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Recent research indicates that there are robust examples of overlapping generations economies in which there are indeterminate equilibria without fiat money and equilibria with more than one dimension of indeterminacy. This paper presents simple examples of a stationary, pure exchange overlapping generations economy with one good in each period and a representative consumer, who lives for three periods, in each generation. These examples exhibit every possible form of indeterminacy and instability. Furthermore, the parameters of the principal example agree with empirical evidence. We use our examples as case studies for analyzing the problems involved in computing the equilibria of such economies.  相似文献   

We show that real indeterminacy of stationary equilibria, by which the set of stationary equilibria is a continuum and the real allocation varies among equilibria, may arise in some general equilibrium models with fiat money. The conditions under which such equilibria arise are: (i) each household optimally saves a constant amount of money; and (ii) at least two households face different budget constraints. We present various models, including a decentralized money search model and a centralized model with a monopoly firm, to explain how these conditions lead to real indeterminacy. Finally, we present a policy that uniquely implements any desirable outcome.  相似文献   

Leo Kaas 《Economic Theory》2001,17(2):307-323
Summary. It is known that overlapping generations models with imperfectly competitive firms may exhibit a continuum of stationary equilibria. The reason of this indeterminacy is that different price expectation functions of consumers lead to different objective demand functions against which firms maximize. All these expectation functions fulfill perfect foresight in the equilibrium, but they can be arbitrary off the equilibrium. In this paper it is shown that it is not this arbitrariness which is responsible for the indeterminacy, but that the continuum of stationary equilibria emerges even if expectation functions are rational. Received: March 25, 1999; revised version: February 16, 2000  相似文献   

One of the well known roles of public policy in models with indeterminacy is to reduce the set of equilibria. However, agents' expectations regarding future policy may be self fulfilling when public policy is endogenized. We show that a simple overlapping generations economy with public education may yield multiple equilibria. Under a laissez-faire system, our model has a unique equilibrium. Thus, the presence of public policy may generate, rather than eliminate, multiple equilibria.  相似文献   

The temporal realizations of a random state variable in an overlapping generations model create an informational diversity between members of different generations and require a reexamination of the optimality that competitive equilibria might display in such an environment. Using an optimality criterion that reflects this informational diversity we prove the optimality of competitive equilibrium in a model with a fixed stock of fiat money, a single-spot market, and good endowments that follow a Markov process. The need for an optimality criterion that incorporates informational diversity is further motivated by studying the same model with the operation of complete contingent commodities markets.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a random-matching model with divisible fiat money and without constraint on agents’ money inventories possesses a continuum of stationary single-price equilibria. Wallace (J. Econom. Theory 81 (1998) 223) conjectures that the indeterminacy can be eliminated by the use of commodity money. Instead, I find that in a similar random-matching model with dividend-yielding commodity money, a continuum of stationary single-price equilibria exists when the utility of dividend is not too high. This result casts doubt on the conventional belief that the indeterminacy of monetary equilibrium is be caused only by the nominal nature of money.  相似文献   

This paper reports on conditions on agents' preferences and endowments sufficient to guarantee the existence of sunspot equilibria in a simple overlapping generations model of pure exchange. Sunspot equilibria are those in which uncertainty extrinsic to the economy operates through expectations to yield a fulfilled expectations competitive equilibrium in which the extrinsic randomness has real effects on prices and allocations. The paper also provides necessary and sufficient conditions for these equilibria to have agents trading in a fixed stock of valued fiat money. The condition derived can be interpreted as requiring that intertemporal income effects appropriately dominate substitution effects.  相似文献   

Summary A representative-agent model with money holdings motivated by transactions costs, a fiscal authority that taxes and issues debt, no production, and a convenient functional form for agents' utility is presented. The model can be solved analytically, and illustrates the dependence of price determination on fiscal policy, the possibility of indeterminacy, even stochastic explosion, of the price level in the face of a monetary policy that holdsM fixed, and the possibility of a unique, stable price level in the face of a monetary policy that simply pegs the nominal interest rate at an arbitrary level.In a rational expectations, market-clearing equilibrium model with a costlessly-produced fiat money that is useful in transactions, the following things are true under broad assumptions.- A monetary policy that fixes the money stock may (depending on the transactions technology) be consistent with indeterminacy of the price level—indeed with stochastically fluctuating, explosive inflation.- A monetary policy that fixes the nominal interest rate, even if it holds the interest rate constant regardless of the observed rate of inflation or money growth rate, may deliver a uniquely determined price level.- The existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium price level cannot be determined from knowledge of monetary policy alone; fiscal policy plays an equally important role. Special case models with interest-bearing debt and no money are possible, just as are special cases with money and no interest-bearing debt. In each the price level may be uniquely determined.Determinacy of the price level under any policy depends on the public's beliefs about what the policy authority would do under conditions that are never observed in equilibrium.These points are not new. Eric Leeper [1991] has made most of them within a single coherent model. Woodford [1993], in a representative agent cash-in-advance model, has displayed the possibility of indeterminacy with a fixed quantity of money and the possibility of uniqueness with an interest-rate pegging policy. Aiyagari and Gertler [1985] use an overlapping generations model to make many of the points made in this paper, without discussing the possibility of stochastic sunspot equilibria. Sargent and Wallace [1981] and Obstfeld [1983] have also discussed related issues.This paper improves on Leeper by moving beyond his analysis of local linear approximations to the full model solution, as is essential if explosive sunspot equilibria are to be distinguished from explosive solutions to the Euler equations that can be ruled out as equilibria. It improves on the other cited work by pulling together into the context of one fairly transparent model discussion of phenomena previously discussed in isolation in very different models.We study a representative agent model in which there is no production or real savings, but transactions costs generate a demand for money. The government costlessly provides fiat money balances, imposes lump-sum taxes, and issues debt, but has no other role in the economy. We make restrictive assumptions about the form of the utility function and the form of a transactions cost term in the budget constraint.The model could be extended to include production, capital accumulation, non-neutral taxation, productive government expenditure, and a more general utility function without affecting the conclusions discussed in this paper. Indeed the model I informally matched to data in an earlier paper [1988] makes some such extensions. While such an extended model is more realistic, it is harder to solve. The version in my earlier paper [1988] was solved numerically and simulated. The bare-bones model of this paper allows an explicit analytic solution that may make its results easier to understand.This paper improved following comments from participants at seminars at Yale and the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. Eric Leeper and James Robinson were particularly helpful. Comments from Michael Woodford led to important corrections and clarifications.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper studies the equilibria of a stochastic OLG exchange economies consisting of identical agents living for two periods, and having the opportunity to trade a single infinitely-lived asset in constant supply. The agents have uncertain endowments and the stochastic process determining the endowments is Markovian. For such economies, the literature has focused on studying strongly stationary equilibria in which quantities and prices are functions of the exogenous states of nature which describe the uncertainty: such equilibria are generalizations of deterministic steady states, and this paper investigates if they have the same special status as asymptotic limits of other equilibrium paths. The difficulty in extending the analysis of equilibria beyond the class of strongly stationary equilibria comes from the presence of indeterminacy: we propose a procedure for overcoming this difficulty which can be decomposed into two steps. First backward induction arguments are used to restrict the domain of possible prices; then if some indeterminacy is left, expectation functions are introduced to make the forward equilibrium equations determinate. The properties of the resulting trajectories, in particular their asymptotic properties, can then be studied. For the class of models that we study this procedure provides a justification for focusing on strongly stationary equilibria. For the model with positive dividends (equity or land) the justification is complete, since we show that the strongly stationary equilibrium is the unique equilibrium. For the model with zero dividends (money) there is a continuum of self-fulfilling expectation functions resulting in a continuum of equilibrium paths starting from any admissible initial condition: under conditions given in the paper, these equilibrium paths converge almost surely to one of the strongly stationary equilibria-either autarchy or the stochastic analogue of the Golden Rule. Received: November 19, 2001; revised version: March 22, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" We are grateful for the stimulating environment and research support provided by the Cowles Foundation at Yale University during the Fall 2000 when this paper was first conceived. We are also grateful to the participants of the SITE Workshop at Stanford University and the Incomplete Markets Workshop at SUNY Stony Brook during the summer 2001 for helpful discussions. Correspondence to: M. Magill  相似文献   

We consider an aggregate two-periods overlapping generations model with endogenous labor, consumption in both periods of life, homothetic preferences and productive external effects coming from the average capital and labor. We show that under realistic calibrations of the parameters, in particular a large enough share of first period consumption over the wage income, local indeterminacy of equilibria cannot occur with capital externalities alone. It can nevertheless occur when there are only, even very small, vanishing labor externalities provided that the elasticity of capital-labor substitution and the wage elasticity of the labor supply are large enough. We also show that if labor externalities are slightly stronger, but still small enough to be plausible, and the elasticity of labor supply is larger, local indeterminacy occurs in a Cobb-Douglas economy. Finally, we show that a locally indeterminate steady state is generically characterized by an under-accumulation of capital. It follows therefore that while agents live over a finite number of periods, the conditions for the existence of locally indeterminate equilibria are very similar to those obtained within infinite horizon models and that from this point of view, Diamond meets Ramsey.  相似文献   

Summary. Money, which provides liquidity, is distinct from debt. The introduction of a bank that issues money in exchange for debt and pays out its profit as dividend to shareholders modifies the model of overlapping generations. The set of equilibrium paths, their dynamic properties, as well as the scope and effectiveness of monetary policy are significantly altered: though low rates of interest are associated with superior steady state allocations, stability of the steady state may require a nominal rate of interest above a certain minimum: without production, a decrease in the nominal rate of interest may result in explosive behavior or convergence to an endogenous cycle, while in an economy with production, an increase in the nominal rate of interest may lead to indeterminacy and fluctuations.Received: 5 October 2004, Revised: 5 November 2004 JEL Classification Numbers: E30, E32, E50, E52.C. Rochon, H.M. Polemarchakis: We thank Jean-Michel Grandmont for helpful comments. Correspondence to: C. RochonThis revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected abstract.  相似文献   

We examine the properties of a two-country dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin model that allows for preferences to be non-homothetic. We show that the model has a continuum of steady state equilibria under free trade, with the initial conditions determining which equilibrium will be attained. We establish conditions under which a static Heckscher–Ohlin theorem will hold in the steady state, and also conditions for a dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin theorem to hold. If both goods are normal, each country will have a unique autarkic steady state, and all steady state equilibria are saddle points. We also consider the case in which one good is inferior, and show that this can lead to multiple autarkic steady states, violations of the static Heckscher–Ohlin theorem in the steady state. Furthermore, there may exist steady state equilibria that Pareto dominate other steady states. These steady states will be unstable if discount factors are the same in each country, although they may exhibit dynamic indeterminacy if discount factors differ.  相似文献   

Endogenous Debt Constraints in Lifecycle Economies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We characterize competitive equilibria with perfect foresight in a deterministic, three-period pure-exchange overlapping generations economy with perfect information and no commitment to loan contracts. Commitment is replaced by an enforcement mechanism that excludes defaulters from asset markets for one period. For hump-shaped endowment profiles, young individuals face endogenous debt constraints that ration current consumption. Changes in current and future yields affect these constraints, inducing an additional income effect on rationed household demand that makes current and future consumption complements. This mechanism can lead to multiple steady states, persistent indeterminacy and regime switching. We show that sensitivity to shocks and complex dynamic behaviour are consistent with endogenous debt limits but not with exogenous liquidity constraints.  相似文献   

This paper reports results on the character of the rational expectations equilibria of a stochastic overlapping generations model with heterogenous markets. The model considered is a stationary overlapping generations model in which the endowments of young agents are subject to i.i.d. random shocks. The main result shown is that if there are l > 1 commodities traded in every period, then for most preferences, the rational expectations equilibrium stochastic process of prices and allocations necessarily exhibits serial correlation. This is in marked contrast to the one commodity model in which there always exists an equilibrium which is measure isomorphic to the endowment process.  相似文献   

Firm reputation with hidden information   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. An adverse selection model of firm reputation is developed in which short-lived clients purchase services from firms operated by overlapping generations of agents. A firm's only asset is its name, or reputation, and trade of names is not observed by clients. As a result, names are traded in all equilibria regardless of the economy's horizon The general equilibrium analysis links the value of a name to the market for services. This causes a non-monotonicity that precludes higher types from sorting themselves through the market for names, and leads to “sensible” dynamics: reputations, and name prices, increase after success and decrease after failure. Received: July 31, 2001; revised version: December 20, 2001 RID="*" ID="*" I thank Jon Levin, Eric Maskin and Drew Fudenberg for valuable discussions, and Heski Bar-Isaac for comments on an earlier draft. Financial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF grants SBR-9818981 and SES-0079876) is gratefully acknowledged. This paper replaces an older (and incomplete) working paper titled “Reputation with Hidden Information”.  相似文献   

The paper is a review of some of the themes to which David Gale made lasting contributions. It touches upon a number of the fundamental issues in the Walrasian equilibrium theory (existence, uniqueness and stability), the overlapping generations model (non-optimality and indeterminacy of competitive equilibria), the von Neumann equilibrium (as a turnpike), and in the theory of decentralized intertemporal allocation through competitive prices (efficiency and golden rules, duality and existence of optimal programs).  相似文献   

Summary. Each sector of a multi-sector overlapping generations model is an oligempory with a given number of firms, oligopsonists in the sectoral (spatially differentiated) labour market and oligopolists in the sectoral (homogeneous) output market. When there is aggregate unemployment, and a firm raises wages beyond the local full employment level acquiring labour from neighbours, sectoral output supply becomes constant and the firm faces a flat output demand curve under constant returns to labour (upward sloping under decreasing returns). Multiple temporary equilibria and Pareto-ranked steady-state equilibria emerge; the associated sunspot equilibria exhibit counter-cyclical markups, inter alia. Received: February 28, 2000; revised version: March 16, 2001  相似文献   

How do macro variables such as aggregate consumption, aggregate money demand, prices, and interest rates vary in response to government attempts to redistribute income across agents through selective tax-transfer policies? This question is investigated for an overlapping generations model consisting of heterogeneously endowed three-period lived agents. In the presumably most favorable case for invariance (identical log-linear utility functions), it is shown that positive interest rate macro equilibria are invariant with respect to redistributions in social security benefits if and only if all agents initially exhibit qualitatively identical liquidity preference behavior, i.e. positive money holding only in youth, only in middle-age, or never.  相似文献   

We incorporate amenity benefits into an overlapping generations model with a renewable resource as a factor of production, source of amenity benefits and store of value. Unlike the conventional renewable resource problems studied under the assumption of additive consumption and amenity benefits, we let amenity benefits affect the utility of consumers in a nonseparable fashion. We examine the role that weights given to consumption and amenities have for harvesting and the resource stock. We characterize dynamics and stability of steady state equilibria with a logistic resource growth function. We demonstrate in parametric and numerical models that the weights given to consumption and amenities in the utility function matter substantially for the steady state equilibrium stock and its stability and dynamics. Both conventional saddle point equilibria and indeterminacy with infinite number of equilibria and saddle-node bifurcation is possible depending on the weights given to consumption and amenities. In addition, we show that for each inefficient equilibrium stock, there is a unique subsidy rate that can move the economy from an inefficient equilibrium to an efficient one. The presence of indeterminacy provides a challenge to resource policies, because the system becomes unpredictable. Therefore, expectations and market psychology may play an important role in resource utilization and provision of amenities.  相似文献   

It is well known that models in which money is used as a medium of exchange to lubricate trading, frictions display multiplicity of equilibria. I show that the amount of activity varies as the value of money differs across these equilibria when production opportunities involve random fixed costs. When money has high value, trade is more profitable; therefore, there will be more agents engaged in trade relative to equilibria in which money has lower value. The higher-activity equilibria display higher production not only because more is produced and exchanged per transaction but also because more transactions occur per period. This Diamond-style result is obtained without increasing returns in the matching technology.  相似文献   

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