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郑云瑞 《上海保险》2004,(12):33-35
保险合同是属于民商事合同的一种,是平等主体之间设立、变更、终止权利义务关系的协议。保险合同具有普通民商事合同的基本特征,是双方当事人在自由、平等的基础上就双方之间的权利义务所达成的协议,是双方当事人意思的真实表示。但由于保险合同有自身的特征,与普通的民  相似文献   

杨茹 《金卡工程》2008,12(11):40-40
合同订立并生效后,可能会发生一方违约或不可抗力情势变更等情况而使合同目的无法实现,为了维护守约方的利益避免不必要的损失,通常合同当事人在订立合同时或者在事件发生后会以特定事件的发生为条件设定解除权.解除权属形成权,只需解除权人的单方意思表示,即可发生解除合同的法律效果  相似文献   

代琴 《保险研究》2015,(12):98-106
由于我国民事法律中尚未确立利他合同具体内容,在实践中对利他合同相关利益主体权利的保护方面存在诸多漏洞。《保险法》第15条中投保人任意解除权的行使可能损害利益第三人(被保险人、受益人)的期待利益。最高人民法院原拟在“保险合同法解释二”中对该条内容做出解释,但因争议较大,最后颁布时删除了此内容。保险法学界对该条存在肯定和否定两种态度,肯定说认为,投保人是保险合同的当事人,按照合同相对性理论,投保人的任意解除权应不受任何限制。而否定说认为,保险合同是利他合同,与其他一般民事合同有一定的区别,投保人的任意解除行为可能损害利益第三人的合法权益,其权利应受到一定的限制。本文对国内外利他保险合同理论进行梳理,通过实际的案例分析投保人任意解除权并对《保险法》第15条提出修改建议。  相似文献   

保险合同解除分为法定解除和约定解除。法定解除的适用情形仅限于《保险法》中规定的情形。法定解除具有产生条件法定和小李法定的特点。要明确了解法定解除的概念,需要将法定解除与约定解除、合同终止和合同撤销进行比较区分对比。  相似文献   

闫海  佟爽 《征信》2016,(3):7-13
金融衍生交易终止净额结算是一种重要的信用风险缓释技术,有助于提高金融资金效率、避免金融市场系统性风险,被国际上ISDA主协议和我国NAFMII主协议所承认.终止净额结算的法理基础是抵销,与我国《合同法》相协调,但发生破产类违约事件时,则与我国《企业破产法》及司法解释相冲突.我国应当制定《金融衍生交易法》,明确金融衍生交易的概念、合格交易、合格主体,以确定终止净额结算的范围,确认单一协议和提前终止权的效力,具体规定终止净额结算的规则,同时防止金融衍生交易终止净额结算被滥用.  相似文献   

方志平 《上海保险》2010,(5):15-17,40
一、保险利益的区分认定规则 保险合同的生效,除了需要具备一般合同生效的条件,譬如合同主体合格、意思表示真实、合同标的不得违反强行法或者社会公共利益外,还必须具备一项特殊的法定要件,即保险利益。保险利益的确认,是判定保险合同是否具备法律约束力的一项当然要求,它负载了避免将保险沦为赌博、避免道德风险的发生等重要功能。  相似文献   

邵榕 《金卡工程》2009,13(6):64-64
从中国《合同法》有关赠与合同的法律条文中,可以看出法律赋予赠与人以撤回权。本文重点从赠与人的撤回权行使条件这个角度,来分析我国法律规定关于赠与人的撤回权所存在的法律漏洞,并借鉴外国的一些立法例去探寻对这些漏洞的完善方法。  相似文献   

保证是人们在经济生活中广泛运用的担保方式之一。保证人与债权人签订的约定相互之间权利义务关系的协议即为保证合同。保证合同作为从属于主合同的从合同,应具备以下要件方为有效:第一,主体合格,尤其是保证人必须具备法定资格。第二,意思表示真实一致,这要求保证人提供保证的外部表示必须与其内心意思相一致且该表示必须明确具体。第三,内容必须符合法律和社会公共利益,不得有违公序良俗。第四,主合同必须合法有效,除非当事人另有约定。第五,形式及程序应当合法。了解、掌握保证合同的有效要件,对于我们认定保证合同是否有效及保证人应否承担保证责任大有帮助  相似文献   

王盈  刘觅 《海南金融》2007,(4):63-65
保险合同作为一种特殊的民商事合同,较之一般合同具有自身特殊性,主要体现在保险合同的附合性和涉他性.有关保险合同解除制度的规定,直接关乎合同当事人的权益平衡,是保险合同立法的一项重要内容.本文首先将保险法中投保人的合同解除权界定为任意解除权,然后对任意解除权提出质疑,并进一步探讨投保人合同解除权的立法完善并提出个人建议,希望能对完善有关规定有所裨益.  相似文献   

一。施工项目合同管理的内容和主体 施工项目合同管理的内容包括对施工合同、分包合同、买卖合同、租赁合同和借款合同的订立、履行、变更、终止和解决争议,本文以施工合同管理为主进行解释。  相似文献   

Our study uses a multinomial logit model to analyze the concurrent termination experience of adjustable-rate and fixed-rate mortgages. A new set of ARM-specific interactive determinants expands the conventional FRM specification to isolate the unique termination behavior of ARMs. We find that expected rate adjustments and large lifetime caps are positively related to ARM termination probabilities while long adjustment frequencies are inversely related. Caps, both periodic and lifetime, have a secondary, inverse effect on termination probabilities when interest-rate movements exceed cap limits. The model also shows that interest-rate expectations affect FRM terminations more strongly than ARM terminations.  相似文献   

《Benefits quarterly》2006,22(4):72-74
Even though an insurer provided telephone notice of termination of a group health plan's insurance coverage for failure to pay the required premium on the same day the employer filed a bankruptcy petition and gave written notice after the petition was filed, it did not violate the bankruptcy code's automatic stay provision. This is because a special payment plan provided for an extended grace period and automatic termination upon failure to pay the premium in full by the end of that period, and the final due date was before the debtor filed the petition. Thus, termination occurred automatically before the bankruptcy petition was filed. The insurer is not the plan administrator and is not obligated to provide COBRA notice to the debtor's employees, especially since the employees could not elect to continue coverage under a group health plan when the insurance coverage had been terminated. An employee's right to elect to continue coverage under the employer's group plan presumes there is coverage available to continue.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of financial contracts involving several parties by extending the notion of a two-person game option to a contract in which an arbitrary number of parties is involved and each of them is allowed to make a wide array of decisions at any time, not restricted to simply exercising the option. The collection of decisions by all parties then determines the contract’s termination date as well as the terminal payoff for each party. We provide sufficient conditions under which a discrete-time multi-person game option has a unique arbitrage-free price, which is additive with respect to any partition of the contract. Our results are illustrated by the detailed study of a particular multi-person contract with puttable tranches.  相似文献   

This paper derives the value of Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) pension insurance under two scenarios of interest. The first allows for voluntary plan termination, which appears to be legal under current statutes. In the second scenario, termination is prohibited unless the firm is bankrupt. Empirical estimates of PBGC liabilities are calculated. These show that prospective PBGC liabilities greatly exceed current reserves for plan terminations, that even under a bankruptcy-only termination rule, PBGC liabilities still would be quite sensitive to discretionary funding policy, and that the increasingly common practice of pension spinoff/terminations, substantially increases the present value of the PBGC's contingent liabilities.  相似文献   

This study documents bidding-firm stock returns upon the announcement of takeover terminations. On average, bidding firms that offer common stock experience a positive abnormal return, and firms that offer cash experience a negative abnormal return. The positive performance is primarily driven by bidders initiating the takeover termination. Commonstock-financed bidders earn a return not significantly different from that earned by cashfinanced bidders when terminations are initiated by the target firm. The results are consistent with the asymmetric information hypothesis, that the decision not to issue common stock conveys favorable information to the market. In addition, bidder returns at takeover termination are positively related to the amount of undistributed cash flow, supporting the free cash flow hypothesis.  相似文献   

梁鹏 《保险研究》2011,(6):99-107
我国《保险法》未规定临时保险制度,本文建议,我国的临时保险制度应当分为强制临时保险与自愿临时保险两种,在保险人预收保险费的情况下,根据履行提前、对价平衡、合理期待等理论,保险人应当对临时保险事故予以赔付,此种临时保险的期间自投保人交付保险费之时起算,于正式保险生效之时或投保人收到拒保通知书并由保险人退还保险费之时终止;...  相似文献   

This paper examines management's decision to terminate overfunded pension plans. Plan terminations are controversial because they sometimes redistribute pension funds from employee trusts to the firm. This empirical study compares a sample of firms terminating overfunded pension plans with a sample of firms continuing overfunded plans. The examination finds that both business-related and management-related variables help to explain the termination decision. With respect to business-related variables, firms are more likely to terminate overfunded plans that do not include union employees. These firms also tend to be smaller, have tax carryforwards, and have high financial leverage. With respect to management-related variables, termination firms tend to have management compensation plans based on income and high owner control. The results suggest that management motivation to terminate overfunded plans may be increased when the decision will advance the personal interests of managers.  相似文献   

The first part of this article deals with surrender charges. Due to the incredible increase of single premium life assurances this already written off instrument came back to discussion. The increase is based on the high income within the range of life assurances compared to interest income for safe investments. Speculations against to the collective of insured become possible as the right of the policyholder to notice a life assurance at any time, §?168 VVG, is inalienable, even concerning single premium assurances. Alerted by that, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (??BaFin??) demands appropriate surrender charges within the single premium matters. However, literature prefers a surrender charge caused by capital market which is consolidated into a lump sum to the amount of 0,2 per cent regarding the total payment of interest, for each year by which the single premium contract is going to be terminated before expiring after 10 years. This point of view can basically be followed. For reasons of principle consideration, the surrender charge must certainly be determined significantly lower than proposed, namely with 0,1 per cent each year. De lege ferenda, the alternative to make restrictions to the right to give notice for single premium assurances may be taken into consideration. The second part of this article deals with acquisition costs. The regional court of Rostock considers a separate agreement relating to cost averaging??whereby the policyholder must continue to pay the instalments for the acquisition costs even after the termination of the life assurance??to be a ??Umgehungsgesch?ft?? (evasive transaction) to §?169 V 2 VVG and is for that reason void. This cannot be followed. A?thoroughly interpretation of the provision shows that it does not prohibit the result, namely the deduction of the surrender value below the value which is determined by §?169 III VVG. The result is rather then prohibited when it is achieved by the non-transparent way of a set off of the costs with the paid assurance premium. That point of view of the regional court of Rostock is therefore contra legem. As the right to modify law is reserved to the legislative authority, it is well advised to observe the actual development for a certain period of time. In regard to that result the policyholder is not made vulnerable. Oftentimes, the liability for consulting activities of the insurer and his intermediaries will interfere in his favour.  相似文献   

Hundreds of large firms have terminated overfunded pension plans and obtained substantial cash reversions in the past few years. This study reveals a positive and significant market reaction at the time of the termination announcement. The strongest stock price reaction is for firms with large terminations relative to prereversion income. This study demonstrates that real economic gains result from the termination. Specifically, firms terminating overfunded pension plans tend to have tax loss carryforwards that effectively increase the after-tax returns from termination.  相似文献   

The amount and timing of unscheduled principal amortization determines the ex-post yield to holders of mortgage-backed securities. In this paper, the relationship between pool characteristics and the early return of principal is addressed. Empirical results are based on actual terminations from June 1985 to June 1986 on a sample of all GNMA pools. The relative termination experience of pools with loan rates close to the refinancing rate faced by the underlying borrower is examined in detail. The impact of pool age and size is also considered. Unscheduled termination depends on the refinancing rate, as well as the specific characteristics of a pool.  相似文献   

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