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小议员工满意   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面质量认证在我国实施后,"顾客满意"作为质量最好标准得到了广泛的认可.但是如何达到"顾客满意",与企业内部的"员工满意"不可分割.让员工满意,实现良性循环,就需要企业采取进一步的措施,留住人才,利用人才.  相似文献   

制造满意员工的管理策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们经常听到西方国家的企业如何想尽办法让顾客获得满意的故事,而且有些企业还在顾客满意的基础上让你得到“意外之喜”。这表明,在如何让顾客满意方面,西方企业已经在做“极限运动”了。但是,企业要使顾客满意,首先必须使员工满意,制造满意员工将像制造优质产品一样,成为企业未来的“软工程”。如果说20世纪的企  相似文献   

林红菱 《企业经济》2003,(5):136-138
企业生存和发展,离不开企业两个“上帝”——企业内部的员工和企业外部的顾客。只有满足顾客的要求,企业才有效益,才能生存和发展。实现顾客满意,需要全体员工不懈的努力,企业必须首先让员工满意。顾客满意是企业生存和发展的前提,员工满意是顾客满意的保证,而企业发展反过来又促进了员工的满意。所以,员工满意是企业发展的起点和终点。一.员工满意与顾客满意的概念和内容1.员工满意《辞海》中对满意的解释:满意是人的一种感觉状态、水平,是在比较自己对某事或某物的期望与实际情况后所产生的感觉。满意的程度可用满意度进行量化描述。满意…  相似文献   

“员工满意”不仅是企业保持凝聚力的基本要求,而且也直接影响着“顾客满意”。要做到员工满意,留住员工的心,首先就要在企业内部营造出类似家庭那样的亲切氛围。  相似文献   

母兰 《现代企业》2001,(5):22-22
现代企业中,人们都明白“科学技术是第一生产力”,都认识到了技术是企业成功的重要因素,一些技术型的公司更是技术变为主宰,现代企业的竞争是人才的竞争,怎样吸纳优秀的人才,怎样管理优秀的人才,以便形成良好的企业化,这是现代企业成功的关键因素,麦瑞特饭店的主席比尔.麦瑞特这样面试候选的经理:他告诉候选人说本饭店要使三组人满意满意:顾客,员工与股东,虽然这三组人都很.地么他的问题是,以上这三个群体满意的先后顺序如何?大多数人的答案都是先让顾客满意,但他的答案却不同,首先,公司应该让员工满意,只有员工热有工作,并以自己的工作为荣,他们才能更好地服务于顾客,而顾客只有感到满意才会重新光顾饭店,这样,才能给股东带来丰富的收益,由此,现代企业的员工管理应越来越被重视,只有这要,企业才能长期成功,而不是暂时成功,对于现代企业的员工管理,我认为主要应从以下几个方面入手。  相似文献   

长期以来,日本企业十分重视“CS(Customer Satisfaction,即顾客满意),把它作为评估卓越企业的重要标准。近年来,日本的一些企业的经营思想和经营方式有了一个新发展,即在“CS”的基础上,把ES”(Employee Satisfaction,即员工满意)列为重要的一条标准。有不少实例说明,一些企业令顾客满意,有时却是用牺牲员工权益的方式来达到的。这样的企业不能称之为卓越,事实上他们也难长期坚持做到令顾客满意。因此,21世纪的卓越企业,必须同时是内部员工满意的企业。日本企业所要求的员工满意,目前主要有四项基本要求。  相似文献   

制造满意员工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一些优秀企业,满意的顾客背后,必有满意的产品,而满意的产品后面,必有满意的员工。正如美国一位大公司的总裁曾提出的“黄金法则”所言:关爱你的客户,关爱你的员工,那么市场就会对你倍加关爱。“客户”是企业的外部客户,“员工”是企业的内部客户,攘外必先安内,只有满意的员工,才有满意的顾客。显然,如果员工对企业满意度高,他们就会努力工作,为企业创造更多价值,真正做到以厂为家;员工对企业如果不满意,其结果一是跳槽离职,一是继续留在企业,但是已经失去了工作的积极性,消极怠工是他们发泄不满情绪的最佳武器。所…  相似文献   

“顾客是上帝”,而上帝的服务者——员工,却是决定上帝是否满意的关键。因此,想让你的顾客满意吗?那么,先让你的员工满意起来。 究竟怎样做才能实现“员工第一”?跨国公司、IT企业以及知识密集型行业、商业服务行业,早已不只停留在观念的层面上了,而是已经进入了“用行动说话”的阶段。看看他们是怎样做的。  相似文献   

张建宏 《秘书》2011,(10):28-30
美国哈佛大学的一项调查研究表明:员工满意度每提高3%,顾客满意度就提高5%,企业盈利随之提高2.5%。也就是说,通过提高员工满意度可以达到顾客满意、企业满意、股东满意的最终目的。那么,企业管理者又如何管理好员工的满意度呢?笔者提出一个“10C”法则,供参考。  相似文献   

星巴克的内部营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一些企业中,营销关注点往往是通过促销手段达成与外部顾客的交易,而先进的营销管理视角更为注重内外顾客的结合,即要想让外部顾客满意,必须让企业的第一顾客——内部员工满意。一位著名营销专家称内部营销是“把公司推销给作为‘内部消费者’的员工”,其意义是:员工的满意程度越高,越有可能建成一个以顾客和市场为导向的公司,星巴克就是这样的公司。  相似文献   

The extant operations management literature has extensively investigated the associations among quality, customer satisfaction, and firm profitability. However, the influence of employee attributes on these performance dimensions has rarely been examined. In this study we investigate the impact of employee satisfaction on operational performance in high-contact service industries. Based on an empirical study of 206 service shops in Hong Kong, we examined the hypothesized relationships among employee satisfaction, service quality, customer satisfaction, and firm profitability. Using structural equations modeling, we found that employee satisfaction is significantly related to service quality and to customer satisfaction, while the latter in turn influences firm profitability. We also found that firm profitability has a moderate non-recursive effect on employee satisfaction, leading to a “satisfaction–quality–profit cycle”. Our empirical investigation suggests that employee satisfaction is an important consideration for operations managers to boost service quality and customer satisfaction. We provide empirical evidence that employee satisfaction plays a significant role in enhancing the operational performance of organizations in the high-contact service sector.  相似文献   

In today's business world, the role of quality has become ever more significant for organizations to compete in a global marketplace. Based on the quality management theory, this study empirically examines the relationship between quality-focused human resource practices (QHRP) and organizational performance outcomes. Data from 69 healthcare organizations indicate a strong support for this relationship. A Human Resource (HR) system focused on quality management was directly related to multiple dimensions of organizational performance outcomes (i.e., intangible – employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction – and tangible – profit). Specifically, two measures of QHRP, knowledge management and strategic management, were found to be positively related to the financial performance of firms implementing quality management. Process management is found to be negatively related to employee satisfaction. General Human Resources were positively related to both employee and customer satisfaction. Employee focus of the firms is also positively related to employee satisfaction. In addition, employee satisfaction is also related to both customer satisfaction and financial performance while customer satisfaction is found to be positively related to employee satisfaction. The findings indicate a generally strong positive relationship with the organizational performance outcomes. The results of this study are particularly important in showing HR's contribution to the organization's bottom line.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid growth of customer contact centers (CCCs), high-quality jobs for employees of such centers remain a challenge, as evidenced by the high employee turnover rates in this industry. This study, therefore, conceptualizes and operationalizes a CCC job quality construct to determine its impact on job satisfaction, affective commitment and employee turnover, using a sample of 577 CCC employees of B2C service industry organizations in the Netherlands. An extensive quantitative study using structural equation modeling reveals that CCC job quality has a direct, positive impact on job satisfaction and affective commitment and a strong indirect negative effect on employee turnover. Thus, job quality is crucial for reducing employee turnover rates; this study offers managers clear guidelines on how to improve that quality.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the transferability of TQM practices to offshore manufacturing firms by validating direct and indirect relationships among top management commitment, HR-focused TQM practices, employee satisfaction, and employee loyalty. Our research objective is to isolate critical TQM practices that would enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty among maquiladora workers. On-site surveys were conducted at two leading maquiladora firms that have long implemented TQM. The statistical results indicate that employee empowerment, teamwork, and employee compensation have a significant and positive influence on employee satisfaction. The improved employee satisfaction leads to a higher level of employee loyalty. In addition, the results indicate that the effects of top management commitment on employee empowerment and teamwork are significantly mediated by employee training, implying that the success of employee empowerment and quality teams can be dependent upon the level of employee training.  相似文献   


Building on Meynhardt’s public value concept, which has been developed to make transparent an organization’s contributions to the common good, we investigate the influence of organizational common good practices in the perceptions of employees (measured as public value) on employees’ work attitudes and life satisfaction. The proposed model is tested on a sample of 1045 Swiss employees taken from the 2015 Swiss Public Value Atlas data-set. Study findings reveal that organizational public value is positively related to employee life satisfaction, and that this relationship is partially mediated by work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior. Further, we show that employee common good orientations strengthen the positive impact of organizational public value on employee work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior. Results also provide evidence that the indirect effects of organizational public value on employee life satisfaction via work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior are stronger at higher employee common good orientation levels.  相似文献   

Top management leadership and employee empowerment are considered two of the most important principles of total quality management (TQM) because of their assumed relationship with customer satisfaction. As a result, many top management leadership and employee empowerment strategies and practices have been suggested in the management literature. However, few studies have been done to test this assumed relationship and determine which of these strategies and practices may be most effective in bringing about the intended results. This study surveyed organizations that have adopted TQM to determine the relationship between top management leadership, employees' empowerment, job satisfaction, and customers' satisfaction. The results reveal positive correlation between top management leadership, employee empowerment, job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. Employee empowerment and improved levels of job satisfaction are facilitated by top management leadership and commitment to the TQM goal of customer satisfaction by creating an organizational climate that emphasizes total quality and customer satisfaction. Effective strategies for achieving employee empowerment and job satisfaction, together with top management leadership roles in a TQM environment, are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

马柯 《价值工程》2012,31(18):113-114
酒店行业快速发展,服务质量却逐年下降。本文重点分析服务水平下降、服务意识淡薄的原因,并从员工满意着手,提出酒店应采用多种方法,来提升服务质量,最终达到员工满意、客人满意、酒店获利的三赢。  相似文献   

Service profit chain and service climate research identifies the importance of employee attitudes and employee service behavior as mediating between organizational practices and customer satisfaction. While the importance of employee attitudes and customer service performance are acknowledged, there are calls to more precisely specify proximal mediators between employee attitudes and customer satisfaction. We propose a model in which the relationship between unit-level organizational commitment and customer attitudes is not direct but mediated via employees' customer service delivery including queuing time, serving time and service quality. We conducted a longitudinal unit-level analysis (N = 39) aggregating employee (N over 893) organizational commitment and customer (N over 1248) satisfaction data, and customer service behavior drawn from organizational records. Our model received reasonable support from basic tests of the predictive associations between unit-level organizational commitment, customer-relevant employee behaviors and customer satisfaction; however, organizational commitment was not found to be an important predictor in more rigorous change analyses. The findings as a whole therefore suggest that organizational commitment is a feature of units delivering fast, quality service, but its causal role is as yet unclear.  相似文献   

Using store‐level panel data for a major supermarket company, we investigate the linkages between employee attitudes, customer satisfaction, and sales performance, while controlling for observed and unobserved differences across stores. We find that employee attitudes positively affect customer satisfaction with service but do not affect customer satisfaction with quality or value. Additionally, we find that customer satisfaction with service positively affects sales performance. Our results suggest that employee attitudes affect sales performance through their impact on customer service. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is a known fact that culture is an important element for the organizations. In this context, a research has been carried out in which the main subject is about to investigate the organizational culture depending on the factors of employee satisfaction and customer orientation in metalworking manufacturing firms. To perform the study, we constructed an original model and conducted research with 578 employees of metalworking organizations. After the data analysis, we determined that organizational culture has positive-significant correlation with employee satisfaction and customer orientation (at the 0.000 level). Additionally, the total explained variance of organizational culture – depending on employee satisfaction and customer orientation – has come out as a satisfying value (0.53). According to the results of our research, we are able to conclude that employee satisfaction and customer orientation has a mid-level effect on creating a substantial organizational culture.  相似文献   

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