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刘澍 《吉林金融研究》2012,(3):13-17,36
本文针对养老保险体制改革和发展中遇到的养老保险基金筹集困难、城乡养老保障水平低、城乡养老保险待遇水平和财政支持差别大等问题,提出了促进养老保险基金多渠道筹集、提高养老保障水平、缩小城乡差别以及健全法律制度等相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

习近平主席在党的十八届五中全会中提出要健全城乡一体化发展机制,从而使得社会养老保障体系更加公平稳健。本文以城乡社会养老保险差异为切入点,并从覆盖率、公平度、协调度、保障度以及可持续性这五个方面作为AHP层次分析模型的数据指标,对广东省河源市的养老保险一体化的影响因素进行分析,并站在城乡养老保险一体化发展的角度提出了对策性建议。  相似文献   

我国农村社会养老保险覆盖率的实证考察与政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑军  张海川 《保险研究》2012,(2):113-120
基于2003年~2010年相关数据,运用社会养老保险制度覆盖率计算公式,对农村社会养老保险覆盖率从纵向和横向(城乡差异)进行实证比较分析,指出制度模式、农民的收入水平、制度保障水平、城镇社会养老保险的历史债务以及社会养老保险关系转移的便捷性等问题是造成"新农保"覆盖率较低的重要原因,并从加快制度推进、提供多种制度模式、增加农民收入、提高制度保障水平以及以家庭为参保单位等方面,提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

人口老龄化与湖北省农村社会养老保险适度给付水平研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以人口老龄化为切入点,结合湖北省人口老龄化与农村社会养老保险给付水平现状,构建了人口老龄化背景下农村社会养老保险适度给付水平模型,测算了湖北省农村社会养老保险适度给付水平的上下限,提出进一步完善农村社会养老保险保障功能的政策建议。  相似文献   

目前我国人口结构已步入老龄化,高龄老人比重增加,空巢化、家庭结构小型化等问题带来了巨大的养老压力.基本养老保障、医疗保障层次较低,养老服务的供给与养老需求不匹配.住房反向抵押养老保险是由金融机构开发经营的创新型金融产品,有利于家庭资产的优化配置,提高养老金的保障水平,本文结合湖南省人口、住房自有率、养老意愿等条件对保险公司开展住房反向抵押养老保险的市场环境进行调查与分析.  相似文献   

创业已经成为中国的一项重要发展战略。本文采用2018年中国家庭追踪调查数据,从养老保险广度与养老保险深度两个维度分析养老保险对家庭创业的影响。研究结果表明:养老保险对家庭创业具有显著的正向影响,在进行稳健性检验、内生性处理及克服样本选择偏差后,养老保险对家庭创业依然具有促进效应;异质性分析发现,养老保险对家庭创业的促进效应主要体现在青壮年群体、城镇群体、男性群体中;在影响机制方面,养老保险通过提高居民的风险偏好和缓解融资约束,促进家庭创业。据此,文章提出进一步提高养老保险覆盖率和保障水平,加快推进城乡养老保险一体化进程,通过创业培训和改变融资环境来推动家庭创业等政策建议。  相似文献   

新型农村社会养老保险基金筹措机制管理作为农村养老保险体制改革的重要内容,对于提高农村社会保障水平,保障农民的基本生活水平具有重要的意义。本文针对新型农村社会养老保险基金筹措管理,首先分析了当前农村社会养老保险基金筹措管理所存在的一系列问题以及完善资金筹措机制的必要性,进而提出了完善新型农村社会养老保险基金筹措机制建设措施,可以为相关人员开展新型农村社会养老保险基金筹措管理提供合理的参考。  相似文献   

社会保险关系转移接续问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,社会保险关系转移接续出现困难.本文剖析了当前养老保险关系转移难深层次原因,分析基本养老保险关系转移与劳动者权益保护的关系,揭示养老保险关系"转移难"对于劳动者权益可能的损害以及对人力资源市场一体化的不利影响;运用经济学原理分析养老保险关系"转移难"的制度原因以及相关的经济利益关系.本文从政策层面上提出养老保险关系转移接续可操作性办法,并提出了几点建议:提高社会统筹层次,较大范围的保障社会保险关系转移顺畅;明确中央和地方责任,建立中央财政社会保险关系转移结算机构;制定符合农民工特点的养老保险关系转移政策;注重解决机关企事业人员流动引发的养老保险关系接续问题;加快"金保工程建设"步伐,建立全国社会保障网络中心.  相似文献   

文章通过新旧农村社会养老保险政策比较与南华县的实践,从参保积极性、保障水平、制度设计方面分析了新型农村社会养老保险取得的成效。  相似文献   

王天玉 《保险研究》2022,(6):115-127
新业态从业人员职业伤害保障存在制度短板。现行工伤保险以“劳动者身份”作为参保资格,以劳动关系为前提,而新业态因灵活就业不同于传统的“企业+雇员”模式,难以认定劳动关系而未被纳入工伤保险。学界围绕着“劳动者身份”提出了确认平台灵活就业劳动关系的“身份化”方案与剥离工伤保险参保资格的“去身份化”方案,但不符合新业态本质及工伤保险功能,具有较大局限性。本文认为应经由对平台灵活就业人员的“类雇员身份”构造,将类雇员权益拆解为“单次行为权益”与“持续关系权益”,将职业伤害保障与单次劳务给付行为关联,超越“身份”而以“行为”为基点,建立“行为风险保障”制度,从“从业人员—平台”的保障模式转向“从业人员—行业”的行业化实施机制,形成完全社会化的社会保险模式。  相似文献   

我国公务员与企业职工的退休待遇存在巨大差距,养老保险制度的公平性备受质疑,由制度差异带来的阻碍人才流动等弊端日益凸显,已成为近年来社会关注的焦点问题,本文在分析公务员的职业特点及其养老保障特殊性的基础上,借鉴国际经验,并基于融入全国统一的养老金体系和保护公务员既得权益的考虑,给出了公务员养老金改革应采取“基本养老金+职业年金”的设计思路和具体方案,测算分析了改革方案对个人和财政支出的影响以及在实施上的可行性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了英国职业养老金的基本情况。在老龄化等影响下,英国公共部门和私有部门职业养老金分别出现了严重危机。近年英国政府全面加强了职业养老金改革,包括实施养老金个人账户制,调整公共部门养老金政策,提出加强工作养老金的设想等。这些政策的核心是如何设计一种更有效率,但同时保障了人们养老需求的市场化私有养老金模式。英国职业养老金的发展的经验教训,对我国完善养老金制度有积极启示意义。  相似文献   

经历了私有属性的养老金制度的前期发展以后,意大利建立了主导性的以职业分割的卑斯麦式的公共养老金体系。待遇和缴费层面上的权利义务不对等,经济人口发展的不利因素以及国内国际的政治金融多重压力促使意大利开始改革公共养老金体系,恢复公共财政的可持续发展。意大利的公共养老金改革不仅建立了待遇和缴费的对应关系,也扩大了养老金的福利融资渠道并鼓励了私有属性的公共体系外养老金制度的发展。另外,发展阶段针对非雇佣关系或自雇业者的公共养老金体系的非政府的管理方式在改革中得到了保留。发展与改革阶段的一系列举措深刻的影响和塑造了意大利公共养老金制度的现有功能和形态,对于正处在发展改革过程中各国的公共养老金制度建设也是重要的启示。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of public policies enforcing workplace pension plan provision on participation rates. Using British data covering almost two decades (1992–2009), I identify the potential opt‐in rate among private sector workers who have not been offered a workplace pension plan, had they been offered the opportunity to join such a saving scheme. I find that universal provision of workplace pension schemes alone could generate a major impact on pension coverage.  相似文献   

企业年金基金投资是企业年金制度的主要内容之一,也是整个制度建设中最为关键和复杂的构成部分,投资绩效的好坏,直接影响并决定着企业年金事业的兴衰成败。美国企业年金制度已有100多年的历史,20世纪50年代企业年金开始采用信托投资方式,60多年来,信托投资由企业家的独立决策演化成美国企业年金资产管理的常规模式。虚拟经济理论是以马克思虚拟价值观为出发点发展出来的新理论,有不同的学术流派。本文以成思危教授阐发的虚拟经济原理作为理论工具,对美国企业年金基金投资运营展开研究,解析其经验教训,以期为我国企业年金制度建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The generosity of public pensions may depress private savings and provide incentives to retire early. While there is plenty of evidence supporting the latter effect, there remains considerable controversy over whether public pensions crowd out private savings. This paper uses international micro‐data sets collected over recent years to investigate whether public pensions displace private savings. The identification strategy relies not only on cross‐country differences in generosity but also on differences in the progressivity or non‐linearity of pension formulas across countries. We estimate that an extra dollar of pension wealth depresses accumulated financial assets around the time of retirement by 22 cents. An extra 10,000 dollars in public pension wealth reduces the average retirement age by roughly one month, which implies an elasticity of years of retirement with respect to pension wealth of 0.15.  相似文献   

Until the stock market bubble burst in 2000–2002, most CFOs viewed their defined benefit pension plans as profit centers and relatively risk‐free sources of income. Since neither pension assets nor liabilities were reported on corporate balance sheets, and expected returns on pension stocks could be substituted for actual returns when reporting net income, the risks associated with DB plans were masked by GAAP accounting and thus assumed to have no bearing on corporate capital structure. But when stock prices and corporate profits fell together, the risks associated with conventional stock‐heavy pension plans showed up first in reduced pension surpluses (or, in many cases, deficits) and then later in higher required cash contributions and lower reported earnings. As a consequence, today's investors (and rating agencies) are viewing pension and other legacy liabilities as corporate debt, and demands for transparency and increased funding have triggered accounting changes and proposed legislative reforms that will further unmask the economics. This article aims to provide both private‐sector and public‐sector CFOs with suggestions for reducing and controlling the cost of providing for the retirement of their employees. Profitable, tax‐paying companies with DB plans should consider (1) funding any unfunded liabilities (if necessary, by issuing debt) and (2) reducing pension equity and interest rate exposures by shifting some (if not all) pension assets into bonds and defeasing the pension liability (achieving a tax arbitrage in the process). And in cases where the expected costs of maintaining DB plans outweigh the benefits, companies should consider freezing or terminating their plans and switching to a defined contribution (DC) or some form of hybrid plan. The authors also propose similar changes for public pension plans, where underfunding and mismatch problems are greater, less transparent, and in some ways less tractable than those of corporate DB plans.  相似文献   


U.S. society is aging. The nature of work has changed from work that requires physical strength to work based on knowledge. As a result, workers are beginning to phase into retirement rather than going directly from full-time work to full retirement. From a retirement income perspective, many final-average-pay defined benefit plans have features that make phased retirement difficult at best and detrimental at worst. U.S. pension law and regulations present barriers to phased retirement if the phased retiree wants to receive a portion of available pension benefits during phased retirement.

This paper examines private sector options to encourage phased retirement and to eliminate the disincentives that currently affect defined benefit plans. It offers alternative calculations of final average pay that do not penalize the part-time worker. It also demonstrates that the plan’s early retirement reduction and late retirement increase can be set to maintain actuarial equity throughout phased retirement. The paper presents benefit calculations with equal actuarial values for various payout patterns.

The paper discusses the coordination between phased retirement and subsidized early retirement. Finally, the paper notes some of the changes in ERISA that will be needed to facilitate phased retirement in defined benefit plans, especially for participants who want to receive pension distributions while working part time.  相似文献   

The 1986 Social Security Act introduced far-reaching changes to the supplementary pension environment in Britain, encouraging the growth of defined contribution pension plans and especially personal pensions. This paper examines the pattern of supplementary pension coverage of employees in Britain five years after the implementation of the Act, using cross-sectional data from the Family Resources Survey 1993–94. Two-thirds of employees in Britain are covered by private contracted-out pension scheme. Employer-provided defined benefit pension schemes remain the dominant type of supplementary pension scheme. The growth of personal pension plans is more marked among manual, less-skilled, workers in smaller establishments. The paper concludes that, in the absence of further pension reform, adverse labour market conditions will exert downward pressure on private pension coverage. JEL classification:I38, J32, J38.  相似文献   

我国人口老龄化发展速度加快,社会养老服务供需不平衡的矛盾凸显。机构养老的“补充”地位已经远远不能满足养老服务的实际需求。民间资本在市场需求和政府政策激励下,正越来越多地投入到社会养老服务提供中。但民间资本在参与养老服务提供的过程中面临一系列制度和政策方面的问题,影响了其参与养老服务提供的积极性。本文在对内蒙古部分民办养老机构实地调查的基础上,对相关问题进行了分析,并提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

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