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在空间经济学领域,自Baldwin&Okubo(2006)将异质性企业假设引入到空间经济模型以来,异质性企业区位理论由于解决了企业异质性特征引致的企业内生区位选择问题而受到广泛关注。本文系统梳理了空间经济文献关于异质性企业区位选择的理论演进过程,归纳和评述了异质性企业区位内生选择的作用机理,考察了异质性企业区位选择效应,总结了异质性企业区位选择下的最优化问题。在文献述评基础上,展望了未来理论和应用的研究方向。  相似文献   

中国大陆苹果零部件供应链空间组织研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取2012—2018年苹果公司供应商数据,运用赫芬达尔指数和GIS空间分析描述苹果零部件供应链空间分布特征,利用负二项回归方法检验地方粘性与全球链接两大要素的作用。结果表明:(1)苹果供应链呈现出少数城市和省域集聚性、大城市群的高度集聚性、城市等级规模的衰减性三大特征。(2)长三角和珠三角核心城市表现为同、异功能供应商区位共聚特征,一般城市和中西部的城市以单一产品专业化生产为主且表现为同功能供应商区位共聚特征。(3)苹果零部件供应链倾向于在产业开发区较多、交通便利且与全球贸易联系紧密的城市分布。供应链上游企业倾向于向经济发达且人口规模较大的城市分布,而生产成本上涨则会显著妨碍上游企业进入;外资增长会对供应链中游的企业区位选择产生负向作用;供应链下游倾向于向制造业人口较多、港口运输能力较强且参与全球贸易较多的城市区位布局。  相似文献   

异质性、出口与中国企业技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用来自中国企业的大样本微观数据,运用Probit模型对影响企业创新的异质性特征从全要素生产率(TFP)因素进行了拓展,同时将所有制异质性作为“基础因子”,综合考察了多维度异质性特征、出口等对中国企业技术创新的影响。结果发现:(1)TFP因素对所有类型企业的创新倾向均具有显著的正向影响,即表现出明显的“创新自选择”效应;(2)出口参与因素显著提高了各类型企业的创新倾向,但出口密度因素对国有和民营企业的技术创新影响存在显著的倒U型关系,而对外资企业技术创新影响的非线性关系并不明显;(3)其他影响因素如企业规模、人力资本等异质性特征在不同类型企业的创新决策中表现各异。  相似文献   

在创新驱动发展战略实施和制造业转型升级的背景下,研究校企合作对中国制造业企业技术创新绩效的影响具有重要的理论与现实意义。将企业技术创新绩效划分为产品创新绩效和流程创新绩效,使用世界银行最新的中国制造业企业调查数据,利用倾向得分匹配法探究校企合作对企业技术创新绩效的影响。研究结果表明:校企合作对中国制造业企业技术创新绩效具有显著的促进作用,且其对产品创新绩效的正向影响大于其对流程创新绩效的影响;企业的校企合作行为具有“自选择”特征,利用倾向得分匹配方法能够有效克服样本选择偏差问题,得出更为可靠的估计结果。进一步的异质性分析发现,校企合作对不同规模、年龄企业技术创新绩效的影响存在异质性。  相似文献   

基于社会影响因素角度,对2000年至2013年间741起中国企业对美国直接投资区位选择问题进行了实证检验。研究发现,华人移民网络是解释中国企业对美国直接投资区位选择的重要因素,中国企业倾向于进入华人移民网络发达的州;同时,在中国企业对美直接投资的区位选择中也存在着组织间模仿行为,企业在进行区位选择时会参照以往同类企业的决定;并且,作为减少不确定性的手段,移民网络和组织间模仿之间并非完全相互独立,而是存在着相互替代的关系。  相似文献   

基于双城模型,本文构建了大城市企业生产率溢价的概念框架,考察了选择效应、分类效应、集聚效应与竞争效应如何导致城市间异质性企业生产率分布差异;同时,基于1998—2007年规模以上工业企业数据,实证回答了中国大城市的企业生产率溢价之谜。研究发现:(1)城市的企业生产率溢价是集聚效应、选择效应、分类效应和竞争效应共同作用的结果,不同行业中这四种作用的溢价贡献不同;(2)集聚效应提高了大部分行业的企业生产率溢价;(3)竞争效应不一定导致大城市企业生产率呈现更大的"贫富不均";(4)城市间异质性企业区位选择存在着"水往高处流"现象;(5)大城市并不一定有更高的市场进入门槛。  相似文献   

生产性服务业作为转型期策动我国城市经济增长的重要力量和体现城市经济职能的主要方面,其企业区位选择已成为从微观视角解析城市空间结构演变的重要途径。以西北内陆中心城市——兰州市为案例区,将生产性服务企业作为研究对象,运用核密度方法分析了兰州市生产性服务企业空间格局演变过程与集聚特征,并通过条件Logit模型探究了其区位选择的影响因素。结果表明:①生产性服务企业的空间分布经历了"集中—分散—分散式集中"的过程,逐渐形成了以城市中心区域为主体,外围地区为补充多中心组团式的空间格局;②从行业集聚的变化特征来看,集聚峰值处的距离和强度分别呈现先增后减和先减后增的变化趋势,集聚范围不断增大,出现多个核心集聚区域。③集聚效益、基础设施、空间距离、政策规划以及技术创新环境对生产性服务企业的区位选择起到了正向吸引作用,其中以集聚效益、政策规划以及技术创新因素的影响最为显著,成为生产性服务企业进行区位选择时考虑的首要因素。④从不同行业类型来看,以商务服务业、交通运输业、房地产服务业为代表的传统生产性服务企业的区位选择主要受到土地价格和基础设施因素的影响,而以金融服务业、信息服务业、科技服务业为代表的现代生产性服务企业则更加关注备选区位的企业集聚效益和技术创新因素,同时政策规划因素也对现代生产性服务企业的区位选择起到了一定的引导作用。  相似文献   

顾芸  董亚宁 《财经科学》2021,(11):80-92
针对传统研究揭示的异质性劳动力选择分类效应在中国"失灵"的现象,本文立足人民对美好生活向往的需求,提出决定异质性劳动力区位的地方品质效应.首先,通过引入不可贸易服务品数量、质量及其可及性、城市生产率水平、城市规模经济等构建了空间一般均衡模型,分析了影响异质性劳动力区位选择的逻辑机制,解释了异质性劳动力区位选择空间格局趋同的特征事实.其次,利用2011-2017年CMDS微观数据匹配分析发现,全国、区域以及不同城市规模层面的实证结果均检验了理论预期;最后,借助门槛模型分析了地方品质的非线性耦合,揭示了地方品质对异质性劳动力的异质作用.尽管劳动力个体具有异质性,劳动力个体都具有地方品质偏好,改善地方品质、按技按需优化劳动力区位不仅是实现劳动力资源空间最优配置的需要,也是适应我国社会主要矛盾转化的内在要求.  相似文献   

王雪 《经济纵横》2023,(5):118-128
本文使用多值选择模型,考察了东道国金融发展对中国对外直接投资模式选择的影响。结果表明:第一,东道国金融发展水平越高,中国企业越倾向于以合资或并购的方式进行投资;对金融发展水平较低的经济体,中国企业倾向于绿地新建投资。第二,异质性分析表明,对金融市场发展水平越低的发达经济体,中国企业越倾向于选择并购和合资模式投资,反之则选择绿地新建模式投资;对金融发展水平越高的非发达经济体,中国企业越倾向于选择并购和合资模式投资。对金融发展水平、金融机构发展水平和金融市场发展水平越高的国家,收益越高的上市公司越倾向于并购的投资模式;相反,则越倾向于绿地新建模式。第三,互联网发展和制度质量对东道国金融发展水平影响中国对外直接投资有一定调节效应。为进一步推动中国企业“走出去”,中国企业在进行跨境投资时要密切关注东道国的金融发展情况;中国要进一步完善金融基础设施,包括加强金融监管、提升金融服务水平、推进金融创新等方面,以加强与东道国的金融合作,为中国企业对外投资提供金融支持;应根据东道国信息通信技术建设情况和制度发展水平,制定相应的投资政策。  相似文献   

我国自由贸易园区(FTZ)的区位选择受到诸多因素的影响,本文以保税区和出口加工区为研究样本,利用1999-2014年省级面板数据,采用面板Tobit模型对其进行检验,研究发现:保税区和出口加工区的区位选择的主要影响因素具有明显的差异;完善的基础设施对保税区和出口加工区的设立具有显著的正向影响;保税区的区位选择倾向于经济成熟的发达地区,而出口加工区更倾向于经济欠发达的新兴地区;市场规模、市场开放以及工业化对出口加工区的区位选择具有显著的正向影响,政府对设立出口加工区具有显著的引领作用.  相似文献   

A country's unemployment rate can be affected by technology choice and the opening of international trade. This general equilibrium model examines the impact of international trade with the presence of dual labor markets in which manufacturing firms engage in oligopolistic competition and choose technologies with different marginal and fixed costs to maximize profits. In a closed economy, it is shown that an increase in labor market efficiency or a population increase induces manufacturing firms to adopt more advanced technologies and the wage rate in the manufacturing sector increases. With the existence of a continuum of technologies, technology choice is not a source of firm heterogeneity. The opening of international trade leads to an increase in the wage rate in the manufacturing sector and the price of the agricultural good. When countries are identical, international trade always increases national welfare.  相似文献   

本文基于研发子公司空间分布的城市集群网络特征,构建了跨国公司离岸研发“集群寻求型”战略框架,并采用离散选择模型对这一理论视角进行实证检验。样本包含了1992-2012年期间在华275家美国研发子公司和207家欧洲研发子公司跨越27个城市的区位战略。实证结果揭示了欧美在华离岸研发的差异化空间区位战略:美国公司采用“知识集群寻求型”战略,即一个城市的知识资源和技术基础设施是重要的区位因素;欧洲公司则采用“工业集群寻求型”战略,例如,一个城市的制造业基础、产业专业化以及公司内部的前向关联显著地影响其区位选择。此外,母国公司规模和欧洲公司母国的异质性的影响也得到证实。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the location (at home or abroad) and the mode of organization (outsourcing versus integration) of intermediate inputs production, using data on a sample of Italian manufacturing companies and focusing on the role of firm heterogeneity. We find evidence of a productivity ordering where foreign integration is chosen by the most productive firms and domestic outsourcing is chosen by the least productive firms; firms with medium-high productivity choose domestic integration, firms with medium-low productivity choose foreign outsourcing.  相似文献   

This paper studies a general equilibrium model of rural-urban migration in which manufacturing firms engage in oligopolistic competition and choose increasing returns technologies to maximize profits. Urban residents incur commuting costs to work in the Central Business District. Surprisingly a change in the size of the population or an increase in the exogenously given wage rate will not affect a manufacturing firm’s choice of technology. This helps to explain why firms in developing countries may not adopt labor intensive technologies even under abundant labor supply. An increase in the number of manufacturing firms increases both the employment rate and the level of employment in the manufacturing sector. However, manufacturing firms choose less advanced technologies. Capital accumulation leads manufacturing firms to choose more advanced technologies, but may not increase employment in the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

We investigate how unit (or specific) tax and ad valorem tax affect equilibrium location choice in a model of product differentiation, which includes Hotelling (linear-city) and Vickrey-Salop (circular-city) spatial models as special cases. We find that neither tax affects equilibrium location patterns as long as each firm has the same production cost. Two taxes can yield different location patterns under cost heterogeneity among firms.  相似文献   

Zhen Xu  Feitao Jiang 《Applied economics》2017,49(48):4851-4870
In China, offering inexpensive industrial land is a major means for local governments to participate in interregional subsidy competition, which caused regional industrial land price distortions. This article examines the effect of regional industrial land price distortions on the overinvestment of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Chinese industrial enterprises data and land price monitoring data of 49 major cities in China between 1998 and 2007 are employed. This article has found that industrial land price distortions will significantly stimulate the overinvestment of manufacturing enterprises. Such a promoting effect varies among manufacturing enterprises of different ownership and industry attributes. Industrial land price distortions have the most significant promoting effect on the overinvestment of foreign-invested firms, followed by private firms, while state-owned enterprises are the least affected. Compared with private heavy-industry firms, industrial land price distortions have a more significant effect on the overinvestment of private light-industry firms. Compared with foreign-invested heavy-industry firms, industrial land price distortions have a more significant effect on the overinvestment of foreign-invested light-industry firms. This study represents a positive exploration and supplement to the existing studies on the effects of subsidy competition on corporate investment behaviours and the studies on Chinese-style subsidy competition.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of firm growth for Indian manufacturing enterprises. The study uses the data obtained from the Prowess database, provided by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), covering the period 1991–2010. The study explores the growth of Indian manufacturing firms with respect to 1) its cross-sectional distribution, 2) its dynamics over time, and 3) its determinants. The cross-sectional distributional analysis exhibits high levels of heterogeneity in firm growth patterns, even across firms operating within the same sector, which increases over time. The inter-temporal dynamics observed with the help of transition probabilities matrices suggests that firm growth rates are not highly persistent in time, which is in contrast with the evidence from developed countries. It also reveals the coexistence of firms with very different characteristics and performance within sectors. Given the wide heterogeneity and non-persistent behavior of firm growth rates, this paper resorts to quantile regression analysis to identify the differential effect of regressors at different deciles of the conditional distribution.  相似文献   

产业政策是否有效已成为当下学术界的热点话题.文章聚焦2005年中国汽车工业国产化政策,并结合同时期的税收减免政策,利用2002-2007年中国汽车零部件和整车制造业的微观数据,实证分析其对企业全要素生产率的影响.研究发现:(1)整车厂商对零部件厂商的纵向技术溢出效应是国产化政策提升零部件企业全要素生产率的主要机制,但市场规模的扩张和短期内市场垄断程度的上升也使零部件企业产生了技术改进的惰性;(2)国产化政策对企业生产率的影响在不同所有制企业之间存在差异:内资企业、非国有企业更多地从整车厂商的技术溢出中获益,外资企业则更多地从市场规模的扩大中获益,国有企业生产率受该政策影响不显著;(3)国产化政策与同一时期税收减免政策之间的关系存在两面性.国产化政策下,受税收减免的FDI向本土零部件企业发生了更多的技术转移,受税收减免的企业本身却缺乏效率改进的动力.上述结论带给新一轮中国工业改革的启示是:国产化政策在一定范围内仍然是有效的,特别是对高端装备制造业等战略新兴产业,政策导向有利于为新产业主体建设打下基础;但是产业政策同样不应被过度使用,制定政策应该重视政策工具在不同阶段的有机组合,取长补短,使各产业政策形成合力进而保证企业效率的提升.  相似文献   

How to choose technology type in a competitive environment is an important and challenging problem, which has received little attention from scholars. To fill this gap, this paper builds a game-theoretic model to examine whether a firm should choose to adopt a risky new technology or to adopt a safe new technology to reduce its marginal cost. I find that the result that each firm should always choose the risky technology in a duopoly may be invalid when more firms enter the market. In this scenario, some firms should adopt the safe technology for relatively high product substitutability because the advantage of employing the risky technology is threatened by the business stealing externality, finally forming heterogeneous equilibria in which both types of technologies are present. Furthermore, I show that the heterogeneous technology choice equilibria are more likely to arise when increasing number of firms enter the market, and that in these equilibria more firms always choose the risky technology than the safe technology. This study conveys relevant economic insights for competitive firms confronted with a dilemma between taking risks in pursuit of greater technology rewards and taking no risks for conservative technology returns.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):215-234
How may environmental regulation affect firm location choice? While this question has generated great research interest from high-standard, industrial economies, in this article we turn the spotlight to low-standard, developing countries and use China’s Census of Manufactures data during 2003–2008 to explore how firms with different ownership, during different policy regimes as well as from different industries may respond to environmental regulations in different ways. Results show environmental stringency has a positive effect on state-owned enterprises’ location choice during 2003–2005, but the effect becomes insignificant during 2006–2008. Private-owned enterprises, foreign-owned enterprises and collective-owned enterprises are more likely to enter areas with less stringent environmental regulations during 2003–2005. However, this pattern is reversed for the period of 2006–2008. Furthermore, the above relationships are more pronounced for firms in polluting industries.  相似文献   

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