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Subsequent to training IT professionals ( n = 35) in skills for performing effectively in a selection interview, 16 were randomly assigned to a transfer of training intervention, written self‐guidance (WSG). This methodology is based on social cognitive and self‐persuasion theories. The results showed that WSG resulted in significantly higher ratings from an interviewer than did those in the control group. Self‐efficacy for interviewing skill mediated the relationship between WSG and performance. A content analysis of the WSG letters showed that the use of self‐affirming and self‐relevant statements was positively related to performance in the selection interview. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper follows an alternative approach to identify the wage effects of private‐sector training. The idea is to narrow down the comparison group by only taking into consideration the workers who wanted to participate in training but did not do so because of some random event. This makes the comparison group increasingly similar to the group of participants in terms of observed individual characteristics and the characteristics of (planned) training events. At the same time, the point estimate of the average return to training consistently drops from a large and significant return to a point estimate close to zero. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The resource‐based view (RBV) of the firm has focused attention on the importance of aligning employees' needs with the requirements of the jobs they do. This article focuses on how these needs and requirements interact in terms of learning. It does so in two ways. First, it develops new survey instruments to capture the learning demands of jobs and the learning dispositions of workers and uses them for the first time in a survey of 2,810 employees. Second, it examines how these person and job characteristics correlate with specific aspects of job satisfaction and job‐related well‐being. The results show that although learning alignment is associated with high levels of satisfaction and well‐being, not all learning misalignments are associated with the reverse.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a novel approach to program evaluation that allows identification of the causal effect of a training program on the likelihood of being invited to a job interview under weak assumptions, i.e., by measuring the program-effects by pre- and post-treatment data that are very close in time for the same individual.  相似文献   

With the growing global emphasis on welfare‐to‐work policies, an increasing number of people with disabilities (PWD) have entered the workforce. However, studies on PWD have focused primarily on company practices to accommodate PWD, with a limited understanding of factors affecting psychological integration of PWD into the workplace. This scarcity in research makes it difficult for managers to utilize the full work potential of PWD. To fill this research gap, the current study focuses on the job self‐efficacy of PWD and investigates how employee disability interacts with inclusion and team‐learning climate to affect job self‐efficacy, and in turn thriving at work. Using a sample of 485 employees in 114 teams, surveys found job self‐efficacy was a key intervening mechanism linking employee disability to thriving at work. These results suggest high workplace inclusion can buffer potential negative effects of disability at the individual level, strengthened further by a high team‐learning climate. The data supported a three‐way cross‐level interaction effect of disability, inclusion, and team‐learning climate on the thriving of employees with disabilities, through job self‐efficacy. Our results demonstrate the importance of inclusion and team‐learning climate to foster employee thriving in a diverse workforce.  相似文献   

The government has accepted the Taylor Review's recommendation that it should report annually on job quality in the UK. This article argues that three principles need to be followed in choosing the right measures and shows how these principles have been used to create a short job quality quiz ( www.howgoodismyjob.com ).  相似文献   

Emerging trends indicate that programs are being used to deliver benefits that may not be fully harnessed from single sets of uncoordinated projects. To support this movement, it is essential to have suitable measurement frameworks to assess the contribution of these activities and supply decision makers with valuable data on whether their objectives are being realized. This paper introduces the Multi‐Objective Realization Method (MORE) to help measure the strategic contributions of programs. The main principles of MORE underline the importance of a formal strategy to elicit and develop program objectives and to frame those objectives within defined measurement dimensions.  相似文献   

Low‐wage work is of growing significance in the UK. This article tests the model of the low‐skills equilibrium (LSE) through a study of 27 small firms in a sector, food manufacturing, widely identified as being in an LSE. Three hypotheses are tested. (1) There will be a single, fixed equilibrium. We find more variety, reflecting the specific circumstances of firms. (2) An equilibrium is sustained by weak support institutions and a product market dominated by low value‐added goods. The expectation about institutions is supported, but the product market permitted some, albeit weak, opportunities to escape the LSE. (3) Skills will be low, and workplace regimes will be characterised by work intensification. Some firms were developing employee skills. Work intensification was rare, reflecting the absence of Taylorisation and the importance of face‐to‐face relationships. Overall, some firms had the will to escape the LSE, but weak institutional support and a ready supply of labour substantially reduced the incentives to do so.  相似文献   

Little is known about how professional valuation experts actually form judgements on the value of unlisted shares. This study examines the valuation process among Canadian valuators and the relative importance of each of the main information variables used in that process. A dual approach to the problem is adopted: (1) a major survey of 231 valuation experts and (2) a conjoint analysis experiment on 82 valuators using fabricated cases representative of realistic relationships. Both approaches conclude that while earnings prospects is the single most important factor in determining unlisted share values, the determination of value in the absence of a capital market is a highly complex process involving a host of information variables, many of which do not easily lend themselves to objective judgement.  相似文献   

The job demands‐resources (JD‐R) model was used to examine the relationship between job characteristics, burnout, and (other‐ratings of) performance (N = 146). We hypothesized that job demands (e.g., work pressure and emotional demands) would be the most important antecedents of the exhaustion component of burnout, which, in turn, would predict in‐role performance (hypothesis 1). In contrast, job resources (e.g., autonomy and social support) were hypothesized to be the most important predictors of extra‐role performance, through their relationship with the disengagement component of burnout (hypothesis 2). In addition, we predicted that job resources would buffer the relationship between job demands and exhaustion (hypothesis 3), and that exhaustion would be positively related to disengagement (hypothesis 4). The results of structural equation modeling analyses provided strong support for hypotheses 1, 2, and 4, but rejected hypothesis 3. These findings support the JD‐R model's claim that job demands and job resources initiate two psychological processes, which eventually affect organizational outcomes. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

For the world to move towards a more sustainable future greater understanding is required about the links between society, reality, business activity, the environment, technology and sustainable development (Welford, 199816). Technological development of the Internet offers the potential, if appropriately utilized, to be an enabler of a more sustainable future. On‐line communications, via the Internet, is driving the evolution of cyber based communities in both domestic and commercial environments. Such changes in international communications are clearly at a relatively early stage of development, which raises many issues of fundamental interest but also concern. Security and control are issues of prime importance to all existing and future participants in cyberspace, due to the direct implications on both freedom and order. The Internet has evolved from a small specialist controlled environment, including both scientists and academic members, to on‐line activity that is currently viewed by many as anarchic in nature. The more recent rise of the World Wide Web (WWW), driven by corporate acceptance and adoption, appears to be pushing towards formalization of both the Internet infrastructure and also applications. In exploring the role of on‐line communities for sustainable development the paper addresses fundamental issues of importance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Workplace bullying is a severe problem in contemporary working life, affecting up to 15 per cent of employees. Among the detrimental outcomes of bullying, it is even postulated as a major risk factor for exclusion from work. In support of this claim, the current study demonstrates that exposure to bullying behaviour predicts an increase in both levels of job insecurity and intention to leave over a 6‐month time lag, among a random sample of North Sea workers (n = 734). The findings suggest that bullied employees are insecure about the permanence and content of their job, and they may be at risk of turnover and exclusion from working life. It is recommended that these outcomes are taken into consideration when incidences of workplace bullying are addressed.  相似文献   

This paper studies product design competition between potentially symmetric firms. We specifically employ the multiple‐attributes approach as the method of product design. While various product‐specific attributes contribute to firms' differentiation, they may cause confusion resulting in consumer dissatisfaction. We show that in the presence of these opposite effects and any setup costs for attributes, the differentiation by multiple attributes is beneficial for firms if, and only if they are moderately competitive. We furthermore show that the socially efficient number of attributes can only be sustained when there are not very many firms and the setup cost is low. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine in how far US subsidiaries in Germany and Switzerland display characteristics of a strategic fit with their host country and mostly find support for our predictions. Subsequently we determine each subsidiary's host‐country fit and test for within country differences in using local training and skill practices. We find the extent of continuing vocational education and training and the extent to which training on the job is important to vary with host‐country fit in Germany, while in Switzerland, as predicted, we find no such relations.  相似文献   

How to measure and model volatility is an important issue in finance. Recent research uses high‐frequency intraday data to construct ex post measures of daily volatility. This paper uses a Bayesian model‐averaging approach to forecast realized volatility. Candidate models include autoregressive and heterogeneous autoregressive specifications based on the logarithm of realized volatility, realized power variation, realized bipower variation, a jump and an asymmetric term. Applied to equity and exchange rate volatility over several forecast horizons, Bayesian model averaging provides very competitive density forecasts and modest improvements in point forecasts compared to benchmark models. We discuss the reasons for this, including the importance of using realized power variation as a predictor. Bayesian model averaging provides further improvements to density forecasts when we move away from linear models and average over specifications that allow for GARCH effects in the innovations to log‐volatility. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent empirical literature has introduced the ‘Skill Biased Organizational Change’ (SBOC) hypothesis, according to which organizational change can be considered as one of the main causes of the skill bias (increase in the number of highly skilled workers) exhibited by manufacturing employment in developed countries. This paper focuses on the importance of the SBOC with respect to the more traditional ‘Skill Biased Technological Change’ in driving the skill composition of workers in the Italian machinery sector. A dynamic panel data analysis is proposed which uses a unique firm‐level dataset. The results show that both skilled and unskilled workers are negatively affected by technological change, while organizational change—which in turn may be linked to new technologies—is positively linked to skilled workers. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical model for inferring the private information content of trades at the transaction level. The trade‐indicator model of Glosten and Harris ( 1988 ) is extended to a two‐state regime‐switching setting, and the model is estimated using tick‐by‐tick data from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The specialist is found to react in accordance with the proposed model. Bid–ask quotes set after the execution of a trade reflect the conjectured information content of that particular trade. Based on the estimated model four empirical results emerge: (a) the suggested regime‐switching model fit data well; (b) the reverse J‐shaped pattern of intra‐daily quoted spreads is shown to agree with the clustering of costs incurred by the specialist through trading with better‐informed agents; (c) on average 9% of all trades are found to reveal private: information to the specialist; (d) results regarding the trading volume of informed traders support the stealth trading hypothesis suggested by Barclay and Warner ( 1993 ). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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