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县域经济的发展与金融支持息息相关。本以甘肃省高台县为例,分析了金融机构信贷收缩对县域经济增长的冲击,以及金融机构在支持县域经济发展中所面临的约束性因素,并就金融如何支持县域经济发展提出了几点政策建议。  相似文献   

本文从民俗文化产业化的视角来研究福建省农村文化产业的发展。文章首先分析了福建省民俗文化产业开发的长远价值及意义所在,接着介绍了福建省农村文化产品的生产和消费现状,然后运用SWOT分析方法,对福建省民俗文化产业开发的现实条件进行剖析,最后在前面分析的基础上确定其发展模式。  相似文献   

We explore how a thin market responds to a subsidized put option program. The United States Department of Agriculture initiated the Dairy Options Pilot Program in 1999 in an effort to provide dairy producers with real-world experiences trading options. The volume from this program represented a large share of total trades.
Our empirical analysis shows that Dairy Options Pilot Program trades occurred at statistically significantly high prices, Dairy Options Pilot Program volume had a price-reducing effect on other options trades, and some brokers filled Dairy Options Pilot Program orders at relatively high prices. We also find that these brokers appear to be providing acceptable service to their producer clients.  相似文献   

中国在迈向市场经济的过程中,如何保护、发展并发扬光大传统的工艺品,是一个值得探讨的问题。本以中国西南彝族贫困村寨——九龙村手工艺品试点项目为个案,讨论了市场整合中贫困社区面临的挑战,并提出了市场经济条件下依靠 社区自身解决长期生存保障的办法。  相似文献   

Using laboratory markets, this research investigates the impacts of reporting different kinds of aggregated trade information to buyers and sellers who conduct transactions through bilateral/private negotiation. There are a limited number of bargaining rounds or matches between buyer and seller pairs. Sellers hold a perishable inventory before negotiations begin. We find that knowledge of trades, along with price, improves the coordination and bargaining position of buyers. Trade prices are lower and buyer earnings are higher, relative to the no-information treatment or when just-past quantities or just-past prices are reported. Market efficiency declines as public information is reported.  相似文献   


Market integration has retained and increased in importance in the recent years, particularly in developing countries, where it has potential application to policy questions regarding government intervention in markets. Specifically, it provides evidence of competitiveness of the market, effectiveness of arbitrage and efficiency of pricing. In this study, selected vegetables in Indonesian markets are used as a case study. Indonesia, consisting of 17,000 islands and 182 million people, provides an interesting case study because of the importance of vegetable production and marketing in the rapidly growing economy. The results suggest that none of the markets are segmented. Short- and long-run market integration tests suggest that transportation and product perishability are important in explaining the speed of price transmission. Another important result is that market integration is directional.  相似文献   

This decision case is intended to provide an example of the complexity of local government decision making on the rural–urban fringe. In this case, a county is faced with making a decision about outlawing the existence of junk cars on personal property. Instructors can use this case to introduce topics such as zoning, takings, property rights, local government policy making, and the impact of the community on government decisions. Other issues could be explored, such as the role of culture and stereotypes in policy making, and how growth can impact local culture and lifestyle.  相似文献   

中国开发区土地市场化发育程度研究——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的对江苏省开发区土地利用的市场化程度进行定量化评价,探讨提高市场化程度的途径与措施,为提高开发区土地资源配置和利用效率提供理论依据.研究方法统计模型分析法和因子分析法.研究结果江苏省开发区土地市场化整体水平较高,但存在地区间和地区内部的差异;土地有偿使用率、政府的干预程度和地价的敏感度是影响开发区土地市场化水平的几大因素.研究结论应从土地产权制度的建设、政府行为的规范以及地价的市场化形成、土地市场的培育等方面制定相应的经济激励机制和措施,以提高开发区的土地市场化水平,促进土地节约集约利用,实现开发区社会经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

农民合作社联合社是一种典型的社会经济组织现象.目前,国外经验难以有效解释中国语境下联合社的实践逻辑,国内研究也相对缺乏系统性理论解释.本文在一种关于组织行为的新分析框架(SAGP模型:性状-行动者-治理-绩效)的基础上,结合台联九生猪专业合作社联合社的个案研究,对联合社的形成和发展进行系统性理论解释.本文指出联合社形成...  相似文献   

利用期货市场指导生产和销售已成为发达国家现代农业的常态。在我国,由于小农户与大市场矛盾的存在,农民进入或者借助期货市场时还存在着组织、技术、管理上的诸多障碍,对此本文进行了分析和探讨,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

苍南县农村信用社利率浮动改革对当地金融市场、金融机构、农户、农村中小企业和民间金融的信贷行为都产生了一定程度的积极影响。但也暴露出现行货币政策的局限 ,以及相应改革措施不配套等问题。因此 ,利率浮动改革还不能从根本上解决当前农村金融不能满足“三农”发展需要的问题。为此 ,必须在此基础上加快利率市场化改革步伐 ,完善现行的货币政策 ,并考虑适当地进行农村超小型金融机构建设的试点。  相似文献   

This paper explores the unaddressed question of how the large, complex paddy‐rice market in Bangladesh is able to transform itself and evolve, in the face of changing risks and incentives, into a better‐functioning market system. It notes significant but opposing trends over two decades in different areas, particularly in terms of market structure, trade circuits and exchange relations. Evidence of a sharp decline in tied transactions points to the growing importance of impersonal exchange. The underlying causes of these changes are explored, with particular reference to microfinance, remittances, rural roads and mobile telephony.  相似文献   

本文通过对浙江省宁波市章水镇浙贝交易模式的演变和选择的案例分析,揭示了地区专产性小品种农产品在高价格波动下的风险规避行为。浙贝准期货交易模式的选择和发展的过程实际上也是浙贝消除期货交易方式的进入门槛的过程。最后地区专产性小品种农产品交易模式的演变和选择也进一步支持了有关“农民理性”的观点。  相似文献   

新型城镇化的动力源于产业支撑,核心问题是实现转移劳动力的充分就业。使用实地调查和访谈法,搜集整理哈尔滨市阿城区的产业发展现状及资源基础;运用边际分析法,围绕劳动力就业安置的核心问题,估算出主导行业的就业弹性经验值;综合上述参数和估计结果,设计出阿城区新型城镇化的产业发展规划。方案表明:旅游业是最理想的安置部门,其次是建筑行业;新型城镇化的发展动力源于产业发展和农村劳动力就业的"双轮"驱动,产业支撑体系构建的关键是顺利实现产业链延伸和优化,进而产生就业增量;农村剩余劳动力的转移安置一般有两种路径:异地安置和就地安置,破题举措是农村剩余人力资源向人力资本的转化。由于我国长期实行二元化的管理体制,城乡间不平等的利益格局已经高度固化,使得规划落实受到诸多制度因素的制约。为此,从财政、货币和产业支撑角度提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

WTO后时代的新选择:农业支持替代农业保护   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
农业保护政策由来已久,呼声日高,但很少有人对它的负效应进行研究。本文在剖析农业保护的负效应、透析我国加入WTO后的农业保护空间相对狭小的现实基础上,提出应该以农业支持替代农业保护,建立农业支持体系。  相似文献   

Kenya is one of the few countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa to experience an impressive rise in fertiliser use following a series of input market reforms in the early 1990s. Two major consequences of these reforms were declining fertiliser marketing margins and distances between farmers and fertiliser dealers. We quantify the effects of these changes on commercial fertiliser use and maize production in Kenya by estimating fertiliser demand and maize supply response functions using nationwide household survey data. Our results indicate that between 1997 and 2010, the estimated 27% reduction in real fertiliser prices that can be attributed to falling marketing margins associated with market reforms led to a 36% increase in nitrogen use on maize fields and a 9% increase in maize production resulting from both yield and acreage effects. On the other hand, decreasing distances to fertiliser retailers from the perspective of a given household did not appear to raise fertiliser use or maize supply, although a comparison across households using average distances over the panel indicate that those closer to retailers do apply more fertiliser on their maize fields.  相似文献   

研究目的:从微观层面进行工业用地的集约利用评价,为工业用地的合理布局和适度集约提供依据。研究方法:选取新城5大主导产业的土地利用强度、就业吸纳程度、投入产出效益、生态环境效益4类指标构建工业用地集约评价体系,运用统计分析法、层次分析法、多因素综合评价法进行数据处理和综合评价,归纳总结出不同产业的集约特点与类型。研究结果:电子信息产业属于人员密集适度集约型,汽车及交通设备产业属于资金密集低度集约型,装备制造产业属于人员聚集基本集约型,生物工程和医药产业属于高效产出适度集约型,都市产业属于人员密集基本集约型。研究结论:因循企业特点和新城的发展阶段,分别从招商源头、集群发展、企业用地多种模式、公共服务用地的配套布局4个方面促进新城产业用地的合理布局和集约利用。  相似文献   

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