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The railway system played a large part in the industrialization of America and the migration westward, and was also a major cause for the growth of the American theatre, especially in the American frontier. It provided an exceptional opportunity for any entrepreneurially oriented, as well as economically dissatisfied actor who followed these pioneers in these territories and helped established theatres to meet the cultural expectations of the pioneer audience. As long as there was economic development in a pioneer region, and as long as there was adequate transportation, especially railroad, a pioneer town became a center in which people from surrounding areas usually congregated and theatres flourished. The purpose of this paper is to undertake one such historical review of entrepreneurial theatrical emergence as a contributing societal platform of civic, cultural, and artistic perspectives and realities in the development of a locale, namely, the railroad center of Jackson, Michigan.  相似文献   


Infrastructure is commonly conceptualized as a set of facilities that play a critical role in facilitating activities by individuals and organizations. Conventionally, infrastructure is tightly linked to publicly funded projects that facilitate access to key resources and enable diverse activities. Within entrepreneurial clusters research, infrastructure includes universities, research institutions and telecommunication technologies that facilitate entrepreneurial activities. These capital-intensive investments seek to facilitate start-ups emergence by aiding access to markets and development of ideas. Accelerators facilitate the same activities and have only recently been conceptualized as start-up infrastructure. This study builds upon this research stream by elaborating on how accelerators can play this meaningful role at the cluster level. Specifically, and by relying on the analysis of empirical evidence from three distinct studies, we uncover how accelerators provide tangible and intangible dimensions of start-up infrastructure to form a positively reinforcing cycle of entrepreneurial activities. Additionally, our findings allow us to push further the idea that start-up infrastructure development can be an endogenous process involving multiple actors within the cluster. Our empirical findings and the theoretical insights derived from them have meaningful implications for the aforementioned literature, as well as start-up practitioners and policymakers linked to the funding of entrepreneurial clusters.  相似文献   

Drawing on Foucault’s writings on power, neoliberalism, and the dispositive, this article analyses the identity politics that is immanent in a new collaborative practice between the public and private sector called public-private innovation (PPI). We argue that PPI is an element in actualizing a neoliberal market dispositive through inclining subjects to work on themselves in order to actualize their entrepreneurial self, thereby disconnecting them from their public service identity. The construction of two narratives supports the constitution of the political space of PPI: the fiery soul narrative and the need narrative. An important part of this identity politics is the construction of the narrative of the individual entrepreneur. Rather than expressing new public governance in the public sector, PPI actualizes a dispositive that marketizes public services as part of a neoliberal agenda. The narrative of PPI distracts from the marketization of public sector and leaves no other space for public-sector employees than to constitute themselves within contradictory feelings of enthusiasm and anxiety, determination and self-blame, responsibility and inadequacy, and bustle and confusion.  相似文献   

The desire to create innovative organizational spaces has led to various instantiations of innovation ecosystems. Towards this direction, there is a growing interest in establishing corporate innovation ecosystems in the form of ‘corporate coworking spaces’ (CWS). From a relational ontological standpoint, this study builds on the collaborative spaces literature with the aim to investigate the emerging dynamics between corporates and start-ups in an innovation ecosystem. Through an abductive research strategy (ARS) as well as service design methods, we explore how co-creation between corporates and start-ups emerges (or not) in an innovation ecosystem that serves as a collaborative space in Denmark. Our empirical findings challenge the mostly overenthusiastic connotations and thus the study contributes to the critical coworking research stream. More specifically, we give emphasis on the co-constructive entanglement of socio-spatial arrangements and we propose a framework for revisiting the design of CWS through 1) balancing the engineered and evolving parts of the ecosystem, 2) facilitating stakeholder alignment, 3) adopting a service-oriented approach and 4) developing inclusive strategies. Apart from the implications for scholars and practitioners who study and design CWS, we argue that future research would especially benefit from building on a service-oriented approach of innovation ecosystems and we call for more interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   

刘旺霞 《企业活力》2010,(11):13-17
当今,集群竞争开始代替企业竞争而成为区域经济发展的主流。在对产业集群的创新优势、市场优势等竞争优势进行分析的基础上,指出我国区域产业集群发展中存在着企业间缺乏关联与协作、自主创新能力薄弱、资源约束与环境污染严重等问题。因此,应加强企业间关联度与专业化分工协作、完善产业链并提高产品附加值、提高企业创新能力、坚持区域和集群的可持续发展等。  相似文献   

This study assesses the value of a city by using the housing price function with a geographically weighted regression model, including various social, economic, and environmental factors. To assess these values, various specific data scores—such as those related to ethnic groups, green areas, crime rates, education, unemployment rates, number of entrepreneurs, and environmental quality—were considered in a case study of London. The results indicate that some variables such as time to city center and entrepreneurship have a positive impact on the local areas’ value in London, as shown by housing prices, while those related to unemployment have a negative impact. Moreover, although the London city center has benefitted more in terms of value than its outskirts have, a few specific policies related to startups and entrepreneurship have succeeded in connecting these areas to existing companies and entrepreneurs. In general, large cities may be better equipped to promote such startup and entrepreneurship policies under local industry plans for future development.  相似文献   

In light of increasing workplace diversification, today's organizations are in need of employees who can work effectively within cross-cultural settings. To assess and develop generalizable skills enabling employees to successfully interact with members of many different cultures, a new measure of cross-cultural psychological capital (PsyCap) was validated in two studies. This measure captures a state-like higher-order construct consisting of four components: self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience with regard to cross-cultural interactions. In study 1, a diverse sample of 361 participants responded to a survey and results confirmed the hypothesized higher-order factor structure of the newly developed cross-cultural PsyCap scale. In study 2, an additional 134 participants completed multiple surveys to assess the convergent, discriminant and predictive validity of cross-cultural PsyCap as it relates to cultural intelligence, openness to experience, ethnocentrism and cross-cultural adjustment. The majority of the study hypotheses were supported, which provides evidence for the measure's construct validity in assessing cross-cultural skills and also demonstrates its unique value in predicting cross-cultural effectiveness. This measure of cross-cultural PsyCap has important implications for assessment of employees who work internationally or within a diverse workplace.  相似文献   

医药产业是国家重点培育发展的战略性新兴产业。新冠疫情爆发引起全球各国对医药产业的重视。中国多地出台政策,将其作为重点发展产业。苏州是江苏医药产业的重要集聚区之一,也是医药创新的重要载体。文章梳理和分析了苏州医药产业发展特点,在全球医药大背景下,结合当前相关最新研究成果,提出苏州医药产业集群创新发展与量质提升的路径,从理论和实践两个方面为当前各地医药产业集群的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Based on Campbell's (1990, Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed., Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 687–732) multi-factorial model of job performance, the Expatriate Performance Scales were developed to measure components of expatriate performance. Item generation for the scales was informed by job performance theory, content analysis of interviews with expatriates and item sorting by subject matter experts. The scales (48 items) were administered to 106 Australian expatriates in the Special Administrative Regions of China. Data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis as well as tests for criterion, convergent and discriminant validity. These procedures resulted in 32 items measuring an amended model of expatriate performance with six components: task performance, communication performance, demonstrating effort, maintaining personal discipline, team and leadership performance and management and administration performance. Results provide initial psychometric evidence of criterion, convergent and discriminant validity.  相似文献   

李庆海 《价值工程》2014,(16):205-206
新的市场经济条件下,企业要做大做强、生存发展,就需要突破旧的思维瓶颈,坚持科学发展的道路,才能实现和谐企业建设的目标。实现这一目标离不开创新。本文以山东梁邹矿业集团为例,简要阐述企业如何实现科学发展的目标。  相似文献   

指出我国物流教育规模逐年扩大,物流人才供求矛盾总体趋缓,但现行的物流教育模式滞后于经济和技术的快速变化,必须进行发展和创新,具体的路径为:重视物流素质教育,培养复合型人才;建立项目教学模式,提高实践能力;完善课程体系,基础与应用并重。  相似文献   

The assumption that entrepreneurship is a critical factor in expanding employment, creating wealth and contributing to poverty alleviation at the base of the pyramid (BoP) in developing countries has led to the development of many initiatives to strengthen the entrepreneurial activities of poor people. Despite the fact that entrepreneurship is seen as a strategy in combatting poverty, the process that leads to entrepreneurial action in a BoP context is still unclear. In this paper, we illustrate the possibilities a multi-layered perspective offers to understand the complexity of entrepreneurship in poverty settings. Based on five focus group discussions and 36 in-depth interviews with vegetable farmers in Benin, we examined the entrepreneurship of poor people. We learned that entrepreneurial action is the nexus of individual and exogenous factors in complex relationships. Based on this, we elaborate on the characteristics of the process model of entrepreneurial action. We provide a process-based view of entrepreneurship at the BoP, suggesting a need for consistency between individual, behavioural strategies and contextual elements. We discuss the implications of our findings for BoP practice and provide a framing perspective that we hope will encourage a greater focus on the complexity of entrepreneurship phenomenon.  相似文献   

王光花  张智强 《价值工程》2012,31(13):13-14
延安市在统筹城乡发展中主要面临城镇化水平低、城乡差距大等问题。制度因素是造成延安市城乡二元结构的根本原因,尤其是户籍制度、劳动就业制度、农地制度和社会保障制度障碍严重制约了延安市城乡的统筹发展。因此,要实现统筹城乡发展,必须进行制度创新,进行户籍制度、劳动就业制度、农地制度和社会保障制度等方面的改革。  相似文献   

产业集群演化和发展中的人力资本作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为区域经济发展的领头模式,产业集群经济现象备受学界和政府瞩目。人力资本在产业集群的形成和发展创新中作用重要,但目前还未引起很大的重视。站在人力资本理论视角,可以对产业集群的相关理论研究做一定程度的弥补和修正,提出一些基于人力资本投资的产业创新策略,以促进产业集群的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过对武汉东湖高新区创新文化建设调查分析基础上,对东湖高新区创新文化建设和特征进行评述,并提出进一步发展东湖高新区创新文化的对策建议,包括兼容并包的武汉文化利用、创新制度文化的完善、服务和激励结合的创新文化营造等。  相似文献   

劳纯燕  刘杏 《价值工程》2011,30(3):168-168
在我们这个无度和错位的时代,寻找尺度在边界错位的意义上是环境伦理学的一个共同问题。环境和发展间的张力进一步扩大化,人类的干预也不断地破坏着生态平衡。生态尺度将如何被遵守?对这种尺度的遵守将如何被贯彻下去?  相似文献   

文章分析了世界主要制糖产区分布概况和我国蔗糖产业发展概况,介绍了崇左市生产力促进中心在推动崇左市蔗糖产业发展的经验和做法,并提出促进我国蔗糖产业发展的对策.  相似文献   

创新是企业生存与发展的灵魂。在经济全球化的今天,创新是企业求生存、谋发展的必然选择。文章从技术创新、管理和经营的体制创新、思想创新3个方面对广西武鸣县企业创新活动进行阐述。  相似文献   

我国城市主题公园的发展与创新   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在总结我国城市主题公园发展经历的三个阶段的基础上,分析了影响我国城市主题公园发展的因素,即区位因素和资源环境、主题选择和文化内涵、休闲设施和管理手段,并提出了城市主题公园在主题设施和经营管理等方面创新的内容和途径.  相似文献   

焦爱英  王潇  赵燕华 《价值工程》2012,31(17):128-129
本文在高新区产业集群可持续发展研究现状分析的基础上,遵循可持续发展指标体系的建立原则,构造出评价指标体系。并以高新区产业集群形成期为例,选用层次分析法确立指标的权重,为高新区产业集群可持续发展评价提供依据。  相似文献   

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