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In this autoethnographic paper I engage with feminist theories of the body, materiality and affect to illuminate the ways in which I negotiate dominant discourses of masculinity in playing football. I begin by grounding the paper within Feminist Physical Cultural Studies, and explore the post-qualitative potential of auto-ethnography as a means of exploring lived experiences. In the sections that follow, I describe my experiences of playing football and delineate the objects and intensities which I saw within an AFL assemblage. Jerseys, balls, and beer all have the potential to mark bodies as skilful, tough, masculine, or otherwise. In examining the relationships between objects and bodies, I am able to demonstrate the means through which masculinity is woven into football.  相似文献   

This article presents an inductive citation analysis to examine diffusion patterns and knowledge networks in the economic, geographical/environmental, and socio-cultural domains of tourism research. Articles typical of these specializations were selected from the latest issues of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, and Tourism Management, to begin with the tracking of major sources of knowledge for research in a sub-domain. Citation data collection followed a theoretical sampling approach for a scrutiny of three “generations” of intellectual connections. Analyses and sorting of subjects and coauthorship networks were facilitated by ATLAS.ti. Diffusion patterns are visualized through “pointed and high” versus “thick and flat” tree diagrams for these subdomains. The study also describes knowledge networks typically embedded in the coauthorship patterns of the major sources. While the study lends to discussions on intellectual connections, this set of inductively derived results should be read in caution of the research design, the behavior of citation, and the perspectives of the authors.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine representations of women's leisure portrayed on the popular Netflix television series Orange Is the New Black (OITNB). Using a feminist lens rooted in the notion of interconnectivity, we draw on four television tropes proposed by Pozner (2010 Pozner, J. L. (2010). Reality bites back: The troubling truth about guilty pleasure TV. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press. [Google Scholar]) that are commonly used to depict women characters on television to analyze representations of women's leisure in the first three seasons of OITNB. Our analysis reveals the complex and messy ways representations of women's leisure on OITNB can be used to discipline, reproduce, but also challenge power relations associated with common media tropes, acting as a form of political practice. We conclude by considering the implications of how these representations can influence the lives of women consuming this media content as part of their leisure.  相似文献   

江金波  龙云 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):142-154
该研究构建学术知识生产-溢出价值链模型,基于双溢出渠道研究视角,分析2000—2019年中国旅游研究国际化转向中的学术知识生产规律。研究发现:(1)学术知识生产-溢出价值链中两类知识生产特征存在差异,学术期刊为主流渠道,选题重视理论,属于洪堡知识生产模式,研究主体重视合作,成果溢出效应较高;学术会议为大众渠道,选题偏向实践应用,符合后洪堡知识生产模式的特征,研究者倾向独立研究,成果数量丰富,但国际化水平有待提高,认可度较低。(2)两种类型知识生产演变规律相似,可分为3个阶段:早期(2000—2006年),数量较少,基础研究较多,但相关议题延续性强;中期(2007—2013年),数量逐渐增多,热点议题较为丰富,关联网络复杂,议题纵向延伸;近期(2014—2019年),数量增速放缓,质量层次提高,新兴议题增多,研究更具时代性、探索性。通过对比分析学术知识生产-溢出价值链中会议及期刊知识生产规律的异同,有利于国内旅游学者清晰认知国际旅游研究中的"中国特色",呼吁促进产学研"三重螺旋"合作,完善知识溢出及反馈渠道监管。研究建议中国学者扩大旅游学术知识生产视野,承担更多国际学术责任,提升知识生产质量和国际学术影响力,学术界积极推进会议评级标准及数据库建设,优化知识创新网络结构。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among authenticity, loyalty, involvement, and attitude toward world cultural heritage sites (WCHS), as well as the relevance between two basic authenticity concepts in cultural heritage tourism, that is, constructive authenticity and existential authenticity. A structural model was proposed, in which authenticity is regarded as a key mediating construct between attitude and loyalty. The data were collected by a self-administrated questionnaire survey at one of the WCHS in China – Nanjing Xiaoling Tomb Scenic Area. The structural equation modeling method was employed to test the research model and the hypotheses with the sample data. The results indicate that involvement, attitude, and existential authenticity have significant effects on tourists' loyalty to the world cultural heritage visitation and that constructive authenticity and existential authenticity are significantly related. The theoretical and management implications of authenticity are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

管婧婧 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):85-92
饮食作为旅游体验中重要的组成部分,受到不少学者的关注,已积累了丰富的研究成果.21世纪初更是提出了以美食为核心的旅游,成为特殊兴趣旅游中的重要分支.文章对于国外美食与旅游的相关文献从“旅游中的饮食”和“美食旅游”两个方面进行了归纳和梳理.文献研究发现,作为旅游产品组成的饮食和美食旅游,这两个概念在研究过程中存在着相互替代、界限模糊的现象.而美食旅游概念泛化现象将导致研究过程中美食旅游者数量被人为放大,美食旅游对旅游目的地贡献被高估,真正的美食旅游者需求被忽视.文章提出要从美食在旅游过程中的中心性出发讨论美食旅游、美食旅游者和美食旅游者的体验.  相似文献   

谢彦君 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):20-25
本文主要探讨了中国旅游研究与国外旅游研究所存在的差距。根据作者利用网络资源所做的调查,本文得出了这样的结论:与国外同行的研究水平相比,中国的旅游研究还存在一定的差距。表现在:学术期刊以及研究文献的数量都远不及英语国家;中国的旅游学术界往往追逐由各级政府部门所引导的热门话题而进行研究;在学术研究上由于缺乏充分的跟进研究,使有价值的学术积累非常单薄;中国的旅游学还很难成为一个独立的学科。作者通过实证分析的方法对上述命题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

山岳型景区文化内涵的挖掘是提升景区质量的重要途径,但景区提供的文化旅游产品容易偏离旅游者的需求.文章以天柱山风景区为例,运用因子分析法、两独立样本t检验等方法,分析了供需双方对景区文化旅游资源偏好的差异,同时借助IPA模型帮助旅游经营管理者制定了景区文化旅游产品的开发方向.结果表明:(1)供需双方对天柱山风景区的整体印象差异不显著;而对文化印象具有显著差异,其中,旅游经营管理者对天柱山风景区文化印象较好,而旅游者对其印象较为一般;从文化资源要素上来看,供需双方对绝大部分文化旅游资源具有显著差异,且旅游经营管理者对其偏好的程度总体强于旅游者.(2)采用IPA模型,通过对比供需双方对天柱山风景区文化旅游资源的偏好差异,得出继续努力、过度表现、低优先改进、重点改进4个区域,并针对不同区域提出不同的解决方案.  相似文献   

历史街区承载了城市的历史信息和文化印记,主要表征为特色鲜明的文化景观。过去40年,快速城市化和工业化改变了城市面貌,也影响了历史街区保护利用的进程。历史街区一旦变成旅游景观,符号化就成为了历史街区进行旅游发展和空间重构的主导逻辑。本研究以前门大街为案例地,通过对马蜂窝网站中游客分享照片的检索和整理,利用符号学和扎根理论方法分析了旅游利用背景下历史街区文化景观符号的意义表达,并对此过程中的符号建构与解读机制进行剖析。本研究从主客体两视角出发,深化既有研究并得出以下结论:前门大街通过指索符号、建筑符号、街道符号和商业符号共同表征这一空间。街道功能多样化和城市地位转变是符号建构与解读的具体语境,符号系统的建构存在多个权力主体,不同价值的符号其建构方式也有所不同。符号的解读需要旅游者的身体参与,当旅游地建构的符号与旅游者获得的符号存在一致性的时候,意味着文化景观符号意义被正确地接受和解读。  相似文献   

传统地名翻译的不足在于对语言转换的理解存在表征性的偏狭。本文从千古奇书《徐霞客游记》现存英译本所涉及的地名英译切入,通过汉语拼音方案的运用之于国家统一形象、地名翻译的范式及其变通以及音译、直译与文化传神意译原则之于国际交流意象,引出对旅游地名翻译的范式及规范管理可能的向度的探讨,并上升到中国文化对外传播与文化软实力建设的关系问题。  相似文献   

Due to its rich stock of heritage assets, extraordinary pace of market liberalisation, and its political administration, the People’s Republic of China is at a crossroads in terms of the management of its heritage assets. In order to better understand the threats and opportunities that market liberalisation may pose for cultural heritage assets as future tourism products, this study examines two examples in the Beijing municipality; the Hutongs and the section of the Great Wall at Huanghua. These case studies are used to investigate the coordination of policy to balance modernisation and conservation of heritage assets in Beijing, and place it against a general model of stakeholder roles that can drive the sustainable use of heritage assets. Teasing out the nature of these roles has identified where tourism development aids or detracts from existing heritage conservation policies. Without better coordination of roles in policy implementation, the sustainability of many heritage assets as future tourism products is in question.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the tourism industry are well illustrated by the case of New Zealand's tourism development over the last decade. The number of international tourists visiting New Zealand has doubled in the last ten years to approximately 1.5 million annual visitors. Associated with this growth has been a significant shift in patterns of tourist demand. No longer do most tourists simply comply with established tourist routes linking the high profile scenic attractions. Rather tourists have demonstrated a preference for more independent and dispersed patterns of travel, including an increase in demand for settings that offer subjective qualities of wilderness experience. This poses a complex but intriguing management challenge. If wilderness recreation involves pristine natural settings in the complete absence of facility development and visitor management, then these resources are more prone to degradation so than any other natural tourism resources. This paper suggests that an understanding of tourist perceptions of wilderness is crucial to the management of wilderness tourism, and considers the application of the perceptual approach to wilderness tourism as a means of sustaining wilderness values while promoting the satisfaction of visitor expectations.  相似文献   

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