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介绍城市居民用水需求变化的背景,对北方城市居民用水需求进行了预测。得出结论:水价对于减少城市居民用水需求的作用非常显著;城市化的高速发展会对城市居民用水造成巨大压力,对城市居民用水价格、用水管理手段和农业节水制度的积极改革,为解决城市居民用水供需缺口提供可能。  相似文献   

The search for improved water pricing is central to urban water reform in many countries. Establishing efficient water prices is notoriously difficult, not least because different customers have different demands for water and yet they are presently faced with a one-size-fits-all approach to pricing and service. This is especially challenging where water availability fluctuates widely, as is the case in many parts of Australia, because the impacts of exposure to episodic periods of scarcity can differ markedly. There is now substantial interest in the notion of ‘unbundling’ the water product to provide a better fit between customers' preferences and the level of service received. Following this trend, this study provides important insights into householders' willingness to pay for a range of flexible water options using a choice experiment. The paper reports a relatively underemployed extension to the latent class modelling framework to investigate preference heterogeneity towards urban water products, including purchasing services that involve the provision of environmental and amenity outcomes. The work adds to studies that use choice data to reveal heterogeneity while improving our understanding of household customers' demands. Overall, it also brings into focus questions about the future management of water in urban contexts.  相似文献   

Household size and residential water demand: an empirical approach*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effectiveness of pricing policies depends on the price elasticity of consumption. It is well documented that residential demand for water is influenced by heterogeneity associated with differences in the size of the household and socioeconomic characteristics. In this paper, we focus on household size. Our initial hypothesis is that users’ sensitivity to changes in price is different depending on the number of household members. To this end, we carry out an empirical estimation of urban water demand in Zaragoza (Spain) distinguishing between households with different sizes using data at the individual level. As far as we are aware, this approach to urban residential water demand is new in the literature. The analysis suggests that all households are sensitive to prices regardless of size. A more relevant finding is that small households are more sensitive to price changes.  相似文献   

以重庆市为例,对居民生活用水现状及城市供水的定价进行分析研究,基于ELES模型,分析重庆市居民生活用水水价的支付能力。结果表明:水费支出承受能力随可支配收入的增加而增加;用水需求收入弹性随可支配收入的增加而增大;低收入户的生活用水基本需求支出处于警戒线;2016年重庆市实施了阶梯水价的计价方式,定价基本合理,存在一定的改进空间。  相似文献   

城市水务市场化背景下我国城市水价分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王亦宁 《水利经济》2010,28(2):31-35
在以地理学的视角分析城市居民用水水价总体水平的基础上,分别对我国各类城市的自来水价格、水资源费、污水处理费作了比较分析,论证了城市的4项基本地理特征(城市规模、经济发展水平、居民收入水平、水资源水平)与城市水价之间的关系及对城市水务市场化的影响,最后对我国未来城市水务市场化的水价改革进行了设想,提出了阶梯式水价方案。  相似文献   

Increasing block tariffs (IBTs) are currently used to price urban water in many Australian mainland capitals and a great many cities worldwide. This paper provides a systematic analysis of the impact of the adoption of IBTs to price urban water under the common constraints of scarce supply and cost recovery. The key tools available to policymakers using IBTs are the volumetric rate in the low tier and the threshold level of that tier. This paper shows how variations in these tools influence (i) the fixed charge set by the firm, (ii) the deadweight loss from the IBT and (iii) the bill paid by customers for particular levels of demand. Our analysis suggests that IBTs are neither fair nor efficient. We propose a modification to IBTs that, while retaining their perception of fairness, results in the efficient allocation of urban water.  相似文献   

首先基于旅游业行业发展和水资源管理政府规制的双重约束,设计9种情景;然后从旅游全要素视角,建立由餐饮、住宿、能源、生态、购物等5类水足迹账户组成的旅游业用水需求量预测模型;将旅游业从业人员纳入账户,提出不同情景下旅游业5类水足迹账户的预测方法;最后对2025年不同情景下新疆旅游业用水量进行了预测。研究结果表明:2025年,相较于政府规制力度和行业发展速度,新疆旅游业用水需求量对后者更为敏感;9种情景中,中/强是最适宜的发展情景,即控制游客规模以9%的速度发展,旅游业年度新增就业人员4万人,政府控制万元工业增加值用水量年均节水率7%,控制居民生活用能源增速为5.52%。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a market‐based reform that would introduce competition into the provision of urban water. This proposal calls for a decoupling of infrastructure control and ownership of water whereby the property rights to water would be transferred to private hands. The proposal involves periodically allocation (e.g. by auction) of existing water stock held in urban catchments to virtual suppliers who then compete in providing bulk water. This change when coupled with effective third party access and retail competition would lead to a competitive market for the provision of urban water. The approach aims to address concerns over inefficient pricing and infrastructure provision under the current arrangement.  相似文献   

The Australian National Water Initiative (NWI) builds on the foundations of earlier water reforms, attempts to correct earlier errors in both policy and its implementation, and seeks to better define some of the policy aims with the benefit of hindsight. However, despite the deliberate effort to improve on earlier reforms, the NWI still embodies a significant economic paradox. Although policymakers have shown their faith in the market insofar as allocating water between competing agricultural interests is concerned, they have not shown the same degree of faith in the ability of urban users to respond to price signals. This paper attempts to shed at least some light on this question by examining the responses of a number of State governments across Australia to the NWI. The paper specifically explores the rationale for non-price regulation in the urban context but challenges the long-term viability of this approach.  相似文献   

以产业组织理论的“结构-行为-绩效”为分析框架,分析当前我国城市水务行业的产业组织情况。分析表明,由于管理体制、水价形成机制、市场化程度等因素的影响,我国城市水务产业的发展未能取得应有的市场绩效。为促进水务产业的快速发展,提出改革城市水务产业管理体制、水价机制和投融资机制,建立大型水务集团等建议。  相似文献   

科学优化配置水资源实现城乡供水一体化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述实施城乡供水一体化的必要性,分析供水工程现状及预测需水量,提出实施淄川区东水西调、西水东调、南部供水3大供水工程联网,利用国内先进的水源监测和无线调度系统,对区域水资源进行合理调度,实现水资源优化配置,促进淄川区社会经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

于洋  简迎辉 《水利经济》2017,35(3):22-25
为解决城市供水PPP项目中实物期权的价值合理界定问题,通过分析城市供水PPP项目的期权特性,采用二叉树实物期权定价模型对项目中隐含的期权进行定价,并运用模糊综合评价法对项目的复合期权价值加以完善,建立城市供水项目的价值评估模型,完善了传统的城市供水项目价值评估方法,并通过案例分析,验证了将实物期权法引入到价值评估中有助于合理界定城市供水PPP项目的不确定性价值,准确反映项目的实际价值,从而为投资者提供有效的决策依据。  相似文献   

我国城市污水处理回用现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李亚娟  曲炜  王博 《水利经济》2015,33(6):65-69
从城市污水处理回用的利用量、政策制度、回用技术等方面梳理我国城市污水处理回用发展现状,提出我国城市污水处理回用存在的问题,即:体制机制不顺,政策法规缺失,资金投入不足,企业经营困难,管网配套不足,政府认识不足,公众参与度低。从城市污水处理回用的市场需求、价格体系、进水水质、出水水质、技术革新及工艺进步五个方面分析我国城市污水处理回用的发展趋势。  相似文献   

全华  杨竹莘  赵磊 《水利经济》2011,29(5):68-70
针对近年来我国城市水危机频发,排水不畅,内涝频繁,一些水域常年积污纳垢,成为威胁民生的顽疾的现实,为了借鉴美国经验,笔者考察了美国芝加哥、达拉斯、迈阿密、圣安东尼奥等城市,发现这些城市的许多工厂撤离了城市水域,宜人的水域景观将城市变成美丽经济蓝色带。美国这种保护城市水域,提高国民幸福感的经验值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

针对以政府为主导的传统水污染治理方法治理力度不够等问题,以江西省抚河流域生态保护及综合治理为例,分析城市水环境综合治理中运用PPP模式产生的效益及遇到的阻力。研究结果表明,必须从国家法律层面促进PPP模式的发展;各级财政部门要引导PPP模式的进行;金融行业、民营企业等必须加强合作,积极参与PPP模式,发挥各自的优势,建立利益共享、风险共担、全程合作的关系。  相似文献   

针对我国海水淡化进入城市供水存在的水价偏高问题,系统研究了海水淡化水定价需要考虑的内外部影响因素,综合分析产水成本、合理利润及社会接受度等因素,从考虑海水淡化厂合理收益和用户接受水平两个维度开展海水淡化对外供水的定价方案研究,提出科学采取多种成本控制措施、进一步降低海水淡化成本、建立畅通的淡化水购销渠道、完善水资源价格形成机制、制定海水淡化水价补贴政策等价格策略和建议。  相似文献   

王亦宁 《水利经济》2019,37(4):48-55
应用博弈论的方法,探讨水源地、城市及用水者等相关利益主体在不同决策模式下的行为方式,分析了“用水者各自决策”“城市政府主导分配”“市场交易”和“政府调控下的市场配置”4种水源地水资源分配模式,认为“政府调控下的市场配置”是相对最优模式。探讨了跨境水源地权利保护机制、用水总量控制政策背景下的水源地水资源分配、水源地水权交易和生态补偿等相关政策问题,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

基于虚拟水视角的中国城乡居民消费特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2004—2015年我国各食物产品的虚拟水消费量为基础数据,从虚拟水消费量、消费结构和消费水平地域差异三方面分析我国的虚拟水消费特征。结果表明:农村居民食物产品的人均虚拟水消费总量整体呈下降趋势,城镇居民则相反,且农村居民的动物性食物虚拟水消费量增长幅度大于城镇居民;农村居民的粮食虚拟水消费量高于城镇居民,动物性食物的虚拟水消费量低于城镇居民,但两者之间差距在减小;城镇居民的虚拟水消费相比农村居民更趋多元化,消费水平相对较高;各食物产品的人均虚拟水消费结构存在明显地域差异,不同种类的食物虚拟水消费均存在地域性。  相似文献   

针对云南省地处边疆、地形复杂、经济水平发展不高、供水设施不完善等特点,结合供水行业的特性和云南省供水行业市场化改革的进程,分别从基础设施条件、政策法规以及监管保障、水价机制3个方面对云南省城镇供水行业市场改革的适应性进行相关分析,提出云南省城镇供水行业市场化改革需以较为完善的供水设施为基础、以试点探索适合云南省省情的改革模式,增强行业竞争性,积极稳妥地推进市场化改革,逐步形成市场竞争和水价形成机制。  相似文献   

陈晓光  徐晋涛  季永杰 《水利经济》2005,23(6):23-24,66
介绍城市居民用水需求影响因素研究的背景,定性分析城市居民用水需求的影响因素,分析城市居民用水量的影响因素计量模型。确定影响城市居民水资源需求的主要因素:水价的提高会对减少城市居民用水数量;水资源的短缺状况会显著降低城市居民用水量;城市居民家庭用水存在规模效应;城市用水人口素质越高,人均年用水量越多。得出结论:通过运用价格机制,改革用水制度,可以调动人们节约用水的积极性;采用更为节水的生产技术,会大大消除水资源供求缺口,其成本也可能大大低于调水方案。除此之外,城市居民的社会经济特征也会影响到城市居民用水量,例如家庭平均人口数以及受教育人口比例等。  相似文献   

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