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本文基于Probit和Tobit模型检验了投资者情绪是否是内部人交易的信息来源。结果显示:投资者情绪越高,内部人卖出倾向增加、卖出强度增大,内部人买入倾向降低、买入强度减小。投资者情绪对内部人卖出的影响大于其对内部人买入的影响效应。在控制投资者情绪后,公司未公开的季度业绩变化信息并未对内部人的卖出交易产生显著的影响,这一现象符合“前景理论”的“确定效应”。  相似文献   

上市公司盈利预测信息自愿披露悖论:提出与解读   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文提出了一个关于上市公司盈利预测信息自愿性披露的悖论。该悖论的发现和解读表明,上市公司自愿披露盈利预测信息对减少信息不对称、增加财务信息的有用性具有重要意义。同时,自愿披露盈利预测信息对改善与投资者关系、降低上市公司的融资成本有着正面效应。然而,披露成本的存在使得公司管理层不得不在自愿披露的收益与成本之间反复斟酌,并且盈利预测信息的供求结构、资本市场的竞争强度以及经理人市场发展水平等对上市公司披露盈利预测信息的意愿程度也会产生重要影响。  相似文献   

上市公司信息披露质量与中小投资者保护的研究设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小投资者保护对于公司自身和资本市场的发展有着重要的意义.同时,上市公司信息披露质量与中小投资者保护密切相关.高质量的会计信息披露有利于中小投资者的投资决策、激励公司的生产经营活动、监督公司内部人的经营行为等,中小投资者保护与信息披露质量相关性的构建应采取投资者保护指数、衡量会计信息披露质量的变量.通过对投资者保护指数的采取,衡量会计信息披露后果的变量的选取,初步构建了中小投资者保护与信息披露质量相关性模型.  相似文献   

资本市场中,证券分析师作为重要的信息中介,分析师盈利预测不仅影响投资者投资决策也影响市场资源配置,因此,分析师盈利预测一直是学者关注的对象。近年来高度曝光的会计丑闻使内部审计得到了重视,随着风险导向内部审计提出,内部审计上升到风险管控和公司治理的高度。首先,风险导向内部审计通过风险管控,降低经营风险,实现预期盈利,减少企业未来经营的不确定性对分析师盈利预测的干扰;其次,内审通过确认和咨询职能,一方面减少会计差错,提升财务报告质量,提高会计信息可靠性;另一方面对代理人形成间接约束,降低信息不对称程度,减少逆向选择和道德风险,提高企业信息披露质量,缓解企业与分析师的信息失衡矛盾,影响分析师盈利预测准确度。  相似文献   

基于深交所A股民营上市公司2013—2020年发布的“投资者关系活动记录表”中机构投资者实地调研报告文本语调分析,本文研究了管理层语调操纵与内部人减持之间的关系。研究发现,管理层语调操纵与当年上市公司内部人减持情况呈正相关关系,表明管理层存在语调操纵嫌疑,会帮助自身或其他内部人减持实现超额收益。机制检验表明,投资者情绪和媒体关注度在管理层语调操纵加剧内部人减持的过程中发挥了部分中介作用。进一步研究发现,在公司所在省份投机文化浓厚、行业竞争程度较低以及信息透明度较差的样本中,管理层语调操纵对内部人减持的影响更加显著。本文研究结论证明,管理层会对文本语调进行调整,以误导投资者、吸引媒体关注,进而高位减持获利。本文结论对投资者加强自身培养、认清文本操纵真相以及监管机构强化文本信息披露管制具有重要启示。  相似文献   

信息披露是资本市场永恒的话题。本文重点探讨中国上市公司信息披露违规的决定因素。我们的研究表明,终极股权结构特征、财务特征以及公司治理状况都对上市公司的信息披露违规产生重要影响。首先,当终极控制人和中小投资者的利益冲突较为严重时,上市公司信息披露违规的可能性较大。当公司的增长前景较好时,或者公司的盈利能力较强时,或上市公司的规模较大时,信息披露违规的可能性变低。其次,公司治理结构也会对上市公司信息披露违规行为产生重要影响。当董事长和总经理不是两职舍一,独立董事比例较高时,或者公司董事会的规模较大时,上市公司信息披露违规的可能性变小。最后,亏损的上市公司更容易出现信息披露违规行为。这一结论对中国信息披露制度建设和监管具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

预测性盈利信息对正确评价公司的潜在盈利能力非常重要,有助于投资者做出合理的经济决策,是非常有用的会计信息,因此,需要上市公司公开披露预测性盈利信息,以促进证券市场效率的提高。但作为一种未来导向型信息,其本身又具有较强的不确定性。本文从上市公司预测性盈利信息内涵和特征入手,分析了我国上市公司预测性盈利信息披露的现状和存在的主要问题,并对提高我国预测性盈利信息披露质量的提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

费甜  郑文静 《品牌》2014,(11):75-75
公司的财务状况、盈利水平是衡量一个公司价值的关键因素,同时也是市场上广大投资者评价一个上市公司值不值得投资的重大影响因素,而反映公司的财务状况与经营成果的会计信息体现在上市公司对外披露的财务报告中,因此财务报告成为了各类财务信息使用者获取上市公司财务信息的主要来源。与此同时,对于上市公司来说,其编制的财务报告所披露的对外财务信息也时刻影响着公司股票价格,这也就使得上市公司披露的会计信息与决策有用性目标之间存在着差距,因此对上市公司会计信息决策有用性研究显得十分有意义。  相似文献   

沈萍 《商业时代》2007,(28):71-73
上市公司自愿性信息披露作为强制性信息披露的有益补充越来越受到投资者的重视,因而市场需要经理层自愿披露信息。同时,出于利益的考虑,在一定的制度背景下,公司经理层也存在自愿披露信息的动机。上市公司信息披露会影响投资者的决策行为,从保护投资者尤其是中小投资者利益的角度出发,自愿信息披露才能真实可靠。  相似文献   

张婷 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(16):22-23
创业板市场中的上市公司多为投资风险较大的企业,这使得信息披露成为投资者正确作出投资决策的主要依据。但目前,创业板上市公司信息披露仍存在诸多问题,对企业本身、对投资者都产生了不利的影响。从信息披露对企业的影响出发,分析企业信息披露存在的问题,提出完善信息披露的建议,试图通过减少企业与投资者之间的信息不对称,最终为企业以及投资者作出正确决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the information content of insider transactions in China and analyze how ownership structures shape market reaction to these transactions. We find that the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) to insider purchases is a convex function of the percentage of shares owned by the largest shareholder. Further, the CAR to insider purchases is lower when the largest shareholder is government-related, or when the control rights of the largest shareholder exceed its cash flow rights. We also find that the market reaction to insider purchases is more positive for firms audited by Big4 auditors. However, we do not find a significant relationship between an ownership structure and the market reaction to insider sales. Our results are remarkably robust to alternative model specifications, corporate insider identities, and recent corporate news releases on price-sensitive events. Finally, we show that market reaction to insider purchases is larger for firms with less severe expropriations, as captured by the use of other receivables.  相似文献   

Extant research offers mixed empirical results on if private placement firms are undervalued. [Hertzel, Michael G., and Smith, L. (1993), “Market Discounts and Shareholder Gains for Placing Equity Privately,” J Finance 48, 459-485] suggest that private placements convey favorable information. On the other hand, [Hertzel, Michael G., Lemmon, M., Linck, J., and Rees, L. (2002), “Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity,” J Finance 57, 2595-2617] show that, similar to public offering firms, private placement firms experience significant negative long-run post-announcement stock price performance. This paper develops the two-stage estimation models to explore the information content of equity-selling mechanism. This paper uses estimated residuals from insider trading regressions (proxy for abnormal insider trades) to measure private information. The result shows that the probability of making private placements increases with abnormal insider purchases and decreases with abnormal insider sales. This suggests that, relative to the public offering firms, private placement firms are undervalued.  相似文献   

股权分置改革完成后,中国上市公司的股权结构实现股份全流通和股权分散化,内部人控制问题得到强化,股东和管理层之间发生严重的委托代理问题。从分析管理者效用函数出发寻求其最优努力的内解,通过股东建立的股权激励机制来约束最优努力解,寻求完全信息动态博弈的子博弈精练纳什均衡解,分析结果显示,企业价值最大化由管理层努力产出弹性和努力成本弹性决定,并受企业的资源配置、赢利能力的约束。  相似文献   

In retailing, consumers typically patronize multiple outlets. Thus, an important issue is why consumers vary in how they divide their purchases across outlets and how outlets can get a greater share of consumer expenditures. Two potential avenues for increasing customer share are to raise customer satisfaction, and increase repeat purchase through loyalty cards. This study examines the effects of customer satisfaction and loyalty cards as well as consumer characteristics on customer share spent on the primary grocery store. The findings suggest that customer satisfaction has a positive, albeit modest, effect on share while consumer economic shopping orientation has a negative direct effect on share. The economic orientation of shoppers, their felt importance of a personal relationship with store personnel, and the level of their aggregate purchase volume moderate the effect of satisfaction on customer share. Finally, the results provide mixed support for the impact of loyalty cards on customer behavior.  相似文献   

作为转轨经济中公司治理的核心,大股东制衡机制对盈余管理和盈利质量存在重要影响.本文选择每股收益和主营业务利润率作为两类不同盈余指标的代表,以来自中国股市的经验证据研究发现:(1)控股股东持股比例(第一大股东比例)越高,上市公司每股收益越高,而主营业务利润率越低;(2)其他大股东持股比例和对第一大股东(或前两大股东)的制衡度(或联合制衡度)越高,上市公司每股收益越低,而主营业务利润率越高.这表明,不同的大股东对不同类型的盈余指标存在选择偏好:控股股东可能偏好市场和投资者反应程度较为显著,盈余管理空间较大且相对易于操纵的盈余指标;而与之相反,其他大股东持股比例和大股东制衡度(或联合制衡度)越高,越有可能抵制控股股东的盈余管理或利润操纵行为.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to estimate Hasbrouck-type market information share in price discovery. The prevailing market information share is calculated on the basis of conditional mean. We propose a conditional quantile regression approach to obtain a new market information share measure, quantile information share, which varies across the combinations of different price quantiles. The method is illustrated with two data sets, one on the spot and futures markets in pricing S&P 500 equity index, and the other on price discovery for a cross-listed stock.  相似文献   

This study proposes and tests an integrative model to examine the relationships among customers’ willingness to share information, satisfaction, perceived value, and loyalty in a retailing context. This study extends research on customers’ willingness to share information from trust and privacy concerns toward key outcome measures such as perceived value, customer satisfaction, and loyalty, and is thus among the first to model customers’ willingness to share information with companies in robust theoretical retailing frameworks. The proposed relationships were tested using data from two retailing contexts – groceries (N = 429) and do-it-yourself (DIY) (N = 895). Findings from the two samples suggest that both perceived value and satisfaction are significant determinants of customers’ willingness to share information with a company. Although some differences emerge in the two studies, structural modeling largely supports the hypothesized framework and positions customers’ willingness to share information as an important antecedent of their loyalty intentions and behavior. This study provides practitioners with preliminary insight into the relationship between willingness to share information and perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. This study advances retailing research, as it is one of the few empirical studies investigating the role of customers’ willingness to share information in driving loyalty and its relationship with perceived value and satisfaction in a retailing context.  相似文献   

While the linkage between logistics performance and firm performance has received attention in the literature, typically firm performance is measured as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty rather than share of business or other measures that translate into a financial benefit. Thus logistics executives continue to be judged primarily on cost and asset reductions. Only one study has documented how logistics performance affects customer satisfaction and the percentage of business allocated to the suppliers as well as the differences in outcomes between firms identified as primary and secondary suppliers (Leuschner et al. 2012 ). In this research, we use samples in the motion picture and video production industry, and the plastic materials and resins industry to investigate the impact of the Marketing Mix on customer satisfaction and share of business. Our results differ from Leuschner et al. ( 2012 ) regarding the impact of product, price, and promotion on customer satisfaction, but we confirm the impact of logistics performance on customer satisfaction and the relationship between customer satisfaction and share of business for primary and secondary suppliers combined. Finally, we provide a framework to identify logistics service strategies based on a customer's current profitability, potential growth, and the share of a customer's purchases obtained.  相似文献   

杨书怀 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):143-150
运用事件研究法对《上市公司信息披露管理办法》实施前后两年,即2005—2009年深沪两市A股业绩预告利多、高送转和增发三类重大事件信息披露的市场反应进行实证分析,利用内幕交易和信息泄露程度测度上市公司信息披露的公平性,检验了《上市公司信息披露管理办法》的实施效果。结果显示,信息公平披露规则在实施当年的短期内发挥了作用,但总体效果并不明显,信息泄露程度呈先下降后回升的趋势,内幕交易依然存在。为此,应进一步加强信息披露的监管,加大对违规信息披露的处罚力度;在强调公平信息披露的同时,关注上市公司信息披露的及时性;正确处理好资本市场效率与信息披露公平两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

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