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徐霞  杨永钟  张斌 《经济论坛》2009,(22):126-128
近年来,随着纳税评估在企业增值税中的运用,部分地区企业增值税征管水平已有明显提高,同时也为其他税种的纳税评估工作奠定了基础.为了进一步研究房地产企业所得税征管水平,本文选取反映偷逃税特征的指标,构建针对房地产企业所得税的纳税评估指标体系.  相似文献   

纳税评估工作不仅是税收风险的主要应对手段,也是税收工作中的重要环节.当前,伴随着征管体制改革,以及信息管税思路的进一步强化,纳税评估必须要紧密结合税收风险管理的理论和思路,才能达到降低评估工作税收成本,提高纳税遵从度,统一评估操作规范,提高评估工作质量和效率,切实提升征管效能的目的.  相似文献   

郭仁真 《经济师》2005,(12):218-218
针对基层税收征管的税源流失严重、征收不到位、纳税服务欠缺等问题,文章提出税源监控、提高税收征管质量、优化纳税服务、提高业务素质等措施。  相似文献   

纳税评估是税收征管的组成部分,纳税评估的顺利开展有利于税收征管体系的完善.本文主要探讨我国现阶段纳税评估与征收管理存在的问题以及纳税评估如何在税收征管中更好的应用.  相似文献   

胡碟 《时代经贸》2011,(22):192-193
作为税收征管的基础环节,纳税服务逐渐成为衡量税务部门征管水平的重要指标之一。提高纳税服务水平对于提高纳税遵从度、减轻办税成本,保护纳税人权益等方面有重要作用。本文通过运用新公共管理学的相关理论,对淮阴区地税局纳税服务现状的分析,总结其在纳税服务体系方面取得的成果和存在问题,提出了改进和创新纳税服务工作的思路,以便更好地提高纳税服务能力,为构建完善纳税服务体系提供参考。  相似文献   

纳税服务工作是税收征管的基础性工作,不断优化纳税服务是税收征管改革的大趋势,这对于提高纳税人纳税遵从度、减少税收征收成本和加强征纳关系和谐等方面都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

纳税服务是是新时代对税务部门及其工作人员的基本要求,它和税务管理、税务稽查一起组成现代税收工作的三大支柱,是深化税收征管改革.提高征管质量和效率,降低成本,提高税法遵从意识的关键环,现代纳税服务已经由文明用语、延时服务、预约服务等浅层次服务向优化税制、完善税政、改进体制、健全征管、降低成本等深层次服务转变.  相似文献   

赵立娥 《经济师》2008,(6):230-231
“长亏不倒”企业是纳税评估和检查的重点对象,因此,分析“长亏不倒”企业所得税征管中存在的主要问题及其原因,并提出加强这类企业所得税征管的建议,对企业所得税的征管有着重要意义.  相似文献   

本文旨在探究中国税收征管制度变革对税收流失的影响机制及影响效应,采用多指标多因素潜变量模型估算各省的隐形经济规模,用于衡量相关联的税收流失规模。进一步通过构建计量经济模型,采用纳税评估户数和评估环节补缴税款数额作为征管制度改革的代理变量,检验了征管流程改革带来的征管效率提高效应。研究发现:税收流失呈现"倒U"形状,在20世纪90年代中后期各省由隐形经济带来的税收流失在达到最大值后普遍出现了下降;实证检验结果验证了纳税评估不仅直接减少了税收流失,同时纳税评估增强了传统的稽查效果,间接缩小了税收流失规模。  相似文献   

崔淑娟  田野 《经济师》2005,(9):227-227
纳税评估在税收管理中具有主要地位与作用,准确把握纳税评估方法与规律,对纳税体系建设和深化征管改革,具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

We study corporate income taxation when firms operating in multiple jurisdictions can shift income using tax planning strategies. Because income of corporate groups is not consolidated for tax purposes in Canada, firms may use financial techniques, such as lending among affiliates, to reduce subnational corporate taxes. A simple theoretical model shows how income shifting affects real investment, government revenues, and tax base elasticities, depending on whether firms must allocate income to provinces or not. We then analyze data from administrative tax records to compare the behavior of corporate subsidiaries that may engage in income shifting to comparable firms that must use the statutory allocation formula to determine their taxable income in each province. The evidence suggests that income shifting has pronounced effects on provincial tax bases. According to our preferred estimate, the elasticity of taxable income with respect to tax rates for “income shifting” firms is 4.9, compared with 2.3 for other, comparable firms.  相似文献   

随着我国企业并购交易活动的日益活跃和不断发展壮大,我国现行并购税制的完善建设问题也日渐凸出,从理论上对企业并购与并购税制之间的关系进行解析,是探究完善我国企业并购税制的逻辑起点。通常而言,企业并购交易是效率的选择,课于该交易的税收应保持中性,并购税制的变迁及优化完善依赖于税制结构、税种、税率、税基、税收优惠政策及税收征管办法等要素的设计选择。企业并购税制安排应着重从所得税设计、免税并购及免税并购适用条件的设定和完善并购制的时机选择等三个方面考虑。  相似文献   

高效的税收征管是良好税制的重要内容和保障,也是税制改革成功的基本条件。本文在对2000年以来我国企业所得税征管效率测度的基础上,进一步分析了近年来我国企业所得税及征管制度改革的征管效应。研究发现,近年我国企业所得税征管效率呈波浪式上升态势,效率水平还有较大提升空间;在当前情况下,国税局企业所得税征收比重的提高将会降低企业所得税征管效率,企业所得税占税收收入比重越高、在税收部门征管中越重要,就更有助于企业所得税征管效率的提升;2002年、2006年和2009年企业所得税、国地税征管责任分工调整改革,对税收征管效率的影响不显著,2008年内外资企业所得税统一改革,显著提升了企业所得税征管效率。  相似文献   

论个税自行申报——导引价值、制度障碍与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个税自行申报具有培育纳税人权利与责任意识、收集纳税人信息,有效监控税源和倒逼税制改革等导引价值。然而,现行个人所得税制的分类征收方法、"一刀切"扣除项目以及完税凭证协查机制等与个税自行申报存在诸多矛盾,这是个税自行申报元年遇冷的根本原因。因此,应把个税税制改革作为个税自行申报有效运行的突破口。  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of tax non-compliance when we recognise the existence of an imperfectly competitive “tax advice” industry supplying schemes which help taxpayers reduce their tax liability. We apply a traditional industrial organisation framework to model the behaviour of this industry. This tells us that an important factor determining the equilibrium price and hence, the level of non-compliance, is the convexity of the demand schedule. We show that in this context, this convexity is affected by the distribution of pre-tax income, the progressivity of the tax-schedule and the way in which monitoring and penalties vary with income. It is shown that lower pre-tax income inequality as well as a less progressive tax code may cause more tax minimisation activities. Therefore, the frequently advocated policy of reducing the highest tax rate may fail as a policy directed at improving tax discipline. One way of offsetting the possible harm to tax compliance from a less progressive tax could be an adjustment of the penalty and monitoring functions.  相似文献   

We investigate the firm-level investment response to unanticipated narrative shocks to average personal and corporate tax rates using a universal micro dataset of publicly-traded U.S. firms for the post-1976 period. Using local projections, we show that: (i) corporate tax shocks have significant effects on investment while personal tax shocks do not; (ii) corporate income tax responses are negative overall, and this result is driven by smaller firms who face larger borrowing constraints, especially when the accompanying monetary policy is contractionary or output gap is slack; (iii) there is some evidence of positive personal income tax responses during monetary contractions by dividend-paying firms, which is consistent with the recent literature.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate if small firms react to a national corporate tax rate reduction by managing their taxable income. In contrast to previous studies, we also analyse whether outsourcing of accounting tasks affects the magnitude of the reaction. Based on a sample of Finnish firms and measures of earnings management, evidence is provided that firms with an internalized accounting function are more active tax planners in this context. This study suggests that outsourcing of accounting tasks increases the corporate tax reporting quality.  相似文献   

近年来,我国个人所得税的征管问题成为人们关注的焦点,加强征管能力的建议颇多,建议从代扣代缴环节入手,分析扣缴义务人在个人所得税征管中的重要地位,及扣缴义务人与纳税人的经济关系,并提出以代扣代缴环节为突破口,实行"延期纳税法"来提高个人所得税征管水平.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1990s almost all OECD countries have engaged in fundamental reforms of their tax systems. There is a trend towards higher social security contributions and lower tax rates on personal and corporate income. This paper explores whether these tax policy measures are effective means for reducing unemployment and accelerating economic growth. Using a Pissarides type search model with endogenous growth, we analyze how savings and the incentive to create new jobs are affected by revenue-neutral tax swaps between wage income taxes, payroll taxes, capital income taxes and taxes levied on capital costs. In our framework, cutting the capital income tax (reducing the double taxation of dividend income) financed by a higher payroll tax turns out to be superior, such a policy mix fosters both employment and growth. Most other tax reforms imply a trade-off between employment and growth.  相似文献   

The impact of corporate income taxes on location decisions of firms is widely debated in the tax competition literature. Tax rate differences across jurisdictions may lead to distortions of firms’ investment decisions. Empirical evidence on tax-induced relocation and subsequent economic development in the US and Europe is still inconclusive. Much the same applies to Switzerland. While there is some evidence on personal income tax competition between Swiss cantons, evidence on the impact of intercantonal corporate income tax differences on the location of business within Switzerland is missing. In this paper, we present econometric evidence on the influence of corporate and personal income taxes on the regional distribution of firms in 1981 and 1991 and on cantonal employment using a panel data set of the 26 Swiss cantons from 1985 to 1997. The results show that corporate and personal income taxes deter firms to locate in a canton and subsequently reduce cantonal employment.  相似文献   

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