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为了适应新时期高速公路交通管理工作需要,对公安高速交警规范执勤执法、落实为民服务、和谐警民关系、维护社会发展提出了更为严格的要求,公安基层警队需要加强队伍教育,转变执法理念、增强执法素质、提升执法水平、树立执法公信力。  相似文献   

构建公安机关在职民警培训工作体系论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄涛 《经济研究导刊》2009,(23):254-255
构建优良的公安在职民警培训工作体系,就是要通过不断完善在职民警培训工作体系,解决存在的突出问题,实现在职民警培训与公安队伍建设和管理的有效衔接,做到依法施教、依法施训,最大限度地提高在职民警培训的科学化、规范化水平。  相似文献   

科技强警背景下的民警信息化警务实战能力需求探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周俊 《大陆桥视野》2016,(18):303-304
公安信息化是当前社会发展的需求和我国警务改革的趋势,民警要具备计算机操作、计算机办公软件操作、计算机工具软件操作、信息网络操作信息装备应用、公安信息化系统应用、信息安全管理等信息化警务实战能力和公安信息化法律法规应用能力,以适应岗位工作的需求.  相似文献   

徐楠  常欣 《经济研究导刊》2010,(34):257-258
面对新时期、新阶段和人民群众对公安工作的新期待、新要求。要实现公安工作和队伍建设的跨越式发展,推动公安工作加速走向现代化,如何运用公共经济学理论分析和把握警务实践活动,已越来越受到广泛重视。通过结合公安实践工作及其所蕴涵的公共经济学原理,来探讨和解决公安工作中的实际问题,从而实现警务实践的效率优化,更好地服务于公安实践工作,是处于社会转型期下公安工作发展的一个方向,也是构建服务型公安机关的迫切要求。  相似文献   

产业结构调整对环境管理的手段方法提出新要求,全社会、现代化的环境执法理念促使环境执法工作在发挥社会力量、提高执法人员素质和环境执法工作信息化方面有所创新。对现代企业承担环境责任而言,需要首先遵守环境法律法规的规定,健全内部管理制度,保障信息公开。环境执法与企业自律的结合点是企业环境监督员制度,为更好保护环境,应当借鉴他国做法建立符合中国国情的企业环境监督员制度。  相似文献   

随着依法治监和“三化”建设的不断深化,罪犯权利保护愈来愈受到社会公众、监狱管理机关和监狱民警的普遍关注与重视。民警执法工作的主导地位和罪犯接受改造的被动地位决定了民警在罪犯权利保护中的关键作用。保护罪犯权利,监狱民警应当不断更新观念,正确认识和对待罪犯及罪犯权利保护,正确认识、正确对待和行使自己的权利,不断规范执法行为尤其是日常执法行为,在保障罪犯基本权利的基础上.切实保护罪犯权利。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市公安局经济技术开发区公安分局有一个荣誉台,记载着分局建局以来走过的光辉历程,特别是2001年以来新班子组建以来:2002至2004年连续三年被评为“全省优秀公安局”;2002至2004年连续三年被河北省公安厅评为执法质量考评先进单位;2001至2004年连续四年获全市县级公安机关执法质量考评第一名;2002至2004年连续三年荣获全市公安系统、开发区执法系统行风评议优秀单位;连续四年民警队伍中无违法违纪;2004年分局的大练兵活动作为全省12个试点之一,代表全市公安机关顺利通过了省厅的验收,并获得了全市第一名;严打整治、派出所工作及信息调研、公安宣传、金盾工程等工作都排在全市公安系统的前列。虽然荣誉只能代表过去,但是它完全可以折射出全局在经历过的日日夜夜和风风雨雨中所做出的一切努力和付出的所有艰辛。  相似文献   

参与数字商品市场交易的主体主要有数字产品的消费者和数字产品的供应商,消费者行为可以是选择购买正版或使用盗版,供应商行为则是提供正版或通过数字版权管理系统中反盗版措施防止非法使用,消费者获得数字商品的柔性度以及反盗版执法力度直接影响着数字商品销售市场份额和供应商收益。本文通过博弈建模分析柔性数字版权管理机制设计,在消费者获取数字商品的柔性度与供应商反盗版措施力度之间实现均衡。理论与模拟分析表明:不同的反盗版执法力度会导致柔性度均衡值不同,加大反盗版执法力度会增加供应商收益和社会福利。此项研究对供应商在柔性数字版权管理机制设计以及把握反盗版执法力度方面有参考意义。  相似文献   

与柔性生产相适应的柔性管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
柔性生产是现代生产模式的主流方向,柔性生产需要与之相适应的柔性管理。基于柔性生产的特点和要求,分析了柔性管理的特点和功能,从思想、组织、方法、手段、人才等方面探讨了柔性管理的思路和对策。  相似文献   

柔性管理:新经济时代的新人力资源管理   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
新经济归根到底是以知识为核心的经济 ,因此 ,管理要适应时代的发展和需要 ,就要变传统管理为以知识的载体———知识工作者为本的管理。知识工作者具有不同于以往人才的特点 ,柔性管理就是以知识工作者为核心的新经济时代的新人力资源管理。她的“柔性”主要体现在柔性的组织结构、柔性的人员流动渠道、柔性的培训考核方式、柔性的激励机制和柔性的企业文化等管理手段和方式上。  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, governments around the world have implemented strategies and targets to ensure that public services are efficient in the management of resources. In the United Kingdom this common agenda has led to the recent Police Reform Act 2002 in which consideration was given to how police forces can show value for money based on government strategic policy targets. This article presents a critique of the performance radar technique proposed by the Home Office in the United Kingdom as a new public policy objective to assess police force performance. Using an alternative and innovative nonparametric modeling strategy, the article shows that the use of the former approach can produce biased performance rankings and also demonstrate that environmental factors can have a substantial impact on the apparent efficiency of individual police forces. Finally, the results suggest that survey data (as used by the Home Office) should not be used as a basis to assess police performance. (JEL C14, L3, M2)  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(11-12):2113-2136
To encourage anti-drug policing, the federal government and many state governments have enacted laws that allow police agencies to keep a substantial fraction of the assets that they seize in drug arrests. We use rich new data on police seizures and local spending to explore the reactions of both governments and police to the incentives created by these policies. We find that local governments offset police seizures by reducing their other allocations to police, partially undermining the incentives laid out in statute and diverting the earmarked funds to other purposes. Police, in turn, respond to the real net incentives for seizures, once local offsets are taken into account, by increasing the drug arrest rate. Heroin prices also increase, suggesting that the increased emphasis on anti-drug policing raises the supply costs of illicit drugs. These findings highlight both the promise and pitfalls of using financial incentives to solve agency problems in a federal system: both local agents and intervening governments have sophisticated responses to financial incentives, and these responses must be taken into account in both designing effective policies and evaluating their consequences.  相似文献   

In this paper the efficiency of the Spanish Police Service is analysed using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The analysis concentrates on the police activities related to the solving of crimes. The theoretical and empirical study of the police production function under this dimension leads to a consideration of the units analysed as centres which carry out their activities with nonidentical technologies and using common inputs. Accordingly, the multiactivity DEA model developed by Mar Molinero (Journal of the Operational Research Society, 47, 1996, 1273-9) is applied, one that is designed to estimate the efficiency of institutions which face several production functions using shared inputs. The results demonstrate the important differences that exist between the centres with respect to the distinct activities analysed, both as regards the efficiency rates and the factors which determine them.  相似文献   

随着道路交通压力逐渐增大,我国进入了交通违法行为和交通事故的频发期,交通参与者和交通管理者之间矛盾突出,尤其是对交通违法行为负主要管理责任的公安交警部门与交通参与者之间的矛盾越来越严重,并且直接反映到基层交警的执法工作当中。文章旨在借鉴域外交警执法经验,着眼于我国基层交警执法现状,在符合我国国情的基础上,提出解决我国基层交警执法难的对策。  相似文献   

In emerging democracies, elections are encouraged as a route to democratization. However, not only does violence often threaten these elections, but citizens often view as corrupt the security forces deployed to combat violence. We examine the effects of such security provision. In Afghanistan's 2010 parliamentary election, polling centers with similar histories of pre‐election violence unintentionally received different deployments of the Afghan National Police, enabling identification of police's effects on turnout. Using data from the universe of polling sites and various household surveys, data usually unavailable in conflict settings, we estimate increases in police presence decreased voter turnout by an average of 30%. Our results adjudicate between competing theoretical mechanisms through which security forces could affect turnout, and show behavior is not driven by voter anticipation of election‐day violence. This highlights a pitfall for building government legitimacy via elections in weakly institutionalized and conflict‐affected states.  相似文献   

林业行政强制制度是我国行政强制法律制度体系的重要组成部分,直接关系到依法治林及林农合法权益保护。我国的林业法律、行政法规和部门规章在木材运输管理、植物检疫和植物新品种保护等三个领域创设了16项林业行政强制行为。通过对林业行政强制立法的实证分析和理论分析得知,除由规章设定的"通知品种权人缴纳滞纳金"这一行政强制执行方式以外,我国的15项林业行政强制立法与《行政强制法》的规定相吻合。《森林法实施条例》对《森林法》中"有权制止"这一"暧昧的制定法"解释为"暂扣木材",是一种合理的行政解释裁量,应予尊重;而综观《森林法》的全部规定可以发现,森林公安机关可以成为"暂扣木材"这一行政强制措施的适格实施主体,这一发现得到了法律实践的验证。  相似文献   

分税制实行以来,现行地方税制对确保地方财政收入和调控经济运行发挥了重要作用。但作为地方财政支柱的地方税却存在调节经济力度弱、税源分散、征管难度大以及征管成本高等诸多弊端,难以满足地方政府实现和履行社会经济职能的客观需要。因此,应积极着手改革和完善现行地方税体系,构建符合我国社会主义市场经济体制要求的公共财政框架。  相似文献   

Common-pool resources (CPRs), such as forests, water resources and rangelands, provide a wide variety of economic benefits to forest-fringe dwellers in semi-arid areas of southern Africa. However, the public nature and competition involved in the use of these goods, and weak enforcement of institutional arrangements governing their use may lead to resource degradation. Using survey data from four communities in south-eastern Zimbabwe for 2008 and 2009, this paper examines the extent to which forest degradation is driven by existing common property management regimes resource and user characteristics, ecological knowledge and marketing structure. A Principal Component Analysis indicates that the existence of agreed-upon rules governing usage (including costs of usage), enforcement of these rules, sanctions for rule violations that are proportional to the severity of rule violation, social homogeneity, and strong beliefs in ancestral spirits were the most important attributes determining effectiveness of local institutions in the management of CPRs. Empirical results from a regression analysis showed that resource scarcity, market integration, and infrastructural development lead to greater resource degradation, while livestock income, high ecological knowledge, older households, and effective local institutional management of the commons reduce resource degradation. The results suggest that there is need for adaptive local management systems that enhance ecological knowledge of users and regulates market structure to favour long-term livelihood securities of these forest-fringe communities.  相似文献   

To make health systems more resilient to shocks and crises, it is critical for governments to invest in core health system functions such as financing, service delivery, and governance. Ensuring sufficient resources for health is necessary for basic infrastructure including vaccines; the overall level of health expenditure and the public sources of funding are important. Funding for public health services, including infection prevention and control, surveillance, and information systems, is fundamental to ensure health systems are prepared for and respond to health emergencies. Funding should be made available for a quick and effective response to emergencies, requiring a supportive flexible public financial management system. Moreover, it is essential to mitigate the potential risks of health system collapses through innovative ways, for example, telemedicine, and mobilizing private sector providers. Vulnerable groups who are even more impacted during crises need special attention. Multisectoral cooperation is paramount to health system resilience during pandemic response.  相似文献   

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