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保险人才培养:高校保险院系的定位与定轨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险人才的培养得到了学界、业界和监管部门的高度重视,许多专家学者纷纷撰文,探讨中国保险人才培养出现的问题和对策。这些真知灼见,为我们展现了中国高等院校人才培养的现状、问题和发展思路。  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所/主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》一书已于2016年出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所/主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》一书已于2016年出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所/主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》一书已于2016年出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》一书已于2016年出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所/主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》(以下简称《案例评析》)一书将于2016年3月中旬出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所/主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》(以下简称《案例评析》)一书已于2016年3月中旬出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。  相似文献   

林炫伟 《上海保险》2014,(10):35-39
一、引言 近十年来随着保险业的不断发展,保险从业人员也不断增多。然而就保险密度和保险深度而言,中国一直低于国际平均水平。可见中国保险市场发展潜力巨大。而保险人才的缺乏,一直是中国保险业裹足不前的一大因素。在学界,有不少关于保险利润和保险人力资源的研究。但是鲜有学者对这两者之间的关系进行深入的探讨和分析,基于经验数据的实证分析更少。  相似文献   

<正>由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》一书已于2016年出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。本书尽可能地涵盖了现阶段保险纠纷之主要及典型问题,既有利于高校保险、法律、金融、财务、汽车、医学等专  相似文献   

<正>上海市保险学会上海市第二中级人民法院华东政法大学保险法研究所/主编李伟群言均君/执行主编由上海市保险学会、上海市第二中级人民法院与华东政法大学保险法研究所联合主编的《保险典型案例评析》一书已于2016年出版发行。本书在征稿中得到了来自司法界、保险监管机构、业界、学界的大力支持,案例作者均为各界资深从业人员,组稿初衷即是以保险法为探讨主题,试从司法、行政、业界、学界这四个不同视角对各类典型保险案例进行分析总结。本书尽可能地涵盖了现阶段保险纠纷之主要及典型问题,既有利于高校保险、法律、金融、财务、汽车、医学等专  相似文献   

保险人才培养模式创新策略探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从保险人才需求的新变化入手,分析了现行的高等保险教育不能满足我国保险业发展需要的原因,提出对复合型人才和专业型人才进行差异化培养,引入校企互为基地+设立专业研究中心的高等院校与保险业界合作模式等对策,从而创新保险教育,突破人才培育瓶颈,提升中国保险业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

中国保险业经过多年的高速发展后,面临税收政策、人才等瓶颈的制约,海外业务的发展也一直裹足不前。在行业调整转型和持续健康发展的新要求下,要推动保险业的进一步发展,我们认为一方面国家应该出台相关的政策,鼓励老百姓购买商业保险,另一方面保险公司应该通过交叉销售办法,挖掘保险市场需求。同时,应该借鉴国外优质的教育培训资源培养保险人才,为保险业走向海外市场提供智力支持。  相似文献   

Several theories have been developed to explain the motives for corporate insurance purchases, but there are few empirical tests of these theories. Furthermore, the empirical results are not consistent across studies, suggesting the need for further research. This study uses accounting data for 433 publicly listed nonfinancial firms in Korea to test the determinants of insurance demand for the period 1990 through 2001. Our results support the theory that firm size, tax considerations, and firm ownership are important determinants of insurance demand. Firms that are members of chaebols demand more insurance than unaffiliated firms, all else equal. Contrary to theory, our results also indicate that firms that have higher debt‐to‐equity ratios demand less insurance than less leveraged firms, and that firms that have greater liquidity demand more insurance. This might be related to the overall high debt levels of firms in the period leading up to the Korean financial crisis in 1997, but that investigation is beyond the scope of this study.  相似文献   

Guaranteed renewability (GR) is a prominent feature in many health and life insurance markets. We develop a model that includes unpredictable (and unobservable) fluctuations in demand for life insurance as well as changes in risk type (observable) over individuals' lifetimes. The presence of demand type heterogeneity leads to the possibility that optimal GR contracts may have a renewal price that is either above or below the actuarially fair price of the lowest risk type in the population. Individuals whose type turns out to be high risk but low demand renew more of their GR insurance than is efficient due to the attractive renewal price. This results in imperfect insurance against reclassification risk. Although a first‐best efficient contract is not possible in the presence of demand type heterogeneity, the presence of GR contracts nonetheless improves welfare relative to an environment with only spot markets.  相似文献   

存款保险制度对转轨国家可以起到防止银行“挤兑传染”,达到金融体系稳定的目的;有利于建立平等竞争的市场环境;有利于构建有效的市场退出机制;有利于促进金融业的对外开放等。计划经济体制下隐性存款保险制度存在着影响公平、影响效率、滋生道德风险等问题。转轨国家存款保险制度的特点是:成立的时间较短;专门机构经营;强制性保险和设立保险额度等。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider optimal insurance and consumption rules for a wage earner whose lifetime is random. The wage earner is endowed with an initial wealth, and he also receives an income continuously, but this may be terminated by the wage earner’s premature death. We use dynamic programming to analyze this problem and derive the optimal insurance and consumption rules. Explicit solutions are found for the family of CRRA utilities, and the demand for life insurance is studied by examining our solutions and doing numerical experiments.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the supply side of the private German long term care insurance market. It compares loads and comprehensiveness of subsidized and unsubsidized insurance policies for three age groups. The results show that subsidized insurance policies are less comprehensive than unsubsidized insurance policies. In addition the premiums of subsidized policies are marked up substantially above expected benefits compared to unsubsidized policies. All in all these results indicate market failure due to adverse selection within the subsidized private long term care insurance market. Furthermore, the results show that due to unisex pricing, private long term care policies are in general more attractive to women than to men. As this is not reflected in demand, other factors than supply side failure seem to contribute to an overall low demand for private long term care insurance policies.  相似文献   

利率和汇率两种重要政策工具通过影响国民经济增长速度对保险需求产生影响,并通过作用于保单预定利率及投资收益率直接影响着保险企业经营状况及资本充足率。其中,利率的不利变动对保险企业的影响更大,甚至可能危机企业的生存,中国寿险业严重的利差损负担即源于保单预定利率的降低;因地域及目的的不同,汇率对保险企业的影响比较复杂,企业可主动采取的风险防范措施较多。保险企业应加强人才引进和培养,强化对利率、汇率变动趋势的研究,防患于未然;并积极开拓投资渠道,创新风险管理方法,做好资产负债匹配。  相似文献   

This paper re-evaluates the Diamond-Dybvig analysis of deposit insurance by constructing a model in which an agent not in need of liquidity sets up a financial intermediary to sell liquidity insurance to other agents who desire such insurance. This intermediary resembles a real-world bank in that it is financed by both demand deposits and equity. It also dominates the Diamond-Dybvig intermediary, which is funded only by demand deposits. Provided the intermediary has adequate capital, it also is perfectly safe. Deposit insurance then is both unnecessary and incapable of achieving a superior outcome to that which private agents could achieve on their own.  相似文献   

The demand for insurance is examined when the indemnity schedule is subject to an upper limit. The optimal contract is shown to display full insurance above a deductible up to the cap. Some results derived in the standard model with no upper limit on coverage turn out to be invalid; the optimal deductible of an actuarially fair policy is positive and insurance may be a normal good under decreasing absolute risk aversion. An increase in the upper limit would induce the policyholder with constant absolute risk aversion to reduce his or her optimal deductible and therefore this would increase the demand for insurance against small losses.  相似文献   

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