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马思洁 《经营者》2009,(15):52-55
世博会门票开始发售了,亲朋好友们也开始商量着去上海的时间,这让人不得不开始担心,去上海的住宿问题。有数据显示,2010年5月1日至10月31日举办的上海世博会预计将吸引7000万人次的海内外游客参观,平均日流量240万人次,高峰时更将高达60万。以每天进出园区平均有40万至50万人次测算,相当于每天在世博园内得移入一个城市的人口,每天傍晚时再移出一个城市的人口。  相似文献   

张坤 《经营者》2000,(11):15-15
<正> 青岛啤酒集团率先在全国啤酒行业推出了以"玉液琼浆——青岛啤酒欢迎您"为主题的工业旅游项目,并设计了两条工业旅游线,既可参观,又可购物。截至今年5月底,共接待参加工业旅游的中外游客近5万人次。海尔集团在1999年初也推出"海尔工业游"项目,将海尔独具魅力的人文景观、整洁有序的现代化生产线,琳琅满目的产品展室及中国首家由企业出资兴建的现代科技展馆——海尔科技馆作为旅游产品开发,形成既有现代企业特色,又具有旅游特点的工业旅游项目,吸引了大批中外游客的前往参观。据统计,1999年到海尔集团参观的中外游客已近24万人次。"海尔工业游"已成为岛城旅游新景观、新热点。由此,现代旅游业的一道新风景——工业旅游在我国迅速兴起,并因其独特的优势而显示出蓬勃发展的势头,同时也让  相似文献   

陈方建 《物流技术》2010,(14):40-41
近期,在上海世博会的拉动下,冷链物流在我国就如夏日的天气一样一直延续着一种“高热”状态。自5月1号上海世博会开幕以来,参观人数屡创新高,单日参观人数相继突破20万、30万、40万、50万人次,截止6月底,世博园累计参观人数已突破了2千万人次。历时6个月共计184天的上海世博会期间客流量完全有可能达到预期的7000万人次。  相似文献   

<正>2010年世界博览会于5月1日至10月31日在上海举行,此次世博会将有246个国家(地区)和国际组织参加,预计参观人数将超过7000万人次,平均每天入园参观人数40万人次,高峰可达60-80万人次。本次世博会历时时间长、  相似文献   

改革开放以来,北京旅游业迅猛发展,整体吸引力,接待能力和创收水平一直居全国前列。据统计,北京市2001年接待国内游客1.1亿人次,同比增长8%;其中外地游客7462万人次,同比增长10.7%,北京市民在京游人数3545万人次,同比增长3%。而2002年全年北京市旅游饭店接待国  相似文献   

本刊讯 据了解,海南目前在建或已建成并投入运营的休闲农庄已有300多个,2012年休闲农业游客达725万人次,占海南游客总数的1/4,营业收入4.7亿元,同比增长59%。到2015年,海南休闲农庄建设将达到500个,预计休闲农业与乡村游旅客可突破1500万人次,乡村游游客将占到游客总数的1/3。  相似文献   

<正>打造潮流聚集地紧抓80、90后庞大潜力人群世博会门票开始发售了,亲朋好友们也开始商量着去上海的时间,这让人不得不开始担心,去上海的住宿问题。有数据显示,2010年5月1日至10月31日举办的上海世博会预计将吸引7000万人次的海内外游客参观,  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,人们环境意识的加强,绿色运动及绿色消费席卷全球,绿色旅游也在许多国家悄然兴起。 法国的绿色旅游 让游客们来到远离城市的偏远村庄,住进条件简陋的农舍,让家长带小孩参观农庄,看牛羊,看挤奶,观看制作奶酪和酿葡萄酒的过程,游客在参观之后,还能品尝到这些美味。到森林中去散步,也是法国人喜爱的一种旅游休闲方式,每年参加这种林中散步的人达到数百万人次。人们在参加绿色旅游时更加热爱大自然。 意大利的绿色旅游 选择去乡村度假旅游,从中获得不同于一般休闲度假的体验。乡村旅游一般都由农庄主家庭包办,提供…  相似文献   

预计在未来20年内。瑞丽旅游业将出现快速发展的势头。游客总量将由“九五”期间的900万人次、“十五”期间的1208万人次增加到“十一五”期间的1662万人次,旅游业收入将达到76.83亿元。  相似文献   

休博会召开距今已近两个月,据萧山区旅游局统计数据显示,4月23日,休博会开幕第一天,“一湖三园”就接待游客3.5万人次。而截至5月23日,休博园在这一个月中,共接待中外游客60万人次。众多游客游玩休博园,为湘湖打响了极大的知名度,也为萧山带来了从未有过的人气。随着接下去园区内活动主题的不断推陈出新,以及暑期黄金时段的到来,休博园的游客接待有望再创新高。  相似文献   

The service ecosystems perspective has rarely been applied in literature tackling the nonprofit and voluntary sectors. Service ecosystems are defined as self-adjusting systems of resource-integrating actors connected by shared institutional arrangements and mutual value creation. By addressing service ecosystems flexibility (i.e., the ability of service ecosystems to adjust to changes), this article seeks to provide a framework that charts service ecosystems flexibility and explains its pillars, as well as the ways in which new technologies affect visitors and arts. The study focuses on service ecosystems changes initiated by technology, visitors, and organizers, aimed at increasing the level of museum visitors' experience. The study is performed in a service ecosystem comprising a sculpture arts exhibition and its online extensions in the form of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. Collected data consist of interviews with the exhibition visitors and organizers, participative observations performed in the exhibition context, and online posts and media coverage related to the exhibition. The research process is iterative and abductive, continuously combining insights that emerge from the literature and the analyzed data through triangulation. The main findings emphasize organizers' pivotal role as the actor that orchestrates value cocreation in the service ecosystem by steering this process based on emerging changes. Additionally, the findings flesh out the role of technology in a service ecosystem and offer a more comprehensive view of service ecosystems flexibility.  相似文献   

展览市场具有双边市场的性质:以展览馆作为平台企业,连接参展商和参观者两类市场顾客,来进行交易性的或展示性的活动。本文在双边市场理论模型的基础上,结合满足中国展览业国情,尤其是特大型城市展览馆的运营特征,从非对称条件的角度构建了3种展览馆定价机制模型:(1)参展商可以识别不同类型观众;(2)参展商不可以识别各种类型的观众;(3)展览馆对不同类型观众进行参观时段限制。通过三种模型的推理与演算,我们对特大型城市展览馆的定价行为和机制进行了定量研究,在得出最优解的同时我们还结合实际对模型的结构进行了深入分析,使得本论文不仅在理论和研究方法上有所突破,更具有实践上的指导意义。  相似文献   

"This paper presents an approach of constructing confidence intervals by means of Monte Carlo simulation. This technique attempts to incorporate the uncertainty involved in projecting human populations by letting the fertility and net immigration rates vary as a random variable with a specific distribution. Since fertility and migration are by far the most volatile, and therefore, the most critical components to population forecasting, this technique has the potential of accounting for this uncertainty, if the subjective distributions are specified with enough care. Considering the results of the model for the U.S. in 2082, for example, it is shown that the population will number between 255 million and 355 million with a probability of 90 percent."  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach of constructing confidence intervals by means of Monte Carlo simulation. This technique attempts to incorporate the uncertainty involved in projecting human populations by letting the fertility and net immigration rates vary as a random variable with a specific distribution. Since fertility and migration are by far the most volatile, and therefore, the most critical components to population forecasting, this technique has the potential of accounting for this uncertainty, if the subjective distributions are specified with enough care. Considering the results of the model for the U.S. in 2082, for example, it is shown that the population will number between 255 million and 355 million with a probability of 90 percent.  相似文献   

The object of museums is to reflect and respond to the cultural capital inherent in people and achieve their full citizenship potential. New technologies are considered essential to attract new audiences and improve access to museums. There are no current studies linking the application of new technologies in museums to an increase in value creation for visitors and for society. The aim of this study is to address this gap in the research. To this end, a questionnaire was distributed among visitors to the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN) who used augmented reality (AR) technology to experience an exhibition artifact.Data analysis was carried out via multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical agglomerative clustering analysis. The results show that new technologies could play a significant part in creating value for visitors, for the museum and for society as a whole.  相似文献   

上海世博会将于2010年5月1日召开,此次世博会的举办将会大大地促进我国物流业特别是会展物流业的发展。在我国,会展物流目前还属于一个新兴的行业。文中探讨了上海世博会对我国会展物流业发展的影响,同时指出了目前我国会展物流业存在的不足和障碍,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

郭飞  方猛 《价值工程》2010,29(8):120-123
文章介绍了一个科普展品的设计实施方案,给出了PLC电路及程序,并用VB程序实现了在计算机上对RS-232通信数据的发送和接收,以及实现多媒体的调用,观众可以和展项互动。(注:本展项为我单位在广东科学中心F展区人与健康展馆B09展项《食物之旅》的实施情况)。  相似文献   

会展物流管理的信息组织与集成分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代物流的发展:离不开信息技术的应用,同样作为物流发展的一个重要分支——会展物流,在日益发展的会展经济活动中凸显了重要作用。本文根据会展物流的特点与专业化服务的定位,构建并具体分析了会展:物流管理活动中的信息组织及其集成化管理结构。  相似文献   

Government sponsored family planning programs have had major success in declining birth rates in Barbados, China, Cuba, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. Non- government programs have had similar success in Brazil and Colombia. These programs have been estimated as preventing over 100 million births in China and 80 million in India. Research indicates that family planning programs can produce a 30-50% drop in fertility. Family planning information and some contraceptives can be best distributed through community organizations. Research also indicates male opposition has been a major factor in wider acceptance of family planning. Surveys indicate that 50% of the woman who want no additional children are not using any birth control. Many governments do not have the resource and money to implement programs. In the developing countries if those who were able to prevent the unwanted births had birth control, the population increases in those countries would have been 1.3% versus 2.2%. In earlier family planning programs foreign assistance paid over 80% of the cost, and national governments 20%; today this is reversed. The World Bank estimates that for major improvements in population growth and women's health, $7 billion will be needed yearly by the year 2000. The countries that have had the similar goals in development of human resources, social services, health, and education. They have attended to the status of women, female employment, and maternal and child health. Estimates are that 1.3 billion couples and individuals will need family planning services by the year 2000, and this will be a formidable task. This key elements of successful family planning programs are community participation, decentralization, and training.  相似文献   

现代会展设计业正处在探索发展阶段,民俗表演作为民俗文化的重要组成部分,其形式多种多样、精彩纷呈,民俗表演元素融入到现代会展设计领域已经成为现代会展设计中的一种趋势,合理地运用好民俗表演元素将对物质和精神文化的提高都起到促进作用。  相似文献   

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