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Based on information supplied by corporations currently using barter and countertrade in international exchange, this paper examines the products traded, the markets involved, and the organizational arrangements for handling such transactions. Executives’ opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of barter/countertrade in the international marketing process are summarized, and the marketing implications of these trading approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Most studies of the organizational buying process assume that buyers acquire and use information “prosocially”—to make better decisions and promote their company’s welfare. The authors propose, however, that demands to account for their behavior causes organizational buyers to also gather and use information for political purposes—to protect their own self-interest. The authors present the results of an empirical study that investigates the extent to which four types of accountability—informal, official, process, and decision accountability—result in political (or symbolic) information search and prosocial information analysis by organizational buyers. Study findings suggest that buyers accountable to superiors and those accountable to subordinates or peers engage in more symbolic information search. Buyers accountable for their decision-making process analyze information more extensively. Surprisingly, buyers accountable for decision outcomes neither search for symbolic information nor analyze information more extensively. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests include industrial buying behavior, business-to-business relationships, and international marketing. She has published articles in theJournal of International Marketing and theJournal of Macromarketing, as well as various conference proceedings. He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. His research interests are in the marketing strategy and public policy areas. His work has been published inJournal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research, and several other journals.  相似文献   

Antecedents to customer expectations for service recovery   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Selected antecedents of customers’ service recovery expectations are considered in this study. A conceptual model is proposed in which customer perceptions of service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer organizational commitment function as antecedents to service recovery expectations. The proposed model was tested with covariance structure analysis. The results support the hypothesized relationships, suggesting that service quality and customer organizational commitment have direct effects on customer service recovery expectations and that customer satisfaction has an indirect effect on service recovery expectations. He received his doctorate in marketing from the University of Kentucky. His research interests include services marketing and ethics. His research has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, and theJournal of Business Research. He received his doctorate in industrial and organizational psychology from Virginia Tech University. His research interests include service quality with a focus on health care settings. His research has been published in theJournal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, andMedical Care Review.  相似文献   

Institutional theory implies that normative societal expectations create pressures for organizations to respond acceptably to important institutional constituents. Although the role of the institutional environment on marketing has been studied, the organizational mechanisms by which firms respond to societal pressures remain under-investigated. We suggest that an important determining factor involves organizational identity, which drives firm response to societal norms and facilitates its quest for legitimacy. Accordingly, this study contributes to organizational theory in marketing by casting identity as the focal mechanism in the firm’s response to the institutional environment. Marketing ethics and CSR issues frame this research given natural synergies with institutional and organizational identity theories and evidence that increasingly, firms must respond to societal expectations involving ethics in their marketing practices. Using game theoretical models and economic experiments, we find that the influence of the institutional environment emerges through firm identity, affecting resource allocation to ethical product augmentation.  相似文献   

发达国家量化宽松货币政策从实施到最后终结都经历了一个较长的过程,从目前来看,退出前景还不明朗。量化宽松货币政策主要通过贸易渠道和金融渠道对经济运行产生影响。通过建立向量自回归模型(VAR),实证分析表明:欧美日量化宽松带来的货币供应量增加,短期内会对我国对其跨境收支和进出口产生正向冲击,且对跨境收支变化的解释能力较强;人民币实际有效汇率的变动会对我国对美日欧的进出口产生负向冲击,对我国对美日欧的跨境收入产生短期的正向冲击,对支出产生负向冲击。对此应进一步加快国内金融体制改革、转变对外贸易发展方式及完善人民币汇率形成机制等。  相似文献   

贿赂犯罪是世界范围内腐败问题的重要组成部分。随着社会政治、经济、文化等方面的发展,我国贿赂犯罪呈现出新特点,贿赂方式多样化、国际化,贿赂犯罪的内涵和外延也有待法律更合适地界定。对这些新问题的研究,将有利于我们更好地预防和打击贿赂犯罪。从犯罪构成四方面对贿赂犯罪发展中出现的各种新情况、新问题进行了探讨,对我国贿赂犯罪立法和司法提出了一系列建议。  相似文献   

Value creation through customer-to-customer exchange occurs when the perceived benefits of a company’s offering are increased as a result of customers’ interaction with one another. C2C exchange exists in a wide variety of service environments, both online and face-to-face. Drawing on the motivation, opportunity, and ability (MOA) framework, this research presents and tests a theoretical model that examines antecedents and outcomes of C2C exchange in the context of face-to-face networking behaviors at professional association meetings. Data were obtained from a survey of conference attendees, and the hypotheses were tested using moderated regression and path analysis. The results show a three-way interaction effect among the MOA factors, that the MOA model does predict the level of C2C exchange, and that C2C exchange does enhance service value perceptions and customer loyalty intentions.  相似文献   

中国巨额外汇储备的影响及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国已经积累了巨额的外汇储备,意味着我国有着充裕的国际支付能力;然而外汇储备是一把“双刃剑”,外汇储备过多,会付出高昂的机会成本,造成宝贵外汇资源的闲置和浪费.文章分析了我国外汇储备增长的动因,巨额外汇储备对我国经济的消极影响,并提出应对巨额外汇储备的策略.  相似文献   

本文采用新凯恩斯主义垄断竞争一般均衡模型来分析我国国际双顺差的原因、性质和后果。分析结果表明,我国贸易顺差的直接原因是出口商品价格水平相对GDP价格水平的比率持续下降,而我国工资总额占GDP的比率持续下降是出口商品价格相对水平下降的主要原因,也是大量贸易顺差的根源所在;出口商品需求价格弹性和汇率也是影响出口商品价格相对水平的因素;大量的FDI进入是形成资本和贸易顺差的重要原因;在双顺差的背景下,人民币升值不是调节国际收支顺差的很好选择;贸易平衡对维持经济稳定增长很重要,贸易不平衡越大引起的经济波动越大。  相似文献   

闻岳春  王婕 《西部金融》2012,(8):9-14,25
我国自2012年4月16日起,银行间即期外汇市场人民币兑美元交易价浮动幅度由千分之五扩大至百分之一。人民币浮动区间扩大对人民币汇改及国际化战略的影响主要表现在三方面:(1)对中国经济内外均衡的影响:改进了央行对外汇市场干预方式,减轻了汇率目标与货币政策目标的冲突,促进内部均衡;有利于国际收支平衡,缓解短期国际资本流动的冲击,促进外部均衡;(2)有助于拓展境内人民币外汇市场的深度和广度,发展外汇衍生品市场,完善人民币汇率定价机制;(3)提速中国金融深化改革步伐,"倒逼"利率市场化改革和国内金融市场的发展和完善。  相似文献   

我国外贸企业防范国际结算风险的应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,在我国对外贸易过程中,国际结算业务的种类有汇款、托收、信用证、保函、保理等,究竟有哪些是常用的结算方式,都具有什么特点,外贸业务人员应该如何选择最佳结算方式,又应该采取什么措施才能防范海外坏帐风险,以确保外汇资金安全,同时加速资金的周转,扩大对外经济贸易与合作的发展。该文就外贸实务中常见的国际结算业务及风险防范等问题进行研究探讨。  相似文献   

A framework for business-to-business interaction is proposed that integrates approaches to bargaining from social psychology and economics to provide a conceptual paradigm emphasizing long-term exchange relationships rather than individual transactions. The authors propose a classification of negotiation behavior along two continuous dimensions and examine the mechanics of the dyadic negotiation process that translate negotiation behavior into long-term relationships. They suggest that exchange relationships are formed by achieving mutually beneficial outcomes from a series of exchange transactions and that there is a bi-directional link between negotiation behavior and exchange relationships mediated by negotiation outcomes. The framework also explores the determinants of negotiation behavior in dyadic negotiations between businesses in terms of organizational, individual, and “other party” influences. Propositions are developed, using both role theory and economic bargaining theory, to support the overall framework. Finally, the classification of negotiation behavior is revisited to examine the evolution of exchange relationships over time. She received her Ph.D. from Georgia State University. Her research interests include attitude and choice models, services marketing, customer satisfaction, and business-to-business relationships. She has published articles in theJournal of Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, and theJournal of Health Care Management, as well as various conference proceedings. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include organizational buying behavior, negotiation strategies, small group dynamics, and cross-cultural differences in buyer-seller interactions. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of International Business Studies, andIndustrial Marketing Management, as well as numerous conference proceedings. She also holds an M.B.A. from the Uni- versity of Tennessee. Her research interests include consumer value determination, consumer satisfaction, and business-to-business relationships.  相似文献   

为适应大企业管理特点,提高征管质量和效率,满足大企业深层次、个性化服务需求,提高大企业纳税遵从度,中国2008年开始探索大企业税收专业化管理模式。通过四年多的探索,取得了一定的成绩,但与国际发达国家相比还有不少差距。通过分析江苏、西安、顺德等地大企业税收专业化管理模式,对中国大企业税收专业化管理实践进行总结和反思,寻找和国际发达国家的差距及其成因,在此基础上确定中国大企业税收专业化管理的方向及措施,为中国大企业税收专业化管理提供参考。  相似文献   

引导市场营销方向的是顾客消费需求 ,市场营销的产品和活动只有在适合需求、实现顾客满意的情况下 ,才能顺利实现其交换和价值。当前我国的市场营销偏离了顾客满意这个中心 ,存在着许多误区。本文着重讨论了顾客满意对企业理念、质量策略、价格策略、分销渠道、促销和服务等营销策略的重要性以及如何制订营销策略。  相似文献   

主要采用因子分析法对商务部调查问卷收集到的数据进行分析。结果表明,在我国大部分企业偏向于采用第三方平台来进行跨境电子商务交易。影响跨境电子商务使用第三方平台效果的因子依次为:网络营销因子、国际支付条件因子、电子通关因子、法律规范因子、国际物流。分析结果也显示:我国外贸企业对网络营销的使用还停留在初级阶段,电子支付、通关、物流都存在很多问题,并且我国对跨境电子商务还缺乏系统的法律法规。针对研究结果,文章从外贸企业、政府两个角度分别提出可行的建议措施。  相似文献   

引致中国通货膨胀发生的国际因素主要有全球流动性过剩、世界主要经济体通胀、国际粮食供求矛盾加剧等,这些因素通过国际贸易、外来投资、汇率制度等介质传导到中国,并与中国多年来内部存在的过度投资、基础货币被动投放过度、全民炒股一夜暴富、雪灾与春节的并至等因素相撞击叠加,从而激活了国内潜在的物价上涨压力,引起物价连续上涨。应当完善经济结构、改变经济增长方式、人民币缓慢升值、慎用加息、阻止热钱流入。控制中国物价持续上扬。  相似文献   

目的/意义入职期望作为新员工进入组织初期的一种心理现象,对员工组织适应状况具有重要的影响。组织社会化不仅是员工的适应结果表现,更是员工入职期望不断调整的过程。因此,有必要从员工心理层面出发,深入探究新员工入职期望对其组织社会化的影响,从而寻找到稳定员工队伍的有效手段,为企业改进新员工入职期望管理提供理论依据。方法/过程以183名新入职员工为被试,采用纵向研究设计,分别以新员工入职之前和工作后3个月为时间节点,从企业、团队和工作等三个层面测量新员工的入职期望、入职经历和组织社会化内容学习程度,并通过多元回归分析探究变量之间的关系。结果/结论回归分析结果表明:在预期组织社会化阶段(入职前),企业发展期望可以积极预测员工入职3个月后的组织社会化内容学习情况;而在早期组织社会化阶段(工作3个月后),工作维度的入职感受(舒服与回报感受)可以正向预测个体的组织社会化。因此,在组织社会化的不同时期,入职期望的不同维度对组织社会化的影响作用是伴随时间发生变化的。  相似文献   

贸易失衡与人口老龄化是当前全球也是中国面临的两个重要的经济社会现象。根据生命周期理论、理性预期理论和国际收支吸收分析法等相关理论,建立出人口年龄结构对贸易收支影响的基本计量模型,并运用中国1994年—2009年的省(地区)际面板数据进行实证检验发现:少儿人口的增加有抑制贸易失衡的作用,但人口老龄化程度的加深加剧贸易收支的波动。今后,要建立健全适合中国国情的养老保障体系,鼓励增加少儿培育的投入,扩大内需、减少贸易收支的不平衡。  相似文献   

The authros examine from the perspective of marketing professionals the incidence of unethical research practices and the influence of organizational factors as determinants of the incidence of unethical research practices. The results indicate some degree of indicence of unethical research practices, particularly of those involving respondents. In addition, the results suggest four organizational variables— extent of ethical problems within the organization, top management actions on ethics, organizational role, and industry category—as determinants of the incidence of unethical research partices.  相似文献   

东亚国家金融稳定性面临的主要风险诱因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
东亚金融危机早已过去,但是造就东亚金融危机的各种不稳定因素依然存在,并且极有可能再次诱发危机。文章对当前东亚国家金融稳定性所面临的主要风险诱因进行了系统分析。东亚国家面临的风险诱因分为内部诱因和外部诱因。外部诱因包括主要国际货币汇率变动、主要国际货币利率变动和国际原材料市场价格波动。内部诱因则包括非审慎金融自由化造就的金融脆弱性、事实固定汇率制导致的汇率失调、过高财政赤字导致的通胀压力和外债负担,以及国内制度化问题导致的裙带资本主义。  相似文献   

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