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The growing need for a workforce equipped to face uncertainties and address problems not susceptible to inquiry based on pure analytical skills has caused the rapid growth of design‐based curriculum and educational activities. Entrepreneurship education has embraced a design thinking lens, as evidenced by the increasing number of curricula incorporating processes that have roots in design. Yet there is limited understanding of the conceptual underpinnings and the implementation of such practices. We provide theoretical links to provide conceptual clarity to design‐based entrepreneurship education, propose recommendations with a multistakeholder alignment‐based model, and perform a survey to demonstrate its current state of practice.  相似文献   

Investigations into ethical judgments generally seem fuzzy as to the relevant research domain. We first attempted to clarify the construct and determine domain parameters. This attempt required addressing difficulties associated with pinpointing relevant literature, most notably the varied nomenclature used to refer to ethical judgments (individual evaluations of actions’ ethicality). Given this variation in construct nomenclature and the difficulties it presented in identifying pertinent focal studies, we elected to focus on research that cited papers featuring prominent and often-used measures of ethical judgments (primarily, but not exclusively, the Multidimensional Ethics Scale). Our review of these studies indicated a preponderance of inferences and conclusions unwarranted by empirical evidence (likely attributable at least partly to inconsistent nomenclature). Moreover, ethical judgments related consistently to few respondent characteristics or any other variables, emergent relationships may not always be especially meaningful, and much research seems inclined to repetition of already verified findings. Although we concluded that knowledge about ethical judgments seems not to have advanced appreciably after decades of investigation, we suggested a possible path forward that focuses on the content of what is actually being judged as reflected in the myriad of vignettes used in the literature to elicit judgments.  相似文献   

Stepping into August 2007,the Beijing Olympic Games is already being counted down for just one year.Chinese people are making every effort to prepare for the great ceremony in full swing. So,how is the process going now?Let's hear the voice of authorities from Beijing Organizing Com- mittee for the Games(BOCOG)of the XXIX Olympiad released on the press conference of the State Council Information Office on August 6,to get the lastest news.  相似文献   

Old name,new born As a matter of fact,Shanghai Pudong Chamber of International Commerce(Shanghai Pudong CCOIC) is very young,as young as we could call it a new born. In the aim of serving for member enterprises,Pudong CCOIC was founded on April 28 last year.However,the name of Pudong CCOIC is as long as Pudong CCPIT."In the past years,the Pudong CCOIC was just a name. We mixed the function of CCOIC and CCPIT together. But the world develops so rapidly that it requires us to head for a professional servic...  相似文献   

A major earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan County of southwest China's Sichuan Province at 2:28 p.m.May 12,the State Seismological Bureau said.The epicenter of the quake was located 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude With a population of 111,800,WenChuan lies in southeast part of the Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba,146 km to the northwest of Chengdu, provincial capital of Sichuan.Wenchuan is home to the Wolong Nature Reserve,China's leading research and breeding base of the endangered giant pandas.  相似文献   

The report stated that compared to the worldtop 500, China's enterprises, especially itsindustrial enterprises, had a long way to go in theirscale, creative ability and internationalcompetitiveness.Small scale and low efficiency for China'senterprisesThe most superficial gap between the China'sindustrial 500 giants and the world top 500 is theirscale. In 1998, the total assets of China's 500giants averaged US$7 1 1 .56 million and their saleincomes averaged US$398. 12 million, equivalentto …  相似文献   

To reduce information search costs, consumers often use choice-making aids. If these aids are to help consumers make choices consistent with their own preferences, as well as reduce search effort, they must be based on choke models consistent with consumers' true preference sets. This study used conjoint analysis to identify these ideal choice models. Thirty-six percent of the subjects were found to use compensatory choice models and 64 percent noncompensatory models. The results suggest a need to base choice-making aids on ideal choice models if the aid is to lead consumers to decisions consistent with true preferences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to highlight and comment on the key findings emerging from the collective efforts of the special issue on leadership, ethics, and identity. Highlights include definitional advancements, processes comprising ethical leadership, as well as outcomes and moderating factors. In addition, I attempt to synthesize work across authors by identifying common themes as well as conflicting elements in the article. I conclude with a discussion on emerging areas in need of future research investigation in the leadership and ethics arena.  相似文献   

This overview shows the change in health care costs in the aggregate, as a share of GDP, and—along with other programs—the share of entitlements in the federal budget. These trends are unsustainable. Many current proposals for reform imply a one-time downward shift in the curve but do not affect its long-run shape. Thus, they simply postpone consequences for a few years rather than solve the main problem. What must be done is to bend the health care cost curve so that its rate of growth is more in line with that of GDP.  相似文献   

Recenily,hegaveaninterviewtoareporterfromChinaBusinessTimes.aporter:Twoyearsago,whenLorealenteredChinesemarket,withMissGongLi,thefamousChinesemovie-star,asitsimagespokeswoman,China'scosmeticsmarkethadcollectedmanyleadinginternationalbrands.Lorealwasnearlyadecadelaterthantherest.Paul:Inthefieldofcosmetics,foreigncompanieshavebeenenteringthemainlandofChinasincethe1980s.Asaleadingworldbrand,Lorealseemedalittleslow.In1996,wecooperatedwiththeSuzhouMedicalinstitutetoestablishtheSuzhouLorealC…  相似文献   

SwissairandChinaSwissair'sfirstofficialscheduledservicetoChinatoucheddownhereinBeijingsome25yearsago.ThepassengersfromZurichhadbeentravelingforover32hours,andhadlandedinGeneva,AthensandBombayalongtheway.ThelongjourneytoChinahasbecomefar,farswifterovertheinterveningyears.Swissair'sBoeing747scurrentlytakeunderathirdofthebine,completingtheflightinjusttenhours.SwissairwasonlythesecondEuropeanairlinetostartservicestothePeople'sRepublicofChina,followingAirFrance.Itmayhavebeenabolddecisionatth…  相似文献   

Dear Readers, Thank you very much for your interest in and support for China's Foreign Trade.From the first day the Magazine was launched,we have been so happy to see suggestions,comments,encouragement and even complaints from you,dear readers.Over this more than half century,we have been thriving for changes and improvements to be the best.Every word from you is important to us and any feedback will be regarded by us as a chance to improve the Magazine.  相似文献   

Dear Readers, Thank you very much for your interest in and support for China's Foreign Trade.From the first day the Magazine launched,we have been so happy to see suggestions,comments,encouragement and even complaints from you,dear readers.Over this more than half century,we have been thriv- ing for changes and improvements to be the best.Every word from you is important to us and any feedback will be regarded by us as a chance to improve the Magazine.  相似文献   

German banks tend to emphasize how satisfied their clients are with the financial advice they offer. Empirical evidence, however, suggests that this satisfaction may have little to do with the quality of the information exchange between clients and advisors but rather with substitute factors like the friendliness and appearance of the advisor. Applying the theoretical perspectives of New Institutionalism and Behavioural Finance we explain in this article why the coexistence of information and interest asymmetry between retail clients and advisors must lead to poor advice quality and why the market’s self-healing powers and the actual regulatory framework fail in preventing that. We support our theoretical analysis with some empirical evidence from a recent study we conducted to test the factual quality of the advice German banks give in the retail banking area. The results obtained are very consistent with previous findings of a poor level of quality of the information exchange between client and advisor and predominantly confirm our theoretical conclusions. We finally offer some suggestions that might pave the way out of this dilemma.
Daniel KohlertEmail:

Lufthansa's Chairman and CEO Wolfgang Mayrhuber presented a healthy balance sheet today in Frankfurt. "Our financial strength and our commercial success give us a firm base to emerge stronger from the consolidation process in the European air traffic industry. The merger of Lufthansa and SWISS is the marriage of two world renowned airlines with the highest quality and service standards. The most important aspect is that it will pro-  相似文献   

When you name the different automakers,what comes to your mind? Bayerische Motoren WerheAG(BMW),Mercedes- Benz,and Audi from Germany?Ford and General Motors from the U.S.?Toyota,Mitsubishi,and Mazda from Japan?Peugeot and Citroen from French?Volvo from Sweden?Mini from Britain?Fiat from  相似文献   

The development level of a nation is closely connected with how much leisure time its people are able to enjoy. When we use the word "leisure", we often think of our holidays. It is a chance for us to escape from work; the word itself paints a picture of the ideal life and relaxation.  相似文献   

阎岩 《广告导报》2008,(4):46-47
有的人崇拜奢华。有的人却崇拜心灵的奢华。当无数拜金者还在为LV在今年春夏推出的如五彩糖果一般将少女玩味与高尚光荣结合的登峰造极的配饰而极度疯狂的时候.当无数梦想着成为拜金者的准拜金者还在为六大国际名模为了LV争奇斗艳,搔首弄姿羡慕不已的时候,LV通过其品牌历史上第一支TVC告诉所有人,真正的奢华,其实你已经拥有。  相似文献   

北京元培世纪翻译有限公司于2005年3月从元培教育分离成为独立法人,是一家专门从事翻译服务、翻译培训和教育产品研发的服务机构。2006年12月30日,元培翻译作为中国翻译服务企业的代表成功加盟奥运会,首度亮相国际奥林匹克舞台,成为北京2008年奥运会笔译和口译  相似文献   

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