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Sport participation and alcohol consumption have been widely examined in analyses of masculinity and implicated in perpetuating hegemonic masculinity in Western cultures. This article addresses a variant of the “Beer Mile,” a ritualistic event that has emerged as an ancillary to major triathlons in Australia. In this context, the Beer Mile is an unsanctioned event simultaneously fusing sport participation and alcohol consumption, intended as a jocular celebration of athletic achievement. This research utilises a case study research design employing multiple qualitative methods to critique gender-based discursive practices and online discourse surrounding the Beer Mile. Analysis revealed the Beer Mile as a masculine-dominated space reinforcing normative assumptions on gender binaries and hierarchies. Numerous constraints to women's participation and implicit endorsement of the sport-alcohol nexus were identified, which may undermine broader efforts in promoting the sport of triathlon through notions of egalitarianism, inclusiveness, and healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   


Social capital's measurement has been limited and an effective scale is needed. This research employed focus groups and interviews and a panel of experts to provide understanding and items for a social capital scale in sport and recreation setting. After a pilot study the Club Social Capital Scale (CSCS) was completed by 1,079 members of sport and recreation clubs. This 42-item scale included the factors trust, friendship, acceptance, reciprocity, norms, and governance. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 20-item four component (governance, norms, friendship-acceptance, and trust-reciprocity) CSCS. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the potential four or five factor model and the hierarchical structure. The CSCS is the first psychometrically developed instrument to measure the factors underlying social capital rather than its outcomes. It can inform policy makers or sport and recreation administrators to establish baseline social capital in their organization and the efficacy of interventions or changes in policy.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine representations of women's leisure portrayed on the popular Netflix television series Orange Is the New Black (OITNB). Using a feminist lens rooted in the notion of interconnectivity, we draw on four television tropes proposed by Pozner (2010 Pozner, J. L. (2010). Reality bites back: The troubling truth about guilty pleasure TV. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press. [Google Scholar]) that are commonly used to depict women characters on television to analyze representations of women's leisure in the first three seasons of OITNB. Our analysis reveals the complex and messy ways representations of women's leisure on OITNB can be used to discipline, reproduce, but also challenge power relations associated with common media tropes, acting as a form of political practice. We conclude by considering the implications of how these representations can influence the lives of women consuming this media content as part of their leisure.  相似文献   

陈严武  韦福安 《旅游学刊》2020,35(3):113-126
广西特色村镇与A级景区作为两种互补的旅游资源,在同一区域存在共生关系,这种关系成为区域联动、共赢发展的重要模式。文章采用空间数量关系模型和空间质量关系模型,定量分析广西特色村镇与A级景区空间关系,得出两者在空间数量上关系显著,在空间质量上接近良好协调发展的结论,为两者协同发展的研究提供可行基础。并以交通通达度(道路交通情况和交通乘换点)、旅游经济发展要素点(酒店、餐饮、娱乐、购物)和参与主体(政府、企业、社区居民和非政府组织机构)为切入点,对广西特色村镇与A级景区协同发展关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)广西交通道路尤其是动车和高速路与两种旅游资源之间的协调性较低,A级旅游景区与最近交通乘换点距离优于特色村镇与最近交通乘换点距离,部分区域旅游经济发展要素点支撑不足,根据两者与交通通达度、旅游经济发展要素点的拟合情况,提出需要加大力度建设和优化桂西左江花山世界文化遗产地旅游资源群、桂西北东兰—巴马—凤山旅游资源群、桂东富川—恭城—灌阳旅游资源群和桂中金秀旅游资源群等旅游资源富集区的交通道路、交通乘换点、酒店和餐饮等基础建设。(2)根据分析广西特色村镇与A级景区实际发展状况,提出以政府引导、企...  相似文献   

This study explores the role of rapport between players and dealers in the casino industry. More specifically, based on a literature review, it was proposed that (1) rapport positively affects three outcome variables: customer satisfaction, revisit intentions, and word-of-mouth; (2) customer satisfaction has a positive influence on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth; and (3) gender plays a moderating role in this process. Based on the proposed hypotheses, a conceptual model was developed and tested using empirical data from 227 casino table players. Data analysis results showed that rapport is an important determinant of customer satisfaction, revisit intentions, and word-of-mouth. In addition, it was revealed that customer satisfaction bears a significant impact on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth. Lastly, gender has key moderating functions in the relationship between (1) rapport and customer satisfaction and (2) rapport and revisit intentions. The possible interpretations and managerial implications of these findings are provided in the last part of the article.  相似文献   


The propensity to experience boredom in free time was investigated by exploring relationships with the individual's demographic characteristics, personality, motivational orientation, and affective style assessed through group-administered questionnaires to 999 university students. The self-as-entertainment personality attribute consistently predicted the likelihood that students would be bored, and inverse relationships with extraversion and intrinsic motivational orientation were found for all student groups. Multiple regression analyses revealed that race, ethnicity, and gender were the only significant demographic predictors of the likelihood an individual would be bored in free time. Group similarities and differences in depicting students who were prone to experience boredom in free time are described.  相似文献   


Sport has not only been forwarded as a basic human right but it is a powerful tool in the advocacy of human rights. Social inclusion and gender equality through sport interventions are prevalent in the developing world. Change agents working in the field of Sport for Development applaud the success of interventions in marginalised and impoverished communities as sport is viewed as an effective tool that contributes to the social inclusion and the betterment of the poor. In a developing country, such as South Africa, unemployed youth are recruited as youth leaders in an attempt to improve their economic, social and cultural standing through their involvement in sport for development interventions. This Research Note highlights the tension between Sport for Development initiatives in South Africa that carry messages of human rights and the failure of the current system to fulfil the economic, social and cultural rights of youth leaders. This study explores the experiences of youth leaders in South Africa through the lens of ‘The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ (ICESCR). A qualitative, ethnographic approach was used to address the question: How can the socio-economic rights of youth leaders working on grassroots level in Sport for Development initiatives be recognised? The qualitative research findings indicated youth leaders perceive their work as important, but do not believe that the remuneration they receive allow for a decent living; and, that they do not believe that they have an equal opportunity for career progression within the Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) that they work for. Recommendations on how to address the rights of youth leaders are provided.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情爆发并迅速蔓延,对依赖以人的位移产生综合消费的旅游业的影响是巨大而且全方位的。以云南省为例,从宏观旅游经济运行、中观旅游业态发展、微观旅游企业发展及旅游资本市场四个层次,对新冠肺炎给区域旅游发展带来的影响进行分析与研判。在此基础上,提出区域旅游恢复发展的应对策略。  相似文献   

我国城乡旅游地居民参与旅游规划与发展研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨兴柱  王群 《旅游学刊》2006,21(4):32-37
综合国内外居民参与研究的成就,本文提出了传统型、行政主导型、居民政府共同参与型和居民全过程主导参与型等4种居民参与旅游规划与发展模式.并从城市和乡村旅游地角度,比较了中山市和四项山旅游地的居民基本特征和居民参与旅游规划与发展的差异.根据居民参与旅游规划与发展差异,四顶山旅游地采用行政主导推动型模式,中山市旅游地采取居民政府共同参与型模式.在此基础上,从政府、规划师、居民教育及信息交流4个方面提出了居民参与实施对策.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken with five families before, during and after the London 2012 Olympics to examine and explore everyday reactions to the Games on families in the East Midlands region of England. The aim of the research was to build localised accounts of the multiple interpretations, potential impacts and reactions to the Olympics in everyday family household settings. The views, perceptions and interpretations of the Games were gathered through qualitative research methods, using video diaries and, pre- and post-event, group interviews. Findings from the study illustrated diverse reactions to the legacy messages, resistance to policy interpretations surrounding this mega event and a strong sense of regional and financial exclusion from the event. Lessons can be learnt for both policy-makers and event managers in the design of future events that encompass the localised perspectives of those communities and individuals who consume the event beyond direct physical participation. In particular, themes from the data included the importance of regional community involvement of national showcase events, limitations of existing media and web-based information sources, and the everyday resistance to policy messages assumed as taken for granted. It is also hoped that the study will provide lessons for the Rio 2016 Olympics from a local delivery perspective.  相似文献   

Tourism may constitute an important livelihood option and conservation incentive for communities located near protected areas (PAs). Gateway communities can benefit significantly from the development of tourism through increased employment, financial gains, infrastructure creation, cultural revitalization, and environmental protection. Yet, tourism is not a panacea for PA communities and the development of a local tourism industry often fails to deliver significant economic, social, cultural, and environmental benefits. Clearly defined frameworks for maximizing the benefits from tourism development for PA communities are needed so that tourism can more directly support community development and conservation efforts. This paper presents a framework for appraising and building community capacity for tourism development in aboriginal protected area gateway communities. The framework was developed through the analysis of qualitative results from five different research projects around seven capital assets (i.e., natural, physical and built, financial, political and institutional, social, cultural, and human capitals). Preliminary results from application and testing of the framework are also explored. The framework presented herein has significant potential for broader application in non-aboriginal, international, and non-protected area communities.  相似文献   

郭文  王丽 《旅游学刊》2008,23(4):64-71
本文在梳理影视型主题公园溯源的基础上,分析了无锡影视基地产生、发展及其旅游开发的"共生"运营模式,认为无锡影视基地的成功主要是依托管理主体特殊性、区位及选址优越性、影视与旅游产业的融合及文化同存"四位一体共生",多元因素共同作用的结果.同时认为无锡影视基地在其主题产品衍生产业尚未形成的情况下,现有的展演内容、形式和表现手法极易被移植或复制.在体验经济时代,影视旅游后续开发及质量的提升、转型将成为一种必然.本文最后提出了无锡影视基地影视旅游产业聚落基础、优势及实现建议.  相似文献   

区域旅游可持续力分析的修正方案--以安徽龙岗古镇为例   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
金准  庄志民 《旅游学刊》2004,19(5):77-81
可持续力的研究是进行区域旅游开发的重要依据,但现有区域旅游可持续力分析模型在一定程度上还存在缺陷,主要是忽视了区域自身的调整能力。本文试图提出一个具有修正意义的评价体系,并以安徽龙岗古镇为例进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

保继刚  杨兵 《旅游学刊》2022,37(1):18-31
国内有关"旅游吸引物权"的研究大多止步于理论探讨,而旅游地却存在大量旅游吸引物权益缺失的发展困境。文章尝试将"旅游吸引物权"学术概念进行落地运用,通过一场持续3年的旅游减贫试验,探索出旅游吸引物权在中国制度情境下的制度化路径,解析其实践效应。研究发现:(1)旅游吸引物权的产权建构需要首先从结构层面建立兼顾分配和资源保护意义的制度规则体系,制度规则背后的核心运行逻辑是经济利益调节。(2)制度结构建立后,再从能力与文化层面建构多方主体对旅游吸引物权表达与实践的理解和认知,重点是在认知范畴上建立产权共识。(3)旅游吸引物权建构所需的制度、能力与文化培育可由多方外部主体援助完成,但援助的目的是催发原住民的主体性。发展乡村旅游不一定需要大资本进驻,地方政府的政策支持、适量的资金投入、产权建构的技术援助,足以带动原住民参与旅游发展。其中,地方政府作为土地产权的决定性主体,对旅游吸引物权的理解、授权与支持是开展产权建构的根基性条件。需要指出的是,文章的旅游吸引物权建构是对各个构成物要素凝结的共有性、整体性旅游吸引价值的产权关系进行系统表达,本质上是不改变现有构成物的"名义产权"制度,利用制度多元逻辑引导多方主体改变产权认知观念与结构,在认知范畴上建立关于新增的旅游吸引价值的"事实产权"。  相似文献   

黄萍 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):23-28
一旦进入《世界遗产名录》,遗产地旅游迅速升温,遗产保护与旅游发展的矛盾随即凸显.如何协调保护与开发关系,促进旅游可持续发展,成为理论与实践不断探讨的主要问题."数字九寨"是我国世界遗产地,也是国家级风景名胜区中率先自主创新、通过数字化管理进行实践探索的典型个案.在数字化建设中,彰显出"协同"保护与开发的管理功效端倪.本文基于协同理论,分析了"数字九寨"的协同原理及效果,并针对存在的问题提出强化数字化协同功效的保障措施.拟从"保护-开发"视角,为我国世界遗产地、旅游景区在数字化建设和管理中增强持续发展能力提供实践参考.  相似文献   

A sound policy and regulatory framework is essential in planning for sustainable tourism development. The paper examines opportunities and challenges for China's planning for sustainable tourism development from both policy and regulatory perspectives. Despite the enthusiasm for sustainable tourism, China's existing relevant policy and regulatory frameworks are generally fraught with contradictory objectives, and they are also often incoherent, have ambiguous legal provisions, and many organizations have duplicate responsibilities, unclear definitions of responsibilities, interlocking activities, and weak coordination due to the complicated institutional structure. Based on Shanxi Province, the paper explores the policy and regulatory issues affecting tourism and its sustainability, and it also assesses the possible options to foster an improved policy and regulatory framework for China's sustainable tourism development. A much stronger political will from all levels of government will be required to overcome a prevalent mindset for short-term economic growth and deep-rooted practices in pursuit of departmental benefits. It is also necessary for China and Shanxi under the new national tourism law to articulate and coordinate its laws and regulations with much improved supportive bylaws. Finally, more rational and effective institutional arrangements are needed, with clearly defined functions and responsibilities for government at varied levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to investigate how spiritual retreat tourism influences tourist satisfaction and intention to revisit a destination. A quantitative approach was employed and a self-administered survey was used to collect data. A multiple regression analysis was used to analyze data. The results revealed that push factors including novelty, relaxation, transcendence, self-esteem, physical appearance and escape influence spiritual retreat tourist satisfaction; while pull factors, especially authentic experiences, natural settings, peaceful atmosphere, far from the usual places and historical significance, influence spiritual retreat tourist satisfaction, in turn leading to intention to revisit the same destination.  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive review of recent developments in hospitality ethics research articles published in major hospitality journals as well as in other fields in the period from 2006 to 2015. A total of 62 articles were analyzed and the results were presented with the discussion of research articles by journal and period, geographical locations of study, research method and data analysis, and research subject areas. Conclusions and implications for future research are offered.  相似文献   

A critical examination of the literature suggests that further work is needed to understand the relationship between small tourism and hospitality businesses and their external social-economic environments. In particular, the nature of personal and environmental factors influencing tourism entrepreneurship remains unknown. Focusing on one type of small business, guest houses, this study aims to examine entrepreneurs’ motivations from a dynamic perspective and explore the nature of personal and environmental factors affecting motivations for entrepreneurship. Taking a qualitative approach, four patterns of change in (or maintenance of) motivation are identified. Guided by social cognitive theory, this study finds that, among the relevant personal factors are cognitive beliefs, intrinsic needs, and demographic factors, while the environmental facilitators include changes in the tourism market, changes within the industry, and changes in setting/location. Finally, a model of small business operators’ motivations for engaging in entrepreneurship in the tourism and hospitality sector is proposed.  相似文献   

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