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李月 《上海会计》2014,(1):38-39,26
文章以2011-2012年中国A股上市公司为研究样本,研究政府干预对不同产权性质上市公司债务期限结构的影响。研究发现:政府干预少时,不同产权性质上市公司债务期限结构存在显著差异;政府干预多时,不同产权性质上市公司债务期限结构不存在显著差异,而且非国有上市公司的债务期限结构显著高于国有上市公司。研究结果表明:非国有上市公司的债务期限结构高于国有上市公司,该差异是由政府干预造成的。  相似文献   

本文主要采用云南省2001-2007年的面板数据,对云南省的上市公司的制度环境与债务期限结构的相关关系进行研究.制度环境的衡量指标有4个变量,政府干预、金融发展水平与债务期限结构正相关,法律环境与债务期限结构负相关,然而产权保护指数单独回归时,与债务期限结构正相关,但最后综合回归时,又呈现出负相关关系.这些结果都在一定的程度上反映出了云南省上市公司的融资独特性,本文希望通过对云南省上市公司债务期限结构的研究,能够对云南省的资本结构提供一些参考意义.  相似文献   

本文基于债务期限结构四大假说及"制度环境理论"系统地回顾了国内外研究成果,归纳出影响债务期限结构选择的主要宏微观因素及其在中国的适用性,并总结了研究中数据取样、代理变量等方面存在的不足。最后论文分析了债务期限结构的研究趋势。  相似文献   

刘咏玮  雷森 《云南金融》2012,(1Z):21-24
本文基于债务期限结构四大假说及"制度环境理论"系统地回顾了国内外研究成果,归纳出影响债务期限结构选择的主要宏微观因素及其在中国的适用性,并总结了研究中数据取样、代理变量等方面存在的不足。最后论文分析了债务期限结构的研究趋势。  相似文献   

本文以2007-2010年的中国上市公司为研究对象,区分国有和民营两种不同控制人的性质,研究了债务期限结构对于企业R&D支出的影响。研究结果表明从全样本和民营企业而言,债务期限结构与R&D投资之间呈正U型的非线性关系,因此为使我国企业的研发强度增强,应进一步加强长期负债在整个负债中的比例。  相似文献   

本文以2007-2010年的中国上市公司为研究对象,区分国有和民营两种不同控制人的性质,研究了债务期限结构对于企业R&D支出的影响。研究结果表明从全样本和民营企业而言,债务期限结构与R&D投资之间呈正U型的非线性关系,因此为使我国企业的研发强度增强,应进一步加强长期负债在整个负债中的比例。  相似文献   

资金不仅是企业发展过程中必不可少的元素,也是生产经营活动的核心要素。在资本市场发展日趋成熟的今天,筹措资金的方式越发多样化,而债务融资依旧是企业最为重要的融资方式之一。但是,债务资金的引入也不是万能的,融资方式不同,债务期限的长短也不同;债务期限结构不同,对企业发展的影响程度也会不同,债务期限结构对公司价值的影响主要是通过企业融资成本、财务风险、融资结构弹性和投资行为等方面而产生的。因此,本文主要从这几方面探讨了企业债务期限结构对企业价值的影响。  相似文献   

朱慧慧 《云南金融》2011,(6X):147-147
本文对我国债务期限结构研究进行了简单梳理,主要从公司微观基本面、制度背景等宏观因素及公司治理三方面对债务期限结构研究成果进行归纳,并对此领域未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

本文对我国债务期限结构研究进行了简单梳理,主要从公司微观基本面、制度背景等宏观因素及公司治理三方面对债务期限结构研究成果进行归纳,并对此领域未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

上市公司债务期限结构影响因素分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文采用混合回归、横截面回归和固定效应回归等技术对中国上市公司的债务期限结构影响因素进行经验检查.经验证据支持契约成本假说.具有更少成长机会、更少自由现金流量、资产期限长和规模大的公司具有更多的长期债务.我们没有发现公司使用债务期限结构向市场传递信号的证据.经验证据没有支持债务期限结构税收假说.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a tax-induced framework to analyze debt maturity problems. We show that under some modifications of the existing U.S. tax code, debt maturity is irrelevant even in the presence of taxes and bankruptcy costs that yield an optimal capital structure. If this restrictive structure is relaxed, and assuming the Miller [15] equilibrium does not prevail, tax reasons would usually imply the existence of an optimal debt maturity structure. If there exists a gain from leverage, then an increasing term structure of interest rates, adjusted for default risk, results in long-term debt being optimal. A decreasing term structure, under similar circumstances, renders short-term debt optimal. In the absence of agency costs, a Miller [15]-type result emerges at equilibrium and irrelevance prevails. We also argue that agency costs could again reverse the irrelevance and imply a firm-specific optimal debt maturity structure.  相似文献   

We provide an empirical examination of the determinants of corporate debt maturity. Our evidence offers strong support for the contracting-cost hypothesis. Firms that have few growth options, are large, or are regulated have more long-term debt in their capital structure. We find little evidence that firms use the maturity structure of their debt to signal information to the market. The evidence is consistent, however, with the hypothesis that firms with larger information asymmetries issue more short-term debt. We find no evidence that taxes affect debt maturity.  相似文献   

Trade-off Model of Debt Maturity Structure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we suggest the trade-off model to explain the choice of debt maturity. This model is based on balancing between risk and reward of using shorter-term loans. Shorter-term loans have cost advantage over, but incur higher refinancing and interest rate risk than longer-term loans. Using the Compustat data, we show that the principal components of financial attributes are financial flexibility and financial strength. Therefore, only firms with greater financial flexibility and financial strength can use proportionately more short-term loans. We also document that financially strong firms take advantage of lower interest rates of short-term debt. They use proportionately more short-term loans when the term premium is high. The results of our study also provide evidence supporting the agency cost hypothesis, which is strongly supported by current literature.  相似文献   

公司债务期限结构问题研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对国内外公司债务期限结构间题的理论和经验研究进行了全面、系统的回顾,包括两方面内容:一是公司债务期限结构与公司价值之间的关系,二是公司债务期限结构的影响因素。本文评价了现有文献存在的问题和不足之处,为中国上市公司债务期限结构问题研究提供了依据和方向。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between debt maturity structure and accounting conservatism. Short‐maturity debt can mitigate agency costs of debt arising from information asymmetry and suboptimal investment problems inherent in debt financing. As such, debt‐contracting demand for accounting conservatism is expected to be lower in the presence of more short‐maturity debt. We find that short‐maturity debt is negatively associated with accounting conservatism. As firms could commit to more accounting conservatism to gain access to long‐maturity debt, we conduct lead‐lag tests of the direction of causality, and the results suggest that more short‐maturity debt leads to less conservative reporting, rather than the reverse. We also find the negative relation between short‐maturity debt and accounting conservatism is more pronounced among financially distressed firms, where ex ante severity of agency costs of debt are higher. Collectively, our results contribute to our understanding of the role of accounting conservatism in debt contracting and show how debt maturity, a key and pervasive feature of creditor protection in debt contracting, affects accounting conservatism.  相似文献   

Debt Maturity Structure and Firm Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study shows that the maturity structure of a firm's debt has a significant impact on its investment decisions. We show, after controlling for the effect of the overall level of leverage, that a higher percentage of long-term debt in total debt significantly reduces investment for firms with high growth opportunities. In contrast, the correlation between debt maturity and investment is not significant for firms with low growth opportunities. The results are strong at the firm level and at the business segment level. These results hold even after controlling for the endogeneity problem inherent in the relationship between total leverage, the maturity composition of leverage, and investment.  相似文献   

In this paper we use panel data and GMM estimation to examine the effect of accounting quality on debt maturity structure in a bank‐based financial system and show that, even after controlling for unobservable heterogeneity, endogeneity, variables reflecting operating volatility and the cost of debt, firms with poor accounting quality face a shorter debt term than firms with higher accounting quality. This association between accounting quality and debt maturity is consistent with accounting quality as a means of reducing information asymmetry problems and improving the monitoring of managers.  相似文献   

本文采用参数和非参数检验方法经验检查中国上市公司注册地所在区域因素与公司债务期限结构之间关系。研究发现:(1)不同区域之间的债务期限结构存在系统性差异:(2)区域因素能解释公司债务期限结构3%左右的变异;(3)中部地区的债务期限显著高于东部、西部地区的债务期限;(4)市场化程度高、经济发达的地区具有相对低的债务期限。  相似文献   

We examine how industry competition affects firms’ choice of short‐term debt. We find that the percentage of short‐term debt is positively related to industry concentration at low levels of concentration, and inversely related to industry concentration at higher levels of concentration. This nonlinear relation is stronger in industries where firms are either more homogeneous or compete more aggressively. Moreover, we find that firms with shorter‐maturity debt are less aggressive than their rivals in the product market. The overall evidence suggests that although financial contracts alleviate agency problems, they exacerbate the risk of predation.  相似文献   

债务期限结构理论综述   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
企业的债务期限结构与企业价值是密切相关的。为此 ,一些经济学家对企业的债务期限结构进行了研究。本文在阅读这些文献的基础上 ,将债务期限结构理论划分为基于契约成本的理论、基于信息不对称的理论、基于税收的理论和基于期限匹配的理论四种 ,并分别对它们进行了概述  相似文献   

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