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目前Authorware多媒体课件应用广泛,文章阐明了Authorware基于流程控制的面向对象的可视化编程特点,文章还提出了用Authorware软件进行课件开发时,为提高开发效率和保持课件风格的一个行之有效的方法--模块化设计方法,以计算机文化基础课件开发为例,实践证明模块化设计方法在多媒体课件的开发中非常有效。  相似文献   

文章提出用Authorware软件进行道路工程测量学MCAI(Multimedia Computer Assisced Inscruction)课件的开发时,为提高开发效率和保持课件风格的一个行之有效的方法-模块化设计方法,实践证明,模块化设计方法在多媒体课件的开发中非常有效。  相似文献   

文章阐述了充分利用支持网络教学的软件工具、教学资源,采用软件原型方法在网络教学平台上开发《人体寄生虫学网络课程》教学课件的方法。课件开发以教学单元为依据,网页组织采用导航结构,链接相关的教学单元,采用多媒体的表现形式。课件的课堂教学定位以教师讲课为主,学生自学为辅。课件的功能结构采用模块化的组织方法,为学生提供一个专业知识信息库,为教师与学生搭建一个相互交流的平台。  相似文献   

文章阐述了充分利用支持网络教学的软件工具、教学资源,采用软件原型方法在网络教学平台上开发<人体寄生虫学网络课程>教学课件的方法.课件开发以教学单元为依据,网页组织采用导航结构,链接相关的教学单元,采用多媒体的表现形式.课件的课堂教学定位以教师讲课为主,学生自学为辅.课件的功能结构采用模块化的组织方法,为学生提供一个专业知识信息库,为教师与学生搭建一个相互交流的平台.  相似文献   

本文从个人制作政工多媒体课件的过程中就课件开发平台、技术支持、课件制作过程、政工多媒体课件设计原则及积极运用字表处理、图形处理、录像、动画等现代信息技术充实课件等方面着手,探讨研究军队政治教育工作对课件的要求,正确把握政工教学课件设计方法、制作原则,从而提高政工课件制作水平。  相似文献   

<正>随着培训管理的不断创新,课件开发已成为培训工作者的首要任务。那么什么样的培训课件既能达到培训目的又深受学员欢迎呢?结合实践工作经验,笔者就培训课件开发与设计的主导思路、开发步骤、审核程序等方面谈几点粗浅的想法。一、培训课件开发与设计的主导思路培训课件开发的主导思想是:确保培训教材的实用性、规范性、专业性、针对性,切实满足培训对象的需要。培训教材在开发、编制前要细化每项开发内容,并制定出统一的标  相似文献   

本期发表李春田教授的重要论著《现代标准化前沿——"模块化"研究报告》的第八章。该章重点讲述模块化对产品设计方法创新的重要作用。模块化设计为企业建造了一个开发新产品和个性化产品的平台。模块化平台采用"不变部分 可变部分"的方法,为企业不断开发新产品、降低成本、提高效率、缩短开发周期创造了条件。  相似文献   

轨道交通装备为适应现代化市场需求推出了模块化设计,模块化设计的出现对产品定制化具有重大意义。文章阐述了模块化的内涵,并以B型地铁为例介绍了模块化库的建设、技术平台的开发及模块化未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着汽车规模化、大批量的生产越来越普遍,模块化的设计方法在越来越多的企业得到应用。上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司的CN180作为一款全新车型平台,在开发的前期规划了CAR、SUV、MPV及CUV等车型,各个系统的设计运用了模块化设计方法。文章从驱动轴入手,详细介绍了驱动轴的模块化设计方法,包括节型的选择、规格的制定、轴杆的直径及花键的校核等方面入手,通过实例验证了同一平台下不同车型和不同动力组合下驱动轴的模块化设计方法。  相似文献   

左晋荣 《企业导报》2013,(9):236-236
《机床电控》是机械工程学中的一门重要的专业基础课。本文分析了机床电控课程的学习要求,较详细地阐述了机床电控多媒体课件的教学设计,全面论述了开发机床电控多媒体课件的设计和开发过程。  相似文献   

Preference Reversal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Preference reversal concerns a systematic divergence between prices of lotteries and subjects' expressed preferences for playing the respective lotteries. This article surveys the discovery of preference reversal by psychologists, its re–examination and corroboration both by psychologists and later on by (first sceptical) economists, as well as the causes of preference reversal. The preference reversal phenomenon has been explained to be caused by four determinants, viz. by the mode of elicitation of certainty equivalents, by intransitivity of preferences, by overpricing and/or underpricing of lotteries, and by nonlinear probabilities. JEL classification: D81  相似文献   

目的:采用蒸馏法提取,比较提取金银花中的挥发油,筛选出金银花中挥发油最佳提取方法。方法:取金银花进行加工处理,采用共水蒸馏法和通水蒸气蒸馏法提取其中的挥发油。结果:以芳樟醇为考察指标,结果显示,经盐加工处理后的金银花采用以上2种蒸馏法能提出淡黄色芳香的挥发油,较未经加工处理的金银花提取的芳樟醇含量多。结论:在提取金银花中挥发油的过程中,应经盐加工处理后再进行共水蒸馏提取。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of the business press in creating and disseminating information around earnings announcements by examining different motivations of trading volume. We find that press coverage is positively associated with trading activity motivated by differential interpretation and by differential belief revision, consistent with the press playing both an information creation and information dissemination role around earnings announcements. When we divide press coverage into full articles with additional editorial content and news flashes merely repeating verbatim of firm-disclosed press releases, we find that trading volume motivated by both differential interpretation and differential belief revision increases as coverage by full articles increases, and trading volume motivated by differential belief revision increases as coverage by news flashes increases. We also report that the differential interpretation effect of full articles is more pronounced when information users’ sophistication is high. Overall, we provide new evidence to the literature by showing that each type of press coverage plays an informational role in different motivations of trading activity.  相似文献   

薛庆会  徐玲 《企业活力》2012,(12):47-51
顾客关系承诺有三个维度,持续性承诺、规范性承诺以及情感性承诺。顾客关系承诺意愿越强,则其转换意图就越弱,忠诚度越高。持续性承诺的影响因素包括转换成本和服务质量;情感性承诺的影响因素包括满意和信任;规范性承诺的影响因素为主观规范。对山东省服务业的调查分析显示,情感承诺、规范化承诺和持续性承诺都与转换意向负相关,但是情感承诺由规范化承诺中介,即情感承诺越强,对服务供应商的规范化承诺越强。主观规范与转换意图之间的关系由规范性承诺中介,信任与转换意图之间的关系由情感承诺中介,转换成本与转换意图之间的关系由持续性承诺中介,服务质量和转换意图之间关系没有由持续性承诺中介。  相似文献   

Nonlinear deterministic forecasting of daily dollar exchange rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We perform out-of-sample predictions on several dollar exchange rate returns by using time-delay embedding techniques and a local linear predictor. We compared our predictions with those by a mean value predictor. Some of our predictions of the exchange rate returns outperform the predictions of the same series by the mean value predictor. However, these improvements were not statistically significant. Another interesting result in this paper which was obtained by using a recently developed technique of nonlinear dynamics is that all exchange rate return series we tested have a very high embedding dimension. Additionally, evidence indicates that these series are likely generated by high dimensional systems with measurement noise or by high dimensional nonlinear stochastic systems, that is, nonlinear deterministic systems with dynamic noise.  相似文献   

吴吉龙 《物流技术》2012,(15):358-359,371
详细分析了供应链管理引发连锁企业内部管理巨大变化的两种表现和供应链管理对连锁企业构建竞争优势的积极作用。在此基础上,提出了推进我国连锁企业实施供应链管理的两种主要策略。  相似文献   

We describe a method to predict patent counts disaggregated by industry, using available data on patenting by technology field. This method—the Yale Technology Concordance (YTC)—exploits a data set of patents that have been individually assigned by the Canadian Patent Office to both an industry and a technology field. The procedure for predicting patents by industry is developed as a statistical model so that the standard errors of the predictions can be estimated. The YTC is tested on several subsets of Canadian patents by comparing out-of-sample predictions with industry assignments made by the Canadian Patent Office. We find that the predictions of patents by industry are quite accurate for the subset of patents form US inventors. The prediction errors are much greater for the subset of patents granted or published after 1989. This suggests that the relationship between the technology fields and industries has shifted in a way that the procedure does not capture. Nonetheless, predictions from the YTC do appear to give a reasonably accurate picture of the pattern of patenting by industry.  相似文献   

以工业硫酸锰固体配制成的硫酸锰溶液净化工艺,关键在于采用硫酸铁除钾、钠和以氟化锰除钙、镁两部分,文章探讨采用独特的除杂剂多步净化以制得锂离子电池正极材料用高纯硫酸锰的新工艺。结果表明,硫酸锰溶液采用硫酸铁作为钾、纳净化剂和使用氟化锰去除钙、镁杂质效果显著,结合水解沉淀除铁和硫化钡除重金属,不但得到了纯度较高的硫酸锰产品,而且产品质量最终也达到了电池材料用高纯硫酸锰的标准。  相似文献   

高职应用写作课程行业岗位化教学模式是一种"以就业为导向,以增强行业岗位应用写作能力为目标,以行业岗位化应用写作基地为载体,以学校、行业联合办学为组织形式"的高职应用写作教学新模式,能为社会培养所需的"零距离"上岗的应用写作人才。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: GROUP PROCESS AND PRODUCTIVITY by Ivan D. Steiner WILL THORNE: CONSTRUCTIVE MILITANT: A study in New Unionism and New Politics by Giles and Lisanne Radice INDUSTRIAL STUDIES: Industrial Studies 1: The Key Skills by Ed. Coker and Geoffrey Stuttard (Eds) The Organized Worker by Tony Topham The Activist's Handbook by Bob Houlton Statistics for Bargainers by Karl Hedderwick Calculating by Joyce and Bill Hutton JESSE BOOT OF BOOTS THE CHEMISTS by Stanley Chapman TRAINING IN INDUSTRY: THE MANAGEMENT OF LEARNING by Bernard M. Bass and James A. Vaughan ORGANISATION DESIGN: An analytical approach to the structuring of organisation by Derek Newman INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY AND THE WORKER-OWNED FIRM: A study of twenty-one plywood companies in the Pacific Northwest by Carl J. Bellas SOCIOLOGY and INDUSTRIAL LIFE by J. E. T. Eldridge BRITISH INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Attitudes to Price Increases and Pay Claims by H. Behrend Management and Unions - the theory and reform of industrial relations by A. Flanders Coming to Terms with Trade Unions - Six case studies in Collective Bargaining Strategy by W. E. J. McCarthy and A. S. Collier Managers and Shop Stewards - shop floor revolution by A. I. Marsh Manpower and Pay in Retail Distribution: Distributive Trades E.D.C., National Economic Development Office Collective Agreements - a guide to their Drafting by J. C. Ramsey in association with J. M. Hill INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY: Socialising the Company by D. R. Allan The new Unionism - the case for Workers Control by K. Coates and T. Topham REGISTER OF CURRENT RESEARCH Compiled by Brian Towers LABOUR RELATIONS IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC THE BRITISH SYSTEM OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS  相似文献   

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