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This study investigates how the value-creation process affects the extent to which stock prices incorporate value-relevant information about future earnings. In contrast to previous studies focusing on the value-reporting process, this paper shows that strong product market power accelerates the incorporation of future earnings into current equity prices due to less uncertainty about future cash flows and that intensive long-term investment deters such incorporation because of greater uncertainty regarding future cash flows. The results suggest that firm fundamentals shaped by product market competition and long-term investment explain the price informativeness about future earnings beyond the impact of management’s reporting discretion.  相似文献   

We examine the predictive ability of earnings-price ratios or yields for the S&P 500 index. We decompose the aggregate earnings-price ratio into its positive and negative components (“winners” vs “losers”) and find that the negative component has the most predictive ability. We also find that the earnings-price measures forecast both future returns and earnings growth. Our models display substantial variation in explanatory power over time with forecast power resurfacing in the latter 1990s. We conclude that to the extent that earnings-price yields predict future S&P 500 returns, the negative earnings component is the driving factor.  相似文献   

Annual report readability, current earnings, and earnings persistence   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper examines the relation between annual report readability and firm performance and earnings persistence. I measure the readability of public company annual reports using the Fog index from the computational linguistics literature and the length of the document. I find that: (1) the annual reports of firms with lower earnings are harder to read (i.e., they have a higher Fog index and are longer); and (2) firms with annual reports that are easier to read have more persistent positive earnings.  相似文献   

Morck, Yeung, and Yu (2000), in their pioneering study of international differences in stock price synchronicity, emphasize the effect of market development on investors' ability to incorporate firm-specific information into prices. We use a unique institutional feature in the Hong Kong market to investigate one of the important tools investors use to do this and hence reduce stock price synchronicity: short selling. Examining the cross-sectional and time-series variation in short-sale constraints in the Hong Kong market, we find that after the removal of short-sale constraints, stock prices become more informative and move less in tandem with the market.  相似文献   

We investigate what stock return synchronicity reflects in terms of price informativeness by examining its effect on the pricing of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Based on 5,087 SEOs from 1984 to 2007, we find a significantly negative relation between stock return synchronicity (estimated as the logit transformation of the R-squared statistic from a two-factor regression) and SEO discounts (the percentage differences between pre-offer day closing prices and offer prices). The negative relation is strongest when there is no analyst coverage, and it declines as analyst coverage increases. This shows that stock price is more informative when stock return synchronicity is higher and also that information asymmetry can be mitigated by analyst coverage. We further decompose stock return synchronicity into the market comovement and industry comovement components and find that both components are equally important in affecting SEO discounts.  相似文献   

We show that firm‐specific information is more likely to be incorporated into stock prices when firms have stronger shareholder coordination. The premise of our work is that geographic proximity reduces communication costs among shareholders, thereby leading to better coordination. The positive coordination‐informativeness relation is driven mainly by shareholder coordination among dedicated and independent institutions. We further show that the positive effect is more pronounced for firms with weaker governance mechanisms, suggesting that shareholder coordination could serve as a substitute conduit of price discovery. Lastly, we propose that shareholder coordination improves stock price informativeness through the channel of enhanced voluntary disclosure quality.  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - High frequency traders (HFTs) account for a significant fraction of the total market volume. Prompted by concerns that HFTs reap unfair advantages over other traders...  相似文献   

The consequences of price informativeness have been extensively studied in the past. In contrast, this study goes a step backward to explore its determinants by examining whether belief diversity facilitates a complete and timely reflection of earnings news into prices. Using a global dataset, we find a higher abnormal return variance ratio (lower post-earnings announcement drift) in the presence of more diversely-informed beliefs among traders. This inference holds despite several robustness checks. Moreover, the cross-country analysis reveals that the documented impact of belief diversity intensifies in countries with higher market development, greater corporate transparency, and stronger investor protection.  相似文献   

The passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) marks the beginning of the mandatory disclosure of audit-committee composition and other corporate governance information for cross-listed foreign firms. We posit that the provisions of SOX improve the effectiveness of an independent audit committee and other corporate-governance functions in monitoring the earnings quality of cross-listed foreign firms, and we use cross-listed firms' earnings informativeness and earnings management to measure earnings quality. Our findings show earnings informativeness is significantly associated with audit-committee independence as well as with board independence in the post-SOX period. In contrast, we do not find a significant association between earnings informativeness and audit-committee independence in the pre-SOX period. Our findings also show a consistently negative association between earnings management and audit-committee independence after SOX, an association that is not found in the pre-SOX period. Similarly, a negative association between earnings informativeness and the CEO duality as the chair of the board is only found in the post-SOX period. Furthermore, our results show a positive (negative) association between earnings informativeness (earnings management) and an aggregate corporate-governance score as a measure of overall corporate-governance functions in both the pre- and post-SOX periods. Our findings on the change of magnitude in the relationship between earnings informativeness (earnings management) and corporate governance suggest that the SOX provisions improve the effectiveness of cross-listed foreign firms' corporate-governance functions in monitoring the quality of accounting earnings.  相似文献   

We examine how business strategy affects stock price informativeness which in turn influences analyst coverage efficiency. Using stock price synchronicity and the probability of informed trading as proxies for stock price informativeness, we show that stock prices of prospectors are less informative than those of defenders. Next, we explore two channels through which business strategy influences analyst coverage efficiency. We first test and find support for an information transfer channel, i.e., the higher stock price synchronicity of prospectors facilitates more information transfer by analysts, resulting in higher analyst coverage efficiency of prospectors than defenders. Next, we test and find support for an informed trading channel, i.e., the higher probability of informed trading on stocks of defenders intensifies competition between informed traders and analysts. Such competition adversely affects analyst coverage efficiency, leading to lower analyst coverage efficiency of defenders than prospectors. Our findings are robust to an array of robustness checks including 2SLS/IV tests, differences‐in‐difference tests, and high‐tech industry sensitivity analyses.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and how business sustainability performance and disclosure factors affect stock price informativeness (SPI). We find that non-financial environmental, social, and governance (ESG) sustainability performance factors are positively associated with idiosyncratic volatility (our proxy for SPI) after controlling for financial-economic performance. We further show that the association between sustainability performance factors and SPI is stronger for firms with higher sustainability disclosure. We find that the association between ESG sustainability performance factors and SPI is stronger when economic performance is weaker, suggesting that investors tend to pay more attention to ESG performance factors when firms are financially underperforming. This study shows that investors pay attention to both firm economic performance (corporate profitability and growth prospect) and ESG sustainability performance and disclosure factors, which have implications for policymakers, regulators, investors, businesses, and researchers.  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - Research has failed to document a consistent association between oil prices and stock prices. We propose and examine whether that failure is due to the need to link...  相似文献   

Insiders’ shares can act as collateral while raising funds from lenders. This study examines the impact of insiders’ stock pledging activities on stock price informativeness using a sample of 1835 Indian firms. Our findings report that insider stock pledging increases the informational efficiency of stock prices. This informational efficiency increases for larger firms with: (1) financial constraints (high leverage and low cash holdings); (2) greater reliance on trade credit; and (3) higher indulgence in related party transactions. We also provide evidence on abnormal share turnover as a trading mechanism through which insider stock pledging is related to stock price informativeness. Our findings are robust across different specifications and after accounting for endogeneity issues.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that stock return prediction errors are less positively skewed in the time period surrounding accounting earnings report announcements than in a subsequent non- announcement period. Assuming that information available about firms in non-announcement periods depends on discretionary disclosure practices of firms and discretionary search for information by investors, the results suggest that earnings reports cause more extreme ‘bad news’ to be reflected in stock prices relative to discretionary sources of information.  相似文献   

We investigate the comovements of the log of earnings, dividends, and stock prices by testing for the number of common stochastic trends among these series. We find that the three series are cointegrated with a single cointegrating vector. Our findings collectively imply that (i) there is an equilibrium force that tends to keep these series together over time, (ii) changes in dividends are primarily influenced by changes in some measure of permanent earnings, and (iii) a substantial fraction of stock price movement is driven by neither earnings changes nor dividend changes. When we take into account the cointegration relationship, we find that the dynamic relationship between these variables is significantly affected. We present a common stochastic trends model of earnings, dividends, and stock prices, whose implications are broadly consistent with these findings.  相似文献   

This study extends previous research by empirically examining how ownership, two-tier board structure, and auditor affect the informativeness of earnings for companies listed in China. We measure the informativeness of earnings by the earnings–returns relation, discretionary accruals, and audit opinion. The results show that ownership concentration, the presence of foreign shareholders, the percentage of tradable shares, the type of dominant shareholder, the supervisory board, and independent directors affect the earnings response coefficients and discretionary accruals. We also find that the type of dominant shareholder, the size of the supervisory board, and the percentage of independent directors have an impact on the frequency of modified audit opinions. Our research has implications for China’s regulators who are striving to improve accounting information, transparency, and corporate governance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of press freedom on stock price informativeness in a sample of firms from 50 countries. We find a significant relation between more press freedom and lower stock price synchronicity. Our results suggest that the freedom of the press can enhance the information environment of stock markets.  相似文献   

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