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《重庆市对外贸易及外商投资便利化措施》分为对外贸易便利化和外商投资便利化两部分,共38条,其中外贸便利化措施27条,外商投资便利化措施11条。  相似文献   

贸易便利化测评体系及对我国出口的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章基于层次分析法(AHP)来构建贸易便利化综合评价指标体系,对一国贸易便利化水平进行量化。在此基础上,通过贸易引力模型对贸易便利化与我国出口贸易额之间的关系进行实证研究,得出我国贸易便利化总体水平偏低,贸易伙伴国的贸易便利化水平是影响我国与其双边贸易额的重要因素。提高贸易便利化水平促进我国对外贸易的发展,需要从促进全球贸易便利化水平、积极参与并推进贸易便利化谈判、加强贸易便利化国际合作三个方面着手。  相似文献   

福建自贸区的建立助推了闽台农产品贸易的发展,福建自贸区实施了"单一窗口"、试行台商协会总担保制度、加快农产品通关速度、试点采信台湾认证制度等贸易便利化措施,有效地扩大了闽台农产品贸易规模,提高了农产品贸易在闽台贸易中的比重、降低了农产品贸易成本、扩大了引进台资规模等,今后应在完善物流配套设施、实现政府职能转型、探索闽台农业产业合作新模式、注重跨境电商平台的建设等方面进一步促进闽台农产品贸易的发展.  相似文献   

在对我国贸易便利化发展进程和跨境电子商务现状进行分析的基础上,对我国贸易便利化发展的历史进程及现有国际地位进行梳理。基于此,阐述现阶段我国贸易便利化发展所取得的各项成果,我国跨境电子商务促进了贸易便利化的边境管理改革,跨境电子商务带动了贸易便利化的基础设施发展。提出贸易便利化与跨境电子商务共促共建的对策建议:进一步推进贸易便利化进程,提高跨境电子商务通关效率,加强基础设施建设,解决跨境电子商务的信用与支付安全问题,积极参与国际合作交流推动贸易便利化发展。  相似文献   

文章基于层次分析法(AHP)来构建贸易便利化综合评价指标体系,对一国贸易便利化水平进行量化.在此基础上,通过贸易引力模型对贸易便利化与我国出口贸易额之间的关系进行实证研究,得出我国贸易便利化总体水平偏低,贸易伙伴国的贸易便利化水平是影响我国与其双边贸易额的重要因素.提高贸易便利化水平促进我国对外贸易的发展,需要从促进全球贸易便利化水平、积极参与并推进贸易便利化谈判、加强贸易便利化国际合作三个方面着手.  相似文献   

本文运用主成分分析法对2012—2020年欧元区国家的贸易便利化程度进行测算,并构建贸易引力模型实证分析欧元区各国的贸易便利化对中国出口的影响。实证结果显示:(1)多数欧元区国家的贸易便利化程度较高,贸易便利化水平与各国的发展水平、基础设施、海关管理、技术应用和政府监管有密切联系。(2)贸易便利化、是否开通中欧班列是影响中国出口贸易流量的重要因素,欧元区国家的总人口抑制了中国对其出口贸易。(3)主要是物流基础和技术应用促进了中国出口,贸易便利化对中间品出口的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

本文在分析上海自贸试验区建立对我国贸易影响的基础上,以贸易引力模型为基础对其贸易便利化进行了实证研究,构建了贸易便利化测评指标体系。同时,对上海自贸区贸易便利化水平与其他25个国家(地区)的贸易流量影响因素进行了实证研究,研究结果表明:与国内生产总值、人均国内生产总值、人口数量等其他因素相比,贸易便利化水平是对进出口总额影响最大的因素,最后在实证基础上提出了提高上海自贸试验区的贸易便利化水平的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文以一带一路发展倡议为背景分析中国对南亚国家的出口现状,选取5个一级指标测算南亚贸易便利化水平;随后建立贸易引力模型实证分析南亚贸易便利化对中国向其出口的影响;针对实证分析结论,为扩大中国对南亚的出口,从贸易便利化具体的影响因素出发,提出相关发展建议。  相似文献   

本文从贸易便利化议题的由来着手,分析了贸易便利化的收益及其差异性,并在此基础上提出了我国实施贸易便利化的策略建议。  相似文献   

APEC是较早开展贸易投资便利化研究的区域性经济组织之一。本文主要采用口岸效率、海关环境、规则环境、电子商务应用共4个一级指标以及16个二级指标,利用因子分析法和引力模型研究贸易便利化对中国与APEC主要成员国出口贸易的实证影响。本文通过研究发现,贸易伙伴国的经济规模大小和贸易便利化水平对双边贸易有着显著的正向作用,同时发现贸易便利化对一国出口贸易的影响程度远大于关税下降带来的福利。  相似文献   

在当前国际竞争日趋激烈的形势下,企业都在努力采取措施促进出口,而名牌战略则是我国企业参与国际市场竞争的商战利器,发展对外贸易的关键.笔者结合实际分析企业出口名牌发展对外贸易和经济管理存在的问题,提出了企业在外贸易中实施名牌战略应采取的措施  相似文献   

Firm export dynamics and the geography of trade   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two recent trends in international economics have been an increased focus on the geography of trade (e.g. what factors determine where a country exports) and the emergence of new theoretical and empirical work examining exporting activity at the firm-level. However, data limitations have prevented much progress in combining these two areas, because very few countries provide firm-level data breaking down firm exports by their destination. This paper uses a unique survey of Irish exporting firms with information on over fifty destinations for a five-year period to fill some of the gaps in this empirical literature. In particular we investigate how well the predications of a model of exporting with firm heterogeneity fits with the patterns of this detailed data source. Amongst our findings are that firm productivity differences are a factor in explaining the number of export markets a firm has but the prediction of a hierarchy of markets could only be weakly upheld by the data. Firm involvement in individual export markets is found to be much more dynamic than export status. Entry and exit to markets is shown to be a quantifiably important component of overall export flows, with this factor becoming more important for less popular markets. The paper also shows how the patterns of entry and exit into export markets combine to determine the overall firm-level distribution of number of markets entered.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of international trade under monopolistic competition. In the increasing returns sector firms face fixed, in addition to variable, trade costs, and both exporters and non-exporters may coexist. Exporters benefit from access to large foreign markets, thus a small country has a higher share of exporting firms than a large one. In contrast to standard models, the increasing returns sector will be more open in a small country than in a large one, and a small country may be a net exporter of such commodities, despite the disadvantage of a smaller home market.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the seventies Latin American exporters have been losing ground to their Asian competitors on the EEC as well as on the world market. While Latin American authorities tend to put the blame on external factors, and among them not least on the allegedly protectionist and descriminating EEC trade policy, Dr. Langhammer shows that internal, “home-made” policy shortcomings have hampered Latin American exports at least to the same extent.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的大背景下,各国资源受到了更好的分配,对外贸易逐渐成为世界各国参与国际分工与合作的一种重要形式。近年来,江苏省通过不断加大对外贸易规模,吸引了大批国外商人的投资,有效的带动了本省经济发展速度。与此同时,在江苏省对外贸易蓬勃发展的进程中,一些潜在问题也日渐显现出来,阻碍着江苏省持续稳定的经济发展。分析江苏省出口贸易的现状与问题,优化对外贸易发展,江苏省要加速苏南产业转移,调整南北产业方向;优化企业对外贸易结构;培育企业自主出口品牌。  相似文献   

木制品是浙江临海市传统的出口产品之一,近年来出口平稳增长,但也面临较大的出口阻力。本文分析了近年来临海市出口木制品产业的发展现状,梳理了各主要贸易国家针对木制品设置的贸易壁垒,以期寻找恰当的应对策略。  相似文献   

Although research indicates that the export channel a firm uses can significantly impact export performance, it is unclear how firms should select this channel. Models of export channel choice tend to concentrate on transaction cost efficiencies, ignoring value adding orientations that entrepreneurial firms may possess. In this paper we develop and test the theoretical notion that in addition to transaction costs, differences in entrepreneurial orientation (EO) influence export channel choice and as a consequence export performance. Using data from a sample of Dutch and Italian SMEs we find that adding EO (moderated by institutional distance) significantly improves our model of export channel choice. Further we find that firms selecting export channels that align not only with transaction cost factors but also firm level EO, moderated by institutional distance, have higher export market performance. Thus, our study adds to and extends the export channel choice literature and provides interesting new insights into how EO helps firms create more successful export operations.  相似文献   

国际贸易壁垒有两类:第一类是关税壁垒;第二类是非关税壁垒.技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade-TBT)属于非关税壁垒.联合国贸易与发展会议(UNCTAD)等列出了7类非关税壁垒(见表1).  相似文献   

文章采用1985-2010年人民币实际有效汇率和福建省FDI及出口贸易结构的年度数据进行协整分析,结果表明,福建省出口贸易结构与人民币实际有效汇率之间存在长期的稳定的均衡关系,人民币汇率稳步升值将有利于我国贸易结构的优化升级。  相似文献   

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