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Internal branding is increasingly acknowledged as a potential route to acquiring sustainable competitive advantage. However, to date no systematic attempt has been made to operationalise from an organisational perspective all imperatives for achieving brand internalisation. To address this omission, we introduce internal brand orientation as a new construct that provides a measurable and more succinct picture of internal branding. Following the literature in measurement theory, we report a series of complementary studies and develop a scale which comprises two dimensions: top management brand commitment and shared brand values. The new scale demonstrates strong psychometric evidence of reliability and validity, facilitating future research in the area. Findings can be used as a guidance by business executives in their effort to turn employees into brand ambassadors and motivate everyone in the organisation towards brand supportive behaviours.  相似文献   

The present study aims to explore the underlying dimensions of experiential value to provide a holistic view. The study proposes a 16-item scale ‘CEXPVALS’ capturing four distinct dimensions which may be termed as cognitive value, hedonic value, social value and ethical value. The scale items demonstrated that experiential value may be apprehended holistically in terms of quality of services, time, effort and convenience (cognitive value); enjoyment, pleasure and escapism (hedonic value); status, esteem and social approval (social value); trust and privacy (ethical value). Predictive modeling indicated that experiential value predict purchase intention. The extant literature revealed that no study so far has captured a holistic view of experiential value. Thus, this could be seen as a unique and significant contribution to the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to conceptualize, develop, and validate the marketing flexibility measurement scale for automobile companies. Development of measure starts with operational definition of the construct followed by generation of items and their content validation. Quantitative analysis, as per laid out procedure of scale development, is conducted for item refinement and reliability assessment. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are used in step-wise manner for the development of scale. A 26-item AUTOFLEX scale emerged after analysis showed good reliability, and provided evidence of content, convergent, and discriminant validity. Further, AUTOFLEX scale was assessed for its nomological validity by establishing its correlation with measure of market orientation. Study discusses managerial implications and future scope toward the end.  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption means that consumers act in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Compared with the vast amount of studies concerning environmentally conscious consumer behaviour, relatively little is known about socially conscious consumption. The present paper focuses on fair consumption as an important aspect of social consumption. In our study, consciousness for fair consumption (CFC) is defined as a latent disposition of consumers to prefer products that are produced and traded in compliance with fair labour and business practices. A scale to measure CFC was conceptualized and tested in three independent empirical studies. Two studies were conducted at European universities (2010 and 2012) and used 352 and 362 undergraduate business students respectively. The third study, conducted in 2011, used 141 employees at a European university. The results confirmed the reliability and validity of the new CFC scale across samples. While being moderately related to other aspects of sustainable consumption such as ecological concern and moral reasoning, CFC was significantly distinct from those concepts. Most importantly, it was established that the CFC, as measured by the new CFC scale, is a strong determinant of consumption of fair trade products that has been neglected in existing research.  相似文献   

Batra et al. (Journal of Marketing 76, 1–16, 2012) created a new conceptualization of brand love but did not develop a pragmatically useful measure for studies where questionnaire length is a constraint. The current research develops a more parsimonious brand love scale, with three nested versions of 26, 13, and 6 items, respectively. This research also validates the scales, and in so doing conducts several important validity tests not considered by Batra et al. The 26-item scale is able to predict consumer loyalty, word of mouth, and resistance to negative information, with an R 2 of .90, after correcting for measurement error.  相似文献   

Researchers have long been interested in the measurement of human values. Gandhi was a leading figure in the independence of India and also in the fight against racialism in South Africa. His teachings are invaluable and have inspired generations all over the world. Following standard procedure for scale development, we aim to identify the various Gandhian values that can be imbibed by an individual. We validate the applicability of the instrument by assessing its relationship with potentially related constructs like socially responsible consumption behavior and consumer frugality. We also assess its relationship with a negatively valenced construct of materialism. To develop the Gandhian values scale, we used a mix of both qualitative and quantitative methods. We conducted three data collection rounds corresponding with four separate phases of scale development. We ensured the stability of the Gandhian value scale across different contexts by testing and validating it across three different sets of sample. To the best of our knowledge, our scope of research is second only in the line of similar research like the Confucian values. Our primary contribution is the development and testing of a parsimonious Gandhian values scale that captures the value system of individuals.  相似文献   

Economic nationalism has been identified as a critical component of nationalistic sentiment, influencing cognitions, attitudes, evaluation and purchase intentions. While a distinction is made between economic nationalism and other measures of national and international orientation (i.e. consumer ethnocentrism), previous empirical studies explore the concept in a ‘unified’ form. This study bridges this gap by developing a scale specifically tailored to measure consumer economic nationalistic tendencies. Scale generation, purification, validation and confirmation are achieved through four studies.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop and validate a shopping list scale in a goal-directed shopping context based on three complementary study phases (and literature review): shopper interviews (exploratory stage to identify the items and dimensions), a pilot study with 162 respondents for scale purification, and a refined questionnaire administered to 213 respondents (to establish reliability, convergent, discriminant and nomological validity). An exploratory factor analysis shows that the items load onto four factors: memory aid, money controller, shopping controller, and deviation controller. We performed confirmatory factor analysis to test the model and check for reliability and validity of the anticipated scale. The model fit and reliability levels are acceptable, as are the convergent and discriminant validities of the scale. The scale is a second-order factor, thus satisfying nomological validity. The shopping list scale should be of interest to researchers and retail managers in exploring factors and outcomes of goal-directed shopper behaviour.  相似文献   

Recent changes in deregulation and technology have made banking one of the most competitive sectors in the global economy. Within this background, corporate image management has gained importance as a way of differentiating companies. This paper aims to develop a scale to analyse the corporate image in banking. Derived from a review of the literature, a scale with the most cited dimensions of analysis is developed. This scale is then tested by means of an empirical study of 450 individuals, where dimensionality, reliability and validity requirements are confirmed. Both theoretical and managerial implications are presented.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to develop an ‘Online Susceptibility Scale’ (OSS) by focusing on the factors that influence shopper buying decisions in an online environment as they are not adequately addressed in the literature. The proposed scale supports the understanding of the impact of online information which leads to consumer decisions. The study involves qualitative and quantitative studies to develop the scale. Eleven items are identified for the scale development which were borrowed from literature and modified through focus group discussions. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) resulted in three factor groups: Evidential online influence (five items), Confirmational online influence (three items), and Experiential online influence (three items). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) has validated the factor structure. Results indicate that the three factors explaining online information sources have a significant impact during buyer purchase decision-making. The study relates ‘Online Susceptibility Scale’ (OSS) to online retailers for exploring the online shopping influences, thereby managing their campaigns accordingly. Managerial and theoretical implications of this new scale are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines consumer perception of service innovativeness (CPSI) and its effect on patronage intention. The empirical study is contextualized in two considerably different service industries. Using survey data, the empirical analysis suggests: (a) CPSI is associated with patronage intention; (b) different CPSI dimensions emerge as significant in different service industries; and (c) consumer trait innovativeness modifies the effect of CPSI on patronage intention. The implications of findings and directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports a study of differences in self-reported fashion innovativeness, fashion opinion leadership, and spending for new fashions between middle-class blacks and whites of both sexes. The data was obtained by a mail survey from a random sample of 568 consumers from five states. Analysis of covariance with the effects of age and income controlled indicated (1) a strong main effect for sex, with women reporting greater fashion innovativeness, opinion leadership, and spending than men; (2) a weak main effect for race, with blacks reporting greater innovativeness, opinion leadership, and spending than whites. The difference between the sexes was larger than the difference between races, and no interaction effects were observed.  相似文献   

Customer value and customer satisfaction are pivotal but at the same time elusive concepts in services marketing theory. This paper focuses on discussing the relationship between these two concepts. We propose operationalization by developing and testing scales, especially operational indicators, for important dimensions and drivers of the services‐value construct. A multitrait‐multimethod design is used to test the robustness of the operationalization. Furthermore, a cross‐cultural data set is used to explore country influences using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models. Results indicate that the measurement construct is robust and useful in country‐comparative studies.  相似文献   

Along with other affective and emotional dimensions, passion is at the heart of entrepreneurship. Yet past research on entrepreneurial passion (EP) has been hindered by the lack of a sound measurement instrument. Through a series of empirical studies conducted with samples from relevant populations, we develop and validate an instrument to capture EP and its inherent dimensions. We show that the task-specific dimensions of EP (intense positive feelings toward the domains of inventing, founding and developing, and the centrality of these domains to entrepreneurs' self-identity) are conceptually and empirically distinct from one another, and from other emotions and cognitions known to play a role in entrepreneurship. Our theory and results indicate that proper measurement of entrepreneurial passion incorporates the interaction between entrepreneurs' feelings and identity centrality for each domain. We discuss the implications of our model, instrument and findings for future research on the affective components of innovation and entrepreneurship. We also develop specific guidelines for using our validated instrument in future research.  相似文献   

Online shopping in India is growing at a dramatic rate and marketers are still working on understanding the lifestyles of online shoppers for purpose of segmentation, targeting and promotions. The scales for such requirements developed in other countries may not be apt for use in India. Hence there is a need to develop appropriate scales applicable in the Indian context. By way of review of the previous literature as well as exploratory study through interviews and focus group with online shoppers and experts in the field, the authors develop a pool of items relating to electronic lifestyles, henceforth called e-lifestyles of Indian online shoppers. Further using exploratory as well as confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity of the scale is confirmed and a six factor scale consisting of e-enjoyment, e-distrust, e-self-inefficacy, e-logistic concerns, e-negative beliefs and e-offers is developed. The study is a first step towards identifying a more holistic picture of factors that influence Indian online shopper lifestyles or e-lifestyles. The findings of this study can be integrated into marketing and promotional strategies of the web retailers.  相似文献   


We examine the effect of intellectual capital on firms’ innovativeness and the moderating role of firm size in software development firms in Kenya. Using moderated regression analysis, we found support for the proposition that human and social capital enhance firms’ innovativeness. We did not, however, find any significant effect of organizational capital on firms’ innovativeness. The results from the moderated regression suggest that the smaller the firm, the stronger the influence of intellectual capital on firms’ innovativeness. The results therefore indicate that human and social capital are critical in the innovation process and so firms that neglect these capitals are unlikely to realize the potential to innovate particularly in software development firms.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to develop and validate a multi-dimensional scale measure of brand fidelity. This paper reports the rigorous process of scale development, through two separate studies involving 592 US consumers. Study 1 involves scale item generation, content validation and scale purification, while Study 2 involves a two-wave data collection method, evaluating the refined brand fidelity scale within a nomological network of relationships. The results demonstrate the 20-item brand fidelity scale to have strong construct validity as a first-order reflective, second-order formative scale. The findings suggest that if consumers engage in the behaviours/cognitions (as defined within the brand fidelity scale), then consumer/brand relationships are likely to be stable and predictable; are likely to endure the ravages of time; and, importantly, are likely to remain monogamous. For practitioners, the overall brand fidelity score can be used to track brand performance over time and for industry benchmarking purposes. Additionally, the measured brand fidelity dimensions provide specific direction upon which remedial marketing action can be implemented.  相似文献   

信念是人们对特定事物确信不疑的观念,是态度、意向和行为的基石,是当前社会学、健康医学、体育学、教育学的研究热点。但在营销学领域,有关自主品牌信念或国货信念却鲜有涉及。本文借鉴相关领域的研究成果,结合消费实际,对中国消费者自主品牌信念的概念进行界定;通过深度访谈和专家评审,提炼出自主品牌信念的结构维度,并对设计的自主品牌信念量表进行了信效度检验,得到了一个具有较高可靠性和有效性的测量量表。  相似文献   


Counterfeiting is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world across a wide range of product categories, including music, movies, food, computer software, pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, and machinery parts. Prior research focuses on deceptive counterfeiting in which the consumers are not aware about buying counterfeit products, with little attention to non-deceptive counterfeiting in which consumers knowingly purchase counterfeit products. Most of this research is fragmented and exploratory in nature, resulting in mixed or inconclusive findings that leave many important questions unanswered. For example, it is still not clear why some customers are more prone to buying counterfeit products compared to others. We address this important gap by conceptualising counterfeit proneness (CFP), an individual-level psychological trait that relates closely with counterfeit purchase behaviour. We also develop a scale to measure this trait and validate it through a series of empirical studies. Finally, we discuss some limitations of our approach and directions for future research.  相似文献   

In the absence of studies that include holistically all the current functionalities of packaging, this research develops and validates at confirmatory level a third-order scale for measuring the functional value of packaging. The measure accounts for protection, convenience, portability & storage, information, branding, engagement, sustainability and economy and considers active and intelligent functions. The psychometric properties of the scale are analysed in a total of 5 studies. Results indicates that protection, sustainability and information are the most relevant functions. This scale amounts to a useful tool that can serve as a framework for managers in numerous sectors.  相似文献   

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