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我国外来杂草的研究进展与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从外来杂草入侵的机制以及对外来杂草的控制等方面综述了近年来我国关于外来杂草的研究进展,并探讨了今后的研究方向;外来杂草已成为我国杂草区系的重要组成部分,在我国造成了严重的危害。  相似文献   

自1998年以来,浙江省种植业发生了很大的变化,种植业走向全面市场化的轨道,立足优势,特色产业发展鲜明,优势农产品区域布局初步形成,但也存在诸多问题。该文提出了优化种植业结构、提高科技支撑水平、推进种植业产业化进程与注重农产品安全等对策建议。  相似文献   

西部中药材种植业的发展优势与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对中药材种植业在中药产业链中的重要性和发展规模进行了介绍,提出了西部地区发展中药材种植业的优势和应遵循的原则,探讨了西部地区发展中药材种植业的建议与对策。  相似文献   

Land and water resource issues typically fall under separate governance systems. For example, agricultural policy regulates land-cover change while water departments regulate water quality. However, land-use changes can directly affect water resources. Water flow regulation is a key service which is affected by changes in land-cover but its dynamics are poorly understood by most policy makers and land management organisations. We simulated and quantified the effects of plant invasions on land-cover, hydrological soil characteristics and catchment responsiveness on flow regulation using a hydrological model. The case study was located in the indigenous fynbos shrublands in South Africa. Fynbos requires fire to regenerate, has moderate biomass, occurs mostly in areas with a potential to erode and is prone to invasion by woody plant species, particularly trees. Invasions can affect flow regulation by changing community structure and function and increasing fuel loads. The greater fuel load increases fire intensity and severity which, in turn, changes the hydrological responses of catchments. Few studies have assessed the effects of invasion on hydrological responses but studies on plantations have recorded significant increases in soil water repellence following fire, resulting in increased overland flow similar to impacts of fires in invaded areas. Simulation of clear-felling of pines and different degrees of water repellency increased both the responsiveness of the catchment to rainfall and extreme rainfall events. The simulated fire effects were consistent with other studies of hydrological responses to fire. Our study indicates that invasions of pines and acacias in the study area could substantially increase the risk of flood damage even from moderate rainfall events, and highlights the importance of maintaining flow regulation capacity. New policy approaches are required which take account of the linkages and interactions between land-use choices, water resources and ecosystem services, and address them when considering governance arrangements.  相似文献   

The specialised livestock industry is poised for excellent growth and development in both Saskatchewan and Canada. … Specialised livestock have the potential to meet market demands in other parts of the world as well as local opportunities for healthy and exotic foods. (Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2000).
… there are now 4000 deer farms in New Zealand. They are running 1.8 million animals, in a country somewhat smaller than Saskatchewan! (Haigh 2000).
There are domestic and export markets for venison and export offers the best returns. Over 80% of Australian-produced venison is now exported … They are large markets with limited Australian market penetration because of the current small size of our industry and our inability to provide the volume required (Mackay 2000).
…the behaviour of new enterprises follow a very predictable pattern. Unfortunately, despite the highly predictable nature of these issues and problems, the same mistakes are made over and over (McKinna 1999).  相似文献   

对山东省外来杂草的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
经过调查研究和参考文献资料,山东省计有外来杂草22科46属65种,其中50.77%为美洲起源,46.7%的种类是作为有用植物有意引进。其余则随交通工具、进口农产品等无意引进;根据外来杂草在山东的丰富程度,可分为恶性杂草、常见杂草、选逸种和具有潜在危害性杂草等种类;探讨了外来杂草入侵的生态环境和经济后果,提出了对外来杂草的管理对策。  相似文献   

2008年国家林业局与国家统计局联合发布《林业及相关产业分类(试行)》,这是林业统计工作的突破性成果,为林业主管部门及时掌握行业经济发展总量和结构提供了可能。《分类》发布后即在全国实施,并据此调整和规范林业统计年报制度中林业产业总产值指标分类,使林业产业产值更加清晰地反映林业及与林业相关的产业发展情况。介绍了《分类》和林业统计年报制度的实施情况,取得的成绩和存在的问题,并提出针对性的意见和建议,值得各级林业统计机构和统计人员参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地南缘地区是我国沙漠戈壁及沙漠化土地分布大区,也是塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘的流沙入侵带,对区域经济和社会发展构成了很大威胁。长期以来在治理沙漠方面做了大量的工作,但有些地区收效不太理想。文章对和田地区土地沙化的成因进行了分析,通过发展沙产业来实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的有机统一,为治沙工作探索新的途径,并指出应如何发展沙产业来防治土地沙化。  相似文献   

A plant location model with two major aspects is outlined. First, discrete stochastic programming is used to handle variability in supplies and demands. Second, the cost structure of plants is modelled in more detail and with more realism than is usual. Results from applying the model to the Queensland cattle slaughtering industry demonstrate the inappropriateness of using traditional deterministic plant location models to analyse problems with major stochastic elements. Deterministic models yield plant locations, sizes, throughputs, commodity flows and implications which differ markedly from those generated by stochastic models in which plant sizes and locations are optimally matched to variable fat cattle supplies. In addition, the traditional deterministic long-run model overestimates the normative gains of industry rationalisation.  相似文献   

云南核桃产业发展中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南现有核桃面积30.7万hm2,居全国之首,核桃年产量达6.8万t,占全国产量的20%。大理州宾川县拉乌乡核桃收入在万元以上的农户达500多户,核桃产业已成为富民强县的支柱产业。但是,云南核桃每公顷产量很低,仅225kg产品以销售核桃仁、核桃为主,产品加工与营销严重滞后,制约着核桃产业的发展。产业的发展尚需科学规划、合理布局;加速发展加工业延长产业链;开发新产品,建立产品集散市场与行业协会等有效措施,促进核桃产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵遥感监测预警研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章紧密围绕近年来国内外关于外来植物入侵遥感监测、预警新技术、新方法,总结了当前监测预警技术方法的问题和不足,阐明了未来针对外来入侵植物的遥感监测、预警技术发展趋势和方向。目前在监测方法上,主要有图像识别法、高光谱监测法、雷达数据辅助识别法和中低分辨率时序序列数据分析法等。其中,图像识别法和高光谱监测法应用较多,但其数据来源获取困难,后期数据处理工作量大,缺少普适性强的自动解译算法;雷达数据辅助识别法由于雷达数据自身空间分辨率粗糙,在植被监测中往往配合其他数据源同时使用,因此应用上有一定的局限性;中低分辨率时序序列数据分析法适用于较大空间尺度上的植被外来物种入侵监测,监测结果空间定位能力差,很难在小尺度区域上进行应用。在预警方法上,主要有生态机理模型预测和数学模型机理预测两种方法,基于GIS和遥感技术的生态学模型预测机理性强、易推广,预警精度较好,具备一定的空间定位能力,适宜于在宏观区域尺度上应用,但存在部分关键植被生理遥感参数获取困难等问题。数学统计模型预测以理论统计为主,只是对外来植物入侵发生的概率进行了估测,对物种或区域环境依赖程度高,普适性较差,遥感参数较少参与模拟过程,空间定位能力不足。总体上,利用遥感技术快速、准确地进行外来入侵植物定位监测和预警已成为防控外来植物入侵,维护区域生态安全的必然趋势。在数据源集成上,传统可见光遥感和新型激光雷达遥感、高光谱遥感、多角度遥感等多源数据集成、融合应用更为多见,数据获取范围进一步拓宽。特别是诸多新型国产高分卫星发射升空后,使得监测时效性和成本进一步改善,实用化、规模化、业务化动态监测成为可能。在技术方法上,受信息技术、自动化技术和传感器制造技术的影响,数据获取范围不断拓宽,空间定位能力不断增强,监测、预警也将不再局限于单一技术和模型的应用,而是多模型、多平台(星-机-地)综合监测、预警模式成为趋势,外来植物入侵的遥感监测技术正逐步发展成为植被生态遥感学科领域的重要分支学科。  相似文献   

Invasive species, including plants, insects and other pests, are a serious threat to agricultural production and to the environment in general. Finland has traditionally had a favourable situation concerning invasives, partly due to its isolated geographical location. The situation may now be changing and one of the currently increasing threats is the Colorado potato beetle (CPB). Finland has designed a CPB protection policy incorporating a protected zone, which is commonly used to deal with invasive plant pests in other European countries. Within this zone, the randomly occurring CPB invasions are collectively fended off, to prevent the establishment of a permanent pest population and to minimise potential damage. This paper evaluates the economics of the current protection programme, comparing this to a hypothetical situation in which the current pre-emptive policy is abandoned and control relies on producers' individual reactive protection measures. The annual random pest invasions are modelled in a static stochastic framework. To date the pest has not been able to establish a permanent population in Finland. According to our analysis, the currently exercised pre-emptive policy is the cost-efficient choice at this point. The relatively low expected invasion magnitude is one of the key factors supporting the efficiency of the current system. Another reason is the fairly small damage incurred. However, when the invasions become larger and more frequent or the pest strains more cold-resistant, the future situation may change.  相似文献   

Using supermarket scanner data, we test a variety of hypotheses from trade journals about the invasion of private–label food products. According to conventional industry wisdom, name–brand firms defended their brands against new private–label products by lowering their prices, engaging in additional promotional activities, and increasingly differentiating their products. Our empirical evidence is inconsistent with these beliefs.  相似文献   

根据11年的《中国林业统计年鉴》和《黑龙江省统计年鉴》数据,对黑龙江省木材产业产品的发展变化趋势进行描述;选择影响发展的主要指标对黑龙江省三类木材加工产业进行灰色关联分析,以产值作为参考数列。结果表明,各指标与不同加工产业的产值的关联度各不相同,企业数量对木材加工及木制品业的产值影响最大,年人均劳动生产率对家具制造业的产值的影响最大,造纸及纸制品业的产品销售率对总产值的影响最大。依据研究结果提出提高木材产业技术含量、推进木材产业集聚发展、保障产业可持续发展等提高产业竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

近年来河南省大力发展茶产业,过度、盲目开垦茶园,豫南信阳以外的一些地区甚至也出现了毁农田种茶树的极端现象,严重违背了茶树生长的自然规律,不符合茶产业持续健康发展的理念。在这样的大背景下,该文结合全国茶树种植区域布局情况和河南省在全国茶产业所处位置,对河南省茶树种植分布状况加以阐述。并从与茶产业息息相关的茶树生长所需的适宜气候条件,茶园地形、地貌、土壤类型、海拔等自然生态条件,茶树品种资源,茶树种植区划等几个方面的研究进展进行综合论述。在此基础上,对河南省茶产业进一步发展提出合理化建议:在种植规模的总体布局上稳定面积,适度发展,坚决杜绝毁粮种茶;在种植区域布局上,要以种植核心适宜区为基础和主体,种植开发区小气候适宜的可以局部发展,种植辐射区不宜发展。  相似文献   

Current methods for assessing capacity and its utilisation infisheries operate at the firm-level, but neglect industry capacity.Here, we introduce the Johansen-Färe measure of plant capacityof the firm into a multi-output, frontier-based version of theshort-run Johansen industry model. The model determines firmcapacity utilisation such that current industry outputs aremaintained, while minimising the use of fixed inputs at industrylevel and assuming abundant variable inputs. Policy extensionsrelevant to combating overfishing include tightening quotas,seasonal closures, linking economic and plant capacity, decommissioningschemes and area closures, implementation issues and equityconsiderations. The application to the Danish fisheries revealssubstantial overcapacity in the Danish fleet.  相似文献   

山东省种植业区域比较优势与发展对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文在对山东省农业资源、环境、经济和社会等主要指标调查分析的基础上,通过区域主要农作物优势指数测算,得出了山东种植业区域比较优势和区域发展优势类型,并提出了加快山东种植业发展对策措施。  相似文献   

人类产业经济活动对生态环境的影响是目前区域可持续发展关注的重大问题。利用不同产业的生态环境影响指数(RCIIISNE)和综合评价指数(ECIIISD),分析洞庭湖区2001~2010年产业结构变化对生态环境的影响。结果表明:(1)产业结构变化的RCIIISNE值呈现出持续上升趋势,与GDP呈正相关性,对生态环境的干扰与影响程度处于中等状态,年均RCIIISNE值为3.4053,接近较重状态。(2)第二产业占主导地位的结构形势对RCIIISNE值影响最大,而第三产业占主导地位的影响最小。(3)产业结构变化的ECIIISD值有所降低的是种植业和纺织业,其余23个产业类型的ECIIISD值均有上升;ECIIISD值和EPC值都较高的产业只有竹木工艺加工业、批发和零售业和旅游住宿餐饮业,表明产业发展的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益三者不相协调。  相似文献   

桂北油茶产业发展现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂北地区的桂林市土地资源丰富,气候条件适宜,发展油茶产业得天独厚。油茶栽培面积2.83万hm2,年产茶油243万kg;然而目前存在着油茶林逐步老化、群众对油茶林的管理意识薄弱、油茶产品的加工技术落后等方面的问题。通过分析,提出了桂北油茶产业发展的历史、现状、存在问题与建议和发展前景。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,我国石油和化工行业飞速发展,全行业产值年均增长22%.2010年,全行业总产值达8.8万亿元,增幅超过34%.新增原油探明地质储量57.5亿吨,剩余技术可采储量31.4亿吨,同比增长6.5%,新增天然气探明储量2.97亿立方米,天然气剩余技术可采储量3.9万亿立方米,同比增3.7%.与此同时,国内油气供需矛盾继续加大,原油净进口持续快速增长,已达2.37亿吨,年均增长12.2%,对外依存度已达54.1%.我国油气进口新格局基本建立,西北、东北、西南方面及海上的四大国际管线已呈现,形成了多元化的进口格局,不但减轻了马六甲海峡的威胁,而且大大提高了油气资源的保障能力.  相似文献   

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