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明晰旅游经济与交通业两者之间的相互影响关系,对于产业优化、促进区域协调发展至关重要。本文基于共生理论,对2010-2019年东北三省旅游经济与交通业发展的综合评价、共生度、共生关系进行了测算。数据结果显示:东三省的旅游经济和交通业呈现持续向好的发展态势;三省共生度均呈现δTC≠δCT>0,表明旅游经济与交通业的关系均呈现为正向非对称共生,但省际差异也较为明显;黑龙江共生系数θTM均值为0.6165>0.5,说明旅游经济对交通业的影响作用较大;吉林共生系数θTM均值为0.0902<0.5、辽宁共生系数θTM均值为0.4547<0.5,说明交通业对旅游经济影响较大,特别是吉林省。因此,为促成旅游经济与交通业呈现更加对称协调的共生关系,黑龙江省应加强交通网络建设;吉林、辽宁省应加强旅游产品开发及线路规划,以此促进区域经济持续向好协调发展。  相似文献   

We analyse the possibility of successful industry self‐regulation in terms of the strategic interactions between industry members and government. In particular, this article presents a game‐theoretic typology of generic self‐regulatory scenarios and evaluates these in terms of the resulting likelihood of collective compliance. We discuss the advertising, press and life insurance industries in the UK as examples of the scenarios. Conclusions for corporate and public policy are offered.  相似文献   

本文首次整理了1985-2005年的机械行业标准,并利用协整分析技术和误差修正模型分析了1985-2005年机械行业标准对中国机械行业进出口贸易的影响,并基于误差修正模型分析中国机械行业的国家标准与中国机械行业进出口贸易的因果关系,证明行业标准增量是进出口贸易增额的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   


This paper explores the structure of the book publishing industry post digitalisation, analysing the choices of the publishers and authors. The introduction of successful e-book readers has belatedly given digitalisation the characteristics of a disruptive technology by making self-publishing a serious option for authors. This has been supported by the entry of new types of intermediaries and the strengthening of others. These changes have reduced the general requirements for an author to get a book self-published. As a result, a larger share of the surplus from the book industry is likely to go to authors, explaining the significant increase in the supply of books. The potential oversupply of books has created a new problem by increasing competition and making consumer searches more difficult. We argue that digitalisation has shifted the potential for market failure from an inadequate supply of books to asymmetric information about quality. It remains to be seen whether the market will provide appropriate intermediaries to solve the asymmetric information problem.  相似文献   

The nature and extent of competition between different therapies for a given medical condition often is an important and controversial issue in both antitrust cases and general strategic analysis in the pharmaceutical industry. The market for pulmonary arterial hypertension (‘PAH’) therapies provides an interesting case study for analyzing these issues. An event study analyzing how the stock prices of PAH therapy providers respond to competitive developments in the industry sheds light on the nature of competition among different types of therapies. The results support the view that the strength of competition between any two drugs for the same condition can vary greatly depending on factors such as the stage of the patient’s disease, the mode of drug delivery, the mechanism of action, convenience/ease of use and other characteristics.  相似文献   

我国电力产业改革后,电力产业运营模式由原来的垂直一体化模式转为纵向分离模式。目前我国电力产业正处于输配售一体的模式。随着电力产业运营模式的变化,电力普遍服务的主体也发生了变化。在垂直一体模式下,电力普遍服务的主体是政府;而在输配售一体模式下,电力普遍服务的主体是电网企业。由于电力产业改革使电力普遍服务主体发生了变化,相应的补贴机制也需要重新设计。  相似文献   

中日纺织服装产业合作博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与日本同为东北亚的两个纺织强国,在国际出口环境不断恶化的条件下,中日两国纺织服装产业开展合作,对扩大两国内需、促进两国经济增长及调整我国纺织服装产业结构具有重要意义。本文结合影响中日纺织服装产业发展的具体因素,建立合作博弈模型,对中日纺织服装合作需要满足的充分必要条件进行分析,并对合作的可行性进行了验证,得出结论认为合作博弈是中日纺织服装产业的最优选择。  相似文献   

我国第三产业比重国际比较的陷阱与出路   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文针对目前第三产业研究中经常遇到的对我国第三产业比重进行国际比较的问题进行深入分析,认为不能对第三产业比重进行简单的国际比较,还要深入分析影响判断第三产业比重是否合理的其他因素,包括汇率、通胀率,全球产业布局,体制差异,统计体系是否健全,不同经济发展阶段服务产品的异质性等。解决这一问题比较简单又切实可行的方法是用服务产品价格指数来判断第三产业的供需平衡关系,但也存在一定程度的误差。  相似文献   

李文哲 《江苏商论》2012,(3):105-107
本文从河北省旅游业十二五发展目标出发,利用SWOT分析法阐明了河北省旅游业具备的优势和劣势,以及新时期面临的机遇和挑战,认为要实现发展目标必须重视旅游重大项目建设,并从旅游业特点出发,设计了可行的融资模式。  相似文献   

随着金融业全面开放,我国银行业市场主体的多元化使银行业竞争环境发生了改变。本文通过实证分析,检验了金融业全面开放对我国银行业竞争度的影响。结果显示,在过渡期结束后,我国银行业竞争度迅速上升,同时伴随着银行的规模效益下降和风险倾向的增加。由此可知,竞争加剧将引起商业银行行为和风险的变化。正确认识开放条件下银行业竞争的变化和特征,对我国银行业改革和发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

流通产业在国民经济中的作用,一直是流通学界研究的重要内容。本文应用灰色关联方法,对流通产业与国民经济三次产业的关系进行了动态分析,数据处理与史实分析表明:过去30年中,我国流通产业在国民经济中的角色经历了四个重要阶段;前三个阶段分别是三次产业推动阶段,2001年后为相对独立发展阶段;流通产业的发展路径是四个阶段的包络线。这一结论丰富了流通产业从末端产业向先导产业转型的理论内涵。  相似文献   

The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in the supply chain. This paper draws upon previous research and emerging industry trends to develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain CSR in the industry. The framework details unique CSR applications in the food supply chain including animal welfare, biotechnology, environment, fair trade, health and safety, and labor and human rights. General supply chain CSR issues such as community and procurement are also considered. Ultimately, the framework serves as a comprehensive tool to support food industry practitioners and researchers in the assessment of strategic and operational supply chain CSR practices.  相似文献   

The world petroleum industry has been revolutionized by a change in exploration technology from two‐dimensional (2D) to three‐dimensional (3D) seismic mapping. One of the main effects of the newer technology has been to decrease the cost of finding oil, particularly in offshore fields. We examine the impact of the new technology on the exploration activities of the major international petroleum companies and find that they have aggressively increased petroleum exploration expenditures. As a result, we suggest that the companies have achieved a prisoner's dilemma outcome, where they are collectively worse off in terms of profits, providing a possible explanation for the recent wave of large‐scale mergers in the industry.  相似文献   

中国制造业的全球价值链融入及其区位优势提升   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
由于现代制造业的产品价值链越来越具有空间可分性的特征,一些处在产业主导地位的厂商越来越注重于在全球范围内实现价值链的重组。20多年来,对制造业国际转移的积极吸纳使中国的制造业在全球价值链体系中有了较大程度的融入。继续保持这种吸纳与融入,应在较长时期内成为中国经济发展的重要路径。  相似文献   

零售业开放的经济安全评价预警指标体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在借鉴已有的产业安全研究成果基础上,从发展安全、控制安全、结构安全和权益安全四个维度,确立了相应的二、三级指标,初步构建了零售业开放对经济安全影响的评价预警指标体系。  相似文献   

Over the course of a quarter of a century, the eclectic paradigm has derived its strength from being a general framework of analysis that explains the level and pattern of foreign value-added activities of firms, and/or of countries, and allows for the co-existence of complementary and alternative theories in the discipline of international economics in a logically consistent manner without being inextricably wedded to any one particular approach. The current study aims to support such broad theoretical appeal of the paradigm by refining its theoretical interpretations of the concepts of ownership advantages and internalisation. To support its view that asset ownership advantages are both competitive advantages and monopolistic advantages, the theoretical interpretation of asset ownership advantages in the paradigm needs to be broadened from a narrow emphasis on Bain-type monopolistic advantages which enable firms to erect barriers to entry to new competition and exercise monopoly power in final product markets. It must also accommodate the theoretical perception of asset ownership advantages as part of the rivalrous behaviour or competitive process between firms consistent with the approach of Cantillon and the classical economists starting with Adam Smith, the Austrian economists such as Schumpeter and Hayek, as well as Penrose. The eclectic paradigm must also effectively address the important distinction between 'internalisation of ownership advantages or intermediate products' and the 'internalisation of the markets for ownership advantages or intermediate products' within the context of endogenous structural market imperfections in final products and exogenous transactional market imperfections in intermediate products. In clearly distinguishing between the alternative interpretations of the concepts of ownership advantages and internalisation, the paradigm could more effectively synthesise alternative theories of the firm and the multinational corporation in one cogent framework of economic analysis.  相似文献   

The two-day Symposium on the Milestone-Makers in China's 60 Years of Shipping Industry was convened as planned in the beautiful ancient town of ZhuJiajiao in Shanghai.Over 30 authorities attended the symposium including the former Minister of Communications and current Chairman of China Communications and Transportation Association(CCTA)Mr.  相似文献   


This practitioner note proposes a new approach considering two-stage clustering and LRFMP model (Length, Recency, Frequency, Monetary and Periodicity) simultaneously for customer segmentation and behavior analysis and applies it among the Iranian Fintech companies. In this practitioner note, the K-means clustering algorithm and LRFMP model are combined in the customer segmentation process. After initial clustering, for a better understanding of valuable customers, additional clustering is implemented in segments that needed further investigation. This approach contributes to a better interpretation of different customer segments. Customer segments, consisting of 23524 business customers are analysed based on their characteristics and appropriate strategies are recommended accordingly. The first stage clustering result shows that customers are best segmented into four groups. The first and fourth segments are clustered again and the final 11 groups of customers are determined. This note provides a systematic and practical approach for researchers and practitioners for segmentation, interpretation, and targeting of customers especially in the B2B setting and the Fintech industry and helps managers to make effective marketing strategies and enhance customer relationship and marketing intelligence.  相似文献   

Live streaming commerce, as a new online selling channel, is increasingly gaining popularity and creating a vast market worth. Many brand suppliers are entrusting streamers to recommend their products via this channel. However, the cooperation between brand suppliers and streamers may not always achieve a win-win situation due to moral hazard and adverse selection problems, which has largely been ignored in previous studies. To address this gap, we develop two game models based on the Principal-agent theory to design incentive contracts under the streamer's influence and recommendation effort information asymmetry and investigate the price discount decisions in a live streaming commerce supply chain. The findings revealed that the equilibrium contracts depend on the prior beliefs that the brand suppliers hold on the streamers' influence. The information rent held by the high-influence streamers is unavoidable because of the information gap between the brand suppliers and streamers. Under double information asymmetry, brand suppliers maintain the unit commission and price discount for high-influence streamers unchanged while decreasing the unit commission and increasing the price discount for low-influence streamers. An important implication for brand suppliers is that they can obtain more benefits by cooperating with high-influence streamers who require low-price discounts.  相似文献   

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