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Yang Yong Jiang Dongmei Geng Jie Fan Hua Zhang Fashu 《生态经济(英文版)》2009,5(4):323-340
Wind energy is a clean and sustainable energy, and wind power does not rely on fossil fuels. So there is no fuel price risk, and it, of course, does not include the environmental costs, such as carbon emissions. Because of these unique advantages, wind power has gradually become an important part of the strategy of sustainable development in China. Now with the growing voices on global greenhouse gas emission reduction, and as a clean and efficient energy, wind power has huge potential in combating climate change, energy security pressures and the needs for energy. Wind power in China began to develop from the 1980s. In the first 20 years, the speed of development was slow; but since 2004, it has had an extremely rapid growth.This paper, in order to study the development mechanism of China's wind power industry, investigated and analyzed the status quo of wind power industry in China, and then found that (1) the development trend of wind power industry in China appears exponential growth; (2) China's installed capacity of wind power is still smaller than that os some other countries; (3) new subsidy policies bring developing opportunities to wind power industry in China; (4) the sectors of wind power industry are in unbalanced growing; (5) the owners of proposed wind farms are too optimistic though the built wind farm had many problems. In addition, by using the methodology of Game Theory, this paper has also constructed the matrix of pre-assessing risks of China's wind power industry to further discuss the potential risk factors within China's wind power industry as risk factors of wind farm construction, risk factors of production of wind turbines, risk factors of parts and components manufacturing industry under risk indicators like R&D, patents, the domestic policy, the international policy, the quality of products and the market regulation, in order to provide a scientific assessment and self-assessment tool for investors or implementers, and also to promote the further development of the wind power industry. 相似文献
Rahul Kapoor Matti Karvonen Anmol Mohan Tuomo Kässi 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2016,28(8):950-964
The grant of a patent and filing of an opposition are important events in the lifecycle of a patent. This paper tests the influence of backward citations on the likelihood of a patent grant and, if any, an opposition. Since all citations are not alike, detailed analysis is done by assessing type, nature and origin of citations in European search reports and, where needed, international search reports. The nature of citations, blocking or non-blocking, is found to have a significant impact on the likelihood of a patent being granted. The effect of citations originating during different stages of patent pendency is also explored in this study. For practitioners, the study provides a landscape of the European wind industry that is characterised by popularity of the PCT route, dearth of non-patent citations and dominance of bigger actors. For academics, the study offers novel opportunities to utilise citation based indicators. 相似文献
Jonas Grafström 《Economics of Innovation and New Technology》2018,27(3):205-224
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the presence of international knowledge spillovers in the wind power sector. Specifically, the paper investigates whether successful invention efforts in one country, measured by way of granted wind power patent counts, have had positive effects on the neighboring countries’ abilities to generate patents of the same category. Data on the number of patents granted at the European Patent Office during the period 1978–2008 are used for the eight national technological leaders in the western European wind power sector. The few comprehensive wind power studies that exist have only found limited evidence of international knowledge spillovers. However, in this paper, we find that international spillovers are statistically significant determinants of a country’s wind power patenting outcomes. Geographical distance is also taken into consideration, and the knowledge spillover effects are shown to become stronger with decreases in this distance. The results should have important policy implications, for example, for a national government when it comes to applying an investment strategy in wind power or, alternatively, free-riding on other countries’ invention efforts. 相似文献
本文依据吉林省区域经济发展规划,结合吉林省区域经济发展特点,在充分考虑中小企业融资困境和资本市场相对不完善的条件下,结合吉林省中小企业的特点,将影响中小企业投资的因素分为两大类别,利用层次分析法构建了适合吉林省中小企业项目投资的前评估基本框架。 相似文献
Tuukka Mäkitie 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2020,32(4):474-488
ABSTRACTIt has been recently argued that the vast resources of established firms can potentially accelerate sustainability transitions. This paper contributes to the study of such possibilities by investigating the resource redeployment of three Norwegian oil and gas industry firms in corporate ventures in floating wind power technologies. Using interview and document data, the findings show that the opportunity to use existing firm resources was a key motivation for established firms to engage in entrepreneurship in such technologies. The firms could redeploy their specialised and general-purpose resources in these entrepreneurial ventures, and develop new technologies on the basis of their existing resources. However, also challenges and controversies were observed. This paper thus suggests that the process of resource redeployment can help to explain why, and describe how, established firms may engage in cleantech innovation through corporate entrepreneurship. 相似文献
利用2003—2012年中国在亚洲地区的OFDI的面板数据,按投资流向分析中国在该地区OFDI的主要动因及其他因素的影响。研究发现:中国对亚洲地区发展中国家的顺向OFDI具有显著的市场寻求、自然资源寻求和效率寻求的动因,而创造性资产寻求的动因不显著;中国对亚洲地区发达国家的逆向OFDI具有显著的市场寻求和创造性资产寻求的动因,不具有显著的效率寻求和自然资源寻求的动因。 相似文献
“中国制造”已经作为一个响亮的名词被世人所熟知,但由于近年来劳动力成本、能源原材料价格上升等因素,中国制造业成本也随之上涨。文章选取1978-2010年中国制造业生产中资本-劳动-能源投入价格及成本数据为研究样本,建立超越对数成本函数,对上述三种生产要素间AES和MES分别进行了计算和分析,研究结果表明:在中国制造业生产过程中,资本-劳动-能源相互之间存在着明显的相互替代关系,并且能源需求较资本、劳动对价格的变化更加敏感。文章最后根据实证结果提出相关政策建议,以期为下一步的研究提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
采用文献资料、比较分析、逻辑分析等方法,重点对奥运会投入模式、结构、预算与风险问题进行了分析,结果显示:结合型投入模式更有利于奥运会的产出效益,降低直接投入与间接投入的比值、建立科学的预算体系是规避奥运会投资风险的重要保证. 相似文献
Max G. Bronstein Author Vitae 《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》2011,78(4):736-746
This paper provides an assessment of the commercialization potential for high altitude wind power (HWP). Several technological and policy barriers are identified that may affect the development and deployment of the technology in the US. Technical barriers include electrical transmission from high altitudes and the development of viable methods of energy storage to address intermittency. Non-technical barriers include the lack of a carbon price in the US, which provides an advantage to embedded technologies and widens the ‘valley of death.’ A variety of stakeholders are analyzed in order to understand potential impacts upon the development of HWP. Many fossil fuel producers and utility companies have been leveraging political authority to lobby against a carbon tax, which could be crucial for broad deployment of renewable energy technologies. The combination of technical and non-technical barriers indicates that commercialization of HWP is unlikely in the short term. Commercialization would require major policy shifts at the federal level and advances in S&T. Recommendations are provided to increase federal investment in applied research through additional funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy (ARPA-E). It is also recommended that ARPA-E create a matching fund to assist in the commercialization of renewable energy technologies. 相似文献
中国农村社区公共物品投资的决定因素分析 总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31
本文使用具有全国代表性的抽样调查数据,对农村社区公共物品投资的决定因素进行了初步的分析。本文通过理论分析提出了两个理论假说,进而提出在我国公共投资中要注意的问题:既要考虑各地对公共投资有不同的需求,还要考虑区域协调发展。研究结果表明,除了一些政策因素以外,当地经济发展水平是影响农村公共投资的重要因素,一般来说,在工商业较发达的村公共投资活动也相对较多。对于外出务工人员较多的村,由于本地公共投资对外出务工人员的收入等作用较小,因此这部分村民就不那么愿意对村里进行公共投资。从政策实施角度看,本研究发现,上级政府的公共投资更多地投向贫困地区、偏远山区、农业生产条件差的地区或少数民族地区。这种投资战略有助于统筹区域发展,降低区域差异。 相似文献
本文基于非合作博弈的方法,通过建立非合作博弈模型对期货市场多空双方的行动策略进行分析,分别就完全信息博弈、不完全信息博弈和不完美信息博弈三种不同的博弈环境,讨论了多空双方在不同的市场形势下的行动策略、博弈的均衡及结果。分析结果表明在不同的博弈环境下,无论是均势市场、多头市场还是空头市场,资金和信息对于期货市场多空双方的博弈策略具有至关重要的影响。基于此结论,本文进一步提出,为了获得资金优势和信息优势,建立期货投资基金,形成博弈联盟是一种有效的博弈形式,以此为基础的合作博弈分析方法是分析联盟博弈的有效方法。 相似文献
化工行业是"节能减排"的重点行业之一,加强对化工企业"节能减排"投资绩效评价,对于转变经济增长方式、大力发展低碳经济具有十分重要的意义。化工企业"节能减排"投资绩效评价指标体系的构建应坚持科学性、系统性、代表性、可比性、可操作性、综合性等原则。化工企业"节能减排"投资绩效评价指标体系应从节能效果、减排治污效果、"节能减排"经济效益和社会效益四方面设计。节能效果指标可以用能源(资源)循环利用率、单位能耗收入、可再生能源(资源)利用率和投资节能率;减排治污效果指标可以用"三废"回收利用率、"三废"排放达标率、单位"三废"排放收入和投资减排率;"节能减排"经济效益指标可以用"节能减排"投资收益率和"节能减排"成本费用收益率;"节能减排"社会效益指标可以用居民生活环境满意度、环境质量优化度。 相似文献
目前,我国已成为全球FDI最具吸引力的国家,但FDI在我国东部、中部和西部的分布极不均衡。通过采用动态面板计量模型对全国各省份的历史数据进行分析,分别建立全国、东部、中部及西部地区四个模型,全方位多角度地对影响我国外商直接投资区位分布的因素进行实证研究,并分析了目前我国利用外商直接投资所存在的问题,提出了相应的政策建议,力图为制定科学地利用外资战略提供理论支持与政策指导。 相似文献
在当前国际直接投资竞争不断加剧的形势下,投资促进已经成为各国非常重视和着力发展的工作。各国从本国实际出发,形成了各具特色的投资促进体系组织模式。中国投资促进发展相对滞后,有必要对国际投资促进体系组织模式进行综合考察分析,以利借鉴。 相似文献
克服"中国化"与"全球化"的语境冲突和面对改革开放30年庞大素材的难以取舍,都需要考虑置评路径的合理性。这会涉及求解性质与求解步骤的限定,实在性与关联性首先应予以重视。以此求解中国经济长期增长之谜,可归结为遵循激活—防乱定则安排,并控制变革系统及过程的总收益最大化;求解中国改革的全球价值,可归结为"整体时空被动"向"局部空时主动"转化,提升发展能力的可能性。1978年至今所展现的奇迹,是在一个危机与契机并存的环境中,以改革开放为主因并基于多前提、多因素恰当耦合而创造的奇迹。 相似文献
Nobuhiro Hosoe 《Applied economics》2013,45(17):2010-2020
The Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami that hit and severely damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station resulted indirectly in the shutdown of most of the nuclear power plants in Japan. To compensate for the lost nuclear power supply, more fossil fuels were used. People became concerned that this could be disadvantageous for domestic manufacturing industries and accelerated their offshoring to Asia, especially China, through foreign direct investment (FDI). We used a world trade computable general equilibrium (CGE) model with endogenous FDI from Japan to China to quantify the impact of the power crisis on the Japanese manufacturing sectors. We found that the power crisis as well as FDI would adversely affect several sectors that use power intensively, but would benefit the transportation equipment (TEQ), electric equipment (EEQ) and machinery sectors, despite the common expectation that these sectors would undergo a so-called ‘hollowing-out.’ 相似文献