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This research was carried out among 220 married women entrepreneurs in Ankara urban center to determine the interaction between the business and family lives. In this study, random sampling method has been used and women entrepreneurs have been taken to sphere of the research were interviewed. The effect of being an entrepreneur on the multiple roles (family, social, economical and individual) and the state of conflict between the entrepreneur role and other roles in family were examined. On the other hand, the stress occurred from business and family life was emphasized. Research findings showed that the women thought that being entrepreneurs affect their roles in family life negatively, while positively affecting their roles in social, economical and individual life and they suffered from conflicts between the entrepreneur role and other roles in family and that the role of entrepreneur mostly conflicted with the roles of housewife, mother, and wife, respectively. It was found that the most important factors causing stress due to business and family life were insufficient demand in the market, excessive expectations of family members and physical fatigue.  相似文献   

家族涉入是家族企业的基本特征,它影响了家族社会资本的结构分布,进而决定了家族理性的效用构成,并通过对家族企业二元目标的不同偏好表现出来。其中,家族理性反映为家族企业对家族整体责任的兼顾,二元目标指的是对企业即期利润的追求以及对家族非货币化利益的追求。这种家族涉入决定家族理性,家族理性体现家族企业目标偏好的理论构念,通过一项比较案例分析得以验证。案例中的两家家族企业背景相似,但由于企业传承上的不同选择影响了家族涉入情况,进而两家企业表现出显著的经营目标差异。  相似文献   

Increasingly many business practitioners and academics are turning to religious sources as a way of approaching and answering difficult questions related to business ethics. There now exists a relatively large literature which attempts to integrate business decisions and religious values. The integration, however, is not without difficulties. For many, religious ethics provides the basis and the ultimate authority for a morally meaningful life. Yet, at the same time, in certain contexts, it is often inappropriate to rely and to publicly justify action on the basis of these ethics. With this difficulty in mind, the main goal of this paper is to answer the following specific question: Is a religiously grounded business ethics consistent with the idea of political liberalism? While this question is fundamental and straight-forward, to date it has received little, if any, careful attention. The characterization of business corporations as quasi-public, discussed in the body of the paper, implies that political liberalism may dictate that there exist situations in which invoking religious business ethics is inappropriate. The point is that once one removes the assumption of business as a purely private matter, the justification of a religiously grounded ethics in the context of a politically liberal democracy becomes problematic. On the other hand, such an assumption should not be taken to imply that all religiously grounded business ethics are always inappropriate. As this paper demonstrates, it is far from obvious that even government officials need observe a complete separation between religion and state in formulating, justifying, or expressing public policies, even policies leading to so-called coercive results. If so, it follows that managers of quasi-public institutions may, under appropriate and limited circumstances, invoke and rely upon a religious, albeit private, world-view.  相似文献   

Though Chinese multinational enterprises (CMNEs) have brought investment and opportunities to countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, there has been scepticism regarding the content and context of their investment. On the one hand, infrastructural development contributes to GDP formation and enhances the efficiency of productive inputs where international trade enhances technology and export development, which jointly provides a path to economic growth. On the other hand, critical issues such as debt sustainability and national sovereignty among countries that have gone through the decolonization process mean that CMNEs need to grasp the implication of political risk when investing. This article focuses on South and Southeast Asia, where China has historical socio‐economic relationship, and proposes a nation branding model combining tradition and modernity which can be the way forward for CMNEs to mitigate political risk in relation to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) investment. Nation branding of BRI could be seen as a continuity of China's unfinished business in globalization that has preceded the modern polity; nevertheless, there is a need to communicate a coherent and authentic message that reflects the reality of business operations.  相似文献   

小型家族企业作为中小企业的一种常见形态,在对待非家族员工问题上一直没有非常科学的方法。这对于企业成长极为不利。究其原因,心理契约违背是内在主要原因。而由于小型家族企业自身特殊性,使得其非家族员工心理契约违背呈现违背感强烈且涉及面广等特点。而小型家族企业的期望源的不真实性、兑现的不完全性、企业的人格化、契约重构能力的缺失又是心理契约违背产生的主因。正因如此,小型家族企业要从心理契约构建及维护两大方面入手优化与非家族员工的心理契约,从根源上解决小型家族企业的这一难题。  相似文献   

The paper addresses how the understanding of family business legacy, individual identity, and transgenerational entrepreneurship of next-generation principals is affected by role changing events in family business systems. The paper uses the insights of a focus group of 38 next-generation family business principals of ultrahigh-net-worth business families from 14 countries. It corroborates that parents and role models are influencing factors on the understanding and perception of family identity, values, and transgenerational entrepreneurship. Identity inflection points during moments of expected and unexpected role changes, such as family business succession, can either positively or negatively impact the appreciation of a next-generation principal regarding legacy, identity, and transgenerational entrepreneurship. Based on the results of the qualitative interviews and peer group discussions, the findings indicate how identity inflection points affect the preservation of the next-generation family business principal's identity and family identity during a moments of role changes in family businesses and are a bottleneck for transgenerational entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

现实生活中“个人理性”经常不符合经济人的选择行为,特别是在传统观念还极强的中国家族企业内部,家族成员对决策的选择往往受到“家族理性的制约”。家族理性具有“利他主义”的特征。在家族企业决策过程中,家族理性强调的是,个人利益要服从家族的整体利益,家族中的个人利益的取舍必须依照家族理性的整体判断,其个人的经济行为也必须符合依家族理性的判断而形成的行为要求。“家族理性”的假设符合现实生活中家族成员的某些政策决策。产权不清晰、对职业经理人的不信任等都是家族企业无奈又理性的选择。  相似文献   

诚信和社会责任是现代企业在建设和谐社会进程中必须遵循的基本原则,同时也是现代企业持续经营的核心竞争力。现代企业的竞争已经超越了资金、技术等硬实力范畴,更表现为企业文化软实力范畴的竞争。文章通过研究荣氏家族企业以诚信理念和社会责任为核心的企业文化及其特点、影响因素,希望对现代企业,尤其是我国民营企业的企业文化建设有所启示。文章强调现代企业要在市场竞争中持续健康地发展,建设积极的企业文化不可缺少。同时,积极的企业文化必须符合中国社会伦理道德和现代市场经济商业文明的基本规则。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to examine the role of intangible family resources in the performance of family enterprises in Tanzania. In particular, the article examines the role of information sharing, family patient capital and family labor in firm performance. Using a sample of 163 family firms and the structural equation model of analysis, the findings indicate that family patient capital and information sharing contribute significantly to the performance of firms. With regard to the cost of labor, the study does not show any evidence that lower labor costs improve family firms' performance, most probably because these businesses incur additional labor costs which are not directly linked to the business. Based on the results, it is concluded that the family has an influence on the strategic level of family businesses, thereby contributing to their success.  相似文献   

建立和完善家族企业职业经理人退出补偿机制,有利于实现职业经理人退出"软着陆",减少退出成本,化解退出风险,保持家族企业可持续发展。文章在调查统计的基础上分析了我国家族企业职业经理人退出补偿的基本现状,并从一次性补偿金制度、股权(期权)补偿计划、学习补偿制度以及职业经理人召回制度和顾问制度等方面探讨了构建家族企业职业经理人退出补偿机制的基本思路和策略。  相似文献   

关于旅行社面向商务旅游转型的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
旅游旅行社面向商务旅游的转型已经成为一个现实问题:一方面,商务旅游的迅速发展对旅行服务提出了新的要求;另一方面,传统产品市场的竞争迫使旅行社寻找新的市场空间;而旅行社的企业资源则为其转型提供了基础.为了成功地实现面向商务旅游的转型,旅行社必须和目标客户建立起长期的、稳定的合作关系,必须将为客户的事务性活动提供服务作为产品核心,必须深入企业内部,了解企业管理中存在的关键问题,并对组织结构进行相应的调整.  相似文献   

Should business lead on environmental sustainability? The article argues that while there are some environmental initiatives that support the mission of the business, such as energy savings that also reduce costs, business should not go too far. On the one hand, its ability to do so is limited since most of the carbon footprint is outside its four walls, and even where it can make substantial changes, it should not do it until consumers will be willing to pay for it and incur minor inconveniences.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1023-1054
This study, based on family business theories, offers an innovative vision of the Spanish cotton industry. It proves that Spanish cotton companies – just like their European counterparts – implemented a strategy that was consistent with their nature as family businesses and went beyond the economic-institutional frames within which they developed. The article identifies this strategy as ‘conservative’, because its main objectives were longevity and family control and because it was based on a high percentage of own resources, low levels of indebtedness and organic growth, thus sacrificing profitability for the sake of security.  相似文献   

吴炯 《财贸研究》2013,24(2):122-128
从家族经营权涉入的角度,考察不同治理问题情境下经理人薪酬业绩敏感度的差异。结果表明:在主要受第一类代理问题困扰的直接上市家族企业中,家族经营权涉入的退出,即家族企业职业化,对治理绩效有显著负面影响,反映为经理人薪酬业绩敏感度的降低。而在第二类代理问题相对严重的间接上市企业中,家族经营权涉入的加强,即公众企业家族化,也不利于治理绩效的好转,经理人薪酬业绩敏感度会随之降低。这说明,家族化与职业化在处理两类治理问题上的能力不同,家族化与职业化的选择应该权变而定。  相似文献   

新潮实业作为上海证券交易所A股上市公司,其参股的银行由于参与小额贷款公司业务,在温州金融改革过程中,对新潮实业带来了显著的影响。从定性与定量两个维度的分析表明:金融改革对参股银行公司的股价具有短期的刺激推动效果。其原因,一方面是股民期待金融改革以后未来经济走势向好,认为未来中小企业的迅速发展势必会引包括中小额贷款业务在内的银行业务的繁荣;另一方面是由于我国A股市场存在着高度的投机性,部分股民进行短线投机操作而为。  相似文献   

根据商务成本现有研究成果,从要素成本和交易成本两方面构建区域商务成本评价指标体系,并选取山东省作为对象,依据统计年鉴的指标数据对其商务成本变动情况进行分析研究。研究发现,山东省在商业设施及土地成本、劳动力成本总体上呈现出上升态势;而在政府运作效率、市场化和信息化程度、基础设施和研发能力等方面有明显提高,一定程度上减弱了要素成本上升的影响。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of ownership structure on corporate diversification, with reference to large listed family business groups. By considering agency theory and socioemotional wealth, the study examines the relationship between family ownership, concentration of ownership, and degree and type of diversification. The study considers 99 Spanish listed business groups (50 family‐controlled‐ and 49 nonfamily‐controlled groups) and considers diversification of business group as the focus of analysis. The results show how family business groups present a lower preference for unrelated diversification than related diversification. There is also a nonlinear relationship between the concentration of ownership in family groups and the degree of diversification, showing different behaviors in family groups according to shares owned by the family's leading shareholders. This article contributes to the literature by providing a more precise identification of the corporate strategy adopted by business groups and establishing new evidence about the impact of family control on diversification strategies and the differences regarding nonfamily business groups.  相似文献   

家族企业在世界各国大量存在和发展着,在各国的经济发展和就业方面扮演着重要角色。进入21世纪以来,随着家族企业换代接班高峰期到来,对家族企业传承问题的研究越来越成为学术研究的重点和热点。纵观中外关于家族企业代际传承模式,"子承父业"仍是许多家族企业首选的交接班方式。目前,由于受主观因素和客观因素的影响,部分企业已将企业交给外部职业经理人打理。  相似文献   

Integrative social contracts theory (ISCT) has been an influential theory in normative business ethics for well over a decade, drawing attention both as an object of criticism and as a source of inspiration. In this paper I argue that, despite this attention, the fact that it is a genuinely pluralistic theory, in the tradition of pluralistic theories of political philosophy, is often overlooked. It is in the notion of moral free space that this pluralism is most clearly expressed. This oversight is unfortunate for two reasons. Firstly, it prevents the potential of ISCT, as a normative theory of business ethics, from being appreciated fully; secondly, it leads us to ignore resources that could help tackle its most problematic flaws. In this second respect, I show how some of these flaws could be addressed by paying closer attention to the similarities between ISCT and John Rawls' theory of Political Liberalism.  相似文献   

Despite the research on alliance management capability (AMC) has evolved in recent years, we still lack a clear understanding of its antecedents and performance outcomes in the context of family businesses, a setting that is inherently different from a typical firm-to-firm corporation. Collecting data from the Libyan family firms sector, we found that alliance experience, family culture (as internal antecedence), and political instability (as external antecedence) are crucial for AMC development, where the latter has a significant effect on the alliance performance of these firms. We also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study.  相似文献   

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