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People say the best way to know the layout of a city is to see it from the sky.Seen from the sky,Xiamen is circled entirely by water,newly built buildings standing in order like toy bricks.With new architecture,a well arranged layout and adjacent waters,Xiamen represents distinct characteristics of China's newly uprising cities.  相似文献   

The Republic of Belarus is situ- ated in the heart of Europe,in the East the Republic borders the Russian Federation,in the South the Ukraine,in the West Poland,and in the North Lithuania and Latvia.Belarus is the gateway between Asia and Europe,bear-  相似文献   

"In recent years,we've found increasing interest from Chinese investors in the Belarus economy. Please let China know,Belarus is always ready to be a true friend to China.We have built a fort in Europe for China,"the President of Belarus,Alexander Lukashenko told Zhou Xiaochuan, President of the Bank of China,during his visit to the capital of Minsk,on January 8th,he expressed his high praise and firm confidence in the development of Sino-Belarusian relations.  相似文献   

面对强势广告主最近强硬变革之势,4A媒介代理有点烦。其实,它们更需要直面现实,从服务角度做一些深入的反省和提高。宝洁取消媒介谈判代理公司的理由是什么?接下来会不会取消更多的代理业务?一时间众说纷纭。  相似文献   

Subprime mortgage crisis, which was triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States,has interrupted china's peaceful rise and has major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe. Although the direct impact of the subprime crisis is rather small to china's economy since the exposure of several national banks to the U.S. subprime lending market is relatively limited, there is no denying that the U.S. subprime crisis has been dragging down world's major stocks for months and making it difficult for china's foreign trade. It is predictable that the impact of this financial tsunami will shed its shadow on china's economy sooner or later. Experts are of the view that China may not be directly hit by the crisis as a result of its strong economic fundamentals, limited exposure to this particular variety of assets,  相似文献   

PhD Wang Xingchu was born in 1962. He is the Board Chairman of Shanghai Biotechnology Industrial Garden Coalition Development Co., Ltd. and the General Manager of Shanghai Hua Xin High-Biotechnology Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

PhD Wang Xingchu was born in 1962. He is the Board Chairman of Shanghai Biotechnology Industrial Garden Coalition Devel- opment Co., Ltd. and the General Manager of Shanghai Hua Xin High-Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Wang's some other duties include Vice Director of FINDING magazine, Standing Director of  相似文献   

"I want to remind China's investors to go to Ukraine as soon as possible, otherwise, the market will be occupied by western investors and the opportunities for China's invest-ments will disappear soon", said H.E. Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev, Ambassador of Ukraine to China when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in February. Ukraine, a country which has very good traditional friend-ship with China, has many similarities with China in quite a lot of fields, and it is also carrying out the economie reform. Therefore, the Ukraine Central Government's attitude to the people is very similar to the Chinese Central Government. Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev said. The interview with Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev, l feel, was done in a very friendly and leisure atmosphere,but the communication was very good. - By Reporter  相似文献   

Recently, the cases of Chinese enterprises' merger and acquisition are emerging in multitude. It is believed that M&A will provide opportunities for China enterprises to go global and act in the global economic environment. China enterprises also want high margin profits that are accessible in Western Europe and North America. Judging from the current situation, many companies are not short of money, the banks can also provide a large-scale lending for Chinese companies' overseas M&A. So, the overseas M&A is feasible in the current circum-stance.  相似文献   

Big hit On April 18,2007,Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) Ltd.,one of the leading shipbuilders in China,launched the largest IPO in the last 7 years on the Singapore Exchange I.imited (SGX),Asiu's first demutualised and integrated securities and derivatives exchange.On the first day of the listing,the share price increased from S$0.95 to S$1.34 per share;a 41% increase on the first day. Through the successful Singapore listing,ICH Capi- tal,the company's long-term financial advisor,became a familiar name to Chinese people,especially the people in the coastal province of Jiangsu where Yangzijiang Shipbuilding is located.  相似文献   

Star River(or Star Bay),an elite works of Hong Yu Group,is located in Sijixinghe Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing.It is a distinguished residence area,occupying land of 300 thousand sq.meters.The north side is a forest garden with 1600 or more mu,the eastern side is a green belt with more than 2000 mu.  相似文献   

Lately, a new computing paradigm has emerged: “Cloud Computing”. It seems to be promoted as heavily as the “Grid” was a few years ago, causing broad discussions on the differences between Grid and Cloud Computing. The first contribution of this paper is thus a detailed discussion about the different characteristics of Grid Computing and Cloud Computing. This technical classification allows for a well-founded discussion of the business opportunities of the Cloud Computing paradigm. To this end, this paper first presents a business model framework for Clouds. It subsequently reviews and classifies current Cloud offerings in the light of this framework. Finally, this paper discusses challenges that have to be mastered in order to make the Cloud vision come true and points to promising areas for future research.  相似文献   

有被标题唬愣了吗?卖弄玄虚的背后,其实想借现今网络营销众多手段中的Internet Community(网络社群)及AR(Augmented Reality扩增实境)技术,来分享一个重要概念:Create Time(创造时间)。  相似文献   

3月24日中午,编号为MSN 007的空中客车A380飞机搭载约500名乘客和机组成员飞抵香港,人们见证了空中之王A380和德国汉莎航空公司合作的首次商业验证飞行。在为期12天的  相似文献   

Since becoming a WTO member in 2001, China has been involved in the discussion of two hot issues: one is the protection of intellectual property rights(IPRs), and the other is the standardization in the industrial development. Hosted by the Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM) and State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO), "WTO: IPRs Issues in Standardization International Symposium" was held in Beijing on April 17, 2007.  相似文献   

QFII雷声大,雨点小,雨点小小在真正可能投资于A股市场的资金量上,雷声大大在高唱选股理念上,近来QFII们纷纷表示不看好同时有H股的A股股票,不免在市场上引起一阵鼓噪,脚踏A股H股两条船的上市公司在中国股市多多少少有些贵族派头,这些公司大多是国内各行业举足轻重的企业,尤以港口、高速公路、电力和航空等公用行业为主,QFII偏偏唱空它们,令人有30年河西之感。  相似文献   


This article examines the extent to which trade costs influence the magnitude and direction of both east-west and north-south trade in Canada and the United States. With the aid of an alternative framework which pays attention to key estimation issues in the gravity literature, we garner further evidence in support of a decline, over time, in the home bias syndrome. Our results uphold the Linder hypothesis but refute the Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment proposition. In light of the recently modernized trilateral trade agreement in North America, we conclude with policy lessons on buffering the Canadian economy from asymmetric trade shocks from its southern neighbor.  相似文献   

Algeria,lies in the north-west corner of the African Continent along the Mediterranean Sea linking Africa with Europe,which is truly one of the most ideal locations on earth.  相似文献   

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