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This article develops a conceptual model that supports and aligns supply chain strategies with organizational culture and leadership styles. We examine various supply chain theories and organizational behavior concepts to develop an integrated supply chain: the human factor model. Based on the underlying dimensions of environmental uncertainty and product complexity, we propose a 2x2 typology to identify four different supply chain systems that can be used by organization leaders to identify suitable supply chain strategies and compatible people management practices. We provide a useful and practical framework to analyze the alignment between the external environment and the internal organization of a supply chain system.  相似文献   

This research asks: To what extent has America's reliance on the global supply network aggravated the country's public health and economic crisis; and how did the American government respond to supply chain weaknesses during the early years of the Covid-19 pandemic? This study first assesses important conceptual considerations that explain the expansion of global value chains and the growth of trade interdependencies among nations. Next, an analytical case study observes (1) America's supply chain vulnerability through three major waves of infection, (2) the difficulty to mend weaknesses in the supply linkages once the novel coronavirus spread globally and (3) American government's failures to both anticipate and respond to supply shortages, especially in the health sector. Trump administration's policies failed to ensure a reliable supply of simple personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals and hospitals throughout the first three waves of infection. Moreover, state and federal governments' substantial reliance on large manufacturers who have established procurement relationship with government led to continuous nationwide supply shortages throughout 2020. The federal government's inability to engage small and medium manufacturers in the production of critical supplies of PPE and diagnostic tests deepened and prolonged the devastating impacts of the pandemic. Our case study demonstrates that the American government needs to rethink the country's substantial reliance on the global supply chain, and the specific requirements to boost domestic manufacturing capacity. The revitalisation of America's manufacturing ability and the local supply networks will boost the productive power of the nation, strengthen resiliency, reduce vulnerability in disruptive times and prepare the nation for future crises.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the traditional purchasing and logistics functions have evolved into a broader strategic approach to materials and distribution management known as supply chain management. This research reviews the literature base and development of supply chain management from two separate paths that eventually merged into the modern era of a holistic and strategic approach to operations, materials and logistics management. In addition, this article attempts to clearly describe supply chain management since the literature is replete with buzzwords that address elements or stages of this new management philosophy. This article also discusses various supply chain management strategies and the conditions conducive to supply chain management.  相似文献   

While services represent the largest sector of the global economy, 86.8% in the United States, most supply chain management (SCM) research is focused on product flows. Executives in manufacturing firms have benefited from frameworks created to implement SCM processes, but this is not the case for their counterparts in service companies. The two most cited SCM frameworks for services have methodological and conceptual deficiencies. Drawing upon the service-dominant logic of marketing and using an empirical research approach, we developed supply chain structure maps for nine service firms. Our findings indicate that the supply chain structure maps of service companies are comparable to those in the product-based literature, which supports the service-dominant logic. Then, we identified the six key processes that constitute a framework to manage service supply chains. The customer relationship management and the supplier relationship management processes form the critical links in the supply chain, and the other four processes are coordinated through this linkage. The SCM framework for services provides direction for executives in service firms who need to increase cross-functional integration within their firms and with other members of the supply chain. For academics, 12 avenues for future research are identified.  相似文献   

由于受到通货膨胀和人民币增值的影响,导致物价上涨、信贷受限,燃油费用和物流运输成本持续走高,这一系列因素都使出口企业的物流成本不断增加,而合理的物流供应链信息化建设则为打造企业合适的物流系统带来了契机。  相似文献   

针对供应链扰动风险及集聚供应链的概念进行的总结,设计集聚供应链利润模型,并提出以利润波及效应测度供应链扰动风险的方式,集聚供应链扰动风险的相关应对策略:加快集聚产业升级;探究产业风险源头;建立风险预警指标体系;成立风险预警专家小组;弱化行政直接干预;推动衰退产业有序转移。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、市场环境的变化,现在的竞争已经从单个企业之间的竞争发展成为供应链与供应链之间的竞争.如何进行供应链成本管理成为值得探讨的问题,本文通过对价值链与供应链之间的关联性,探索价值链分析方法应用于供应链成本管理的可行性,并进一步对具体的实施过程展开探讨.  相似文献   

本文介绍了企业供应链管理的运作模式、研究领域、实质,分析了企业供应链管理的发展趋势,提出了政府在支持企业供应链管理上的政策导向.  相似文献   

浅析电子商务供应链管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务是国民经济和社会信息化的重要组成部分,是以信息化带动工业化,转变经济增长方式,提高国民经济运行质量和效率,走新型工业化道路的重大举措。近年来,电子商务在我国得到了快速发展并初见成效。许多企业通过电子商务与供应链的成功结合,从根本上改变了传统的经营方式和市场关系,实现了提高效率、降低成本、减少风险、增强核心竞争力的目标。  相似文献   

This research tested four hypotheses on the relationship of strategic purchasing to supply chain management. The hypotheses were tested with a survey of purchasing executives and the results were analyzed using a regression analysis. All of the hypothesized relationships were supported. The results indicate that strategic purchasing is positively related to supplier responsiveness, changes in the supplier market, supplier communication and the firm’s performance. Managerial and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

It is argued that due to construction peculiarities, supply chain management has four specific roles in construction. Practical initiatives in each role to advance the construction supply chain are analysed. The present status of construction supply chains is investigated by means of case studies and a comparison with previous research. Three main conclusions are drawn regarding the present status. Firstly, even in normal situations the construction supply chain has a large quantity of waste and problems. Secondly, most of these are caused in another stage of the construction supply chain than when detected. Thirdly, waste and problems are largely caused by obsolete, myopic control of the construction supply chain. These results concur with the findings made on make-to-order supply chains in general. Finally, the subjective and objective limitations of the four roles are analysed, this being based on empirical findings and the generic theory of supply chain management.  相似文献   

As the supply chain discipline matures, opportunities emerge to develop or define theories that are specific to supply chain phenomenon. The current research specifies characteristics that we offer which comprise the building blocks of supply chain theory. These characteristics include the flows of material through a supply chain network, the temporal management of these material flows, the dyadic and triadic interactions of firms within the supply chain network, and the outward focus on supply chain management (SCM), in other words a supply chain orientation, of firms in a supply chain. Further, recognizing that supply chain theories must contain the previously identified characteristics, we offer Factor Market Rivalry (FMR) as a theory of SCM. FMR refers to intense battles for resource positions that are needed to manufacture, provide, or deliver firm products or services. We argue that FMR only occurs within supply chain phenomena. The piece concludes with a future research agenda based upon the practical implications of further developing FMR as a theory of SCM.  相似文献   

论物流金融服务需求管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流金融服务需求管理是物流金融服务供应链管理的前提性工作,预测并管理物流金融产品客户需求,利用物流金融服务需求信息开展物流金融服务供应链管理工作。掌握物流金融服务需求管理的内容,如何通过基于需求计划、需求沟通、需求影响和需求优化的科学流程开展物流金融服务需求管理工作是文章的关注焦点。  相似文献   

Ambiguities in the constructs that are the building blocks of research may have hindered advancement of service operations knowledge/research. To alleviate this situation, the authors identify similarities and differences between goods and services to inform a view of constructs (e.g. inventory, capacity, and Bullwhip effect) that are equivalent and are of relevance to both sectors. A unifying paradigm that allows transference of ideas across the two broad sectors is proposed and illustrated with case studies.  相似文献   

Supplier diversity and supply chain management: A strategic approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although purchasing trends are moving toward consolidation, a strong economic argument can be made for supplier diversity. In fact, most Fortune 500 companies currently employ supplier diversity initiatives. If integrated into the overall corporate strategy, supplier diversity can become a source of competitive advantage for corporations. In order for such integration to successfully occur, however, the initiative must have top management commitment, a supportive culture, and the availability of champions to promote the proposal. Minority suppliers, in turn, need to realize that their failure or success in this highly competitive environment depends on their ability to continually develop overall competences, to be learning organizations, and to become increasingly attuned to and adept at building strategic alliances amongst themselves and with their corporate customers. In these respects, they can make use of intermediary organizations (such as local supplier councils) to improve their competences and competitive edge.  相似文献   

As the supply chain expands overseas, there is a growing need for managing supply chain disruptions from a cross-national perspective. This paper investigates whether or not supply chain disruption management (SCDM) can be universally applied. The universality of the SCDM framework is analyzed through the convergent versus divergent (national specificity) debate. On an empirical level, based on a unique sample of 1403 firms representing 69 countries all over the world and using the GLOBE framework, we compare the level of importance of the eight constructs of our framework and the patterns of relationship between the constructs, across eight country clusters. MANOVA analysis and multiple regression analysis were applied to obtain relevant empirical insights. Surprisingly, our findings suggest that while risk sources are different in the various countries, the implementation of SCDM practices is universal. These results support the existing tension between the convergence theory and the national specificity argument.  相似文献   

This article investigates a growing desire by companies to better manage the financing of the global Management Action supply chain and explores best practices. Supply‐chain managers and finance or treasury managers, however, live in different worlds, and integration does not come easily. The article argues that decentralized finance functions lead to financial inefficiencies. The authors identify five subarchitectures to competitive supply chains and argue that visualizing the supply chain financially is the first step to controlling and improving it. Finance is embedded in every step of the supply chain — and business model. Management guidelines of what to change, what to eliminate, and what to adapt are presented along with the new starting points of strategy and customers' ever‐changing needs. Consequently, the end game is profit maximization rather than only cost minimization, and both within acceptable risk parameters. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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