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丛海华 《经济论坛》2001,(23):23-24
企业可通过注册防御商标和联台商标来保护自己的驰名商标。防御商标是指驰名商标所有人为防止他人侵权而在不同的商品类别中申请注册同一商标。例如美国迪斯尼公司在我国就将“唐老鸭”、“米老鼠”在200多个不同的商品类别是分别申请注册,基本杜绝了他人在中国使用“唐老鸭”、“米老鼠”的可能。联合商标指商标所有人为防止他人侵权,而将他们认为与其注册商标近似的文字、图形或其结合一并在有关商品类中予以注册的商标。可见,驰名商标所有人通过注册防御商标或联用商标,可以有效保护其驰名商标。  相似文献   

黄绵运 《新经济》2009,(11):72-73
当今市场经济竞争之中,商战的火药味愈演愈烈,这一战火已经逐渐蔓延到商标之争上。两个公司恶意串通转让商标损害他人利益,四枚商标的非法转竟让一家公司以被告的身份被推上了法庭。  相似文献   

薛海舟 《经济视角》2013,(9):28-29,35
我国《商标法》规定:"申请商标注册不得损害他人现有的在先权利,也不得以不正当手段抢先注册他人已经使用并有一定影响的商标。"《商标法》并未明确规定在先权利的内涵以及该法条的适用情形。对此,本文对在先权利的含义作出阐述,对在先权利的外延作出列举,并详细分析了新《商标法》第三十二条的适用条件,以便更准确地判定"申请商标注册损害他人现有的在先权利"的情形。  相似文献   

擅自使用他人未标明标记的注册商标构成侵权吗?杨东良,马文毅甲厂系生产针灸针的专业工厂,自七十年代起即使用"医圣"牌文字和图形的组合商标,1990年1月又申请续展使用该商标。商标局于1990年2月10日发给商标注册证;批准甲厂使用"医圣"牌注册商标的有...  相似文献   

随着电子商务的兴起,域名被誉为“企业的网上商标”,成为了一种重要的无形资产,其商业价值不言而喻,域名抢注的现象频频出现。域名抢注主要表现为将他人在先的商标、商号、企业名称、地理名称、地理标记、国家政府国际组织名称或其缩写等恶意注册为域名。本文将从域名的法律性质、域名抢注的性质认定以及域名抢注的法律规制等方面展开,主要探讨域名注册中商标权的保护。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的兴起,域名被誉为"企业的网上商标",成为了一种重要的无形资产,其商业价值不言而喻,域名抢注的现象频频出现.域名抢注主要表现为将他人在先的商标、商号、企业名称、地理名称、地理标记、国家政府国际组织名称或其缩写等恶意注册为域名.本文将从域名的法律性质、域名抢注的性质认定以及域名抢注的法律规制等方面展开,主要探讨域名注册中商标权的保护.  相似文献   

杜颖  稣乌 《江南论坛》2022,(2):52-55
我国地理标志保护制度不断完善,地理标志保护实践也不断突破创新。相比于普通商标,我国地理标志商标强保护倾向明显。地理标志商标禁用权范围广泛,与普通商标冲突时具有优先效力,地理标志商标在先申请注册时可以阻拦在后申请的普通商标,地理标志商标在后申请注册时则可与在先申请的普通商标共存甚至寻求无效在先普通商标。限定了产区的通用名称仍可以作为地理标志获得保护,混淆可能性不是侵犯地理标志商标权行为的必需要件。  相似文献   

商标是企业产品或服务的标志,是商业信誉的集中体现,从某种意义上讲也是生产经营者身份的象征,是企业人格的体现。因此,如何制定商标战略、运用好自己的商标,是每一个生产经营者应当慎重考虑的问题。首先,商标的使用者对商标的显著性应有充分的认识。我国《商标法》第9条规定,申请注册的商标应当有显著性。如果申请注册的商标不具备显著性,该申请就会由于商标不具有识别性或者区别性而被驳回。同时,商标权人应当认识到商标的显著性也是会发展变化的。原来商标的显著性随着时间的推移可能会逐渐减弱或者丧失,从而不再具有显著性。…  相似文献   

我国的商标法规定了商标申请原则,即一只商标只有在向国家工商局商标局申请并被批准后,才能变为特殊含义的商标,也就是人们通常所称的“注册商标”.商标只有经注册成为注册商标后,才享有专用权,并受法律保护.商标权和专利权、版权一样属于知识产权的范畴,是企业的无形资产.在商品经济社会中,企业的商标至关重要,一个驰名或著名的商标能给企业带来巨大的经济利益,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中不断发展壮大,立于不败之地.  相似文献   

商标反向假冒行为是指未经商标权利人的许可而撤去或替换他人合法帖附在商品上的商标后,再将他人的商品冒充自己的商品出售或拟出售,以牟取不正当利益的行为。具有商标侵权行为与不正当经营行为的双重性质。本文针对我国《商标法》的具体规定,在分析、评价商标反向假冒行为的各项基础性问题的基础上,提出了几点完善建议,希望能为该行为的有效规制做出一份贡献。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of a technology sourcing strategy maintaining a focus on the rediscovery of old technologies. Specifically, we study the different impact exerted by old technological solutions, distinguished on the basis of their organisational and industrial origins, on the innovation value. We develop a set of hypotheses about the impact exerted by four distinct types of old technological solutions (firm core technological heritage, firm lateral technological heritage, competitors’ technological heritage and others’ technological heritage) and test them on a sample of 1189 biotechnology patents registered at the US Patent and Trademark Office from 1979 to 2002. Results strongly support our hypotheses, revealing that: (1) using both firm core technological heritage and others’ technological heritage has an inverted U-shaped effect on innovation value; (2) employing firm lateral technological heritage is positively related to innovation value; (3) a negative relationship occurs between competitors’ core technological heritage and the value of subsequent innovations.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the role that patents in one country have on product innovation in other countries. This paper contributes to the existing literature by using a firm fixed-effects model to investigate the connection between industry innovation (specifically that of the U.S. automobile industry) and a variety of micro and macroeconomic factors. Knowledge spillovers between countries are modeled using data from the Patent and Trademark Office, Census Bureau, and COMPUSTAT. The results indicate that German innovations affect U.S. firms differently from Japanese innovations: Japanese patents have a larger negative influence on U.S. auto manufacturers' patenting behavior.  相似文献   

就商标权原始取得而言,商标注册和使用都具有重要意义。绝对的使用取得模式符合商标权的产生机理,但有违效率原则;纯粹的注册制度满足效率上的要求,却可能导致注册权利与市场实际相脱节,并引发商标抢注。只有兼顾注册与使用效力的商标确权制度才能确保效率与公正,这也正是各国商标法孜孜以求的目标。就此而言,我国商标法应在完善商标注册制度的同时,进一步强化对未注册商标的保护。  相似文献   

A good reputation can be an effective bond for honest behavior in a community of traders if members of the community know how others have behaved in the past – even if any particular pair of traders meets only infrequently. In a large community, it would be impossibly costly for traders to be perfectly informed about each other's behavior, but there exist institutions that can restore the effectiveness of a reputation system using much less extensive information. The system of judges used to enforce commercial law before the rise of the state was such an institution, and it successfully encouraged merchants (1) to behave honestly, (2) to impose sanctions on violators, (3) to become adequately informed about how others had behaved, (4) to provide evidence against violators of the code, and (5) to pay any judgments assessed against them, even though each of these behaviors might be personally costly.  相似文献   

Law backed by non‐deterrent sanctions (mild law) has been hypothesized to achieve compliance because of norm activation. We experimentally investigate the effects of mild law in the provision of public goods by comparing it to severe law (deterrent sanctions) and no law. The results show that exogenously imposing mild law does not achieve compliance, but compliance is much improved if mild law is endogenously chosen, i.e., self‐imposed. We show that voting for mild law induces expectations of cooperation, and that people tend to comply with the law if they expect many others to do so.  相似文献   

无权处分是指行为人未经授权即以他人所有之物为标的,以其自身的名义与第三人签订合同,并依合同实施了能导致物权设立,转移或消灭的行为。无权处分合同只要符合法律行为的一般生效要件即可生效,就算出卖人欠缺处分权,买受人明知无权处分之事实,均不影响合同之效力。处分权是导致权利变动的核心要件,出卖人欠缺处分权,即使合同有效,也履行了相应的公示行为(动产交付或不动产办理过户登记),也不能导致物权的变动,但善意取得除外。  相似文献   

This paper applies principles of transition to land tenure and squatting in South Africa. Political transition in South Africa reassigned political property rights, which produced contestable, and rent‐seeking incentives for squatting as a means to privatize land and redistribute wealth. Government failure to establish and protect private property rights in a squatter camp resulted in common‐pool problems that resisted private and public resolution with consequent rent dissipation and social loss. In response to this retreat from duty, informal agents emerged to claim their own share of the prize. Without enforceable rules of capture, the growth of squatter camps in South Africa will continue. JEL classification: D7, H8, K1, K4, R1, R4.  相似文献   

In social dilemmas individual behavior creates external effects on others. In such situations, a person's opinions concerning right and wrong might influence his behavior. Understanding moral opinions therefore is important. This paper reports on an experiment which shows that moral opinions are conditional on the behavior of others. This is demonstrated by the finding that a large majority of subjects in a public good game experiment report personal normative beliefs that increase with the actual contributions made by group members. This finding is important for the design of policies attempting to sustain public good provisions.  相似文献   

在德国,法律十分重视平衡和保护言论自由,法律对人们言论的规制要受到来自个人名誉、尊严和道德方面的限制。但德国法律对言论自由的保护也有诸多不足:一是德国对言论自由的限制有过于宽松之嫌;二是在言词与行为之间没有作出区分;三是德国的基本法对言论自由的保护着重在民法方面,而没有刑法方面的保护。  相似文献   

We present results from an artefactual field experiment conducted in rural Peru that considers whether observing non-reciprocal behavior influences an individual's decision to reciprocate. Specifically, we consider the behavior of second movers in a trust game, assessing whether their decision to reciprocate is influenced by the observed reciprocity of others. In documenting the impact of an external shock to observed reciprocity, this paper shows that small increases in non-reciprocal behavior result in an unraveling of the norm of reciprocity. Survey data is used to explore mechanisms by which this occurred. Results are not consistent with learning effects, suggesting that preferences may be changed by observing others deviating from a norm of reciprocity. These results suggest that investing in encouraging trustworthy behavior can have large benefits in situations where individuals are observing each other's behavior, such as may be the case in a new market institution.  相似文献   

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