅游意向产生影响.研究结论为韩国和中国旅游管理部门提升国家形象,应对旅游市场全球化的挑战以及参与国际旅游竞争提供一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目的地投射形象与旅游者感知形象分别从供给与需求两方面阐释了目的地形象。本文通过对张家界国家森林公园官网传递的投射形象和旅游评论网站上的呈现的感知形象进行对比分析,并得出以下结论:(1)投射形象与感知形象在形象主题方面存在差异,对自然旅游资源的认可度表现一致,对民俗文化却存在较大差异;(2)投射形象和感知形象在情感倾向上较为一致,都以传达积极情绪为主。…  相似文献   

旅游业强劲的发展势头、旅游目的地之间竞争的日益加剧,使国内外旅游学界对旅游感知形象的研究领域日益关注。本文采用文献分析法,回顾和总结了国内外旅游感知形象研究的重要内容和主要成果,为开拓国内旅游形象研究新视野具有重要意义。  相似文献   

旅游形象研究对资源相似型旅游目的地发展具有现实意义。在已有研究基础上将政府宣传形象纳入资源相似型旅游目的地旅游形象研究范畴,并选取资源禀赋高度近似的西双版纳州和德宏州为案例,实现游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象对比,选择两地游客网络游记与政府宣传网络文本为研究样本,运用内容分析法和IPA模型对两地游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象进行对比研究。研究结果表明:旅游吸引物形象维度在资源相似型目的地旅游形象中具有“非敏感性”;资源相似型旅游目的地游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象呈现出“差异—趋同”特征;资源相似型旅游目的地在“认同—错位”和“差异—趋同”效应的叠加作用下,具有各自的优势旅游形象维度。  相似文献   

网络文本对于研究旅游地形象具有重要价值,本文以衡山为研究案例,运用ROST软件统计衡山的投射形象和感知形象两方面的信息,进行高频词分析、共词分析、差异分析、情感分析等,发现衡山的旅游形象可归纳为旅游吸引物、历史与文化、旅游设施与服务、旅游宣传与保护、旅游体验五大主题,旅游者的感知形象与旅游供给者的投射形象存在差异,旅游者的消极感知主要来源于天气影响、交通不便和旅游旺季人多拥挤三个方面。基于此,文中提出相关建议,以期对衡山旅游形象的完善与提升、旅游营销战略的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

到访旅游者网络口碑传播对目的地形象有着越来越重要的影响。因此,该研究基于旅游者权力理论,将旅游者视为与DMO一样的能动主体,对应DMO投射形象提出了旅游者投射形象的概念,进而将旅游者对目的地形象的认知过程从原有的单一个体模型拓展到时间阶段和影响主体更为完整的群体网络状模型。研究进一步通过比较到访旅游者和DMO传播对潜在旅游者引致形象形成过程的影响力,提出当旅游者投射形象比DMO投射形象被更多的旅游者所接受时,就会发生品牌劫持现象。文章结合普洛格(Plog)提出的目的地生命周期理论,分析了此种情况之下目的地形象异化的演进过程,并为目的地营销工作的改进提供了具体的建议。  相似文献   

潜在游客对目的地旅游形象的感知是旅游目的地选择行为的开始,而旅游形象的感知又来源于对该旅游地的认识,也就是通过各种信息"熟悉"该旅游目的地.本文根据前人研究结果提出了以熟悉度作为前因变量,认知形象与情感形象为中介变量的旅游形象感知行为模型,并以重庆市民对上海旅游形象感知为例进行了实证研究.研究表明:在本文的旅游形象感知行为模型中,对于旅游意向影响最大的因素是熟悉度,它通过4条路径对旅游意向产生间接和直接影响,其总影响效果达到了0.591;其次为认知形象和情感形象,它们对旅游意向的总影响效果分别为0.546和0.378.  相似文献   

网红书店是休闲旅游活动的新型载体之一,它同时承载着文化和休闲等多元功能,对国民文旅休闲具有重要意义。网络形象感知与传播直接影响到网红书店的运营和管理模式,而网络评论客观地记录了消费者对旅游地的感受,为网红书店的形象感知研究提供了重要参考。文章筛选了马蜂窝旅游网平台和微信公众号上关于北京网红书店的“游记”与推文,通过分析国内消费者对于网红书店的认知形象、情感形象和总体形象感知,对其进行质性研究。研究发现,消费者对网红书店的认知要素可以归为书店功能、服务场景、书籍类型、品牌、选址、客群和书店类型等七大要素;消费者主要是对网红书店新增的服务内容以及提供的休闲功能所引发的休闲空间与文化空间的冲突存在少量的负面情绪,但对网红书店的情感态度仍以正面情绪为主;网红书店的分类可以划分为文化型、学习型、综合型和休闲型。  相似文献   

The present case study seeks to contribute to the culinary event management literature, investigating key motivators among participants to the Derbyshire Food and Drink Fair, United Kingdom. A questionnaire, which was partly based on predictors related to the theory of planned behavior was designed and distributed; 308 usable responses were collected. The validity and impact of attitude toward the behavior, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms on behavioral intention was confirmed. Additionally, several motivators, such as “commitment and perceived importance,” “consumption and entertainment,” “attendance and discovery,” and “joining others” were identified as key factors. Finally, statistically significant differences were noticed among various participating groups, namely, in terms of age, gender, or distance traveled to the event. The findings have important implications for event managers and organizers, in terms of promotion, and addressing the needs and wants of various segments of food festival attendees.  相似文献   

Family-run businesses are key players in the hotel industry and provide accommodations in many tourism regions such as the Austrian Alps. To date, research has failed to see the family firm status as a source of competitive advantage for the hospitality industry, despite often being used in practice to attract customers. Through the theoretical lens of signaling theory, this study therefore conducted experiments using fictitious hotel websites with participants from a German online panel (Austria’s largest incoming market) to investigate the effectiveness of family firm brand signals. The results confirm positive effects of communicating the family firm image on consumer response such as word-of-mouth, willingness to pay a price premium, and booking intention. We highlight that this effect is explained by perceived hospitableness. As such, we demonstrate that hotels can capitalize on their unique status by communicating their family firm image.  相似文献   

This study presents the perceived and projected image of Taiwan as a travel destination from perspectives from Mainland China. The perceived image of Taiwan was examined by interviewing 28 Mainland Chinese; the projected image of Taiwan was investigated by analyzing articles in China's most popular travel magazines. The different types of images of Taiwan among visitors, nonvisitors, and travel magazines were compared. The projected image changed notably after the opening of Taiwan's tourism to travelers from Mainland China. The results of this study could help destination marketing organizations to assess their marketing strategies for the Mainland Chinese travel market.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the concept of tourist destination image, and in particular the relationship between the perceived and projected image of Spain in the British market. The projected image was obtained through an analysis of the principal sources of secondary information on the promotion of Spain, while the perceived image was obtained from a study carried out among 120 British tourists. Evaluation of destination attributes and positioning of Spanish tourist areas provided useful results of the perceived image. Some differences were noted between the projected and the perceived image of Spain. The paper concludes by recommending a consumer-focused orientation in marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Understanding the motivation to visit particular tourist destinations and festivals is important for building effective tourism marketing strategies. This paper explores the effect of existing health and wellness values on the motivation to visit a festival using a field survey at the Goomeri Pumpkin Festival, a typical Australian festival which uses the natural environment, traditions and local produce to provide 21 events during the festival. The study focused on establishing the relationship between health and wellness values and festival attendees' motivation. Qualitative research with random sampling was selected to collect the data. The results revealed high levels of health and wellness values among the participants as well as social interaction, family togetherness, cultural exploration, novelty, natural environment, relaxation, previous food festival experience and food as motivations. Findings of this paper can contribute to festival tourism marketing especially to demonstrate that health-related interests can be significant catalysts for attracting festival attendees.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of Oriental medicine festivals to Oriental medical tourism, little research has been conducted to understand the behavioral intention of visitors to these festivals. Therefore, this study examines the behavioral intention of visitors to a Korean Oriental medicine festival. This study employs the extended model of goal-directed behavior (EMGB) that incorporates two constructs related to Oriental medicine festivals: the Oriental medicine image of festival site (image) and the perception of Oriental medicine (perception). An on-site survey was conducted with 423 visitors attending the Sancheong Herbal Festival in South Korea. Results reveal that attitude, subjective norm, and positive anticipated emotion influenced visitors' desire to attend the festival, which, in turn, influenced their behavioral intentions. Two constructs of image and perception formed positive and significant relationships with attitude toward attending the festival. Practical implications of the study results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of two types of perceived crowding (spatial crowding and human crowding) on festival experience as well as how the interactions among visitors moderate the relationship by introducing the variable ‘visitor-to-visitor interaction’. To this end, taking Chinese local cultural festivals as the research object, empirical tests with regression analysis are conducted on 555 questionnaires concerning people's festival experience and perception of spatial crowding and human crowding. The results reveal an inverted U-shaped relationship between perceived human crowding and festival experience, whereas perceived spatial crowding consistently negatively affects the festival experience. Furthermore, the moderating effect of interactions among visitors is confirmed: the quality of interaction has different moderating effects on the relationship between different types of crowding perception and festival experience, and the quantity of interaction positively moderates the relationship between perceived spatial crowding and festival experience.  相似文献   

现有传播研究缺少对大型事件本身作为媒介的关注。该研究聚焦于作为新型媒介的大型事件,在议程设置理论指导下,以国家形象为切入点,通过对2010年上海世博会法国馆、日本馆游客展开认知形象研究,试图探讨事件作为新媒介的传播效果。针对156名游客进行的事前、事中现场调研,文章主研究结论如下:第一,世博会作为事件媒介载体在国家形象构建和传播过程中具有明显的议程设置特点。“议题”主通过位置强调、面积和数量、规模濒次)重视、加框以及媒介语言的使用等途径进行凸显。第二,事前一事中对比显示游客的国家形象认知变化是强化、弱化和建构并行;变化的发生与事件媒介议程设置有关。变化主表现为:目标型游客事前认知中的部分积极成分被强化,部分消极成分被弱化;事前认知模糊或者缺乏认知的大众型游客在事中会迅速建构某些方面的形象认知。第三,认知变化与事件媒介议程设置有关,体验型媒介语言和实用性信息易获得高关注,事件加框效果不及常识加框。  相似文献   

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