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CVP analysis can do much to help students develop a framework to fit together the management function as a coherent whole. An automobile company is used to illustrate the integrative framework.  相似文献   

Accounting programs have been challenged (e.g., W.S. Albrecht, R.J. Sack, Accounting Education: Charting the Course Through a Perilous Future, Accounting Education Series, vol. 16, American Accounting Association, Sarasota, FL, 2000; AICPA Core Competency Framework for Entry into the Accounting Profession, AICPA, New York, NY, 1999) to create innovative, cross-disciplinary courses/curricula and to tie such offerings to institutional strategic plans (e.g., I.T. Nelson, J.A. Bailey, A.T. Nelson, Issues in Accounting Education, 13 (1999) 301; AACSB International, Standards for accounting accreditation (April 21, 2000), AACSB, St. Louis, MO, 2000; AACSB International, Final draft – Eligibility procedures and standards for accounting accreditation 2004). This paper provides details about both the process used to develop an innovative graduate-level accounting course and the modules (Strategic Cost Management, Planning, and Performance Measurement) comprising the course. The paper therefore describes how one accounting program responded to the aforementioned challenges.At a strategic level, the paper discusses a three-stage process (planning, implementation, and assessment) that guided new-course design. Of particular interest is the impact of our business school's Strategic Plan and the AICPA core competency framework for entry into the accounting profession. (AICPA, New York, NY, 1999) on the development of educational objectives for the new course. Selected implementation issues (e.g., resource commitments needed to support delivery of the new course) are discussed. We also provide details regarding an assessment plan for the course and how data collected for the first three offerings of the course have guided course improvements. Because of its focus on process, this paper should be of interest to other accounting educators, particularly those interested in a stakeholder-based approach to developing and implementing new courses and curricula.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine what colleges and universities are doing to improve accounting students' communication skills and how they are doing it. Results indicate that much is already being done to improve the communication skills of accounting students, and that more programs are being planned. The survey revealed that accounting students at most of the responding colleges and universities have access to formal instruction in business communication, and that some communication programs are tailored for accounting majors. In addition to communication programs already in effect at the time of the survey, several schools were planning to add either an accounting communication course or an integrated skills program.  相似文献   

In management accounting the experimental method has been under-utilised compared to other disciplines such as auditing. This paper examines considerations necessary in experimental design to ensure both internal validity and experimental realism with the aim to increase utilisation of this methodology in management accounting. Task design, experimental design, experimental procedures and post-test questionnaire design are addressed specifically as they form the basic building blocks of most experiments. This paper also examines 'lessons' learned both in the design and administration of the experiment to help researchers in the use of the experimental method. Potential changes to the experiment are discussed, as part of an opportunity to improve future research work using the existing or a similar experiment  相似文献   

Performance management: a framework for management control systems research   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper proposes a framework for analysing the operation of management control systems structured around five central issues. These issues relate to objectives, strategies and plans for their attainment, target-setting, incentive and reward structures and information feedback loops. Their central focus is on the management of organizational performance. Because the framework has been inductively developed, its application is `tested' against three major systems of organizational control, namely budgeting, economic value added and the balanced scorecard. In each case, neglected areas of development are exposed and fruitful topics for research identified. It is believed that the framework can usefully be developed further by its use in analysing other instances of management control systems practice, and that case-based, longitudinal studies provide the best route to this end.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the responsibility cost control system installed at Han Dan Iron and Steel Company in the People’s Republic of China. The Company has adopted a series of management accounting techniques or procedures in its cost control system, including target costing, responsibility accounting, standard costing, flexible budgeting, internal transfer pricing, behavior motivation, performance evaluation, variance analysis, and so on. In particular, the system has integrated responsibility accounting and cost control by introducing market mechanisms to substantially reduce production costs and raise profitability. The successful experiment reveals that the responsibility cost control system is an effective tool for cost control under the changing Chinese business environment. The Han Dan experience demonstrates that management accounting can play a positive role in improving business management and profitability in China or other developing countries. In addition, this study casts light on effective diffusion of management accounting practices under different social and economic systems.  相似文献   

进入知识经济时代,人力资源与人力资本的重要性凸现,奠基于工业经济时代的会计理论与方法体系将面临严重的挑战.人力资源管理会计突破了以往会计学只研究"物尽其用"的局限,把"物尽其用"置于"人尽其才"的基础上,有助于重构一个与知识经济时代相适应、以人力资本为主导并与财务资本相结合的会计理论与方法体系.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a case study that investigated the use of accounting information by operations managers in a road building company. There was considerable preplanning before the execution of project activities, but task uncertainty during execution created the need to take corrective action. Information on prices and expected costs was crucial for preplanning purposes. During project execution higher-level managers depended upon accounting information about actual project costs to be able to focus on low performing projects. Lower-level managers observed work on-site and they used information about the prices of various resources. Learning over time happened on the basis of experimenting with practical ideas and building a repertoire of solutions that worked (or did not work). The study suggests that under high task uncertainty in projects, accounting information may not take on the role of a ‘learning machine’ to help managers decide on action, because managers may supply action-centred skills to manage cost. Action-centred cost management strategies for negotiation and improvisation are not informed by accounting information that supports analytical cost management strategies. The study also suggests that direct observation of processes is more informative compared to the representation of these processes through accounting information, if the complexity of these processes is limited (few different input and output resources).  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - I develop approaches that quantify the use of discretion for the three main assumptions used for the financial reporting of defined benefit pension obligations: the...  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of manufacturing companies, and uses structural equation modeling to examine the relationships between the changing competitive environment, and a range of organizational variables as antecedents to management accounting change. The results indicate that an increasingly competitive environment has resulted in an increased focus on differentiation strategies. This, in turn, has influenced changes in organizational design, advanced manufacturing technology and advanced management accounting practices. These three changes have led to a greater reliance on non-financial accounting information which has led to improved organizational performance.  相似文献   

This study replicates the model developed in Libby and Waterhouse's [Libby, T., & Waterhouse, J. H. (1996). Predicting change in management accounting systems. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 8, 137–150] exploratory study of changes in a population of 23 management accounting control systems, and the five components of planning, controlling, costing, directing, and decision making, at the organizational level in Canadian manufacturing firms. The determinants of size, organizational capacity, intensity of competition, and centralization (replacing decentralization) are used to examine a sample of manufacturing firms in Singapore. Regression results from survey data partially support the cross-national transferability of their findings. Additional analyses show consistency between manufacturing and industrial firms but not service-oriented firms, suggesting limited generalizability of the model across different economic sectors.  相似文献   

This paper continues the theme of Jones (Accounting, Organizations & Society, 10, 177–200, 1985) which described the findings of an empirical study of the changes introduced into management accounting systems following acquisition. It adopts a contingency theory perspective of the findings; relates them to existing hypotheses; and introduces a test of the theory involving measurement of the control relationships established between acquisition partners. Theoretical expectations for the adaptation of effective post- acquisition MAS are developed and related to success/failure.  相似文献   

The study examines how combinations of management techniques and management accounting practices enhance the performance of organizations, under particular strategic priorities. Companies were identified as emphasizing product differentiation, low price strategies or a combination of both. Management techniques included in the study were improving existing processes; quality systems; manufacturing systems innovations; integrating systems; team-based structures and human resource management policies. Management accounting practices important in assisting managers implement management techniques were traditional management accounting techniques; activity-based techniques; balanced performance measures; employee-based measures; benchmarking and strategic planning. A systems approach, using cluster analysis, was used to examine hypothesized associations between performance and a range of management techniques and management accounting practices, under various strategic orientations. This provided a method to examine the way in which the entire range of variables combined to affect performance.  相似文献   

We conduct an assessment on accounting program research performance based on Google Scholar citations for all articles from a set of 23 quality accounting journals during 1991–2010. Our work is a new approach in accounting by directly measuring the impact of the faculty research in accounting programs. We find that the top-5 accounting programs are the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and Harvard University. These top programs produce a large number of high impact articles. In addition, using the mean citations from all articles in a journal, we find that the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST) is a top-5 journal, replacing Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR).  相似文献   

Based on analysis using hypothetical data, Weinstein suggested that z-scores should be used in the determination of accounting students’ grades. The computation of z-scores mitigates the subjectivity caused by differences in the variances of the individual components that make up the total points for the course. We tested Weinstein’s suggestion using actual data to determine the degree to which subjectivity resulting from different variances influenced grades based on a total point distribution. The effect on actual final letter grades assigned was determined by comparing the rankings in grade distributions based on total points versus rankings based on z-scores. Findings show minimal overall effects on letter grade differences between total point and z-score-based methods. Because the results using actual data in our study found smaller differences than suggested by Weinstein’s hypothetical data, our findings do not indicate a compelling need to use a z-score standardization method in determining students’ grades. However, since using z-scores is easy and final grade rankings differed in some cases, instructors might find it useful to compute z-scores in addition to their normal grading procedures.  相似文献   

A Student Response System (SRS), often referred to as a “clicker,” enables students to individually answer instructor questions on a real-time basis using individual mobile devices, and have the aggregate responses displayed as feedback to the class at the instructor’s discretion. A mobile device can be a proprietary, vendor-specific remote, or a multi-purpose item such as a smartphone or computer. While SRSs have been used in education for some time, we perceive the adoption rate in accounting classes as still being quite low. This paper is a “how to” and “why” guide for accounting faculty who are considering using SRSs, and for experienced users who seek to refine or expand their SRS use.  相似文献   

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