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Power distance, the level of acceptance of an uneven distribution of power by those enjoying less power, impacts empowerment and team participation, both of which are crucial to innovative performance in R&D companies. Although low power distance generally implies empowerment and team participation, this study empirically finds that high power distance actually leads to higher team participation. The relationship between power distance, empowerment and team participation is more complex than is generally believed. The study, instead of arriving at some definitive conclusions and proposing some effective and practicable solutions, points out the need for a deeper study of related issues.  相似文献   

管理信息系统(MIS)开发团队的正确选择是其成功的关键因素之一,为了解决管理信息系统实施过程中如何选取适合的开发团队问题,本文采用非交往型程式化决策术选择指标集和指标的权重,并用Delphi法对指标集进行打分,对各个团队进行综合评价,为管理信息系统的开发团队的选择提供依据,并将该方法成功运用到合肥市建筑质量监督管理站的MIS中。  相似文献   

基于“三集五大”变革形势下的供电企业人才队伍建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宇风  李晓凤  江玉梅 《价值工程》2012,31(21):146-148
当前,国家电网公司努力推进"两个转变",供电企业纷纷实施"五大"体系建设,组织结构、业务流程正发生巨变。本文重点梳理当前供电企业人才队伍建设存在的问题,提出人才队伍建设的前瞻思考和有效措施。  相似文献   

亓英善 《价值工程》2014,(1):169-170
企业的所有生产工作、活动都是在班组中完成的,供电所作为电力企业综合性的班组,是电力企业生产、经营的最基层班组。对整体企业来说,由于班组担负的任务最基础也很关键,所以电力企业努力做好基层班组的建设对企业的发展十分重要。  相似文献   

高管团队作为核心决策群体已成为企业的重要战略资源,高管团队的良好运作是企业稳定和发展的关键。本文在分析企业高管团队特征的基础上,概括出影响高管团队运作效率的主要因素,包括团队的结构组合、规模、权力分配、凝聚力、成员的人力资本价值方面。要提高企业高管团队的运行效率,一方面,需要借鉴现有研究成果,有针对性地对团队人员结构、规模、权力进行合理设计;另一方面,必须建立科学有效的沟通机制、激励机制,以改善企业高管团队的运行质量。  相似文献   

注重团队建设,加强团队力量,打造高绩效的工作团队,是提升企业竞争力的关键。文章对团队建设存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了加强团队建设的方法和建议。  相似文献   

NCAA men’s basketball teams are spending an increasing amount of money on recruiting expenditures in an effort to win more games. We examine the recruiting quality of both freshmen and returning players to determine the impact of recruiting on a power conference team’s success. In particular, we identify the point at which players of different recruiting quality begin to contribute to a team’s success and estimate the impact of returning players by year and position. We find that elite freshmen guards are the only position that immediately impacts a team’s success, while forwards and centers need one or more seasons to develop into a player that generates wins for his team. We conclude by noting how these results may inform coaches regarding the makeup of talent and positions on their roster.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association Men's Basketball Tournament, I examine the impact of travel on team production in a setting where one team is geographically closer than its opponent to a neutral site. I hypothesize and find that the closer team, or relative home team, has a relative home‐court advantage that helps it to out‐produce its opponent. When the relative home team travels a much shorter distance than its opponent to a neutral site, binary logistic and ordinary least squares regressions indicate a positive relationship between relative home‐court advantage and, respectfully, winning and margin of victory. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

论企业文化在团队建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨玲  夏波 《价值工程》2010,29(25):55-56
团队的成功是建立在团结互助的基础之上的。一个优秀的团队不仅需要能力强,素质高的优秀个体,更需要心往一处想,劲往一处使的互助集体,而能把大家凝聚在一起的核心理念就是企业文化。本文就企业文化在团队建设中的作用进行全面的探讨。  相似文献   

In this article, you will learn the role facilitators play in team operations, including several power and authority models that can be used. Various group dynamics that facilitators must deal with in team situations will be identified. A suggested facilitator training curriculum is also included.  相似文献   

杨靖 《中国企业家》2008,(24):102-106
谁能想到,三年多前,以风风光光的首航拉开民营航空集体登场大幕的奥凯,今日会成为一出停航悲剧的主角?  相似文献   

曲峡  黄越 《价值工程》2012,(12):228-229
具有较强的团队精神和与他人协作的能力,是现代社会人才的基本素质。在很多招聘要求中,我们都可以看到这样的一个字眼——团队精神,而学生社团恰恰有助于培养学生的一种作为集体一员的感情和合作意识。通过社员在长期的活动实践中形成的部门合作、习惯、动机、兴趣等,来沟通大家的思想,引导学生产生共同的使命感、归属感和认同感,反过来逐渐强化团队精神,产生一种强大的凝聚力。通过团队内部所形成的一种观念的力量、氛围的影响,去约束规范,控制学生成员的个体行为。  相似文献   

加强班组安全建设是强化安全管理、夯实安全基础的核心内容,是实现企业规范化管理、标准化建设和科学、安全发展的关键环节。本文结合管理工作实践,探讨了电力生产企业基层班组如何进行安全管理。  相似文献   

文章通过对基层供电企业在班组培训工作中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了合理的改进方法与措施,对提高基层供电企业班组培训将起到积极的改善作用。  相似文献   

Cross-boundary teaming, within and across organizations, is an increasingly popular strategy for innovation. Knowledge diversity is seen to expand the range of views and ideas that teams can draw upon to innovate. Yet, case studies reveal that teaming across knowledge boundaries can be difficult in practice, and innovation is not always realized. Two streams of research are particularly relevant for understanding the challenges inherent in cross-boundary teaming: research on team effectiveness and research on knowledge in organizations. They offer complementary insights: the former stream focuses on group dynamics and measures team inputs, processes, emergent states, and outcomes, while the latter closely investigates dialog and objects in recurrent social practices. Drawing from both streams, this paper seeks to shed light on the complexity of cross-boundary teaming, while highlighting factors that may enhance its effectiveness. We develop an integrative model to provide greater explanatory power than previous approaches to assess cross-boundary teaming efforts and their innovation performance.  相似文献   

高源  陈立峰 《价值工程》2010,29(27):154-154
通过分析宁夏多种形式消防力量发展现状及存在的问题,从明确和发挥主体责任、完善法规制度建设、规范运行管理机制、破解保障瓶颈等方面,探讨多种形式消防队伍发展建设的着力点,推进多种形式消防队伍发挥有效作用,缓解当前公安现役消防力量不足,实现消防力量和灭火救援战斗力有效增长。  相似文献   

张曙光 《价值工程》2013,(12):141-142
农网企业处在电网的末端,服务对象是广大农民,它关系农村经济社会的发展和稳定,农电企业是建设社会主义新农村和和谐社会的组成部分。实施农村供电所业务委托,深化农村供电所专业化、精益化管理,加快提升服务"三农"水平,是公司深入贯彻落实科学发展观,推进"两个转变",规范农电用工(原"农电工",下同)管理,维护队伍稳定的重要举措,农村供电所业务委托试点工作取得成功,为农村供电所业务的专业化分工、社会化运作积累了实践经验,验证了农村供电所业务委托模式的科学性和可行性。推广实施农村供电所业务委托工作,将供电所有关业务委托农电业务受托公司,转变供电所管理模式,是供电公司业务组织方式的有益探索,是企业管理创新的重要内容和具体体现,本文对农电服务公司业务委托的现状、存在意义和管理改进措施进行了分析。  相似文献   

付永刚  戴大双  莎日娜 《价值工程》2012,31(29):127-129
本文采用实证研究,针对复杂产品系统的研发团队,从团队成员所具有的心理资本出发,探索团队成员心理资本对团队成员交互记忆系统的形成及发展的影响,进而得出其对团队效能的影响。从而为复杂产品系统中研发团队的建设提供建议,进而提升团队效能。  相似文献   

冯占芳 《价值工程》2014,(36):290-291
构建学习型的党组织队伍,是提高电力企业内部党建工作水平,更好地执行我党路线方针的关键,也是提高电力企业发展水平的重要举措。  相似文献   

随着管理的发展,通过柔性项目团队来提升人力资本逐渐被世人认可和采用。方案根据对市区供电公司项目团队的现状分析,结合团队价值提升的理论,提出了适合公司的规范化团队管理模式。同时,以向心力联队自身的应用为例,说明了规范化团队管理模式的效果。  相似文献   

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