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正城市的轨道交通具有快速、准时、低污染等优越性,为出行人节省了出行时间,减少了出行的经济成本,进而改善了城市空间的可及性,对城市居民的工作、生活提供了很大的便利,同时还促进了轨道沿线土地的开发和房地产的增值。以往的文献中多数研究结论表明,轨道交通对房地产带来增值的外部效益已经得到了证实,而且不同区域的外部效益显著性有差异。然而重庆市轻轨3号线的情况是否  相似文献   

城市轨道交通外部效应量化计算方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市轨道交通是解决我国大城市交通拥挤现状的有效途径,但我国城市轨道建设却面临巨大的资金缺口。轨道交通作为“准公共产品”,有着明显的外部效应,通过重点考查城市轨道交通对其沿线房地产的增值影响,就影响程度提出可行性计算方法,并就外部效应内部化提出建议。  相似文献   

建设城际轨道交通线网将引导城市形态和土地利用结构的变化和发展。通过探讨城际轨道交通对城市土地利用的影响和城际轨道交通沿线土地利用对客流量的影响,揭示了城际轨道交通与沿线土地利用的互馈规律;研究引申广义交通成本延用到区域级的不同城市之间,推导获得不同区位对城市土地价格的影响,给出土地成本增值计算模型,最后结合实际案例进行计算和分析。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通效益的产生与作用机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在论述城市轨道交通效益分类的基础上,重点对轨道交通效益中的交通效益、土地开发效益、环境效益、经济效益和社会效益的产生和作用机理进行了分析,指出各项效益之间的递阶关系,说明轨道交通建设和运营将直接产生社会经济效益,经济的增长也将有力保障和支持城市轨道交通的发展。  相似文献   

通过阐述香港和日本基于TOD的轨道交通项目融资模式,以科斯定理为理论基础分析土地综合开发是实现轨道交通外部效应内部化的有效途径。在此基础上,研究分析"轨道+土地"模式的具体操作方式,提出"捆绑运作"方式更有利于通过多种途径拓展轨道交通项目的收入来源,同时提出争取政府政策支持、完善相关法律规范、防范房地产市场风险、加强人才队伍建设等发展轨道交通TOD模式的政策建议。  相似文献   

对我国城市轨道交通存在的问题进行分析,根据可持续发展交通系统的定义,构建适用于我国的轨道交通可持续发展模式,提出在经济、社会、环境和未来4个方面的可持续性目标。并指出实现城市轨道交通可持续发展的主要策略是将其带来的外部效益转化为内部效益,形成发展的良性循环。  相似文献   

佛山市城市轨道交通第一期建设项目逐步投入运营,第二期建设规划于2021年获批,正是轨道交通系统由单线运营步入初期网络化运营发展的关键时期。为有效提升轨道网络整体运营效率以及线网客流效益,文章基于佛山市城市轨道交通规划建设实施评估,梳理后续发展面临的问题及挑战,从线网规划建设、周边用地开发、服务水平提升以及交通需求管理等方面提出客流效益提升策略,以期为佛山市轨道交通下一阶段规划、建设、运营提供决策支持。  相似文献   

市域轨道交通线路合理经济长度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在理论分析的基础上,从经济角度出发研究市域轨道交通合理的经济长度。以乘客旅行次数需求密度函数为基础,建立市域轨道交通线路长度效益函数和成本函数,其中效益函数包括旅客时间节省效益函数和票价收入效益函数;成本函数包括建设成本函数和运营成本函数,效益函数和成本函数相加即为市域轨道交通社会效益最大化的目标函数。通过建立社会效益函数的非线性函数,建立模型求解,得出合理的市域轨道交通经济长度。  相似文献   

通过分析武汉轨道交通1号线运营现状,发现存在利用率低、资源浪费严重的问题.结合国外的TOD理论,将轨道交通站点分为三大类型:城市型站点、居住区型站点、交通枢纽型站点,为在建的武汉轨道交通2号线提供完善的土地综合利用规划策略,以充分发挥轨道交通的效益,缓解武汉市的交通压力.  相似文献   

京津冀一体化发展是国家重大战略,京津冀交通一体化是京津冀一体化发展的优先发展领域,轨道交通一体化是京津冀交通一体化的重点。为了更好地促进京津冀地区经济协同发展,分析京津冀地区轨道交通发展现状及存在的问题,提出建立以北京、天津、石家庄3市为中心的路网格局,完善多层次的京津冀轨道交通体系,加强轨道交通与各种运输方式的衔接等对策,为实现京津冀区域一体化发展提供高效的交通基础设施系统支撑。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通与土地开发相互关系的模糊评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过讨论城市轨道交通与土地开发的关系,运用模糊评价的方法对其间的关系进行了评价,得到城市轨道交通对土地开发强度的影响很大;土地开发强度对城市轨道交通客流吸引力的影响也很大的结论。并且指出在城市轨道交通建设中,应结合国家土地政策,注意土地开发的结构和规模的合理性  相似文献   

This study proposes an approach for ex-post identification of the geographical extent of an area benefiting from a transportation project, using functional data analysis methods. Our approach focuses on real estate (land) price data for the ex-post spatial evaluation. First, we prepare a panel of land prices observed before, during, and after the project in the areas that are potentially impacted. Second, using functional data analysis, movements of land prices in each observed site during the target period are approximated by continuous functions. Third, using the functional ordinary Kriging technique, the functions for land price movements in each micro district are spatially predicted. Lastly, by employing the functional clustering (functional K-means) technique, potential areas of benefit may be identified. Different from exiting before-and-after methods, including difference-in-differences method, the proposed procedure based on functional data analysis can describe a map with a complex spatial distribution pattern of benefit rather than using distance bands (ring buffer) from transportation cores, such as railway stations, bus stops, and highway interchanges. Then, the proposed procedure is empirically applied to a large-scale Japanese heavy railway project. The obtained result shows so-called redistributive effect, that is, land prices decrease around exiting stations and increase around new stations. In addition, interestingly enough, the spatial distribution pattern of the identified areas of benefit using this procedure are fairly similar to that of ex-ante predicted areas of benefit by the hedonic approach. Thus, capitalization is observationally confirmed with regard to accessibility improvement.  相似文献   

This study investigates the redistributive effects of Seoul's bus rapid transit (BRT) system on development patterns and property values using an urban simulation model. The Seoul Metropolitan Integrated Urban Model (SMIUM) combines the Seoul metropolitan input-output model with random utility-based location choice models and endogenous real estate markets.The major findings of this study can be highlighted as follows. First, Seoul's BRT contributes to increased development density in urban centers, acting as a centripetal force to attract firms from the suburbs into urban cores and supporting arguments for Smart Growth proponents. Second, unlike its redistributive effects on nonresidential activities, the BRT has a limited effect on the redistribution of residential activities, implying that residential locations are less sensitive to accessibility improvements made by the BRT than are nonresidential locations. Third, reflecting the transferred space demands from the suburbs to the urban cores, the CBD reaps the highest property value gains, while all of the outer ring zones suffer from reduced property values.  相似文献   

施工监控量测作为一道工序应用于施工组织中,对于涉及大量基坑开挖、暗挖的城市轨道交通项目有重要的实践意义。以城市轨道交通中某车站为例,论述施工监控量测项目内容和工作流程,以及利用监控量测技术手段收集数据,确定控制地表沉降的施工措施。  相似文献   

Currently dozens of U.S. cities are in the midst of planning and building modern streetcar systems. Though seemingly mobility investments, the intended impacts of these streetcar projects reach beyond transportation and represent a strong turn toward strategic spatial planning through transportation infrastructure. Proponents of modern streetcars argue that they are tools of placemaking as much as if not more than improvements for transit services. Unlike transit investments of a century ago, when privately operated streetcars were a decentralizing force that helped disperse overcrowded central city cores and open new land for real estate development, current streetcar projects in the United States are expected to concentrate activity and economic development in select corridors. The majority of these new systems rely on transit technologies that are significantly improved over the carriages of old, with modern features, smooth rides and quiet operations. Yet for all the improvements to the vehicles and services, new streetcar investments no longer primarily improve transit accessibility. Rather, modern streetcars are part of strategic amenity packages cities use to achieve real estate and economic development goals. This use of transportation infrastructure as an amenity for a particular location is a shift away from traditional transportation planning processes, and the expected benefits, in particular, stand apart as being deliberately spatial. We use planning documents and data from ballot box initiatives to evaluate expected transportation benefits relative to indirect benefits through economic development. We find that approximately three-quarters of all expected benefits from streetcar projects accrue to property development with the remaining expected benefits assigned to transportation. However, we do not find sufficient empirical evidence in the literature to support such certain claims of positive effects on property values and the built environment. We argue that the increasing tendency of cities to leverage streetcar projects for non-transportation purposes represents a turn to the use of infrastructure as a tool of spatial planning.  相似文献   

轨道交通的无缝换乘规划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
轨道交通一体化、换乘方便是提高轨道交通竞争力的主要途径。以南京为例,从轨道交通与不同交通方式的无缝换乘(SEAMLESS)、提高轨道交通结点换乘的方便性等方面提出了几点规划措施。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通基础设施建设融资方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国城市轨道交通建设正处于快速发展时期,这对于缓解城市交通拥挤、改善环境和提高综合效益具有十分重要的意义。结合西方发达国家的成功经验和我国资金市场的实际情况,应用相关实例对我国城市轨道交通基础设施建设的融资方式进行探讨。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通工程耗资巨大,为保证城市轨道交通工程的建设质量和进度,提高城市轨道工程监理水平具有重要作用。通过对我国目前监理队伍工作状况的分析,指出我国城市轨道交通工程监理存在的问题,并依据捕获理论,提出加强城市轨道交通工程监理工作的措施。  相似文献   

This study explores the role of service reliability in determining bus transit ridership. Using stop level service supply, demand, and performance data from the Los Angeles Metro bus system, I investigate whether reliability of a directional line serving a stop influences the number of passengers boarding the line at that stop, controlling for various other established factors affecting demand. This cross-sectional analysis of the variation in line boardings across about 1300 sample schedule time point bus stops served by about 300 directional bus lines over a six-month period uses a historical archive of real-time geo-referenced vehicle location data, and focuses on five different time periods, peaks and off-peaks, of a typical weekday. By evaluating two measures that capture different dimensions of bus service reliability, and by estimating a series of regression models, I find systematic evidence that higher average service punctuality (or schedule adherence) and lower variation in schedule deviation over time are associated with greater ridership, all else equal, particularly during the peak periods. This study also provides first empirical evidence that the effect of reliability on peak-period ridership is moderated by headway. The demand for reliability seems to be higher for lines with relatively longer headways. The findings indicate that service reliability influences transit mode choice and/or line/route selection, and suggest that system-wide ridership gains can be expected from reliability improvements. From an urban planning perspective, this study provides more evidence that good service quality can effectively compliment transformations in the urban fabric brought about by coordinated land use — transit plans to promote transit use.  相似文献   

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