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A web site was designed and introduced to an introductory agricultural microeconomics course. The web site provided students with supplemental reviews, practice problems, self-tests, and a simulation exercise. A variety of quantitative assessments were conducted to determine whether the web site influenced student learning, perceptions, and motivation. Results indicate the web site provided small to modest educational benefits.  相似文献   

基于现代培训理论的"四位一体培训法"对于完善培训理论,提升培训效果具有重要作用。但存在理论体系尚未厘清和构建、流程和环节有待梳理、培训相关者角色定位不够明确等缺陷,需要通过注重理论学习,继续深化内在规律性的认识;强化流程管理,保证培训高效实施;调动学员积极性,发挥学员主体作用和提升培训教师素质和技能等方式加以完善。  相似文献   

本文基于安徽省农村固定观察点2013-2017年农户层面的面板数据,使用效率时变型随机前沿生产函数模型对农业生产技术效率进行测算,并利用中介效应模型分析了土地细碎化对农业生产技术效率的直接效应以及通过农户多样化种植行为传导的中介效应.研究结果显示:(1)样本农户的平均生产技术效率为0.386%,效率损失较为严重;(2)...  相似文献   

Alternative wheat storage policies which maximise the expected present value of returns for consumers, producers, a monopoly storage agency and society as a whole are derived using a dynamic programming model. Results are compared with those from an earlier simulation model, and are found to justify higher investment in storage capacity compared with that suggested by the simulation model. The model is extended to derive optimal storage policies if production follows a stochastic cobweb process.  相似文献   

[目的]为了解我国绿色食品领域的研究现状与趋势,对绿色食品领域研究和促进绿色食品产业的发展提供理论指导与建议。[方法]以2008—2017年CNKI数据库期刊论文为数据来源,基于社会网络视角,综合利用SPSS、SATI、ENDNOTE、UCINET、NETWORK等软件,通过因子与多维尺度分析,总体把握绿色食品领域的研究现状与发展趋势,并结合社会网络的可视化和点度、中间和接近中心度,对研究热点及各因素之间的关系进行深入度量。[结果](1)绿色食品领域研究主要围绕以生产标准、生产基地、生产模式为核心的“绿色生产”,以认证主体和认证形式为核心的“绿色认证”,以安全要素和安全食品为核心的“绿色安全”,以技术范畴和技术应用为核心的“绿色技术”这四大研究领域展开。(2)“绿色生产”研究中,黑龙江省作为绿色食品的标杆省份,为其他省市发展绿色食品产业提供了经验指导和品牌标准;“绿色认证”研究中,消费者对绿色食品的相关认知辨析能力及绿色消费的行为意识仍有待提高;“绿色安全”研究中,推行绿色食品生产标准是保证食品安全的重要准则;“绿色技术”研究中,绿色食品的发展需要依靠生产技术,完善生产技术规程、提高相关技术的研发与应用是促进绿色食品长久发展的主要途径。(3)“绿色生产”中对绿色农业、绿色食品企业及产业化的生产模式的探索和应用是研究的热点与整个绿色食品领域研究网络的重要介质;“绿色技术”中的技术范畴是研究的边缘领域,技术应用如技术规程、产业集聚等与绿色生产核心领域的相互融合交叉研究是今后关注的重点。[结论]推动绿色食品领域研究与绿色食品产业的发展,重点在于加大绿色食品技术的研究与投入,促进绿色食品产业集聚与融合。  相似文献   

The objective of this case is to introduce students to what is possibly the most complex agricultural cooperative in the United States and learn more about the economic issues involved in citrus production globally. Students are asked to analyze a strategy built around brand loyalty with higher costs and an inability to dictate to growers what varieties are most valuable to retailers.  相似文献   

吴瑜萍  何琳  程硕 《南方农村》2021,37(2):30-33
农业生产效率提升是实现农业现代化的重要手段。本文以《揭阳市统计年鉴(2015-2019)》的农业相关数据,从县域的视角研究揭阳市农业生产效率,运用DEA模型对揭阳市5个县域的3个投入指标和1个产出指标进行实证分析。结果显示,2015-2019年揭阳市农业生产效率均属于DEA无效,总体效率提升并不明显,且各县域呈现发展不平衡的状态,仅惠来县位于生产前沿面上,普宁市的农业生产效率最低,规模报酬属于递减态势。因此,恰逢“十四五”谋划之时,对揭阳市各县域农业生产效率做出分析研究,为现阶段提升揭阳市农业生产效率提出有参考价值的建议,为广东省县域农业生产效率分析提供范本。  相似文献   

In this paper, option-pricing theory is applied to an investment problem in hog production. A stochastic simulation model capable of pricing American-type options is developed. This is achieved by recursive calculation of the exercise frontier. The model is used to determine the investment trigger and the disinvestment trigger for a pig-fattening barn under German market conditions. It turns out that the investment trigger, taking into account the value of waiting in an uncertain environment, can be considerably higher compared to classical investment criteria such as the net present value. This offers an explanation as to why farmers are indeed reluctant to invest in hog production. Another finding is the sensitivity of the option prices with respect to the stochastic process that is assumed for revenues and variable costs of the production activity.  相似文献   

[目的]有机农业为我国农业绿色发展起到良好的带动作用,但我国有机农业发展中,西部贫困地区较为滞后。针对西部贫困地区有机农业生产效率进行定量分析,揭示影响有机农业生产效率的主要因素,旨在提高该地区有机农业生产效率,丰富区域视角下的有机农业生产研究。[方法]采用三阶段DEA模型对2014年四川省重点生态功能区有机农业生产效率进行量化分析,识别环境变量对有机农业生产效率的影响。[结果]环境因素和随机误差对四川省重点生态功能区有机农业生产效率产生了显著的影响。环境因素中,农民人均纯收入的增加有利于促使农机、耕地等资源的有效利用,但同时也导致化肥投入冗余增加;城镇化率的提高会降低耕地、劳动力、化肥、农药等使用效率,从而对有机农业生产效率产生不利影响;财政支出占GDP比重的增加有利于提高农机使用效率,但同时也导致化肥和农药投入冗余增加;粮食播种面积占耕地面积比重对有机农业生产效率产生了不利影响。剔除环境因素和随机误差的影响后,四川省重点生态功能区各县平均技术效率和规模效率有所下降,纯技术效率则略有提升。基于纯技术效率和规模效率,四川省重点生态功能区各县有机农业生产效率可分为"双高型""高低型""低高型"和"双低型"等4种类型。[结论]三阶段DEA模型有效剔除了环境因素和随机误差对有机农业生产效率的影响,估计的效率值更真实地反映了四川省重点生态功能区有机农业生产效率水平。针对四川省重点生态功能区各县有机农业生产效率的不同特征,应结合地方实际,通过扩大要素投入规模或改进要素配置效率和使用效率,提高有机农业生产效率。  相似文献   

运用2×2"鹰鸽"对称博弈模型,分析中国集体林权制度改革后林农林业生产决策的博弈过程。源于林业经济利益的驱动,群体中的林农会通过学习、模仿逐渐改变行为策略,林农进行林业生产和非林生产的动态均衡比例取决于2种行为的收益比例。建议政府要保障林农能够及时获取采伐指标或给予相应的经济补偿,加快林权制度配套改革,让林农形成稳定的经济收益预期,以实现林权制度改革的有效性。  相似文献   

在农业转型的背景下,小农户存在修正既有生产方式和获取日常性生产指导的技术刚需.但基层农技服务供给却呈现了“行政上移与市场主导”的双重特征.农业部门不再建设基层服务力量,县级提供的公益性技术服务以回应国家农业政策导向为核心,而彻底偏离了农民的生产技术需求.以技术为辅助性销售手段的农资经销体系成为了乡村社会的技术主导.这种...  相似文献   

The impact of decoupling direct payments from production on producers' decisions, taking account of price uncertainty and risk aversion, is analysed through a multi‐period mathematical programming model. This model is applied to beef cattle farms in two French regions: Limousin and Pays de la Loire. The technical coefficients are represented by an engineering production function estimated for both regions. The behavioural parameters have been obtained through a survey and model calibration. Policy changes have been modelled through different simulation scenarios relating to the decoupling of direct payments. Model results show that decoupling policies produce a more homogenous response from different types of farmers. The share of cattle activities on farms decreases and the production techniques become less intensive.  相似文献   

The development of a simulation model of an extensive pastoral farming system to assist analysts in their assessment of government policy measures is described. The model was designed to simulate, over a number of years, the physical and financial operation of a sheep and beef production system typically found in the North Island hill country of New Zealand. By manipulating model parameters and data related to prices, costs, taxation and credit, a range of policies can be represented and their effects simulated. The model is used to undertake an ex post analysis of the farm-level impact of the supplementary minimum price scheme in New Zealand and to project farm performance following the abolition of the scheme. Consideration is given to the use of the model to represent sheep and beef production systems elsewhere.  相似文献   

农业生产托管推进小农生产现代化的逻辑创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]“大国小农”是我国的基本国情、农情,未来我国农业现代化的难点是如何实现小农户生产经营现代化。针对现阶段小农户发展现代农业面临的“谁来种地”“如何种好地”“种地如何赚钱”等问题提出改进措施,从而为进一步丰富农业生产托管实践路径提供借鉴。[方法]文章采用理论研究、实证研究和案例研究相结合的方法,从推进生产托管服务主体联合、推动小农户组织化、满足农户个性化生产经营需求、健全小农户与市场主体的利益联结机制、建立农业生产托管的风险分担机制等五个方面,系统梳理农业生产托管推进小农生产现代化的逻辑创新。[结果]农业生产托管一定程度上起到了将小农户引入现代农业发展轨道的作用,提高了农业生产效率,同时也巩固了农户家庭经营的主体地位,没有将小农户排斥在现代农业发展的轨道之外。[结论]提出灵活推进各种规模化经营模式、提升小农户组织化程度、培育农业生产托管供需市场等改进措施。  相似文献   

[目的]基于四川省538份社员微观调查数据,探讨农民专业合作社培训教育对社员绿色生产意愿的影响机制,并分析社员认知在其中的中介作用。[方法]文章运用Oprobit模型与中介效应模型进行分析,并利用工具变量法(IV-Oprobit)进行内生性处理与稳健性检验。[结果](1)合作社培训频度整体一般,提高培训次数,可显著提升社员绿色生产意愿。具体而言,合作社培训每增加1次,社员“非常愿意”参与绿色生产的概率提升3.6%。(2)合作社培训能够显著增强社员绿色生产认知,从而提升其绿色生产意愿,即社员认知是这一影响的重要传导中介,中介效应占总效应的比重为9.85%。(3)异质性分析结果表明,无论年轻或者年老社员,合作社培训对绿色生产意愿的影响均正向显著。[结论]农民合作社培训教育对社员绿色生产意愿的影响显著,社员认知在其中发挥了部分中介作用。据此,提出建立健全农民合作社绿色生产培训教育体系、多渠道全方位提升社员认知水平、持续增强社员参与绿色生产的内在动力、优化农业绿色生产的支撑保障机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

The mountain environment is perceived today by vine-growers as a strong structural constraint. Yet in the current context of climate change, in which we turn to genetics, irrigation or innovation in cultural practices to maintain production quality, could the mountain environment emerge as a solution for adapting to climate change in vine-growing? Here we explore the role of cooperative policies that may be deployed on the territorial scale, using an agent-based model. Our model was based on the viticulture of the Banyuls–Collioures AOC area, which is characterized by small-scale vine-growers and marked by widespread involvement in cooperative systems. The simulation results showed an important role of cooperative policies not only to conserve narrow production window and required vine quality, but also in respect of the emblematic landscape structure. These results should foster vine-growers to strengthen their cooperatives and adequately use these organizations to mitigate future climate change impacts.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively analyses the cost‐effectiveness of alternative green payment policies designed to achieve a targeted level of pollution control by heterogeneous microunits. These green payment policies include cost‐share subsidies that share the fixed costs of adoption of a conservation technology and/or input reduction subsidies to reduce the use of a polluting input. The paper shows that unlike a pollution tax that achieves abatement through three mechanisms, a negative extensive margin effect, a negative intensive margin effect and a technology switching effect, a cost‐share subsidy and an input reduction subsidy are much more restricted in the types of incentives they provide for conservation of polluting inputs and adoption of a conservation technology to control pollution. Moreover, they may lead to varying levels of expansion of land under production. Costs of abatement with alternative policies and implications for production and government payments are compared using a simulation model for controlling drainage from irrigated cotton production in California, with drip irrigation as a conservation technology.  相似文献   

藏粮于地战略与路径选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对长期实施的藏粮于仓、以丰补歉策略所带来的一系列问题,中央提出实施"藏粮于地"战略。何为"藏粮于地"?实施"藏粮于地"有何益?实施"藏粮于地"面临哪些挑战?如何实施"藏粮于地"?对此,文章进行了系统分析论述。我国粮食生产"十二连增",粮食库存丰富,粮食生产稳定性增强,近年国际粮食价格低廉,这些为我国实施"藏粮于地"战略创造了条件。然而,实施"藏粮于地"并非易事,面临许多问题与挑战,包括:耕地面积有可能再次大幅减少,耕地质量堪忧;水资源约束日益突出,粮食生产能力提升的难度越来越大;农业抵御自然灾害的能力低,农业自然灾害突出;规模化生产经营与社会化服务水平低,粮食生产调控能力弱;国内粮食生产大萎缩和世界粮食价格危机有可能再现,冲击"藏粮于地"行动计划。实施"藏粮于地",关键在"地",核心在"藏"。数量充足和高质量的耕地是基础,同时,还必须有完好的"养地"与"用地"机制。因此,应强化"护地"、"建地"、"养地"与"用地",即走护、建、养、用"四结合"之路。  相似文献   

Integration of trees on upland farms in the Philippines has been slower than expected and desirable from an environmental perspective. Our economic and risk analysis points to current policies as part of the problem. The study compares three domesticated indigenous timber trees (Shorea contorta V., Pterocarpus indicus J., and Vitex parviflora W.) intercropped with maize against a benchmark of the widely used exotic mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla K.). We used a biophysical simulation model (WaNuLCAS 3.1) to represent interaction between trees and crops for a fundamental level of water, nutrient and light capture as the basis for production functions. External conditions affecting systems profitability were accounted for in the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Elements of risk were introduced through Monte Carlo simulation. Study results revealed that from a farmer’s perspective intercropping systems provide similar (within an uncertainty range of + or ? 10%) returns to monocropping scenarios. When net subsidies and taxes are accounted for, social profitability evaluations favour tree intercropping at high tree densities. The net effect of the current bias in price policies towards food production therefore refrains farmers from making decisions to integrate trees on farms; a decision that is actually in the national interest on economic grounds, even without consideration of positive environmental effects.  相似文献   

中国油茶生产区域优势变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2010—2016年的数据,选取油茶生产规模指数、油茶生产规模优势指数、油茶生产效率优势指数、油茶生产综合优势指数对中国15个油茶生产区域进行比较优势分析。结果表明:2010—2016年,中国油茶生产呈现出"中减""西扩"的特征;中国15个油茶生产区域规模优势总体呈上升趋势、效率优势呈现较大波动、综合优势总体呈"U"型变动。根据油茶种植区域的规模优势和效率优势情况,将15个油茶生产省区划分为"双低省份""规模优势省份""效率优势省份""双高省份"4个类型,并提出相应的增产措施。  相似文献   

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