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美国对化学物质双酚A立法有新突破——联邦层面正着手出台要求全面禁止使用这种有毒物质制造食品和饮料容器的新提案。禁令生效后,所有含双酚A的食品和饮料容器,如婴儿奶瓶和热水瓶、食物罐头或婴儿奶粉罐子等,都不得继续生产和销售,而一些特殊产品可以获得一年的宽限期,但产品标签上必须注明该产品含有双酚A。  相似文献   

我国丁二烯生产、消费现状及市场分析丁二烯是一种重要的石油化工基础有机原料和合成橡胶单体,在石油化工烯烃原料中的地位仅次于乙烯和丙烯。主要用于合成顺丁橡胶、丁苯橡胶、丁腈橡胶等多种橡胶产品,此外还可用于生产己二腈等有机化工产品及…我国乙二醇消费现状与市场分析乙二醇是一种重要的石油化工基础有机原料,主要用于生产聚酯纤维、防冻剂、不饱和聚酯树脂、润滑剂、增塑剂、非离子表面活性剂以及炸药等。预计2005年我国乙二醇的生产能力将达到约240万吨,将在一定程度缓解我国乙二醇的…双酚A行业现状与未来发展双酚A是目前我国需…  相似文献   

朱品昌 《市场周刊》2004,(22):40-40
5月12日,国家商务部发布公告对江苏蓝星化工股份有限公司无锡树脂厂代表国内行业提出的进口双酚A反倾销正式进行立案调查后,引发了强烈的“冲击波”,共有20家国内外双酚A生产商和供应商参与应诉。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国商务部于2006年7月10日收到蓝星化工新材料股份有限公司代表国内双酚A产业提交的反倾销调查申请,申请人请求对原产于日本、韩国、新加坡和台湾地区的进口双酚A进行反倾销调查。  相似文献   

双酚A作为塑化原料被广泛用于多种产品的生产加工,研究证实双酚A类雌激素会对人体分泌和生殖等造成危害,世界上许多国家对双酚A实施管控且力度持续加大.本文对国内外双酚A管控要求进行了梳理,对现行有效的双酚A检测标准进行了汇总,并对双酚A及类似物检测方法研究进展进行了综述,旨在为海关监管、检测机构检测和出口企业生产提供参考.  相似文献   

欧盟发布的关于修改2002/72/EC与婴儿奶瓶中双酚A(BPA)恨量的指令规定,从2011年3月1日起,禁止在欧盟境内生产含双酚A成分的婴儿奶瓶,并从2011年6月1日起,禁止将含双酚A成分婴儿奶瓶投放市场或进口。对国内的出口企业来说,这则禁令无疑又会导致一次行业内的重新洗牌。  相似文献   

3月21日,商务部发布2007年第24号公告,公布了对原产于日本、韩国、新加坡和台湾地区的进口双酚A(以下称被调查产品)反倾销调查的初裁决定,公告决定对被调查产品采取临时反倾销措施。被调查产品归在《中华人民共和国进出口税则》:29072300,该税则号项下的双酚A盐不在本案调查范围之内。  相似文献   

2005年10月25日讯:中国石化股份有限公司与日本三井化学有限公司于2005年10月15日在上海签约,共同建立上海中石化高桥三井化学有限公司,建设12万吨/年双酚A装置,据悉这将是国内最大单套双酚A装置。  相似文献   

随着进口的快速增长,我国政府也进一步加大了对外反倾销的力度,力图保护国内产业.2006年11月30日,中国共发动了5起反倾销立案调查,反倾销的目标国和相关产品为:(1)原产于欧盟的进口马铃薯淀粉;(2)原产于日本的进口电解电容器纸;(3)原产于印度的进口磺胺甲(噁)唑;(4)原产于日本、韩国、新加坡和台湾地区的进口双酚A;(5)原产于日本、台湾地区和新加坡的进口甲乙酮.……  相似文献   

双酚A是一种对人体有害的物质,食品包装塑料中经常会含有双酚A,其会造成人体内分泌失调,严重时还会导致免疫、生殖系统异常。从安全性的角度出发,要做好双酚A的检测工作,目的是保障食品包装材料的安全性。由此本文主要探讨食品包装材料中双酚A的检测方法。  相似文献   

双酚A型二醚二酐(BPADA)是重要树脂聚醚酰亚胺(Ultem)的前体。以双酚A和N-甲基-4-硝基酞酰亚胺为主要原料,经成盐、缩合、水解、酸化和脱水5步反应合成了BPADA,总收率48.0%。采用单因素实验对合成反应的关键影响因素进行了考察,得到了实验室制备BPADA较适宜的反应条件。所得中间体及最终产物通过熔点测定、核磁等手段进行了表征。  相似文献   


This paper revisits the roles of institutions and human capital in the development process by using structural equation modeling with a latent construct. Two models are constructed by using the data of 143 countries with 14 publicly available indicators; non-mediated (Model A) and mediated one (Model B). A path between institutional quality and economic development is identified in Model A and found as significant. When human capital is added into the Model B as a mediator, the direct relationship between institutional quality and economic development which is confirmed in Model A becomes insignificant. This evidence contributes to the debate by explaining the roles of institutions and human capital in the development process, based on the existing level of institutional quality that determines conditions on decisions for starting or sustaining the development process. In other words, (a) improving institutions in addition to human capital is needed for the countries with low level of institutional quality to start development process and; (b) on the other hand, since the human capital develops immunity on the quality of the institutions, human capital plays a more basic role to sustain the development process for the countries with a high level of institutional quality.  相似文献   

在经济学研究领域,金融发展对经济运行的积极影响已经取得了广泛的共识,进一步的理论和实证研究是寻找金融发展的决定因素。20世纪90年代以来的大量研究发现,各种正式和非正式制度对金融发展都是重要的,而增强外部投资者法律保护,建立严格的产权制度,扩大开放、增强竞争以削弱既得利益集团的利益等能够促进金融业发展,另外土地分配等政策也对金融发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   

绿色物流作为一种新的物流发展模式,符合时代发展的要求和人类生存发展的利益,固而代表了未来物流发展的方向和趋势。本文在论述绿色物流内涵的基础上,分析了国内绿色物流的发展现状和战略价值,并从不同角度提出了大力发展现代绿色物流的诸项对策。  相似文献   

Accessibility and excellence in university education in Canada are usually seen as mutually exclusive. This study presents data from two independent studies of student progress which show substantial student development regardless of entry level grades. A talent development ideal, which combines accessibility and student development for all those admitted to university education, is suggested as a way of escaping the dilemma.  相似文献   

王少安  邢夫敏 《江苏商论》2020,(2):69-74,79
本文采用基尼指数、最邻近指数、不平衡指数、地理集中指数、核密度分析等数理方法和空间分析法,对G60科创走廊4A、5A级旅游景区的空间分布及影响因素进行分析。研究表明:1.G60科创走廊4A、5A级旅游景区在空间上表现为集聚型分布,分布密度总体存在多个峰值,主要集中在上海、苏州、嘉兴附近,杭州附近以及湖州附近。2.4A、5A级旅游景区沿河、沿边界、沿交通线分布趋势明显。3.地形地貌、经济发展水平、交通发达程度、人口密度是影响4A、5A级旅游景区在G60科创走廊分布的主要因素。目前,有关G60科创走廊的研究及公示几乎都停留在科技创新、协同创新、产融结合等方面,而对其在旅游、生态等方面的研究却鲜有涉及,鉴于G60科创走廊研究区旅游资源发达,各部门应充分利用这一优势,为推动长三角G60科创走廊更高质量一体化发展作出新的更大贡献。  相似文献   

Management development is increasingly adopted by organizations seeking to attract and retain talented employees. This research project assessed the current state of management development in Australia. Specifically, this paper sought to identify variables associated with management development effectiveness. A model of management development effectiveness was developed and tested in this study through path analysis using the Analysis of Moment Structures Program. Data were collected from 206 managers in 153 organizations in Australia. Eighteen different industries are represented in the sample. The observed model had a good fit with the predicted model and all the predicted paths were significant and in the expected direction. Link to corporate strategy and opportunities for skill utilization were the two variables most closely associated with management development effectiveness. The implications of these findings for improving management development effectiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

本文结合中国改革开放的历程和国际发展实践的变化,以及近年来中国参与国际财经合作的过程,回顾了国际社会对中国改革和发展的看法的演变,介绍了中国入世后国际舆论的最新动态,由此得出了对内深化改革、对外有效协调国际经济利益关系的重要启示.  相似文献   

This paper argues that in view of the resource crunch confronting many developing countries and the fall in overseas development aid flows to them, new sources of development finance need to be found. We consider international taxes, fees and levies that could considerably augment aid flows to developing countries and some of which may have coincident beneficial effects. Estimates of the revenue yield from such taxes and levies are also presented. The paper proposes the establishment of a ‘world development organisation’ to coordinate such effort. A formula for voting within the organisation and another for disbursal of such aid are suggested.  相似文献   

New food product development involves explicit, sensory test phases, though these tests cannot identify consumers' automatic processes and do not consider influential links between perception and memory, so they often lead to biased responses. Rigorous implicit testing can reflect consumer decision making more accurately, by assessing automatic reactions, especially in the case of new food product development where affective reactions are one of the main drivers. Two studies demonstrate the feasibility (Study 1) and accuracy (Study 2) of an implicit sensory test involving the gustatory modality. A gustative priming protocol with a lexical decision task demonstrates that different textures are associated with different flavours in memory. An investigation of consumers’ preferences for products that match the strongest associations further reveals that implicit protocols can inform new product development. Implicit measures of associations are more predictive than explicit measures and can be used upstream during new product development.  相似文献   

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