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Abstract. This paper investigates the long‐run impact of the distribution sector on the real exchange rate. The main result is that an increase in the productivity and product market competition of the distribution sector with respect to foreign countries leads to an appreciation of the real exchange rate, similar to what a relative increase in the domestic productivity of tradables does. This contrasts with the result that one would expect by considering the distribution sector as belonging to the non‐tradable sector. One explanation may lie in the use of the services from the distribution sector in the tradable sector.  相似文献   

作为对国际价格水平差异的标准解释,巴拉萨—萨缪尔森(BS)效应依赖于国内劳动力同质假设和跨部门工资套利行为。本文提出了一个与之相对的"富人社区效应",可以在一国劳动力异质的条件下解释为什么富国的非贸易品价格较高。其直观解释是,如果一个国家拥有一个"富有居民"群体(比如高生产率的贸易品部门劳动者,或者全球贸易资源的所有者),而这个群体通过国际市场获得的硬通货总收入相对于该国总人口而言较高的话,其需求将抬高该国非贸易品价格。本文进而指出,关于BS效应的实证文献所广泛采用的两种基本统计检验,实际上无法区分BS效应与富人社区效应,这就对该领域相当一部分实证文献的正确性提出了质疑。此外,富人社区效应也有别于林德效应。  相似文献   

Financial development shapes export sector performance because exporters need external finance and face credit constraints. Previous empirical research has relied largely on single-country studies. The Exporter Dynamics Database (EDD), which features firm-level exports from over 60 countries, reveals differences in the microstructure of the export sector across countries. In this paper, we first provide new evidence that these differences are related to cross-country variation in financial development and structure. Second, we combine the EDD and multidimensional data on financial development with a global database on export diversification. This study is the first to examine how macrolevel export diversification is determined by the microcharacteristics of the export sector. This approach is novel in the empirical literature on export diversification. According to our cross-country analysis, access to domestic financial services positively contributes to export diversification by increasing the number of small exporters, as financial services ease the credit constraints these exporters face.  相似文献   

Outbound FDI is often accused of increasing income inequality in developed countries by shifting labour demand from low‐skilled towards high‐skilled workers (wage polarization). In response, we employ data on greenfield FDI that, in contrast to M&As, may be more clearly linked to skill upgrading. Our data also delineate greenfield FDI by sector, function and destination, allowing us to control for different motives and skill intensities for 17 developed countries for 2003–2005. We find that greenfield FDI in support services, e.g., back and front office services, induces polarized skill upgrading, benefitting high‐skilled workers at the expense of medium‐skilled workers, thereby polarizing wages.  相似文献   

The literature on the role of information technology outsourcing (ITO) and on knowledge intensive business services only rarely considers purchasers in developing countries and includes few wide-scale studies. This paper reduces that gap in that it quantifies the effect of ITO on total factor productivity using a sample of 10,100 firms in India. The results show that ITO purchasing brings strong returns and outperforms in-house IT. A comparison with studies from elsewhere reveals that Indian ITO also outperforms IT in a range of circumstances in developed countries. Taken together, these findings support the idea that ITO firms, just like other knowledge intensive business services, can act as a conduit for best practices and tacit knowledge, and that this role is very useful in a developing country context. The implication is that more ITO projects would be good for catching up in developing countries. In India, policy support for the ITO sector should be re-designed to incentivise domestic work.  相似文献   


This study examines the impacts of unpaid family care on labor supply and earnings of women and men near retirement age in urban China. Using the 2011 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) and ordinary least squares (OLS) and instrumental variable approaches, it finds that grandchild care is negatively associated with both women's and men's labor force participation, while there are no effects for eldercare. For women caregivers, caring for grandchildren substantially lowers paid labor hours compared to noncaregivers. No significant relationships are found between eldercare and paid labor hours of women workers. For men workers, neither grandchild care nor eldercare is significantly associated with labor hours. The study also finds no statistically significant relationships between grandchild care and labor earnings for either women or men. Eldercare, however, is positively associated with the earnings of men workers.  相似文献   

International Competition for Multinational Investment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examine the economic justification for providing investment subsidies to foreign-owned multinationals. These provide employment opportunities and generate demand for domestic intermediate inputs, produced by domestic workers with increasing returns to scale. Offering subsidies to multinationals may be in the national interest if the investment raises the net value of domestic production. When agglomerative forces are sufficiently strong, a subsidy that attracts the first foreign firm may induce several to enter, establishing a thriving modern sector. With a limited number of foreign enterprises, countries may compete to attract investment. This subsidy competition transfers much of the rents to the multinationals.
JEL classification: F 12; F 23  相似文献   

What happens when a previously uncovered labor market is regulated? We exploit the introduction of a minimum wage in South Africa and variation in the intensity of this law to identify increases in wages for domestic workers and no statistically significant effects on employment on the intensive or extensive margins. These large, partial responses to the law are somewhat surprising, given the lack of monitoring and enforcement in this informal sector. We interpret these changes as evidence that strong external sanctions are not necessary for new labor legislation to have a significant impact on informal sectors of developing countries, at least in the short-run.  相似文献   


European states vary in eldercare policies and in gendered norms of family care, and this study uses these variations to gain insight into the importance of macro-level factors for the work–care relationship. Using advanced panel data methods on European Community Household Panel (ECHP) data for 1994–2001, this study finds women's employment to be negatively associated with informal caregiving to the elderly across the European Union. For the countries included in the study, the effects of informal caregiving seem to be more negative in Southern Europe, less negative in Nordic countries, and in between these extremes in Central Europe. This study explains that since eldercare is a choice in countries with more formal care and less pronounced gendered care norms, the weaker impact of eldercare on women's employment in these countries has to do with the lesser degree of coercion in the caring decision.  相似文献   

As zero population growth rates have existed for approximately 30 years in many European Union countries, one wonders whether this is optimal in these countries, considering differences in consumer preferences and wages. In this paper, we construct a framework to examine this issue, in particular incorporating both eldercare and immigration. Our theoretical and empirical analyses show that zero population growth rates are optimal, population growth rates and eldercare hours are determined separately, and eldercare hours may be optimal because of added support with public long-term care spending of each country.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an equilibrium matching model for developing countries’ labor markets where the interaction between public, formal private and informal private sectors are taken into account. Theoretical analysis shows that gains from reforms aiming at liberalizing formal labor markets can be annulled by shifts in the public sector employment and wage policies. Since the public sector accounts for a substantial share of employment in developing countries, this approach is crucial to understand the main labor market outcomes of such economies. Wages offered by the public sector increase the outside option value of the workers during the bargaining processes in the formal and informal sectors. It becomes more profitable for workers to search on-the-job, in order to move to these more attractive and more stable types of jobs. The public sector therefore acts as an additional tax for the formal private firms. Using data on workers’ flows from Egypt, we show empirically and theoretically that the liberalization of labor markets plays against informal employment by increasing the profitability, and hence job creations, of formal jobs. The latter effect is however dampened or even sometimes nullified by the increase of the offered wages in the public sector observed at the same time.  相似文献   

We investigate public–private pay determination using French, British and Italian microdata. While traditional methods focus on parametric methods to estimate the public sector pay gap, in this paper, we use both non-parametric (kernel) and quantile regression methods to analyze the distribution of wages across sectors. We show that the public–private (hourly) wage differential is sensitive to the choice of quantile and that the pattern of premia varies with both gender and skill. In all countries the public sector is found to pay more to low skilled workers with respect to the private sector, whilst the reverse is true for high skilled workers. When comparing results across countries, we find that where pay formation is more regulated (i.e. as in France and Italy) the public sector pay gap is smaller; whilst where market factors play a larger role in pay determination (i.e. as in Great Britain) the public sector pay gap is larger—particularly in the lower part of the wage distribution—and females are much better off in the public sector as compared to the private sector.  相似文献   

Theis Theisen 《Applied economics》2013,45(21):2469-2485
A theoretical model is developed explaining formal sector workers participation in the informal sector. A reduced-form informal sector participation function is derived from a specific utility function, a specific informal sector production function, and a specific informal sector earnings function. The participation function can be estimated consistently, and provides a solution to the problem that informal sector ‘wages’ in developing countries are hard to observe. A sample of Tanzanian formal sector workers is used to estimate the participation function. A majority of Tanzanian formal sector workers participate in informal production. Participation in informal production is inversely related to household income, to living in Dar es Salaam, and to being a mother with small children. Participation is positively related to age, and multiple-job-holding seems to play a very different role in the transition from work to retirement in Tanzania compared to industrialized countries.  相似文献   

Difficulties in measuring domestic value-added in exports (DVA) have led to the development of alternative measures of trade in value-added terms. These new measures have enabled more accurate estimates that reveal that the EU countries from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE10) exhibit an approximately five percentage points lower DVA share of exports compared with other EU countries (EU15). The lag is on average the highest in knowledge-intensive manufacturing sectors (eight percentage points) and the lowest in knowledge-intensive services (0.3 percentage points). However, this article argues that the CEE10 economies have acquired new knowledge by participating in GVCs and thus have gradually started increasing their level of DVA. Based on EU trade data, this article presents evidence of convergence of DVA in manufacturing and especially in the services sector. It is also shown that a negative relationship exists between participation in GVCs and DVA in the CEE10 economies that is declining over time in both manufacturing and services exports.  相似文献   

Welfare implications of an income tax paid by emigrant skilled workers are analyzed in a model which assumes international capital mobility and allows for unemployed labor in the modern sector of a developing country. The tax discourages overinvestment in education and also contributes to the welfare of those remaining through the direct revenue effect. However, expected earnings of unskilled workers decline as a result of the tax, while those of non-migrant skilled workers rise. The tax may thus exacerbate domestic income inequality. In addition, modern sector employment, output, and capital stock may fall.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that use of child labor as domestic help has increased significantly in recent years although the overall incidence of child labor across the globe has declined satisfactorily. This should draw the attention of economists and policymakers because domestic child labor is considered as exploitative and in many cases hazardous. This paper purports to explain this apparently perplexing finding theoretically in terms of a three‐sector general equilibrium model with a nontraded sector where only child labor is used to render services to the richer section of the society. The analysis shows how FDI‐led economic growth increases the size of the services sector although it lowers the overall incidence of child labor in the economy and improves the welfare of the poor families that supply child labor. Finally, a composite policy has been recommended that can deal with all three aspects favorably.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effects of outward Foreign Direct Investment (employment in affiliates abroad) on employment, wages and the wage share in Austria using panel data for the period 1996–2005. There is evidence of significant negative effects of FDI on both employment and wages, and consequently on the wage share. The results are not limited to workers in low-skilled sectors. The negative employment effect is mainly due to the rise in employment in the foreign affiliates in Eastern Europe. The negative wage effects originate from affiliate employment in both Eastern Europe and the developed countries in the industrial sector, but FDI in Eastern Europe has positive wage effects in the services sector due to possible scope effects.  相似文献   

This article develops an overlapping generations model with eldercare by migrants and children in the context of the ageing problem and examines what conditions cause people to prefer a negative, zero or positive population growth rate. We find that a wage ratio of around 0.7 for eldercare by migrants can explain well the coexistence of negative, zero and positive population growth rates in the European Union. A country that does not need eldercare and has an optimistic view of the future will have a positive population growth rate. Other countries will have zero or negative population growth rates.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the relationship between public sector motivation and development. In the model the public sector produces a public good and workers are heterogeneous in terms of public sector motivation (PSM). Wages in the private sector increase with the quality of the public good. In this context, public sector wage premia (PSWP) have two opposite effects: low PSWP helps screen workers with PSM into the public sector, while high PSWP helps motivate workers to be honest. Raising PSWP may not improve the quality of governance and multiple equilibria might arise. The model highlights that the relative importance of workers selection and provision of ”on the job” incentives in the public sector varies in systematic ways with wages in the private sector. We provide anecdotal and original empirical evidence consistent with the theoretical predictions and discuss some policy implications for public sector reforms in developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper will analyze income redistribution and fiscal effects caused by immigration in a two-sector economy, where one sector is closed and where foreign and domestic labor are homogeneous. The setup of this model is guided by the stylized fact that today's immigrants in the European Union are distributed highly unequal across sectors, with a clear concentration in low-income sectors. Unlike many previous studies, we do not interpret this segmentation by means of differential skills because we focus on tomorrow's potential immigrants from former communist countries in northeastern Europe, which exhibit education levels similar to those of western European workers. Contrary to results from one-sector models, some pure wage earners may also win from immigration as a result of changing relative prices. Therefore, the political support for immigration depends not only on the capital ownership distribution, but also on relative immigration sector size and relative sector productivity. Furthermore, the necessary tax rate to finance the transfer system may decrease as a result of immigration. The authors thank the participants of the Forty-Seventh International Atlantic Economic Conference, Vienna, Austria, March 16–23, 1999, in particular, Willi Altzinger, Koen Schoors, and Heinz Hollenstein, for their valuable comments which helped to improve this paper considerably.  相似文献   

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