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We are making headway, with difficulty, in our understanding and teaching of real estate subject matter. Until about 1960, heavy emphasis was on license preparation, salesmanship and professional development. The Gordon-Howell and Pierson reports led to a complete rethinking of real estate instruction at the university level. A problem solving approach is currently the key to respectability. Two versions of this approach are the (1) multidisciplinary and (2) financial management. Highest and best use promises to provide an acceptable social ethic for real estate education and implies the need for efficient real estate markets for optimum allocation of resources.  相似文献   

This paper compares the approaches to land development regulation in Dallas and Houston and attempts to measure the impact of regulation on lot prices in the two cities. Land development in Dallas appears to be subject to a greater degree of regulation than in Houston, especially with respect to zoning and the provision of utilities. In Houston, utilities are provided by Municipal Utility Districts which give developers greater flexibility in subdivision site selection. Other regulations concerning land use, platting, road financing and environment are examined for their impact on development costs in the two cities. The paper closes with a "full" lot cost comparison for selected subdivisions in Dallas and Houston. Lot prices are found to be lower in Houston. The difference is largely explained by differences in regulation and a transfer of cost from the private to the public sector.  相似文献   

德国保险市场一贯坚持的严格监管和在欧洲债务危机期间的适应性调整:如及时修订法律规范、改革和加强监管体系、引入信息化手段等措施,使其在外部经济环境不甚理想的条件下仍然保持了健康、稳定的发展,其在法律制度建设和信息化与分类化管理等方面的经验值得中国借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对中国工业经济研究与开发促进会2005年年会暨产业组织与政府规制研讨会的主要学术观点进行了介绍,综述了反垄断、规制与产业组织研究的新进展,涉及纵向限制、双边市场、网络融合、集体谈判等前沿内容。  相似文献   

I evaluate railroad price discrimination in three periods: 1870–1886, before the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act; 1945–1975, when rates were regulated but railroads faced extensive intermodal competition; and 1980–2010, after the passage of major regulatory reforms. While price discrimination was widespread in each period, the specific practices varied as the nature of competition, regulation, and the information available to decision-makers changed. The Act focused heavily on price discrimination, and limited some practices while encouraging others. One major weakness of the Act was the restrictions that were imposed on pricing practices that could lead to cost reductions and productivity improvements.  相似文献   

Until late 1986, municipalities played a major role in cable television regulation.Municipalities not only regulated pricing and quality decisions but also taxed cablesystems in the forms of in-kind and in-cash concessions. These activities appear tofit well with the concept of taxation-by-regulation, which concludes that consumerwelfare is reduced because of the rent seeking behavior of local politicians. At thesame time however, the notion of regulation-by-taxation is equally plausible. Thatis, politicians may use taxation as a means to regulate the activity of a monopoly bylimiting monopoly rents and improving consumer welfare. This article empiricallyseparates these two effects and investigates the implications for consumer welfare.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate areas of significance which were related to the understanding of technology and technology education, identified by teachers introducing the key learning area, technology, into their primary school classrooms for the first time. Working from Australia's national document on technology education, A Statement on Technology for Australian Schools (Curriculum Corporation, 1994), two teachers wrestled with how to fit this new curriculum area into their current classroom programs, their understandings of technology as a phenomenon and with their beliefs about teaching and learning in general. The study showed that the teachers made sense of technology education as it related to, from their perspectives, ideas about and aspects of primary school classrooms with which they felt comfortable. Implications for professional development include the need to acknowledge and value the prior experiences and understandings of primary teachers. The challenge for teachers in implementing technology education is gaining a conceptualisation of the learning area, which in some respects, is very like other more familiar learning areas in the primary curriculum, but in many other respects, unique.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate areas of significance which were related to the understanding of technology and technology education, identified by teachers introducing the key learning area, technology, into their primary school classrooms for the first time. Working from Australia's national document on technology education, A Statement on Technology for Australian Schools (Curriculum Corporation, 1994), two teachers wrestled with how to fit this new curriculum area into their current classroom programs, their understandings of technology as a phenomenon and with their beliefs about teaching and learning in general. The study showed that the teachers made sense of technology education as it related to, from their perspectives, ideas about and aspects of primary school classrooms with which they felt comfortable. Implications for professional development include the need to acknowledge and value the prior experiences and understandings of primary teachers. The challenge for teachers in implementing technology education is gaining a conceptualisation of the learning area, which in some respects, is very like other more familiar learning areas in the primary curriculum, but in many other respects, unique. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Conventional policy for industries with very high economies of scale is to permit monopoly but to subject it to regulation or public ownership. Since the latter may not result in cost minimization, however, it is possible that competition, by forcing firms to operate at the cost frontier, may be less costly despite sacrificing some scale economies. The paper sets out the relevant analytical considerations, estimates a cost function for electric distribution utilities in the U.S., and tests for the relative costs of monopoly and duopoly utilities. Among other notable findings, it concludes that competition does indeed lower net costs.  相似文献   

The German skill-creation system has been a vital part of the success of its 'diversified quality production' model. Some argue that this success is now threatened by the spread of lean production and that the existing skill-creation system may hinder, rather than help, German manufacturers to restructure. We explore this argument in a detailed study of a nationally representative sample of German pumpmakers. We find that the existence of a highly skilled work-force may deter the adoption of multifunctional work teams, but that countervailing strengths of the German skill-creation system have the potential to help firms develop a new, distinctive German production model.  相似文献   

During the three decades since its inception in 1984, the JPIM has shaped the evolution of innovation research as a scientific field. It helped create a topic landscape that is not only more diverse and rich in insights, but also more complex and fragmented in structure than ever before. We seek to map this landscape and identify salient development trajectories over time. In contrast to prior citation‐based studies covering the first two decades of JPIM research, we benefit from recent advances in natural language processing and rely on a topic modeling algorithm to extract 57 distinct topics and the corresponding most common words, terms, and phrases from the entire full‐text corpus of 1008 JPIM articles published between 1984 and 2013. Estimating the development trajectory of each topic based on yearly publication counts in JPIM allows us to identify “hot,” “cold,” “revival,” “evergreen,” and “wall‐flower” topics. We map these topics onto the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Body of Knowledge categories and discover that these categories differ significantly not only in terms of their internal topic diversity and relative prevalence, but also—and arguably more importantly—in terms of their publication and citation trajectories over time. For instance, the PDMA category “Codevelopment and Alliances” exhibits only moderate topic diversity (7 out of 57 topics) and prevalence in JPIM (161 out of 1008 articles). That said, it is among the most dynamic categories featuring two evergreen topic (“Users and Innovation” and “Tools and Systems for Technology Transfer”) and three hot topics (“Open Innovation,” “Alliances and Cooperation,” and “Networks and Network Structure”) as well as a sharply growing annual number of citations received. Our findings are likely to be of interest to all those who are keen to (re)discover JPIM's topic landscape in search of hidden structures and development trajectories.  相似文献   

This article presents a further test for market segmentation between the real estate market and the capital markets. We use rescaled range analysis developed in the fractal geometry literature to test for nonlinear trends in the returns series for different asset classes. We make three major conclusions: (1) the stock market displays tendencies consistent with a random walk, (2) portfolios of mortgage and equity REIT returns display tendencies consistent with a random walk and, (3) conditional upon the methods used, segmentation does not exist between different real estate markets and between the real estate and stock markets.  相似文献   

消费风险和消费成本的增加,影响居民消费安全和国民经济的良性发展。本文在引入产权经济学的范式后,提出消费者产权的概念,探讨商品信息的产权结构,研究产业分工全球化条件下的关键信息分配方式.分析消费者产权保护的治理机制.提出改善政府监管、优化制度环境的政策含义。  相似文献   

A number of authors have argued that the divestiture of AT & T did not reduce the rates of long distance telephone companies as often believed. However, the literature has offered few explanations as to why competition has not lowered rates. This study argues that rates have failed to fall due to the importance of search and switching costs in the industry. Using a panel data set of rates for the three largest long distance carriers, stretching from 1984 to 1993, a reduced form equation is specified to empirically test for the influence of search and switching costs on the price cost margin of the three carriers. The results illustrate that both search and switching costs have provided long distance carriers with market power.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new approach to account for the relationship between diversification and innovation by integrating insights concerning strategic fit. We argue that the type of diversification strategy leads to greater innovation output when the appropriate technological search strategy is employed. Using a longitudinal study of the patenting activity of 258 manufacturing firms, we find that strategic fit is important for innovation output. More specifically, a related diversification strategy leads to greater innovation when firms use a narrow technological search strategy. In contrast, an unrelated diversification strategy leads to greater innovation when a broader technological search strategy is used. Implications for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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