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This essay discusses Chien, Cornwell, and Pappu's (forthcoming) paper, “Sponsorship portfolio as brand image creation strategy.” Although Chien et al. (forthcoming) seek to enhance understanding of the impact of a brand's sponsorship portfolio on its brand image they are not completely successful in this endeavor. One of their key constructs, the event personality fit (EPF) construct, has no significant effect on brand meaning. This essay suggests that this finding is because of limitations in the brand personality metrics in the study and because of the tautological nature of the hypotheses proposals. Their sponsorship category relatedness (SCR) construct, however, is a useful construct for those seeking to assemble a portfolio of sponsored products that builds positive brand meaning for the sponsor's brand.  相似文献   

We use a panel data set that combines annual brand-level advertising expenditures for over three hundred brands with measures of brand awareness and perceived quality from a large-scale consumer survey to study the effect of advertising. Advertising is modeled as a dynamic investment in a brand’s stocks of awareness and perceived quality and we ask how such an investment changes brand awareness and quality perceptions. Our panel data allow us to control for unobserved heterogeneity across brands and to identify the effect of advertising from the time-series variation within brands. They also allow us to account for the endogeneity of advertising through recently developed dynamic panel data estimation techniques. We find that advertising has consistently a significant positive effect on brand awareness but no significant effect on perceived quality.
Michaela Draganska (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper addresses how different store formats moderate the relationship between store image and purchase intention, mediated by brand awareness and perceived value. Questionnaire data was collected through face-to-face interviews with retail customers on the streets of a city in southern Brazil. Hypotheses testing were performed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling, supported by Smart-PLS and the Bootstrapping procedure run in the Process software. The model's sample included 298 retail customers for each store format (supermarket and mini-market). Results showed that store image positively impacted customer purchase intentions and the mediators, perceived value and brand awareness, which had a distinct effect on the direct relation of store image and purchase intention. Store format presented moderation effects on the relation between store image and brand awareness for both store formats: the higher the perception of store image, the greater the consumer's brand awareness. However, store format did not present a moderating effect on the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention. Store image was found to be an important independent construct that improves brand awareness and increases perceived value. The number of mini-markets in Brazil is increasing, indicating that they are supplying a need unmet by supermarkets. The study design's implementation in the city streets, respondents were requested to imagine store image, which may have affected some of the parameters. The model integrated store image as an important construct influencing purchase behavior and this study presented a mediated-moderated model with managerial implications.  相似文献   

This article responds to the issues Bibby (2010) raises in his recent commentary essay on Chien, Cornwell, and Pappu (2010). The rejoinder focuses on brand meaning's definition, measurement, construct delineation and operationalization, and cautions against outright rejection of Aaker's (1997) brand personality scale applied to the sponsorship context. Further, criticism by Bibby of employing Aaker's scale in Australia seems unwarranted given similarities in cultural values between Australia and the United States. Bibby (2010) also questions the legitimacy of event personality fit effects but the questions potentially misinterpret the construct used by Chien et al. (2010). While this rejoinder admits to the challenges of brand personality measurement, theory-testing goals of Chien et al.'s (2010) research are not compromised by the measures employed.  相似文献   

We investigate if presenting a brand's promotion and prevention features in homogenous blocks (e.g., two promotion features followed by two prevention features — a toothpaste that freshens breath, whitens teeth, stops plaque buildup and prevents cavities) as opposed to alternating their presentation order (a toothpaste that freshens breath, stops plaque buildup, whitens teeth, and prevents cavities) affects brand attitude. We find that alternating feature presentation improves brand evaluation among promotion-focused, but not prevention-focused, consumers. In mixed presentations, since each feature physically contrasts with those near it (e.g., promotion features bracketing a prevention feature), the resulting heightened distinctiveness increases the perceived variety of a brand's benefits and fits better with the advancement goals of promotion-focused consumers. We report two studies that support our predictions.  相似文献   

In order to address a lack of comprehensive evaluation of restaurant quality, this study extends Mehrabian and Russell's stimulus-organism-response framework by incorporating restaurant-specific stimuli and including restaurant-specific measures of emotion. Using structural equation modeling, this study shows that atmospherics and service function as stimuli that enhance positive emotions while product attributes, such as food quality, act to relieve negative emotional responses. Results also suggest that positive emotions mediate the relationship between atmospherics/services and future behavioral outcomes. The results are theoretically and practically meaningful because they address the relationships among three types of perceived quality (product, atmospherics, and service), customer emotions (positive/negative), and behavioral intentions in the restaurant consumption experience. Managerial implications, limitations, and future research directions are also suggested.  相似文献   

The inherent nature of the international e-tailing environment leads to the consideration of purchase risk. In this study, an attempt is made to investigate the effect of three extrinsic cues, e-tailer brand equity, Country-Of-e-tailers (COE) and guarantee quality, within such an environment in Taiwan. The research findings support the proposed hypotheses that these exogenous factors affect a mediator, i.e., perceived e-tailer service quality, which in turn affects purchase risk perceived by online shoppers in a borderless marketplace. In conclusion, managerial implications of the research results as well as future research directions are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

During recent years the number of World Wide Web (WWW) sites and visitors has increased very rapidly. WWW site evaluation has focused more on click‐through rates than on brand effects. Nevertheless, there are few studies on the effects of WWW site exposure on brand image. The aim of this research was to illustrate brand association changes after a WWW site visit. More precisely, the paper describes the effect of a forced visit on the global brand image of two bricks‐and‐mortar companies. The results indicate that some positive brand associations increase significantly after the visit and that attitude towards the WWW site has an impact on attitude towards the brand.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating role of customer relationship management (CRM) quality to better explain the effects of service evaluation variables (service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value) on customer loyalty. The study also investigates the moderating effect of brand image on these mediated relationships. The mediating role of CRM quality on the relationship between the service evaluation variables and customer loyalty is supported. Further, it is found that the indirect effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty via CRM quality is stronger when perceived brand image is high than when it is low. The results have implications for relationship managers, brand managers and scholars who use service evaluation and relational metrics to predict customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Private-label retailers' disclosures of dual manufacturing agreements—that is, agreements with manufacturers that produce both their own national brands and private labels—can affect the images associated with the retailers. In this study, an experiment reveals moderating effects on retailer images, according to the images of both the national brand manufacturers and the retailers; and also depending on the brand equity of the private label. A low-image retailer's disclosure that a national brand manufacturer supplies its private label causes consumers to perceive that the retailer has a higher image. However, the positive effects of private label supplier disclosure on the retailer's image are weaker when the private label enjoys high equity.  相似文献   

Based on the cue utilization theory and stimulus-organism-response (S–O-R) theory, the objective of the study is to investigate the moderating role of taste award (taste awarded vs. without taste award) on the linkages among perceived taste, perceived quality, brand trust, and willingness to buy. With this aim, the data were gathered from respondents using a structured questionnaire. Structural equation model results provided support for the positive relationship among perceived taste, quality, and brand trust. Brand trust was also revealed as a predictor of willingness to buy. The findings also support the intervening role of perceived quality and brand trust. Multi-group analyses reveal that the influence of perceived taste on perceived quality and brand trust is significantly accentuated by the taste award. Additionally, the interplay between brand trust and willingness to buy is higher in the awarded brand. Theoretical contributions and practical implications for brand producers and retailers are discussed based on the research findings.  相似文献   

This article provides a review of the study by Roth and Diamantopoulos (2009), “Advancing the country image construct,” with a view towards highlighting the gaps in the broader country-of-origin literature. The literature mostly ignores pivotal points that should influence both the direction and the design of country-related research in international marketing. At least six key considerations in country-of-origin research deserve concurrent attention in future studies. They include: (1) the globalization of markets, (2) ecologically appropriate designs, (3) country-of-origin knowledge, saliency, and use, (4) labeling practices and requirements, (5) a focus on appropriate segments, and (6) the role of country of origin in foreign direct investment process. This commentary essay explores these issues with a view towards enhancing the relevance, ecological validity, and the quality of future research efforts.  相似文献   

Marketers can bundle an unknown brand with a strong brand as a new product introduction strategy. Drawing upon the categorization theory and the elaboration likelihood model, this study examines how a new brand can benefit from bundling with a strong brand. The results of two studies indicate that consumers’ quality perception of a new brand will be affected by the brand image of a bundle partner, and this effect is moderated by the bundle forms and the complementarity of bundle components. Academic and managerial implications of these findings are presented, along with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

We use the 2008 short-selling ban to examine the impact of single-stock futures (SSFs) trading on options market quality. We show that there is a substitution effect between options trading and SSFs trading during the ban period. In addition, our results show that SSFs trading had a significant effect in narrowing the bid-ask spreads of options contracts. Moreover, compared to stocks without SSFs, stocks with SSFs were less likely to violate put-call parity during the ban period. Our results suggest that SSFs trading helps mitigate the negative effect of the short-selling ban on options market quality documented in the literature.  相似文献   

Asian brands have often struggled to develop quality images. The visual aspects of branding have received little attention on how they might be used to strengthen brand perceptions in Asia. Guidelines for designing visual brand stimuli are developed using evaluations of logos in China and Singapore. There is a significant relationship between design and the responses companies seek, including positive affect, perceptions of quality, recognition, consensus in meaning, and feng shui. How designs are perceived, and their effect on consumer responses, were similar between China and Singapore. Companies are encouraged to leverage design to strengthen their brands. In particular, they should select logo designs that are elaborate, natural, and harmonious as these created positive affect and quality perceptions, clear meaning, true recognition, and feng shui. Many of these relationships hold in the United Sates as well, implying that the visual aspects of brand strategies may accomplish companies' goals across international borders.  相似文献   

This research introduces the concept of brand association centrality and distinguishes central brand associations (CBAs) and peripheral brand associations (PBAs). Study 1 shows that the consistency with CBAs and PBAs influences perceived brand extension fit. However, the brand extension consistency with CBAs positively affects consumer–brand extension evaluations, while the brand extension consistency with PBAs does not have a significant effect. Study 2 demonstrates the mediating role of perceived fit between brand extension consistency with CBAs and brand extension evaluations. The study shows that the more inconsistent the product extension is with CBAs, the more the brand's image is altered and the faster brand evaluations deteriorate. In contrast, the brand extension inconsistency with PBAs does not affect brand evaluations.  相似文献   

According to the self-brand connection (SBC) construct, brand associations are used to construct one's self or to communicate one's self to others [Escalas JE. Narrative processing: building connections between brands and the self. unpublished dissertation 1996; Duke University.]. Study 1 reveals that: (1) SBCs significantly influence brand evaluations and attitude strength; (2) females exhibit stronger SBCs overall relative to their male counterparts; and (3) higher levels of SBCs impact attitude strength particularly for females in response to the gendered brand studied here — a sports organization, the WNBA. Study 2 focused on a non-gendered brand. The results showed that consumer fans who identified with the in-group (the home team) reported higher levels of SBCs than those who identified with the out-group. Finally, when autobiographical memory primes are presented from the perspective of the in-group, SBCs are higher than when these memory primes are presented from the perspective of an out-group.  相似文献   

Retailers are amongst the world's strongest brands, but little is known about retailer brand equity. In spite of their extensive use, we argue that current operational models are too abstract for understanding the uniqueness of the retail industry and too simplistic to understand the interrelationships among the dimensions in the retailer brand equity building process. This study contributes to the existing and largely generic retailer equity frameworks in three ways: first, by incorporating retail specific dimensions from the retailer image literature; second, by re-examining and developing the structures and relationships between the dimensions of retailer equity by testing alternative structures commonly used in the more general brand equity literature; and finally by creating a short and parsimonious scale for assessing retailer brandequity in different contexts. Three alternative models are compared and tested on six brands in both convenience and shopping goods categories, ranging from discount to middle range price levels. The outcome is an operational framework supporting the main building blocks of the conceptual brand resonance model presented in Keller (2001) with seven dimensions structured in a four-step sequence as awareness → pricing policy, customer service, product quality, physical store → retailer trust → retailer loyalty, thereby describing retailer brand equity as a four-step process. The extended, although parsimonious, 17-item retailer equity scale can be used by academics as well as practitioners to examine the underlying values of retailer brands and has the potential to incorporate additional dimensions and attributes to investigate specific retail contexts without creating lengthy questionnaires.  相似文献   


Today, service quality is a major driver enhancing and consolidating the relationship between consumers and their service providers. The diversity of research in this context revealed a gap between empirical results which investigated the relational consequences of service quality, and showed missing studies that allowed generalizing and specifying the perspectives of the service quality in the relational domain. So, this research suggests a Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM) to validate a synthetic model integrating perceived quality, satisfaction and loyalty. It is based on 43 recent academic research derived from 22 countries. The results validated the meta-analytic structural model and showed that the service environment moderates causal links between perceived quality, satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   

Although the quality of the customer contact centre is pivotal for services, a thorough conceptualization and operationalization of perceived customer contact centre quality does not exist. The extensive scale development process moves from focus group sessions for item generation to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Perceived customer contact centre quality consists of seven dimensions: reliability, empathy, customer knowledge, customer focus, waiting cost, user friendliness of the voice response unit, and accessibility. Compared with existing conceptualizations of service quality, perceived customer contact centre quality offers additional dimensions.  相似文献   

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