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<正>22日,卫生部在其官方网站上公布了系列乳品安全新国标,对此前繁复的乳品安全标准进行了大刀阔斧的整合,由此前的160多项减少至66项。值得关注的是,此次出台的系列新国标并没有设置三聚氰胺相关规定。对此行业人士纷纷认为此项设置合理。  相似文献   

一直以来,乳品作为一个与人民生活密切相关的重要农产品得到各国政府的全力支持。尽管各国对乳品行业给予支持和保护的手段和方式有所不同,但目的却有着极大的相似性,即用合理的价格向消费者提供安全、可靠的乳品,保证乳品生产者按合理的价格出售乳品以获得相应比较满意的收入;  相似文献   

本文从奶农"倒奶"的社会现象入手,以国内乳品市场及乳业安全为出发点,重点研究了乳品进口对国内乳品市场的冲击影响,并基于量化分析结果提出了相应的政策建议。从逻辑上看,本文首先将影响乳品进口的贸易因素与其他的市场因素进行了剥离,并对冲击影响的贸易前提条件进行了讨论,提出了启动中国乳品进口特殊保障机制或贸易救济措施的充分必要条件,此条件的重要目的在于避免滥用相关政策措施。进一步利用一般均衡模型具体分析了乳品进口对中国奶牛养殖与乳品加工两个行业的具体影响,比较模型结果与现实情况,量化了比较静态条件下乳品进口对中国奶牛养殖的冲击。最后,提出了以构建奶业安全网为契机、循序渐进地构建中国农业安全网的设想。  相似文献   

国务院令第536号(乳品质量安全监督管理条例)中华人民共和国国务院令第536号《乳品质量安全监督管理条例》已经2008年10月6日国务院第28次常务会议通过,公  相似文献   

2010年3月,卫生部批准公布66项乳品安全国家标准,其中《生乳》国家标准的执行主体是奶牛养殖者和乳品企业。《生乳》国家标准定位于质量安全,是生乳生产和收购的准入门槛,明确区别于1986年发布的《生鲜乳收购标准》和2003年发布的《鲜乳卫生标准》。  相似文献   

奶站质量控制的经济学解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
奶站在当前的原奶供应链中起着关键的作用,"三鹿毒奶粉"事件表明奶站是掺杂使假的主要行为者。本文证明,在奶业质量安全监督机制和问责机制不健全的情况下,奶站掺杂使假是一种必然趋势。奶站掺假的可能性会随乳品企业对有毒有害物质的检测成本、乳品企业风险偏好程度的增大而升高;随乳品企业发现奶站掺假获得的罚金、乳品企业收购掺假奶后的潜在损失的增大而下降。  相似文献   

本文根据产业集群的特征,利用Solow-Swan模型以及2002—2012年的中国奶业统计数据,对内蒙古乳品产业集群成长的影响因素进行了实证分析。结果显示,乳品产业集群的企业集聚度、乳品业从业人员数量、企业总资产与乳品产业集群的产出具有正相关性,由此提出了整合相关产业资源、培育分工协作网络以及完善政府职能等相关措施。  相似文献   

正近日,国务院办公厅印发《关于推进奶业振兴保障乳品质量安全的意见》(以下简称《意见》),围绕奶源基地建设、乳制品加工流通、乳品质量安全监管以及消费引导等方面作出全面部署。农业农村部畜牧业司司长马有祥就相关问题回答记者提问。问:近年来,奶业发展受到高度重视。《意见》有哪些新的目标和举措?答:《意见》共分为6个部分22条,明确了今后一个时期奶业发展的指导思想、基本原则、主要  相似文献   

正本刊讯5月20日,农业部举行乳品企业座谈会,围绕振兴中国奶业进行交流探讨。农业部部长韩长赋在会上强调,党中央、国务院高度重视奶业发展和乳品质量安全,振兴中国奶业责任重大。乳品企业是振兴中国奶业的主体,希望大家心往一处想,劲往一处使,坚定信心,攻坚克难,共同推动奶业转型升级,开创振兴中国奶业的新局面。  相似文献   

文章以关乎广大消费者健康与安全的乳品企业为研究对象,通过博弈的方法对乳品企业建立利益共享的原因(目的)、驱动因素以及分配等核心问题进行研究,最后针对分析结果提出建议,得出相应结论。  相似文献   

During the negotiations on the Australia–US free trade agreement (AUSFTA), the US dairy industry vigorously opposed opening the US market to imports of Australian dairy products on the grounds that the US industry would be devastated. Subsequently, the agreement signed in February 2004 made an exception for dairy, providing for only limited quota expansion and no free trade, even at the end of the long implementation period. This paper presents a simulation model of world dairy markets, represented by supply and demand equations for fat and non‐fat components of milk and manufactured dairy products. We use the model to analyse the effects on US milk markets of both a hypothetical agreement, allowing free bilateral trade in dairy products, and the actual AUSFTA. An important contribution to the literature is the derivation of explicit supply and demand relationships for milk components. The components model allows an analysis of long‐term production, consumption, and trade patterns that is not tied to specific, fungible products. Simulations indicate that increased imports from Australia resulting from bilateral trade liberalisation would have resulted in small reductions in US milk prices and production. The much smaller increases in Australian access to the US market under the actual AUSFTA will have even smaller, almost negligible, impacts.  相似文献   

微胶囊技术因具有保护活性、减少损失、改善物质稳定性等优良性能而被广泛使用.近年来,随着人们生活水平的提高,乳制品行业不断朝功能性方向发展,其中很大程度得益于微胶囊技术的推广应用.本文综述了常见的营养功能原料益生菌、油脂、维生素、矿物质及食品添加剂等微胶囊技术及其在乳制品中的应用研究,并对未来发展提出了展望.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and estimate an empirical model of pricing behaviour for food retail firms in both a quantity‐setting oligopoly engaged in the joint production of demand‐related final goods and a quantity‐setting oligopsony for supply‐unrelated wholesale goods. The procedure consists of estimating an inverse demand system for the final goods, single supply functions for the wholesale goods and the retail industry first‐order profit‐maximisation conditions, from which an estimate of the degree of imperfect competition and of oligopoly‐oligopsony power for the different commodities can be retrieved. The model is applied to the French food retail industry and three commodities are distinguished: dairy products, meat products and other food products. We strongly reject the hypothesis that French food retail firms behave competitively, and more than 20 and 17 per cent of the wholesale‐to‐retail price margins for dairy products and meat products, respectively, can be attributed to oligopoly‐oligopsony distortions.  相似文献   

目的 优化乳制品消费结构、推动消费方式多元化发展,能够在保持消费总量稳定增长的同时,多途径提升乳制品消费水平,加快乳制品消费转型升级,助力居民营养健康。方法 文章利用2009—2018年“中国健康与营养调查”面板数据,分析了我国居民收入增长对乳制品消费的影响,并着重讨论了城乡之间的因素差异。结果 (1)收入增长可显著提升城乡居民乳制品消费量,在利用IV-Hekit模型克服内生性后,结论依然稳健;(2)收入增长可通过丰富乳品消费种类加快乳品消费结构升级、增加乳品消费频次形成结构化膳食两条路径增加乳制品消费;(3)城市居民收入增长对乳制品消费量的正向作用更明显,城市居民收入增长对乳制品消费种类和消费频次的提升作用约为农村居民的两倍。结论 增加城乡居民对乳制品的消费,需引导居民形成多元化健康饮食方式,带动乳制品加工营养化高值化,推动地方特色乳业发展;强化乳制品消费引导和配送体系建设;组织实施低收入人群营养改善计划,保障弱势群体食物基本供给和营养不断改善。  相似文献   

Using urban survey data collected by the authors in 2001–02, this paper analyses demographics, cultural factors and purchasing behaviours influencing the consumption of fresh milk, yogurt, ice cream and powered milk in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, China. Results from estimation of a double-hurdle model of consumption show that income and marketing channels are the key determinants of milk consumption levels; however, education, advertising and convenience play a more important role in consumption of other dairy products. There is some evidence that milk powder, as a consumer good, may be becoming an inferior product in urban China. Finally, the survey data suggest that the growing sophistication of China's retail sector is influencing consumption of dairy products.  相似文献   

目的 随着国内乳制品产业的发展,乳业集聚格局特征日趋明显,不仅有助于提高产业内分工水平、产业竞争力,而且在培育本土品牌,解决市场失灵等方面发挥重要作用。方法 文章针对当前我国乳制品产业国际竞争力弱、市场信心疲软、质量安全余波未消、原料成本高—产品价格低的两难困境,通过构建演化博弈模型,分析奶农、奶站、乳制品企业选择集中规模化策略行为的演化博弈稳定策略,在此基础上,根据产业行为主体决策,分析乳制品产业集聚形成机制。结果 三方博弈主体的演化均衡策略的变化受各自支付矩阵影响,进而从微观个体的复制决策,在要素、资源禀赋等推动下,围绕利益相关主体,实现国内乳制品产业集聚的形成。结论 引导区域乳制品产业集聚、加强乳制品质量管控力度、提高行业管理与检测水平等有助于高效促进乳业集聚形成,培育国内乳业竞争力。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to determine consumption of functional fermented dairy products among Croatian students, their buying motives, and trust in functional characteristics of such products. Data were collected by means of an online survey with 300 university students in two major Croatian cities. Even though more than half of the respondents were not familiar with the term “functional food,” after it was explained, it turned out that the majority consumes functional fermented dairy products. The main reason for choosing such products is prevention of diseases, followed by positive impact of low-fat content on body weight. Respondents moderately trust in health effects and in producers’ labels regarding functional properties of functional fermented dairy products. Heavier consumers of fermented dairy products and those placing high importance on health effects of food they consume have more trust in functional properties of these products. Results of the study could be used as a base for better communication with young consumers regarding functional fermented dairy products.  相似文献   

本文主要分析了二噁英的理化性质,重点介绍了乳及乳制品中二噁英的污染情况,并提出有效措施给予预防和解决,以有效降低二噁英在乳及乳制品中的危害性,确保乳及乳制品行业的健康发展。通过对二噁英的理化性质进行研究,为乳及乳制品的安全生产提供可靠保障,以实现经济与社会效益的最大化。  相似文献   

[目的]乳业振兴战略实施以来,国内乳业从饲草布局、奶牛养殖、原料乳加工、市场格局等迎来大发展的利好时机。产业集聚是当前乳业发展的重要特征,研究乳制品产业集聚的溢出效应对分析区域经济增长与产业竞争力等具有重要的参考价值。[方法]文章利用1992-2017年中国省域乳制品产业相关面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型,研究中国乳制品产业集聚带来的经济增长、产业发展及乳制品安全等溢出效应及其作用机理。[结果]乳制品企业、奶站、奶农等利益相关主体的集聚增加了乳制品产业内各环节的关联性,显著增加区域经济的增长,提高乳制品产业竞争力,为乳制品产业发展提供内源性动力,最后在微观层面,各利益相关主体的集聚程度在一定程度上有助于改善乳制品质量安全水平。[结论]在此基础上,从打造乳制品产业集聚区、乳业振兴及质量安全管控等方面提出政策建议,进一步发挥产业集聚的辐射能力、提高产业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Using China's milk scandal as a natural experiment, this paper explores whether the countries of origin and export destinations have the same responses to the original country's food scandal. Our difference-in-difference estimation shows that the outbreak of China's milk scandal had asymmetric impacts on China's total imports (increased by 23.4%) and exports (sharply dropped by 65.8%). The results further show that China's milk scandal contributed to import increases from European and Oceanian countries. Moreover, China's milk scandal worsened exports, mainly those going to neighbouring Asian regions but increased exports to Oceania. A product quality index is constructed to explain this finding. Intuitively, consumers' perceived quality of Chinese products declined, and they tended to consume products from other countries. The lower the product quality was with those in China, the lower the perceived quality and safety, thereby affecting demand. During the scandal, Chinese consumers tended to buy high-quality dairy products from Europe and Oceania rather than the perceived unreliable dairy products produced by China or neighbouring countries. We conclude that product quality plays a key role in imports and exports when facing food scandals.  相似文献   

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